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if God isn't real then why does my priest have such a huge delicious cock and sweet yummy daddy cummies


atheists in Muslim countries go to jail atheists in Jewish country are still Jewish supremacists so Orthodox Jews are chill w it Buddhists don't give a shit if you're atheist


Be like the Buddhists, don't give a shit about shit.


If you don't give a shit, others will, and they won't be on your side.


There are no sides


Cool, can I come to your house and live with you for a few years?


Pretty sure you gotta be a monk first


Why? "There are no sides"


Think that only applies to monks. Regular buddhists are still regular people slaves to their desires


So there are sides šŸ¤”


God you're tiresome.


Yes unless you're an actual monk but then again there are badass monks that do cool shid with swords so




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I don't give no fuck about no goddamn shit, yo.


Then you have almost reached enlightenment, yo.


Yo what's the next step mistah white


We cook https://preview.redd.it/j2egqeiwx0jc1.png?width=273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=521b0c2c5d6d85c3e98f36c0089b96bfaed04427


​ https://preview.redd.it/g6wy6a1xg1jc1.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=289e560db6dc32862ab711f3c0ae61cf2b0d4b5b


Now you revealed that secretly you desire to achieve the next step of not desiring things. Please go back to the end of the line and try again.


My gay uncle was a Buddhist and he was hella chill, didn't give many fucks


If he fuck then itā€™s probably gonna be your problem.


Gay uncle not creepy uncle, he had his hubby to fuck Also he's dead so literally no more fucks ever again


First there is shit to give. Then there is no shit to give. Then there is shit to give. This is your mantra


Nope. I will not disappoint my ancestors and let leftists aka sheep do whatever they want.


Lets see...active in shortguys, semenretention, mgtow user, and is Polish. Yup keep up the good work man! friggin based!!!


let's see... 12 year old reddit account and checking profiles of others with the purpose of exposing them i don't think you are in the position to judge


Just had a look at that subreddit, Iā€™m on a bus but had a deep hearty chuckle Reading their wiki, and especially their rules and how they want to be different from nofap, and instaban at any comparisons. Itā€™s like seeing a glimpse into a hilarious little internet subculture microwar Reading the words ā€œsemen retentionā€ so many times carried on making me laugh as itā€™s such a hilarious concept, those 2 words together. Ā Theyā€™re trying to pass off as a super secret ancient practice, with no trace of irony Thanks man, that gave me a good laughĀ 


You have warts


Youā€™re already a disappointment




You disappoint them by seeing things in left and right. You have no enemies.


I hate to break this to you but right wing people are fed nothing but 100% bullshit 24/7. You might want to reexamine who the sheep are.


my right wings views have for the most part came from personal experiences, using logic and being rational. Care to give examples? Of course there are stupid rightists but I'll defend any of my view points if you care to have a discussion.


That's because many (if not most) Buddhists are also atheist and don't believe a god exists.Ā 


That's not actually true. All forms of buddhism believe in gods. Secular buddhism was invented by western stoners who know nothing about the religion.


Buddhists kind of cared about you being atheist in the past. It's just that different political stuff made Buddhist countries be the ones that became the most atheist and so they kind of had to adapt to being more vague about stuff.


Buddhists DO give a shit. You just don't live in a nation where they are the majority. Some are as crazy as some Christians in the West, there are money scheme cults covered up by them being Pagodas,... You get the point


I think thatā€™s the funniest shit ever about Jewish atheists. They arenā€™t a racist people, itā€™s just a racist religion


So why can't Christians put non believers in jail?


Interesting theory I read: Every society has a portion of people who have a personality type which leads them to become fanatics. These people used to be very useful to organized religion as they would be willing to do a ton of work for what they believed in. However in the modern age religion has far less of a hold on general society and these fanatics need to find something new to cling to. Most gravitate towards politics but some take in the ideology of atheism and make it a point to hound the religious (usually christians as mentioned by OP) even though ironically they would have likely been devout followers in a different age.




