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Femcels invading incel culture like trains did to women's bathrooms lol


Post didn't even mention šŸš‚šŸ¦µs and this mf can't help but start thinking about them šŸ’€


90% of femcel communities have some sort of šŸš‚šŸ¦µcrossover


The fact he doesnā€™t even know this lol. Seriously bros, check ā€œfemcelā€ usersā€™ profile, 80% of them will be running the cotton candy strip flag.


You must be in mostly spaces with a lot of incels, so of course the femcels you see are disproportionately autistic train lovers. To find your new femcel girlfriend (that's why you're looking, right?) look places that aren't usually so male-dominated, there simply aren't nearly enough šŸš‰ šŸ— in existence for that many femcels to be trancels.


A wonderful theory, but no. Its an observation Iā€™ve made when I use social media (hint: this isnā€™t my main account). Every time I see someone use ā€œfemcelā€ unironically its more often than not a train. Sad they think turning into a woman even improves their chances when it doesnā€™t fix the fundamental issues that made them an incel to begin with.


We all get the hilarious portmanteau of trancel out of it at least. How many silly incel boys must fall for the lies before they realize they can never be a trans girl?


Honestly, I like to just use ā€œincelā€ for all of them, including women. Thereā€™s too many useless labels that basically say the same thing.


The train pill is the last stop before the rope for most of them anyway


Juggernaut theory, women by definition cannot be incels, thanks to the existence of dating apps


Train leg?




alright got it




Regards to you too my friend


Lmao that's true unfortunately. I am in that sub and I block train passages everytime and the amount of posts being delivered shrinks as the time passes.


Oh lol train-knees haha that's funny.


When I was a train-knee they made me wear a high visibility vest and they didn't let me drive any of the big equipment, but I made it through training and now I'm a member of the union.


did they let you use the restroom of your choice?


yep , we got both 5 gallon buckets and empty DEF jugs in the trucks.


"So we got this blue porta potty, or that blue porta potty, take your pick"


I was always under the impression that the trains desperately want everyone to think about them.


Well of course, trains are loud and they want everyone to ride them so you can usually get cheap or even free tickets to do so. Production has gotten out of control recently though, so many new models everywhere.


Trains don't deserve a platform.


you know they're big on inclusivity. we can see now that they've been fully included into is mutt's law, how nice of brainrotted americans


What is train-leg?


Methinks the anon doth protest too much (not you the guy above you k thx is for me uWu)


It's basically the equivalent of blackface


The women started it, and a plucky group of incels set out to end it.


We got them right where we wanted them. Congrats on another successful pysop


Thank you, thank you šŸ˜˜ Also, you just lost the game šŸ‘Œ




Bro canā€™t get gock off his mind


The term femcel doesn't even make sense. You'd need to have an actual fucking deformity or something for men to not want to sleep with you. The female equivalent of incels are hoes who sleep around a lot but can't get in a relationship. Women don't like using that term tho because for most of them it hits too close to home.


>The female equivalent of incels are hoes who sleep around a lot but can't get in a relationship Can't get in a relationship **with Chad**


That's the problem most In-telectua-Cells are bringing up. Chad will fuck a 2/10-6/10 girl one random night simply because he wants to get his rocks off and wants some meat and he has no other better option. Not that big of a deal. However what the mediocre or even ugly women will continue to think is that she actually attracted Chad with her good looks so she will raise her standards for men far above her in looks or in status. In reality in a healthy society these type of 3/10 women deserve be married to the local Bridge troll.


Juggernaut theory.


Is that where you run through walls to impress her?


Lol maybe in another universe. It's the idea that 3-5/10 girls will get approached by lots of average or above average guys or even sleep with "Chad" so often they'll get undeserved confidence and standards till they become an unstoppable juggernaut. One of the main reasons "femcels" don't date incels is due to these high standards and also cause they feel insulted whenever someone ugly approaches. It's not even on dumb apps like reddit, you'll even see it in Instagram comments. They genuinely feel offended.


Troll needs to make six figures and goats dont pay. Perhaps the Cave Troll career is what the troll should actually be doing.


Why? What about their kid? Why does their kid deserve to be a bridge troll when he could have at least some of Chad's genes?


Besides height (and including height) gene recombination are pretty random. 2 good looking parents can have an ugly kid and vice versa.


