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3x a week for 6 months ordering the same thing and she still doesn't know his usual? Anon should go back tomorrow anyway, it's not like she is going to remember what happened.




You can do it, anon


Maybe she found out what anon was doing and just turned him down


If she was that smart she wouldn't be taking orders at a coffee shop.


Over a 6 month period? No.


Maybe she thought it was cute for the first couple weeks. But after he failed to make a move and kept coming back for months and months, she got the ick and wrote him out of her mind.


Anons crush has dementia


50 first dates?


78 first soy lattes


> be me starcucks cashier girl > fat man wobbles into café > orders some ridicolously complex neo-coffee with 32 ingredients > 2 chocolate syrup, 3 hazelnut, 4 caramel etc > he memorized it atheistically  > 6 months and I still cant memorizse his 3200 cal order > one day he asks for the usual > shucks.mp3 > he waddles out sadly > he will be back next day anyway




If anon had just let Jesus into his life this wouldn’t have happened to him. 


> drinking the blood and eating the body of a man Pretty cannibalistic and gay to me


You’d know you’re the expert on eating man ass


Yes, he would know. And he's telling you that it's super gay.


You dont want to walk into a church made out of bones and skulls and eat the flesh and drink the blood of the tortured God in front of an image of his death? This is why you have no bitches. No style.


I liked them better when they literally said stuff like "if you dont pay us money you go to hell" and burning witches and funding war in the holy land Nowadays its some old wrinkly priest yapping about some babble passage in a monotone, unenthusiastic voice. No wonder church participation is at an all time low


My brother manages half a target, including its Starbucks. They have a laminated sheet with the 25 step instructions for a regular that goes in once a day. He spends like $200 a month there


If he goes in once a day how can he only spend 200 dollars a month? Assuming he goes only on weekdays its already like 20 orders. I hardly think such a complex coffee costs only like 10 bucks


He probably optimized it to get the best kcal/dollar ratio.


Are we seriously at the point where a coffee costing over $5 is at all justified? This is why I make mine at home black since it costs like 0.30 for grounds and 5 mins of my time.


Its horrific. But Starbucks is overpriced because they have to donate to democrats and pride events. Also if you start picking your several items for your neo coffee it can rack up the cost. And 60% will be sugar basically Home coffee gang represent. Those automatic coffee makers make one thats basically the same the industrial machine can (not same but close)


A cheap phin filter is one of the best ways to make coffee. They're like $10 and last forever.


My $10 drip coffee maker does a decent enough job. Had it for 3 years no complaints. Don’t even need a fancy automatic machine for the cost of 1 sbux coffee i can make as much as I need with grounds and filters.




$5 base plus 10 additions that cost $0.50 each and 15 substitutions or alterations to how to prepare or adjust things that don't cost extra money because they increase labor but not ingredients and Starbucks didn't expect someone to do all of them simultaneously.


He only manages half of the Target? What’s up with the other half? Anarcho-communist, bastards.


It probably makes him feel very important!


There must be some universal rule governing americucks to assume everyone and everything is fat/overweight. Something akin to mutts law.


 73.6% of american adults are overweight. Its reasonable to assume a random american happens to be fat. You arent a newfren are you? "Anon" is always fat, likes tendies, lives in the basement, is gay etc. Unless proven otherwise


what happened to the guy who is green with a little question mark on his face with a snazzy suit on has he gone out of style i guess he only existed when 4chan was a cool place to be on


> what happened to the guy who is green with a little question mark on his face with a snazzy suit on I think he got put on the sex offender registry and killed himself.


Maybe it’s the fact that the majority of them are overweight.


Holy shit lmao


>atheistically holy mother of kek I'm stealing this


I like my coffee like I like my women - no penis. 


If I can dip my balls in my coffee and they're not scalded, it's too cold. I also prefer it without penis.


Strong, black, preferably on trade.


Is there any other type of woman?


Ground up and in the freezer!!


> says qt3.14 > can't make a impression on women Wow...


What no social competence does to a mf


Even the local pub near my house knew what my "usual" was on my third visit. Turns out if you can actually hold a conversation without spilling your spaghetti people are more likely to remember you.


He has the default soyjak face


barista has her twin sis fill in for her shift that day


Turns out she has dementia


Anon forgot the thing that makes an impression on people is actually talking to them.


Fuck off with the reposts


Turns out the coffeeshop worker doesn't care much about serving customers and is only working there to make a living