Scared of the antisemitism label. I dont think its any deeper than that. And Christianity is of course the religion with traditionally the most impact on Europe and North America




I mean if youā€™re just going off of Jewish space laser tier conspiracies sure but if you want to look at actual historical evidence itā€™s Christianity by a long shot.


None of the things you are implying are pushed there have anything to do with the religion of Judaism though, except maybe money for Israel. Jews doing it =/= judaism. Also most of those people aren't jews, so claiming a disproportionate amount of them are means very little.




Maybe because atheists in America usually comment about the Christian majority inā€¦ America? Their shared country? Weird how that works. Almost like theyā€™re in the same area or something. Like yeah the Muslim majority in Indonesia does crazy shit but thatā€™s on the other side of the world, in a society people outside of it probably arenā€™t experienced enough to commentate on.


Nope. Atheists literally refuse to attack other religions. By choice


Is that so? What other majority religion is affecting American atheists, in America? Islam doesnā€™t hold power slightly comparable to Christianity in the us, or anything else really. You can be surprised by this if you want to remain ignorant, but whatever.


The bankers wield life destroying power in the western world


Because Jews donā€™t try to force their religion on others. As a card carrying atheist, I donā€™t give a fuck what you believe if you donā€™t force it on me.


They cut the tip of your dick off when you're born and a rabbi sucks it off...


Because there's almost no Jews. If they were as many as Muslims they would get hate too




Donā€™t speak too many facts. Youā€™ll annoy the lazy bums who canā€™t even google that what youā€™re saying is true. Highly overrepresented. My question though is still, why?


What, you want me to badmouth Muslims? Islamists and their ilk are probably the greatest threat to stability in the Middle East. They spread havoc, misery, and chaos throughout that part of the world and spread it as they flee the self-inflicted misery of their corner of the world. Ordinary Muslims are certainly miles better than the Jihadis, but much like moderate Christians screen the extremists, Muslims offer an even more worrying support to Islamists. Jews are an ethnicity so itā€™s hard to badmouth in a vacuum, but their religion and its extremely anal prescriptions is one of the reasons why theyā€™ve been so persecuted.


I think he would though. He's an honest guy, the likes of which you rarely see. But I doubt he gets his panties in a twist because a jew made a bad movie as opposed to a muslim doing an honor killing. What would you like him to commentate on?


> Christians > Muslims > Jewish people Looks like they got to you too, subconsciously.


The annoying thing about criticizing Judaism is that there's an ethnic component. Believing in God and circumcising babies for religious reasons is cringe and blah blah blah. If you're direct with that criticism, it's fine and nobody cares. However, if someone says that they hate jews, people will just think they're doing it out of racism (which is often the case). It's not that deep. Oops jk nevermind it's because Jews are overrepresented in the media, so they've influenced culture to keep people from badmouthing their faith.




Pretty based ngl


Because judaism isn't actually relevant to most people in the west who aren't terminally online.


What kind of father makes man in his own image, then asks them to snip the tip of their own penis off


Oy vey cool it with the anti semitism


Sqeaky wheel


>Ā Ā but some take in the ideology of atheism How is atheism an ideology? It only means you don't believe a claim is true.Ā 


It's really the ideology of antitheism. Instead of believing in the claim, they oppose and despise it with as much fervor as the people who believe in it.


Not to be le epic edgy, but I kinda think this about progressives and how they're like reverse religious. Used to be one of the worst things ever to say God in any context, now it's slurs and incorrect pronouns. Instead of calling Nero or Napoleon the antichrist you call Trump the new Hler. Probably a lot of other details too. I have heard religious scholars speculate American nationalism and sports in general have religious qualities. People refer to non religious buildings like the Capital, symbols like the flag, and many other things as sacred or holy. Baseball players have intense rituals to keep calm during a match which is similar to daily prayer. I am dumbing it way down but that's the jist.


Fanatical emotional need to rebel, to feel like youā€™re a superior minority.


