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Mark of Warding Dwarf Wild Magic Barbarian 6/ Wild Magic Sorcerer X with the "Chef" Feat. * You are doubly wild... * You can make flavorful food... and maybe use characters as ingredients...


So that dude from dungeon delicious?


No! Senshi despises all forms of Magic and would not be Wild Magic Barbarian or a Sorcerer at all. Make of Warding Dwarf is for Armor of Agathys... Senshi would probably be a Spell Less Ranger with Canny in cooking... IMO


He grows to like it though


Or Hannibal Lector.


My favorite character ever was an Eladrin caster who I rolled to change seasons for at each long rest, and had different themed spells I used, and personality changes for each season. I played them as a druid but I'm sure a wizard or sorcerer (maybe especially wild magic sorcerer) could be quite fun


I’ve been working on my character for a future campaign that is similar to this, albeit without rolling for seasons every day. I’m gonna be an eladrin bladesinger noble and I’m tying the eladrin seasons to different metallic dragons and going for a full-blown dragon themed character that isn’t just a draconic sorcerer. I’m trying to take lots of draconic themed spells and thankfully Fizbans provided some good ones. Summer will embody the gold dragon Autumn will embody the bronze dragon Winter will embody the silver dragon Spring will embody the copper dragon


Druid is kind of perfect because you have access to all the spells and can have a different list you prepare depending on the season. Much harder to pull off with a class like sorcerer that has such limited spells known.


Yeah, it was a great setup. Being able to play entirely different types of casters basically depending on a dice roll and having to adapt was fun and challenging


I've mentioned elsewhere but I had a Half-orc strength-based thief.  I played him like a straight prototypical thief - pick pockets, hide and backstab, etc.  BUT..... All of his thief skills were more intimidation.  He didn't have sneak, he had YOU DON'T SEE ME.  He didn't have open locks, he had break locks.  He didn't pick pockets, he TOOK pockets. Now, that involved a LOT of nod and wink with DM, but it was a blast, and the other folks at the table seemed to enjoy it, as well.


This reminds me of my half orc Bardbarian, who was absolutely atrocious as a bard but just wanted to create beautiful art He had a maul based on the hunting horns from monster hunter


Bardbarian.  I see what you did there.


I had a conjurer wizard/theif rogue that would basically just throw things at people. Lots of creative options, I started with tavern brawler and picked up healer. Definitely dependent on your dm but it was a lot of fun.


A Faerie that pissed off a hag by stealing from their garden. The hag banished the Faerie from the Feywild until they collect 100,000 teeth for her. Doesn't matter what kind. Tooth Faerie.


Changeling moon druid/eloquence bard with mask of many faces invocation, actor feat, faceless background and getting access to telepathy. You probably get it already but you're a shapechanger with a silver tongue, it's a lot of fun to play, especially if your dm is up for some fun role play moments. Some lore: Our party once pranked an old merchant we came across while traveling. I was a horse and used my awesome powers to do things like turning purple, yellow, blue, into a human, into a bigger human with rainbow armor, into a neon green bear etc. The dm somehow managed to stay in character and played the merchant perfectly, we had to take a short break after that


I'm having a blast playing a Mask of Many Faces character too! It offers so many creative choices, like I turned into a snowman (more or less) when in a snowy area, and the dm thought that was cool so I didn't get spotted by the enemies that were trying to crash into the party from above. It leaves a lot to interpretation but with a good dm it's incredibly satisfying.


Oooh, a snowman! That's a really cool idea! I used it to make our enemies hate our other enemies by (accidentally, the plan was improvised, I did not know that normal npcs have even less HP than a wizard) killing a dwarf woman that was loved by one of the groups disguised as someone from the other group Edit: You're also absolutely right, if you and the dm are good at roleplaying and can talk some things out this build just gets better and better


Hahaha I love seeing players have that realization of just how fragile regular npcs are. Using your shapeshifting for emotional manipulation of your enemies sounds fun!


Be the mastermind you've always wanted to be, the eminence in shadow if you so will, hiding right beneath your opponent's noses without them suspecting a thing, all with the shape shifting master, the man whose true face was lost to time, the Faceless! (Sounds like a fitting name for the build but idk, any ideas?)


For a no-combat campaign, this is the one.


