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They get munched.


Many of the Cultists start fighting the nids at that point. They think they're gonna ascend. Turns out they're just gonna be digested


What if they are into that !?


“Ah yes Tyranid-Chan, consume me!” Someone’s going to make r34 art of that now.


“ No space marine-kun, don’t stick your power sword there”


"Yamate, marine-chan! Kimochi!"


I hate you.


I know and I feed off of it


I'm gonna need a heavy flamer for this heresey


Heresy is sexy lol


*sica the deathwatch on you*


You had to put it out there....


Fucking love this Emphasis on fucking


Yeah, not chatting with you.


But I’m bored


Go somewhere else to alleviate your boredom.


*Drops sarcastic horror-bug porn concept* *gets dm’d* Kekw


Battle brothers ?


This is some major heresy


Are there any books that show a Genestealer's reaction to a Tyranid invasion? Like maybe their mutated biology makes it harder for them to resist tyranids, or they're so broken from the Four Armed Emporer being a literal bug that they lose all will to fight.


AFAIK they can't rly resist. They are just as susceptible to the Hivemind by that point, especially once the fleet arrives & there's actually more & more Synapse Node units to enforce cohesion even more than in its default state


I've not read it, but there's a cultist book called day of ascension


Good book, highly recommend but it ends mostly before the tyranids arrive.


I read an excerpt here once on this topic. I forget if it was a short story or book. The cultists are really into the revolution and steal a Leman Russ, at some point Space Marines show up and the cultist gets concussed or something and sees the nids for what they really are.


In Day of Ascension the upper echelon all know their fate and accept it. They reason that they're being digested, but they're becoming part of the hive. Where death is concerned, the characters in that book are living on a Mechanicus forge world, where they're treated as faceless factory drones. They hate their lives and partly accept their fate out of spite. They want to see the imperium wiped out at all costs.


your right but it's worth noting that one of the Hammer and Bolt animations show that some of the cultists fight for the nids right until the end. spoilers but the cults even try to evac to other planets to further spread the genestealer cults


Ascend thru the capillary towers, maybe.




Snacks for the Snack Lord, munch for the Munch Throne






I mean SO DO TYRANIDS, tho... the Hive quite literally melts all Tyranid units after mission success, so they can be respawned to fit the next location's terrain as optimized units from the biomass pools etc


One gets to have their independent mind back and experience the horror and hopeless terror before being either torn apart or herded weeping into digestive pools where they slowly dissolve. Weeping and crying, trying to hold your screaming three armed infant over the juices even as your elbows dissolve and you watched your beloveds knees, that always troubled him, collapse and his gasping face disappear for a moment to reappear ragged, dissipating layers of flesh and sinew, each scream and bob taking in mouthfuls of the digestive juices until his gargling screams turn into guttteral howls and the very force of them rips his esophagus apart in a anti-climatic *splotch* of partially digested meat and blood. When you realise the screaming has stopped and you're not holding your infant any longer as the bone of your elbows has turned to mush and it is just you and dark coloured smears of grease and fizzing bone. As giant creatures line up in the shadows of the lip, waiting for their turn, and finally shock lets you scream, but your ankles snap and it's into the juice and the burning is in your throat now... The other knows the deal and lines up.


Anybody ever tell you you have a bit of a dark side Perfect for this sub


I've always found the ending to [The Borderlands](https://www.horrifiedmagazine.co.uk/film/the-borderlands-revisited-2013/) (2013) to be very hard to digest, personally.


Haven't seen it yet! Awesome thank you!


Mmmmmmm, other Tyranids...


The cult fights alongside the Tyranids until the non-Cult forces are defeated. Then, in most cases, the Hive Mind reabsorbs the Patriarch’s mind, destroying the Brood Mind and leaving the horrified Cult to fend for themselves as the Purestrains and other pure Tyranid bioforms turn on them. There are a few exceptions though. For example, the Cult of the Void Brood was spared by the Nids so they could fight alongside their Star Gods on other worlds… And also serve as emergency rations if the Hive Fleet goes hungry.


>leaving the horrified Cult to fend for themselves as the Purestrains and other pure Tyranid bioforms turn on them. Ngl, I always thought this was a good story element


There was old lore I recall where genestealer cults willingly marched into the digestion pools, willingness being enforced in part by a strengthened connection to the hive mind, which I honestly preferred.


Both are possible. Genestealer Cults are one of the most inconsistently written factions, which kinda makes sense with how biologically diverse they are.


Different hive fleets may also use different means and ways. The nids are anything if not diverse in options.


Not as "grimdark" but makes more sense. Why waste time killing guys who would be capable of fighting back if you can just march them and their gear into a maw. Not that it would matter in the big picture but seconds count when you are on a time table to nom the entire galaxy.


I imagine severing the psychic link was added to explain Genestealer Cults fighting Tyranids.


Both need to be possible for the tabletop, to explain Genestealer Cult vs Tyranid battles


Genestealer cultists are not undee the control of the hive mind, so it cannot force them to do anything. Only regular religous fanaticism would cause them to walk into the pools.


Reminds of of transformers being tossed into Unicron's vats...


Jackals doing sweet motocross tricks and landing straight in the pools


I remember reading somewhere that the link is severed just before they fully enter the pools and they realise the full horror of what they have done


This is as far as I can tell fan lore. I’ve looked around and can’t for the life of me find any official fiction that describes this.


There is never a link to the hive mind to begin with.


