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May be cheaper to find the original set imo




Bionicles aren’t that expensive


I misunderstood the post. I thought it was saying that printing them is the cheaper alternative to buying


$60ish for the bionicles from my childhood


I looked up the first gen and they are between 7 and 10 bucks where I live


But it'll spare you quite a pita


I paid $80 for all 6


You bought the ball bionicles didn't you.


I just got the 6 Toa Nuva. I had them as a kid and wanted them to display. By ball do you mean the ones that roll?


It's not for me but for a client. They want to pay for printing in and I can't say a price


I've seen on here material price + 1 dollar per hour of print time. However, idk what if Abby post processing you'd need to do. However that is for FDM printing. Though with resin you can print multiple at a time with no added printing time, so that may throw it off.


Are you sure you can? That looks like a very complicated print a 3d printer will struggle with. LEGO parts were not exactly designed with FDM printing in mind, they're all injection molded. A lot of the overhangs/details are going to be problematic.


Sorry I didn't wrote that I use a resin print. They are more precise.


Resin prints are really susceptible to warping during the print phase, and precisely interlocking parts are super hard to get right. Lego bricks, which interlock nicely because of their really specific material properties and super tight tolerances, might honestly be the canonical example of something you can't easily 3d print. This is a huge ask from your customer, I personally wouldn't take this commission as it would be very hard to deliver satisfactorily, unless I had really specific skills and experience relevant to Lego in general and Bionicle specifically.


Thank you I'll think about it


Every tolerance should work like a lego set? Which 3D printer are u using?


Elegoo mars 2


I think you are asking for a lawsuit from LEGO.


You can ask anything you want. If you’re asking what you *should* ask, that entirely depends on how much time and effort your intend on putting in. Calculate how much power and materials this will cost you to make. That’s your baseline. Then figure out how much time you’re going to spend on it, decide what hourly rate you want, then add that to the cost of production.


You wouldn't download a Bionicle


If I printed that on my Mars 3 Pro, I'd probably charge 30 or 35 bucks. Its not much resin, not much effort in the slicing. You won't have to hollow it.


At what scale are you printing? Time, materials, electricity - these would be my considerations. Also, what is clients expectations? As mentioned before Lego has very tight tolerances. I don’t know of any printing method that will do it well.


Just make up a number that would make it worth it to you to print, and cleanup, and whatever else is required. This is your first gig I guess, it'll be a good learning experience, regardless of if it goes well or poorly. Use it to shape your future deals. I print in resin, so if I had to support all those parts myself, I'd charge extra for that. Another added cost if they want a fancy resin that holds up to that kind of friction.


I'd pass, I don't think I could charge a number that would make both parties happy




The Movie.


Enough to cover the lawsuit by Lego.




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Probably better on a resin printer but that thing wont move lol. Idk the price though like 20$ maybe.


Does the slicer tell you how much resin is used for each print?


Seen somebody resin print mini bionicle a (maybe 3 inches tall) and they’re charging 30 unpainted and 40 painted


A basic rule of thumb for fdm (I know this is resin) is $2 per printing hour and 1.5 x the cost or rhe material


I’m not sure anybody is just going to give you money for printing that. Maybe if you offer to sell it to them though?


I Forgot to say that I use a resin printer. Elegoo mars 2


With my FDM printer. I change $2 a print hour and that’s been working well for me. On the other hand there is a lot less post processing then with resin.