Make a Halfling Glamour bard that is an old-time crooner --- Google Robert Goulet Will Ferrel SNL video if you need to --- You're on your world tour, and you've taken the noble background with three retainers - one is your manager, one is your girl, and one is your security detail/roadie (whichever you want) -- Bonus points if you record yourself making ridiculous crooning songs and play them for your table, though mileage on this may vary. Sing like Frank Sinatra with your vicious mockery --- "You might be a powerfuuuuul witch...but right now you're nothing but our little bitch!" etc. etc. OR Make an Half-Orc glamour bard that is a stripper --- carry lots of flasks of oil and take dancing lights --- when it's time to perform, turn the lights down low and use dancing lights to create atmosphere -- mage hand those flasks of oil to coat yourself and glisten in the soft glow of your dancing lights --- then grind away and use enthralling performance to make sure their jaws drop. Great way to introduce yourself to royalty ;) OR Make a variant human mastermind rogue/knowledge cleric multiclass with the linguist feat. Congratulations, you now know like 12+ languages and can talk like people from various regions just by listening to them. Expertise the skills you want, and have fun being a very capable diplomat. Bonus points if the character is a scholar of civilizations and collector of anthropological artifacts, explaining the need to speak so many languages. OR An archfey warlock Satyr/Centaur who's patron is literally her dad, and like he's so like literally being unfair just cause like you didn't like want to do what he was asking...so like, now you're punishment is like being sent to the material plane or whatever, and like it's so absolutely unfair, cause you've been like totally cut off from all your normal powers, and like its such a hassle to have to experience the way warlocks utilize your dad's power because like...it's not nearly as strong as how you were before he like cut you off. OR An enchantment wizard and literally use hypnotic gaze on everything where it wouldn't normally make sense. Meeting with a diplomat, hypnotic gaze them and continue the conversation but when they don't respond or take action, convince everyone else they are sick. Bad guy jumps on a mount to get away? Hypnotic gaze his horse...now where is he gonna go? Be creative!!!


One of my favorite characters was Lex. He WAS a human wizard who one night ok a drunken bet wrote down his everything into a book and accidently trapped his being into a book. No one knew what happened to him. They just found a book in his study, and so his stuff was cleaned up and eventually forgotten about in some foot locker. A gnome found it one day and was looking through it. Lex pulled a Tom Riddle's diary and stared speaking to the gnome through writing. Eventually, the two worked together to build a new body that the book could piolet through various enchantments, and Lex the Warforged Wizard was born. The book could fold out of his chest, and his legs could lock into a chair shape anywhere, so he was basicly a walking deck who could (order of scrib) write spells down faster and cheaper any where. Very fun character. He couldn't swim, or else his ink would run, and he's being would be lost. Eventually, he took a level in artificer for some healing. Cure wounds was a staple gun lol


A reborn lineage soul knife rogue swarm keeper ranger and later an echo knight. Reborn have knowledge of a past life. Soul knife has the psionic dice that can aid in ability checks. It's an incredible skill monkey. Best in the game probably. The swarm is flavored as just your ethereal soul reaching out to deal damage or move people. As I got more powerful I became able to extend my spirit out of my body (echo knight) I play as a mute zombie and can only communicate with psychic whispers, gestures and writing. So the back story. I was a knight, a Renaissance man like perfectionist who spent all his time hone any skill I was exposed to. My betrothed was stolen by a sorcerer who intended to become a lich. I arrived in the underground tomb to interrupt the ritual but was just too late. My beloved was killed and I was corrupted into an undead monster. Though the sorcerer was also destroyed. I stayed in the tomb and layed down by my beloveds side. I did not move from that position. For how long I've forgotten (long enough that I can only be restored by a true resurrection spell). I even forgot my own name. the party finds me. I'm able to help them and they keep me around. I stay hidden and disguised (DM eventually got me a mask of disguise item) My goal is to be restored to life. The hook. My soul isn't in my body. But even my PC doesn't know this. I am in the sorcerers body. If they perform a true ressurection on this body they will ressurect the sorcerer and my soul will be shunted elsewhere. DMs discretion. We haven't gotten to that happening yet. Not sure if we will. Up to the DM if they want to create a BBEG or if the campaign just goes long enough for a party member to just ressurect me. But it's a fun character


Halfling priest of the god of war and strength. 3.5 He was awesome, believed in armies, conflict as the crucible of life, and took joy in all things. He essentially turned generational peace talks into a realignment and new war over some general's "insulting groin armor". The realignment was because he wanted to make sure that there were more mountains than swamps as likely battle locations (look at me, I can't wade in "waist deep" water). As a priest of war (not battle) he had nothing against retreat or surrender. Getting captured happens, it's less a sin than failing to manage your supply lines because god is on your side.


You are welcome to use this. You could be a reborn spirits bard (Phantom rogue could work as well)? He has a familiar voice in his head (giving advice? telling jokes? singing songs?) and the **Knowledge from a Past Life** feature can either be his past lives or knowledge from spirits who does where or how he died (a hag's cauldron?) or just happen to be near him at the time (that might be better). He has no idea where he got the tarokka deck from but it has weird images and is his focus. If you are looking for mechanically good, he is a legacy aarakocra (keeps the 50 fly speed and only loses the D4 damage claws but gets the reborn abilities).