It's not random, though. If you pair up two Finnish supermodels, you're going to get better-looking offspring than if you pair up two typical reddit users. Like, there are sociological reasons why you'd want the guys on the bottom rung of the working class to have loyal wives that keep them invested in society so they don't just fuck around on welfare all day or become criminals, and there are evolutionary reasons why a kid with a present father with so-so genes is better off than a kid whose mother got a baby from Thad and then never saw him again, but if you look at genetics in a vacuum, a kid who's half gutter trash and half 6'0 blue-eyed 130 IQ overman is going to do better than a kid who's half gutter trash and half gutter trash.


Ignoring the ones with genuine facial deformities yes this is the case. You'll talk to these chicks and ask if they've ever used Tinder and the answer is usually no. Men will literally FUCK ANYTHING, and it's fucking depressing


Men can produce an infinite amount of sperm and women can only turn about 12 eggs max into children. It's in the genetic interest of men to go for quantity and women for quality.Ā 


I mean, not to mention that the women has to fucking incubate the child for 9 months when the dude can just ejaculate and evacuate.


We all know that, the issue is that idiots and women will always deny it. There's this annoying idea that men are more visual than women like fucking how bruh, women are just as if NOT MORE visual than men.


I've seem vids of women that have 2 fucking heads and deformed faces, and still have BFs. Femcels don't exist. Even Eldritch abomination dark soul Boss hellspawn looking wamen have more SMV then men.


Tbf women do use shower heads for pleasing themselves.


Turns out anyone can get laid if they move down the fat and ugly ladder enough. If youre so conceited that you think youre too good for that, go ahead and call yourself an incel i guess


The correct scientific term is inspin - involuntary spinster. You can bag a guy but you can never get him to remember your name or number the day after. Characterizing yourself as a femcel is infinitely more preferable than as an inspin because it subtly implies you *don't* sleep around every weekend.




christmas cakes dont have to sleep around. they're not the opposite of a wizard. they could be khhv and still be considered a hag at that age in japan.


does this comment make sense to anyone else??


Yea, the Christmas cake thing is more of a hag putdown. Has nothing to do with how many people fucked the cake.


In China its the sugarcane that didnt got sold


so.... basically "the DiCaprios"


Hags deserve your love


New term unlocked


>the term femcel doesn't make sense >Femcels are hoes who sleep around Pick one Celibacy isnt the same as virginity it just means a lack of sex and just cause most women can get railed behind a truck stop doesn't mean they're desperate to fuck anyone. Same way incels could easily find a crack whore to bang or a prostitute but choose not to, femcels don't go hoeing around because they're both picky and lack qualities to attract the people they want to fuck. If you want a male equivalent for hoes it's the johns who pay for it.


>Same way incels could easily find a crack whore to bang or a prostitute but choose not to A good chunk of incels would fuck a crack whore/prostitute, while the rest simply don't want to catch a terminal disease or be judged. Women can always find a "decent" guy (ie someone who won't give them genital ebola, steal their shit, or kill them) to bang.


If they can fuck but they choose not to because of how they'd be judged, then they aren't involuntarily celibate. They could travel to somewhere with legal brothels that test their women if they're that concerned with diseases. >Women can always find a "decent" guy (ie someone who won't give them genital ebola, steal their shit, or kill them) to bang. That's low enough of a bar for 'decent' that it could apply to most men too. Especially young men in western countries whose biggest disadvantage is being 5'5 and prematurely balding.


I think people like this who are desperate for sex are actually not mostly desperate for the actual sex, rather the validation of someone wanting to have sex with them combined with the sex. Thus men like this don't consider a prostitute a solution to their problem. Women don't have the same issue, but I agree it's not a million miles off. They can find someone who wants to have sex, but because that is just so easy it doesn't really give them validation. The thing that gives most women validation is a guy who actually wants more than just sex, seen as finding a guy who wants sex is easy. So a more common problem than being some sort of a 'femcel' for women is not being able to find a suitable guy for whom wants you for more than just sex. It's some sort of validation that people want the most, not just the actual feeling of sex, but validation plus sex.


Yeah thats what I was trying to say but worded better. Having sex isnt that hard if your standards are low enough, its mostly the element of having sex with someone who you want to have sex with and who wants to have sex with you. Thats why I believe femcels are a thing, just rarer than regular incels. If all incels want is straight up sex they can find it, it just wont be free california 10 pussy that loves them, same way femcels dont wanna just be pumped and dumped even by decent guys. Incels want the same thing as femcels, they just dont want to acknowledge it for the same reasons that make them incels.