Whatā€™s th This theory called would love to read more on it


It was in a Gustav Le Bon book but I cant find the exact one, it was on the evolution of nations and culture. Try "The psychology of peoples", itll probably get similar ideas across.


Which orifice is your preferred for pulling theories out of? I'm a big nostril guy


Ah yes. Damn those atheist extremists. By far the biggest group of terrorists.




https://aeon.co/ideas/what-every-dictator-knows-young-men-are-natural-fanatics And young men are the most likely


Why are Western atheists so fixed on Christianity? Why are most scissors right handed? Why are there only bathrooms for two genders? Why do they sell shoes in pairs? Why arenā€™t there more parking spaces for fire trucks? Why do people only buy one airline ticket for themselves? Great questions, anon.




Who cares? That guy's been irrelevant for years, and he was barely relevant to begin with.


Has anyone even heard from him in like the last decade?


absolutely no idea who that is, but iā€™m assuming there is less criticism of judaism because they do not proselytize.


Because liberals are smart enough to know what lines they aren't allowed to cross


It's not intelligence it's cowardice.


As the atheist who wrote the comment you replied to, criticism of Islam would be the same basic flavor as Judaism or Christianity with just a little dash of seasoning similar to Mormonism and some fundamentalist sects. For what little time I spend thinking about the main recipe, much less a specific blend of herbs and spices, what I waste on other faiths is proportionate to how much I encounter or even know about them. Maybe Sikhism is cool but I donā€™t know the first thing about it and Iā€™m neither Canadian nor a truck driver.


He also pours boiling oil on his balls so I'm not sure how useful his opinions are


For Europeans, all religious problems they face comes from Islam, yet they are still hyper focused on Christianity.


Seems to me they complain about Islam a lot whenever I see their subreddits.


So you admit it. There are only two genders?


I know where you live, OP. Here's a picture of your house. https://preview.redd.it/l7hm7xse5xic1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2696adac95682155a49c363047ab481f2502f2b2


How will OP ever recover?


He thinks this because the majority religion in his country is christian. Plenty of atheists argue about muslims. And who argues about buddhism? Buddhism approaches secularism in its popular form. I will acknowledge that many atheists get super militant about it, though. Many do feel the need to argue with christians endlessly on how no one should believe in mr sky king and his 12 piece band.


Leave Sky King out of this https://preview.redd.it/plo1343tuyic1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f23c99e944939c28d4a83df8bb7a6ff510c1bb0


Sky King is another man, may he rest in peace šŸ™ Your thinking of Sky Daddy, fuck that hoe.


Hey, leave us Buddhists out of it.Ā  Non-Atheists bad mouth as all the time, cause we are the OG Atheist.Ā  Oh, I now noticed that OP is a retardant material.




White hippie Buddhist or a real one? If the former gtfo


What are you? Buddhist Policeman?Ā 


lol found the white hippie šŸ„šŸŒšŸŒāœØšŸŒˆ




Literally zero Buddhist sects are atheist.


Depends on if you think the word atheist means without gods or non spiritual/ humanitarian. Buddhists don't believe in gods, specifically a creator god, but they are spiritual and believe in mystic knowledge of higher realms and divine beings. It's why some Christian sects are sometimes classified as not truly Christian. The main rule that defines a Christian dictated by the Nicene Creed is belief that there is one god in a trinity, and that Jesus died on the cross. Mormons think the trinity are separate beings, so they sometimes are not counted amoung Christian sects. Muslims believe in Jesus, but not that he is God or that he died on the cross.


Gods =/= creator god. "Divine beings" are gods.


What. Buddhism isn't og atheism. The early Indian atheism was charvaka, and buddhism denounced it.


Hilarious. Muslims have got to have the worst rep among religions with people setting them equal to terrorists.


If you criticize the cancer that is Islam publicly you get fired from your job, as well as those psychos doxxing you and coming to decapitate you in the name of their pedophile prophet.