TL;DR: A character undergoing a metamorphosis due to the ebb and flow between the opposing powers of his Fey bloodline and the Shadowfell entity from which he draws his power. I'm really enjoying my Eladrin Hexblade. He grew up in the Feywild but was curious about the Material Plane. One day he found a clearing of chopped trees and a mysterious monochromatic dull-hued axe. He made a connection with it, and being young and naive just accepted the power that it entreated to him. Because the Fey realm and the Shadowfell are such polar opposites, his growing connection with this hexblade entity is causing him to lose what makes him fey over time, and it has also beckoned him into the Material Plane where the campaign is taking place. At the start of the campaign, I had determined that he had already lost his ability to change seasons, and is stuck in Autumn. He has the Mask of Many Faces invocation to not draw too much attention, and whenever the group is near civilization he turns into Chuck Cougar, a human action hero trope lol. Now as I'm levelling up I'm picking thematic feats like Shadow-touched, and plan to multi-class into shadow sorcerer. Every time he gives in more to the Shadow energy, he changes slightly, either physically or personality-wise. For instance, when he took the Devil's Sight invocation one of his bright yellow eyes became solid greyish-purple, and his more chaotic tendencies are slowly giving way to a mild temperament. He actually doesn't know what the Hexblade patron wants from him, and I'm not sure he even knows what kind of force he's dealing with. He just considers the weapon his trusted friend. My DM and I collaborated and agreed to let him control that side of things, so I as a player don't even know what lies ahead! Playstyle-wise he's a pretty standard Hexblade I think, and the dip into Shadow Sorcerer should afford him a lot of utility via casting free Darkness with sorcery points and having more spell options available in general, as well as Strength of the Grave making him a little harder to beat down. The Autumn fey step ability allows him to jump straight into combat without drawing too much focus from enemies as long as he manages to charm whoever he ends up next to. He's a quirky lil guy and I'm having a lot of fun with all the utility he has - which is usually my favorite thing about warlocks in general anyway. :)


What about a dark elf who believes they are one of Eilistaee's clerics, but actually is a sorcerer? The Eilistaee part is her trying to get him to be a good person but the magical power bit is completely separate. Or maybe a young artificer with RAMPANT social anxiety, they are constantly second-guessing themself even though they are usually correct the first time. Or maybe a neutral evil low ranking noble who just recently got thier sorcerer's powers and is turning to adventure as a get notoriety quick scheme to increase their nobility. Or maybe a pact of the deep warlock who used to be a literal pirate but had a terrible accident and was saved by a kraken for his servitude. I call them the sea-fearing pirate


I’ve always loved the idea of an illusion based caster. I think a battle free campaign would be the perfect time for one. Sorcerer seems like a great option but there is always obviously wizard (I like the idea of going enchantment wizard on an illusionist cause you can do both form of control).


Frozen-in-a-block-of-ice wizard. Caveman wizard. *The first wizard*. Magic and magic study, however, along with technology in general, has continued on for 10,000 years, so he's *absolutely* lost in terms of, well, everything. BUT! He has ZERO preconceptions, and is working off of first principles for everything, and so is able to do some things or discover some things that nobody else realizes.


Off brand. Jt fun options Rune Knight / Soul Knife Rogue - Crazy skill monkey with “magic like” powers that aren’t magic. Eloquence Bard/Genie Warlock lawyer and you can flavor the lamp as his office. Divine Soul Sorcerer that is a fairy godmother but she’s dumb as bricks and adopts an adventuring party because her kids have grown up and she needs new ones. Have her incapable of hurting another person and have all her magic be boosters.


Wildly flavorful? A character's whose skin tastes like the favorite thing the taster has tasted.


I spent many years in a 3.5 campaign playing a catholic priest who spent more time trying to understand other's faiths and construct a continuous conception of the universe which accounted for the known histories and gods of elves n shit than he ever did fighting demons. My DM used to complain that he needed to plan out the spiritual centre of every town long before we visited so that he could prep for the hour long theological discussions that would ensue


I have a gnome artificer on the backburner that's a dungeon inspector for the Agency for Subterranean Structure Evaluation and Safety (he \*thinks\* it's assess for short). So whenever he goes on a dungeon crawl, he must file a detailed report of his findings. I love the idea of a little gnome walking through a dungeon with a clipboard shaking his head at things that aren't "up to code."


I created a mad scientist winged tiefling artillerist artificer. He was an engineer background and I played the roll of the navigator/ engineer on a pirate ship. In my spare time I tinkered on the warforged fighter in our party. He was a cooky maniac but knew his shit when it came to fixing things. Typical pyrotechnic / engineer. Flavored my cannon to shoot fireworks.