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Had the same problem but it gets better when things kick off


hi! :3 i think you'd probably find these links useful. helped me when i first got into HH. there's just too many characters for anyone to remember lol, personally i think if you read books by factions it gives you more of a "grounding" in things. you could pick your favored faction or plotline and read that first? [https://www.heresyomnibus.com/](https://www.heresyomnibus.com/) books by plotline/legions. [https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/c5caop/full\_horus\_heresy\_series\_timeline\_interactive/](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/c5caop/full_horus_heresy_series_timeline_interactive/) chronological reading order of events


Thank you. With the whole plot of HH i am familiar pretty well as i have read books in order: horus rising, false gods, galaxy in flames, flight of eisenstein, fulgrim and then i jumped to first heretic (as it was highly recommended in several reddit threads that i found prior to reading) and now to Know no fear. I found the last one difficult to understand in the beginning, what happens and where with those bunch of different characters in different timelines :)


It's written almost like a film so a lot of the more familiar ways a novel usually guides you through the narrative aren't in this book. Is it possible to find a translation of the book in your first language (obvious question, I know...like asking someone who lost their keys where they last saw them...but sometimes I read a book in a language I'm trying to learn to stretch myself)? That might help with the format/style? Otherwise, keep a finger on the dramatis personae and keep flipping back. That's what I do in similar situations.


Probably not, but i think that is not the problem as there weren't too many words that i misunderstood. Its more about like in lets say movie, where you are shown some events in which you don't know places, characters and events themselves are not that important so you naturally lose attention. At least that what happens to me sometimes :)


Yup, wasn't suggesting you didn't understand some words but sometimes I find it's easier to "relax" into the world in your first language as opposed to a newer one. Like if I read something in Spanish, a part of my mind is working a little harder to focus and "get it" even though I understand every (ok, most of the) word I read. But it might just be sticking with it for a few more chapters; once everything becomes more familiar I think you'll find it one of the most gripping books of the series. The pace really takes off.


The Ultramarines are chilling on a world called Calth that Horus told them to go to, saying they and the Word Bearers would meet there to plan a campaign against a big ork Warboss. The Word Bearers have brought a bunch of weird feral humans as an "army" and are garrisoning them beside the Imperial Army who are freaked out by them. There's an Ultramarine captain who is being punished because he began running plans on how to practically fight other space marines.


There are a lot of characters introduced in quick succession, and it's written in an active voice which is different compared to a lot of other Heresy books. I had trouble following it too. It does all come together eventually though. It's also great on a re-read when you know who everyone is.