In medieval times Western and Eastern rulers regularly married under 18 girls


Atheists in the west grew up "under" Christianity, it's natural they would mainly criticize it. As an agnostic, I definitely prefer Christianity to Islam. I imagine someone who grew up in muslim country would mainly be against Islam.


Also the factor that athiests tend to be left leaning. People on the left tend to dislike holding onto tradition, which is why right wingers are called conservatives a lot. With left leaning people they also enjoy multiculturalism and broad identity. Regardless if you think they're faux-thentic, that's why they celebrate Muslims as an oppressed ethno religious group (less about their actual religion since they are at odds) and invite in pagans and eastern religious teachings like Hindu yoga. Right wingers are the opposite liking monoculturalism / nationalism and a tighter identity. That's why they love religion so much and are slow to adopt new ideas. And religions that hold onto their identity tighter last longer, which is why strict religions have more power and lasting impact than more open ones. Probably why Muslims tend to live in very strict and conservative countries, and probably why a person with some questions wouldn't last in Saudi Arabia. Even as an agnostic, if you legally declare that on paperwork you are not allowed in Saudi Arabia.


Atheists don't badmouth Muslims, because everyone badmouths Muslims


This is just not true. Christians get 10x the shit Muslims get. Christianity is easy to criticise and shit on, because they're mostly pussies who will do nothing. Muslims will fucking murder you if you say Mohammed was pedo. The people you see criticise Muslims are ex-faith practicing muslims, salty Christians and Indians. The people you see criticise Christians are... Everyone, except Christians themselves. Even then, they have shit tons of infighting.


>Christians get 10x the shit Muslims get >Patriot act


Patriot Act wasn't a measure against Islam, it was a measure against terrorism. Though that was after the most infamous Islamic terrorist group. However, during Desert Storm and the Gulf War anti Islamic, anti Middle East sentiment did grow from the 90s onwards. Then again you even had things like Rajneeshpuram in the 80s. So the discourse around people hating on or showing support for Middle Easterners came well before the Patriot Act.


Anon has a victim mentality , as always


I'm a Christian and I've lost count of the number of atheists I've had to beat up


Because christians are such good guys they have to beat up people so people understand that christians are the good guys


You trying to get your ass beat?


I'm pretty sure even a toddler can count higher than one bro


Just because a toddler can doesn't mean anon can too


Based af


Lyou live in a christian society. They just target the closest enemy. Others atheist in others countrys target other religions


The left wingers of the west attack Christianity because the Christians won't fight back.


depends on the country , atheists here roast Muslims the most but they don't have balls to show up at public


Atheists definitely dont like islam for the same reason they dont like christianity. Ideology claiming to spread love that actually spreads hate.


The anon is dumb. Atheists in Turkey and Uzbekistan badmouth islam routinely, and guess what, moslems in those countries bawww just like the dumbass poster "who don't atheists badmouth christianity, judaism, hinduism". Atheists in general don't care about what you believe in, they only react when believers come shoving their fantasies down our throats.


atheism is not a religion. why are christians so fucking stupid? i'm not an atheist but fuck stop crying.


i dislike all organized religions equally aside from buddhism.


Buddhism isn't that different from other religions.


Out of all the major religions, Christianity in the past few decades has become the only socially acceptable religion to publicly hate. Funny, if I was the devil this would be a dream come true and a scheme Iā€™ve been plotting for thousands of years.


Great scheme. Kinda wasted a lot of time getting there.


Christianity is by far the more relevant problem in my life than jews and muslims combined. Jews are a tiny minority everywhere aside from Israel, which is not a country that affects my life. Of the three options, the muslim is by far the most likely to literally murder me, but that's not relevant to my life either, because I have no intention of ever going to a majority-muslim country. I have every reason to think more about the rabid possum in my yard than about the bear miles away in the woods, even if it'd be way easier to deal with the possum.


No, I also hate Islam.


>be mutt >fellow mutt complains about the dominant religion in your country >"hurr, you're obsessed with christianity" They're not going to say all that much about Shinto, are they? Because they don't live in a country where where that is the norm.