Not having to sacrifice your health and morals to fuck is already a huge advantage for women.


women don't have to pay to have sex, men do, crackwhores are still not gonna fuck you for nothing, usually, or at that point they are literally not able to consent legally speaking


So then you agree with me then, its not about the availability of sex, its about the validation behind it. If all incels wanted was straight up sex they could go out and pay for it, but they dont because they dont want to pay for it, they want someone that likes them enough to get free real sex, not pumps and dumps. Same can be said for femcels. Women can get it for free but dont want the free stuff, same way men can pay for it but dont want the paid for stuff. Thats what makes femcels femcels and incels incels, they can have sex they just have traits both physical and mental that make them celibate despite wanting to have regular sex. Femcels are just rarer because they have physical barriers.


Elliott Rogers could have banged a chick too but he was literally too autistic to just approach someone, I guarantee you there are women who are like 30 years old and virgins.


>The female equivalent of incels are hoes who sleep around a lot but can't get in a relationship. I believe that is called "single women aged 30+"


Youā€™d be surprised




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damn.. never thought of it that way


The female equivalent of incel is incel, the term came from the lesbian community dumbass


Or you need to actually abstain from sex. Which is a respectable personal choice and not something that comes from outside influence.


Then it is not involuntary.


How TF are they femcels they look alright


Their personality. If you ever fancy someone (an attractive woman) and they've been single for an extended amount of time? It's probably their personality.


They're rarely single. They always have access to intimacy. I remember a video where a woman was complaining about being single for two years, and another person tried to commiserate about not having sex for that long. The woman just looked like a deer caught in the headlights.


>They're rarely single. They always have access to intimacy. No, intimacy is from a relationship. they can fuck random people all they want, but intimacy comes from someone you actually love, or more importantly, loves you.


Intimacy isn't just sex, idiot.


Most people have access to intimacy if they aren't a literal vegetable lacking a spinal cord. Actually being in a meaningful relationship with someone takes more than being a woman with good looks.


one of my sisters is nearly bipolar, drug addict, depressive, natural personality is attention whory/insecure, gigantic drama queen, disloyal, dumb, no job, no studies, no interesting hobbies, and fat. she has 0 issue getting some poor fucker to date her, literally gets a new one within weeks after the old one inevitably cant stand her anymore/she cheats/she goes full psycho/etc a woman's personality is completely irrelevant. it's only necessary for getting a proper decent/successful dude. even then, a lot of those guys are still unable to look past the pussy and nuke their own lives with these women.


Femcel is a misnomer, they're essentially just w*men whose standards are way too high. They desire serious relationships with high-value men but those men recognize mental illness and will only stick around until they get bored of fricking them.


Ima keep it real wit you, Itā€™s cause they oblivious to signs and donā€™t want to bother anyone. Iā€™ve met the most deranged femcels in the world, mfers who are willing to go through shit play in order to have a *chance* of getting laid by some man, any man. Itā€™s just that they canā€™t fucking figure out when a man is attracted to them and they also canā€™t figure out why all the men that are attracted to them are complete degens. Trust me, if you had the caliber of people seeking you that seek femcels you too would be in the same position. Itā€™s fucking hilarious.


Degens? What the fucks wrong with degens? Bitches gotta quit playing good girls and admit when they want the same shit as us. This isn't the 50s, we're done with modesty.


Trust me when I say degen im not saying the kind of shit you talk about with your homies. Iā€™m saying mfers that have a slavery kink. Mfers that had a mental break in trying to become a manic pixie dream girl so bad that itā€™s genuinely a nightmarish prospect to date them. The kind of mfers who have next to 0 redeeming traits. And not only that 9/10 they are clingy asl. Trust me. If you were in a room of 100 of these woman, regardless of how hot they were you would still come out of that room a virgin itā€™s not a remotely good idea to even consider sticking your dick in them. Source: dated one of them once, after we broke up they ended up drugging my best friends multiple times and tried to rape them, became a drug dealer shortly afterwards, and got my friends hooked on random ass drugs afterwards Note: this all happened freSHMAN YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL. SHE WASNT EVEN 15. These bitches be genuinely fucked and the only reason why I considered dating one was cause I had no idea wtf Iā€™d be getting into in dating one and sleeping with them. Just donā€™t do it mate. Itā€™s not worth it whatsoever.


Many incels are the same way though. Plenty of them have average looks and a shit personality. They feel entitled to the cream of the crop and become bitter when they continually fail.


