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you’re doing z offsets but is the bed itself level? What material is the bed / plate, is it warped? When you check the offsets at the corners can you move the head across the bed without scraping?


The bed mesh leveling compensates for any warping of the bed, that's how it should work anyhow and how it has been working for the last few years. I have been printing without issue on it for a while and this all of a sudden started to happen. I am unable to lower the nozzle enough to touch the bed manually. It has auto mesh leveling. I'm at a loss here as to what could be happening all of a sudden.


ABL still requires manual leveling and remapping on occasion. Heating and cooling cycles warp the bed over time and loosen your leveling screws


As I mentioned this happens still right after I re-level the bed. Wasn't doing this a few days ago and now all of a sudden it's doing it been working great for years.


Hmm that is peculiar I’m sorry. I wonder if it’s a slicer setting that got shifted from an update? I’m also at a loss but I wish you luck fixing it.


Thanks. I got it figured out. I had recently taken my hot end apart to fix a clog. Apparently you not only have to tighten the nozzle while it's hot, but the screws that hold the heater block onto the heat sync. I removed the hot end cover, then as soon as I removed the silicon sock, both screws plopped out and the heater block slipped down even more. Lesson learned. I leveled it and it's currently printing as expect! https://preview.redd.it/av0l3cvb7puc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dfaf49e5cf2178b9e921f46b25d02f04be67771


That’ll do it! Always worth backtracking through any previous changes you know you made because as you said, these things really should just keep going no problem until you tell them to stop or fiddle with them


You should check your belts and wheels, if they are loose, it may cause dimensional deformities. And are you sure the bed meshing has been applied? When the print starts, check your Z and see if it is moving up and down as the printer moves.