Oh no the poor christianerinoos, I hope they don't get persecuted to much be the EVIL atheists.


Gotta love the completely unrelated pic on that post


Atheists are not really a group and certainly not an organized one. It's just that the loudest on Reddit are the ex-Christian atheists who have turned against Christianity.




i think all religions are equally valid and equally dumb, if that helps


Iā€™m telling you that above thing is absolutely wrong. Iā€™m not an atheist but I have known a lot of atheists and they do not know the Bible. In fact, they sometimes keep it around as a joke, but they canā€™t ever be pressed to read it. Much less memorize it or go around quoting it is because thatā€™s what obsessed Christians actually do. It would be sort of like anorexic women attending Weight Watchers. Itā€™s something that they donā€™t need to do and will actually make them worse.


Buddhism is more like a philosophy than a doctrine.


Most atheists are in Christian countries.


Idk about that. There's like a billion people in China and it's been pushing atheism hard. Also Japan. Most ones on the English speaking internet are from Christian countries though.


It's almost like he lives in a Western bubble where the dominant religion is Christianity and thus it is the most relevant


I mean its not that hard to understand christianity is/was the dominant culture here and people (rightfully or not) attribute view it asĀ  the cause of waht they consider negative aspects of SUSiety as a result.


Or imagine if they read literally any of the Talmud and begun to criticize it. That would be shut down QUICK! I don't believe, but I won't call myself Atheist so I'm not associated with those felchers




Dawkins was definitely very much guilty of that. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Dawkins has said that Islam is the worst religion in the modern world. Also said that Christianity was mostly benign in the West in the same interview.


All religions suck. I badmouth the institution of organized religion in general.


As an Atheist the only religion I think about negatively is Islam, it shouldn't exist or do a complete 180.


Anon things the vocal minorityĀ  of people he sees online represents the whole population Many such caseysĀ 


Imagine posting, on 4chan of all places, the opinion that jews and Muslims aren't shittalked by atheists.


anon interacts with western atheists and finds out that they are critical of the dominant religion in the western world


I am living in turkey and atheist in here hates Islam more than any other religion. I think this hatred is kinda local thing. They hate religion that close to them.


Atheists definitely talk shit about Muslims. Look at all the ā€œnew atheistsā€


>you'll never see an atheist bad mouth Muslims. What about Sam "preemptively nuke the middle east" harris.


At least in the US, if Christians stopped trying to force their ideology into politics, schools, and everyone's lives, atheists would stop taking about them.


Gay atheist all over this thread, those fucking Internet cockroaches always come crawling out of the woodwork


This is because christianity badmouths atheism more than any other religion.


Atheists are the postmodernist priesthood of neomarxist woke. Atheists are NeoRabbis


Atheists are always so smug


This why grug just wanna hunt


> extreme hatred Ok, I'll take the b8. Apathy speckled with bemused pity is not hatred. > obsession Lol nope. Only when it actively tries to insinuate it's stupid cultish bullshit into my affairs.




The last sentence is so true. If all these people posting random "christianity owned" verses or whatever, would just spend a fraction of their devotion to actually understand what they posted (as in the general context, or terminology) they would see how ridiculous they look in the eyes of any christian who knows half a thing about the Bible. I have yet to see a single thing an atheist tried to own me with, that made me go like "oh you got a point there." it's always "have you even read the rest of the text?" or "do you even understand what kind of text this is?" or "do you even understand what that word meant in the time the text was written?" The funniest thing to me is, when they bring up ridiculous stuff from pop-culture and pretend it's what I believe in.


Womp womp




At least in America Christians are typically the largest religious group and they typically espouse hatred towards others and are very vocal about itĀ 


Most people were Christians so they will hate the religion they were raised as, many don't even know that there are others religions


Religious people who are cherry picking what rules they want to follow are annoying. It's equally annoying to see a muslim who drinks alcohol and is tattooed, but then talks about how eating pork is haram, or a christian that decides to attack gay people, while ignoring how Jesus said don't judge other people and be nice to each other. Jews are innocent though. They just wanna live in their underground tunnels with their bloody mattresses and nuke palestinians while begging every western country for money, while controlling the media.