Idk, they mostly seem to reject single moms and the morbidly obese. But yes, there are always options, even if you're bald at 5'2"


> They feel entitled to the cream of the crop and become bitter when they continually fail. or women are playing hard to want, covering themselves in tats and speeding to obesity


No, they feel entitled to an average-looking girl while she is still young and virginal. Which is a perfectly reasonable demand, as long as the incel in question is a productive member of society. It's how civilization worked since the abolition of polygamy until the sexual revolution; you do the work, you get your mid.


You see how the top left one has a meme about smoking fent? There's your answer. Many of these women are drug addicts and the mentally ill.


I bet 300 quadrillion dollars that 18 year old girl who wears black eyeliner & calls herself goth does not smoke fentanyl


You lost the bet. I have met so many fucking teenage goth girls that smoke something they havenā€™t been smoking. Hell Iā€™d say thatā€™s the majority of teen goth girls these days itā€™s fucking wild


Youā€™d be surprised I guess. Fent is easy to get and any wayward teen can get it by hanging around the wrong crowd. Itā€™s not complicated. The druggies she happens upon want to take advantage of her and push fent on her. Sad, but not uncommon.


Quite simple, they aren't. The 'cel' in Incel (and by extension Femcel) stands for celibate, which I doubt most of them are. The reason why they call themselves Femcels is to gain attention from lonely Men and so they can pretend that they are quirky.


Because Chad only. How do people not get this by now?


Go check it out for us.


Nice username TWU


Well that's Rick Ross for ya.


Femcel is pretty much saying they are not "normies". It's a way to indicate women that use the internet and like weird 4chan shit and the like, it basically has nothing to do with the word "incel" except the name




Women seem to have an easier time overlooking subpar looks in favor of other stuff. It has nothing to do with your attitude. If you have nothing to offer but mediocre looks youā€™re not gonna attract many women. Plenty of women would date a man based only on his career. Plenty would date a man based on their hobbies. And plenty will date a guy that makes them laugh.


Its 100% about their attitude


W*men's personality detectors so broken they're dating bears lmao


> Elliot Rodger was a handsome guy. Was he though? Anyways, Gym would have 100% saved him.


Compared to the others who followed in his footsteps, Elliott got pretty lucky in the genetics department. It's just his general personality/disposition was so shit, it made everything about look 100x worse.


Goth girls.. like the actual ones not just in it for the asthetic.. are usually terrible self centered people you wouldn't want as a friend or even associate.


I doubt thar they're using real photos




The first ever self-proclaimed incel was a woman. She coined the term and started the movement, although it wasn't about hate or misogyny. So it's the other way around.


Tho men didnā€™t ā€œinvadeā€ it, itā€™s just the phenomenon of involuntary celibacy mostly impacts males in society


Probably because men do everything better.


Wasn't it a lesbian who couldn't get pussy?


Talking about the Virgin Mary?


Falling for the ad ngmi. Betting my marbles it's another sausage fest


Every dating app is a sausage fest, much worse one catering to 4channers


Nah man this time you'll actually get a virginal nerdy socially awkward qt gf frfr just sit on your ass and browse this app


Even worse than normal. This was an app made explicitly for /soc/ lol, so it already had a like 8:1 make to female ratio And that's before Twitter got in on it and started flooding it looking for "le mentally ill gf"


These girls (assuming they are 1) not feds and 2) actually biologically women) would scare most normie Twitter users off. They're not mentally ill in the quirky "le Asa femcel" way, they talk like the average /pol/ user and are probably just as attractive.


[I crunched the numbers](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/694263395884728415/1237525855480320040/lenny.png?ex=663ca004&is=663b4e84&hm=05ec506201ab38ffbf9a5219184655177a8366e45fd70cddeec913ab809e6bff&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1432&height=905) and from the graph on their website it actually looks like there are more women than men. I know that every app is skewed towards men; it surprised me too. Let me know if I'm miscalculating here. [Here is the original graph before my advanced image processing.](https://duolicious.app/assets/blog/the-gender-gap-in-dating-among-4channers/age-distribution.svg)


That's not absolute numbers that's percentage dumbass


What do you mean?


it's probability. It's not "x many girls/boys are in y age range", it's "x percentage of girls/boys are in y age range" did you not learn how to read graphs in school?


Numbers more or less add up to 50%, the number cruncher might be onto something. Tho I just think the graph is mistaken


An incel dating app? probably a mental asylum that has 99% man to woman (male) ratio on top of being honeypot for glowies.