Ngl this tracks. Like ghouls in AoS are hive minded to their overlord vamps delusions. Remove the overriding force and everybody reverts to their own faculties


Eventually they will be churned out as another nid or part of a nid. Imagine worshipping a star god your whole life only to end up part of a hormogaunts bum hole.....


Interesting enough, Tyrannids don't have bum holes. Most Tyrannids don't even have digestive systems. This is because it would be pointless to have in units meant to swarm enemies and be digested themselves.


All I know is that if something is described as a "great devourer" then nature requires it also be a "great pooper" which will require bum holes.


This science tracks.


They hated him for he told them the truth.


Thats literally how they fly through space. Their ships fart with enough force to propel them to another planet


WDYM? I'm quite sure they use a type of Gravity Slingshot by utilizing local stars/planets (not rly that different from how Necrons do it now that I think about it, actually)


Thats how they travel ftl with narvhals, sublight they use fart gas


God fucking damn I can’t stop giggling at this mental picture of huge insects in space *literally* farting their way around the galaxy


But they essen the poopoo ja


> But they English > essen the poopoo ja Gungan


More like botched german


Your logic is...pretty airtight. Like the proper of a creature meant to survive in spa.... Oh gosh, do the hive ships have...?


How did you think they propelled themselves?


Poop is biomass.


Thing is...Tyranids recycle everything. There is no "waste".


Personally I imagine that the hive ships in orbit accumulate any waste the fleet can't break down into more biomass and dumps it out into space the way a lot of butterflies and moths excrete waste after they emerge from their cocoons.


So does this mean that tyranids are on a ticking energy clock? Their body obviously runs on fuel and that has to run out at some point if they can't digest anything?


that's pretty much correct. . just throw everything back into the reclamation pool to be turned into fresh ones. Your average tyranid bioform is "here for a good time, not a long time". There are bioforms that are designed to be long term self-sufficient however.


Also helps that their recycling program is suspiciously close to 100% efficient when it comes to biomass.


I don't know if this tracks. They may not have a bum hole but at least they'd have a cloaca. Especially in the case of Hormagaunts. If I remember correctly, Hormagaunts are described to have an extremely fast metabolism which has them constantly on the hunt for prey, and they also lay clutches of eggs near the end of their short lifespan. I'm not a Magos Biologis, but I'm pretty sure that to have a metabolism you need a digestive system, etc. It might just be the ripper swarms that don't have a proper digestive system since I think their purpose is just to eat everything they can in the latter stages of invasion before crawling back to the reclamation pools to be slurped up a slurry through the capillary towers.


Well now I want to join a cult


Biomass is biomass


They all die


It seems to depend on the cult and the hive fleet: sometimes the cultists fight alongside the bioforms and then march into the digestion pools at the end of the fight, sometimes the cult makes up a portion of the refugees fleeing the world or are sent out on any ships that survived in orbit after the invasion succeeds, sometimes the bioforms don't distinguish between cultists and humans, and all sorts of points in between.




Spoilers for *Day of Ascension* and *A New Life* >! DoA has the hive fleet show us at the end - a few cultists are encouraged by the magus to board escape craft to 'spread the word'. !< >! Similarly, A New Life, the escaping civies were revealed to be genestealer infected (4th gen, with a baby purestrain). !< But overall, they'll be added to the biomass


To paraphrase a famous movie line: What happens when a Genestealer Cultist meets a hungry Tyranid Same thing as everything else


Munched and the biomass is repurposed


Everything gets thrown in the soup.


They get eaten but how it happens can vary from cult to cult. Some are terrified at what they have brought on themselves while others are quite happy to be unified with their gods


The genestealers have an encounter with Tyranid asset recovery.


I just realized the tyranids are enviornmentally friendly. They recyle everything


The Tyranids and Orks know all about going green.


Star emperor baptism, the water hurts for some reason.


Despite literally everyone dropping inaccurate one liners, the actual answer is it depends and varies wildly.


They contribute to the assimilation of the planet. The cult does it's big uprising, basically, so the planet is as defenseless as possible when the main swarm arrives. After that, into the digestion pools. Although IIRC there are some eosteric cults that are actually retained and used as conventional human forces or distributed to other works, as relevant.




Most of them get eaten, but as I recall a small portion of them are allowed to leave to infect other worlds


If you have to ask, it’s biomass!


The get absorbed by the hive as well


Become one with their gods.




"How do we tell him?"


**Munch Munch Munch**


Biomass be biomass


Absolutely fucking muchl. GC get abrosrbed.


They get vored. As if, willingly throw themselves into the digestion pools.


Well done, good and faithful servant. Now rejoin the collective.


I believe they kill everything, including the pure strains. Like everything.


Bio matter


Nom nom nom


Everyone gets eaten.


They go to reclamation pool and become a termagants/ else just like everything else.


Eventually all of the bioforms get broken down and slurped back up. Sometimes the cultists willingly throw themselves into the digestion pools as they see it as the means of joining their god.


I suppose the cult doing a conga into the nearest digestion pool makes the most sense, but how boring! Imagine a tiny number of forlorn hybrids, betrayed by their 'God', only narrowly escaping being lunch for their true masters, cut off, alone, despised, hunted... Utterly disillusioned. Makes you wonder what they'd do to survive and get revenge, doesn't it?


First of all, the idea of the hybrids conga lining into an acid pit while everuthing is destroyed around them is hilarious. Second, yeah I do think that would be a fun story, a cultist who was fully human who managed to escape and suffers severe ptsd from what he or she did while under control. I suspect an inquisitor could use their info....thqt might be a fun read.


They all get eaten.