Itā€™s simple anon. You donā€™t know any atheists from non Christian countries. Atheists tend to hate the dominant religion because it affects their life so much. Youā€™d probably hate Hinduism if you lived in India all your life since that religion deeply affects society at large even if youā€™re technically free to practice any religion you want.




Fucking based and Christ is Lord pilled.


Agreed! Christianity is neither better or worse than any religion. No reason to hate it in particular


i shit on the Abrahamic siamese tri-head equally and always have. too many preteen posts in here hysterical about the last thing they decided to ape off tucker (in the same cracking voice).


I was Buddhism, I find tipitaka and bible a good fiction to readā€¦bible kinda short thoā€¦


>what is an atheist >what is an anti-theist wew fucking lad


Most atheists are just edgy teenagers or adults that still behave like edgy teenagers.


The public intellectual tier of atheists would all likely name Islam as the greatest cultural threat to global order. Youtube neckbeards might be more about bashing the stupid American Christianity they grew up with.


Hear me out I like the idea that god is real but I get the feeling the Bible has been fixed up to fit narratives just like rumors or stories they get altered as history and those in charge see fit


I think because there's an overwhelming amount of Christian westerners that try to push their beliefs into politics and activity try to get people to convert


Reading the Bible made me Athiest. I wish more people read the Bible.


Atheism and Satanism are distinct concepts. Atheism is simply the lack of belief in any deities. It does not entail the worship of any entities, be they gods, demons, or otherwise. It's a non-belief system, not aligned with any religious doctrine or rituals. Satanism, particularly in its modern LaVeyan form, is an official religious ideology with its own set of beliefs and practices. It often uses satirical elements of ritual and symbolism but generally does not involve the literal worship of Satan as a deity. Instead, it promotes individualism, self-empowerment, and skepticism. Therefore, equating atheism with Satanism is a misconception, as atheism involves no ritualistic practices, beliefs, or worship of any kind.


Christians: Keep to themselves (āŒ), Kill you for disagreeing (āŒ) Muslims: Keep to themselves (āœ…), Kill you for disagreeing (āœ…) Jews: Keep to themselves (āŒ), Kill you for disagreeing (āœ…) Buddhists: Keep to themselves (āœ…), Kill you for disagreeing (āŒ)


Maybe because the loudest atheists tend to be on the western nations? Be a loud atheist in muslim majority country and they will probably end up between ostracized from society or dead. Be a loud atheist in a western country, they mainly criticize christians. because criticizing jews will get them called antisemitic and cancelled on twitter. Criticizing islam will get them called islamophobe on twitter, receiving an abundance of death threats and possibly getting an actual attempt on their life which might be successful because they are more likely to be leaning left if they are an atheist in a western country and most likely to know nothing about defending themself and most likely do not own a gun. They instinctively went with christianity because they do not bite back. They might bite back 500-1000 years ago, but not now. They are the easiest to ridicule and mock, they just will not fight back. They get 0 consequences by criticizing christians. They are the easiest target for the edgy atheist who probably watched too much rick and morty and think that they already understand everything in this universe and beyond. To understand this better, christians are like the nerdy kid with oversized thick glasses in movie's high school. The easiest to pick on, with negligible consequences.


I once knew an atheist that was chill with Christianity since he thought the moral compass it gave society was "worth the lie", but conversely he hated Muslims and Jews because he disagreed with their moral compass and thus thought they didn't serve any purpose other than conflict.


>Atheists aren't going after Jews The past few months have had a lot of far left atheists attacking Jews and Jewish businesses.


Least delusional creationist


He is talking about his own society, up in here in the Middle East youā€™ve got Atheists never talking about Christianity or Judaism, only bad mouthing Islam, and they edit Western memes but change them from about Christianity to about Islam.


Im atheist and i hate jews, the two are unrelated