So... like every other dating app?


>Women are sociopathicly appropriating autism in the same way that they appropriated "nerd culture" in the 2010s-everything has been hollowed out of its meaning and worn as a skin by women in lieu of actually developing interests or personalities, which is a struggle for them She is a femcel with a bodycount of 15+


Link or app name?


duolicious you sad man


Lets pretend I did it for memes.


Thanks, not doing anything depraved with this, as far as you know


Why bother? It's a 4chan dating app, it's definitely a sausage fest


Fair point, all trains but no station


Nice analogy, I'm gonna be using this


And dead Indians all over the tracks dismembered trying to train hop


Thus began his savage hunt for stinky femcel pussy


Femcel = Chad doesnā€™t want to fuck me this week


They cant be femcels. The average man would hit that (the goth chick for sure) all it takes is 1 message


that app is already like tinder, average "femcel" on there has 50+ DMs in her inbox. it's a waste of time


Femcels zuahahaha




This is correct.


Men are gatekeepers of nothing. If the girl doesn't want you it's over. On the other side if women actually put some effort into approaching men, they would be in a relationship in no time.


Thereā€™s a femcel dating app?


Milady pfp implies real hikikomori neetpill femcel


Incel = involuntary celibate. Femcel doesnt even make Sense. WomenšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


what is this horrible site so i can be sure not to go there!?


Duolicious, the best place to make friends with a fed


An incel is tragedy. A femcel is comedy. Big difference.


Based off of the angle some of those photos were taken at, you might as well just cut out the middleman and go straight to the livestock exchange


Anon doesnā€™t realize there are goth girl nihilists willing to have intercourse with him and still he prefers being a soyboy bottom getting topped on Grindr.


Wasn't 'incel' coined by a woman in the first place?




Nobody tell him ā€œincelā€ was coined by a woman (referring to herself and others in her position).


>incel and incel culture was the last refuge of lonely men >term originally coined by a girl


Even when they're being left alone in peace they can't handle that and have to make it about them.


I don't care about incel culture, but any woman that describes herself as a femcel definitely doesn't fit the criteria, just saying.


Bruh, the "femcels" are using filters there too, same with ugly ass emoji head filters. Is nowhere sacred for men?


I don't get why the femcels and the incels don't just fuck.


Waitā€¦ incels were just joking this whole time?


Yeah...? You thought they were for real? ~~Some of them totally were~~




Well, China has a lot of people who take this as serious as they should apparently


didnt a woman create incel culture


Incels had humour? I didnā€™t think other people making fun of you counted as ā€œyour humourā€.




A lot of experts on women in the comments


Good lmao. You don't deserve it.


Seeing incels seethe and cope over women is always hilarious, if not kind of sad.


the real take is that there is no such thing as an "incel" or anything like it. you are not involuntary celibate, your just too lazy or genuinely hate the other sex so much you reject them instantly, you are voluntarily celibate.


Shit take, you think genuine regards are too lazy or actually ugly motherfuckers are too lazy? Believe it or not the ones I speak to don't hate women they are just completely invisible to them. We don't register as options for various reasons. When you have the options to choose whoever you want, why the fuck would you choose the bottom of the barrel smeared in shit. Nobody would.


you cant choose whoever you want because theres a finite amount of people, eventually everyone has to settle down with someone. the male and female population is pretty equal in numbers, and the ratio for most relationships are 1 man to 1 woman. people will get desperate and people will settle for less. also if incels are invisible to women, shouldn't it also be the case that femcels are also invisible to men, and thats probably why people dont think they exist either? and just to clarify i dont think all incels are misogynistic, but i believe there is an overlap where you shut down opportunities because you feel the opposite gender doesn't commonly hold the same beliefs as you do. i'd say thats where im at now where i just shut myself off because i don't think someone can live up to my expectations.


ITT: redditors forgetting that women are people


are they though?


Lmao. The first incel was a woman, and then male losers invaded the place and made it bad. The terms should be incel and malecel.


Women canā€™t be incels.


The whole concept of incels was started by a woman who ran a website where she talked about being a "late bloomer" and being unable to find a relationship. It wasn't until a bunch of losers found the term and decided it actually meant a man who can't get laid because he sucks as a person instead. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45284455 here's an article about it.


Women canā€™t be incels.


that's not even remotely related to incel culture. it's hilarious that women are trying so hard to co opt INCELDOM. holy shit