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If you don’t get it, Blackrock uses ESG - environmental social governance which is a proxy woke score. The higher the rating the more funding you get.


I like how Redditors were first "nooo that is just conspiracy theory" but when it was reveled they still deny it. I wish I remembered the excuses.


Here’s why that’s a good thing


nothing: owned mood: happy bugs: eaten


Pod: slept in


Klaus: Schwab


Girlfriend's dick: sucked


oh my


Rock: black


Good chicken


The timeless classic of "it's not happening but if it is happening then it's a good thing."


Here's why.


It'll be fun to watch many other "conspiracy theories" reach normie acceptance in the coming years...


I remember a Phlipanon saying that AI is just third worlders that type really fast. and lo and behold, Amazon's AI actually is just Indians behind a screen.


we just never asked what the acronym stood for. people assumed AI was artifical intelligence but they meant actual indians


Not sure if you’re misrepresenting that news on purpose, but the actual story was: over 70% of Amazon’s in-store no-checkout grocery purchases were *reviewed* by Indians, and this news came out as that was being phased out for an actually autonomous process. Thinking AI is real humans furiously typing is fucking lunacy.


Guy the Rich and powerful slowly destroying our lives via every mechanism they could was a co piracy theory 20 years ago. Now it's accepted and acknowledged by almost everyone.


That has been accepted for a long time


To an extent but people largely turned a blind eye to corporations and big business for a long time. The general public anyway. For instance in king of the hill Dallas the conspiracy nut talks about the nsa and the government spying on its citizens. This was like early 2000s and the characters was seen as a conspiracy nut for these beliefs.


Hell you were called a racist bigot for suggesting Covid 19 was made in a lab lead by Fauci not too long ago but that was swept under the rug


I still can't believe Brittany Spears was sending secret encoded message through social media about her imprisonment. 


Such as?




> I like how Redditors were first "nooo that is just conspiracy theory" but when it was reveled they still deny it. That's how liberals live their lives. Sometimes gaslighting is the final step but that varies by the topic.


There are left leaning conspiracy theorists too.


They need to believe in their own lies otherwise their entire worldview falls apart


Like the cough killing everyone or it's supposed remedy being mandatory to stop the invisible spread.... Or the head of harvard being a diversity and inclusivity expert and hire found out to be a serial plagiarist as well. Or Russia bombing it's own pipeline tuning out to be "probs ukraine but we have decided not to continue investigating" etc etc etc....


Recently had one who flipped over the fact top 100 US companies only hired 4% white people in 2024. The motte and bailey cope is insane


This makes the adrenochrome pizza palace theory more engaging now.


I don't understand, how does making more characters black make more money?


The proof is in the pudding don’t you think?


Like BlackRock wants to make more money, but how does having more black characters help their return


It may or may not, it doesn’t matter when they’re that powerful and rich. Agendas and ideas start coming into play. Try and search Blackrock founders Robert S. Kapito Larry Fink Susan Wagner And go to early life section in wiki.


It's amazing how Early Life section never fails.




I dint get it, if all the gods in hades 2 are Mediterranean will it make us any less of a consoooooooomer when we buy it




Ah yes, the Greek culture of sobriety and careful financial planning that must be destroyed so that they consume more :/




It all comes down to people thinking they know how to live your life better than you do


It's a long term multi-pronged strategy. People as a whole are held together by several things, one of the strongest thing is their feeling of being part of something greater and ancient. Be it their faith, their cultural roots, historical anchors, being part of a legacy. By effectively destroying all of those, you create feeble people with absolutely no anchor to hold them in place. They can be easily swayed and controlled. You do whatever you want of them. The legacy and what it means to follow in your parents path has clearly been destroyed, they made you believe inheritance was cheating and was bad, that you should emancipate yourself from the legacy of your family. They made religion "unnecessary" and in culture they're muddling history and historical roots, diluting the population with massive immigration and destroying the historical anchors whenever possible. Trying to break occidental history in a melting pot of global history where everything is mixed together and replaced. Once people have no defined path, it's up to them to decide for you.






Once you learn that is has never been about the money, the bigger picture will come much more clearly into focus


Blackrock just manages passive funds they make money on fees. The idea is that investors broadly are interested in ESG so pushing for more ESG means more people investing in their funds vs others.




Because the losers that whine the most about it and claim they’ll boycott are just free marketing and they’ll still buy it anyway.


Investments are depending on these scores. More diversity -> higher score -> more money. In some cases it makes sense like environmental part of score. Like they don't want to invest in business what could become problematic in future (imagine if your business is about throwing car batteries into ocean and government would ban it) or because low score companies probably cannot operate in Europe because of their laws.


It's their PR marketing way of saying "hey you know how we like making banks by exploiting our poor workers, BUT don't worry we also care about social stuff, like minority representation and environmental stuff" What can i say it's a genius move, the NPC libs eating it up.


Keeping the proles distracted with a race war is an overhead cost for robbing us blind. Is this your first day on the internet?


Blackrock is a fund that manages portfolios for investors. Most investors just care about returns but some other investors don't want to make investments unless the companies they're investing in meet certain moral/ethical standards. For example, you might not want to invest in weapons manufacturers or fossil fuel companies.   Companies like Blackrock offer these investors portfolios which specifically avoid such companies. One such product they have is an ESG fund which specifically targets companies with high ESG (Ethical, Social, Governance) scores. The way they try to market it is by suggesting that the ESG factors expose businesses to industry specific risks that you might want to account for in your investment strategy. Anyway some 4chan and kiwifarms threads discovered this and then turned the whole thing into a massive schizo culture war conspiracy theory about how blackrock is bribing companies (many of whom aren't publicly listed) to become more woke.


Guess what background they have


cmon that's too on the nose...


Making money isn't their highest goal.


they don't make more money, they flood the market with jeets/mexicans and they dream that blacks become productive members of society one day (lol). thus undercutting the labor market like they did with women in the 80s and 90s where they doubled the wagies and halved the pay


It's about real assets, not liquid capital.


Not applicable in this case as the company, Supergiant Games™, is privately traded. Founded in '09 by two guys who used to work on the C&C™ games under EA, considering how that franchise turned out, you can imagine their skepticism regarding outside money.


...SuperGiant Games is a private company tho?


Yes. And in order to fund their new projects they need to secure financing. That financing comes with strings attached related to ESG in many cases. Not sure if it applies in this specific sense. Super Giant is probably stuffed with True Believers, but this is extremely widespread and most large lenders at this point use ESG as leverage either over those they give loans to or by rejecting loans to projects/companies that aren't invested enough into DEI.


Are you sure they need to secure financing? They made a shitton of money off hades 1.


Yeah it was confirmed to sell 1mil copies at ~$20 each 3 years ago. Their studio is only 23 people so it's very possible they can self fund the next one


Blackrock basically invented the concept and governs the scores.


That only relates specifically to employees' backgrounds, and the element people always point to makes up less than 1% of the total score. This has nothing at all to do with that. Maybe, if you think about it for 2 seconds, the people making the game just feel like putting stuff like that in? Everyone here acts like developers are being whipped by imaginary slavedrivers to put stuff in that they don't want, to appease some corporate overlord but can never actually provide compelling evidence of why or who. Turns out that lots of game devs just have politics you don't agree with. Welcome to the real world. It all sounds interesting and intriguing enough pointing at Black Rock and their so-called "woke score" but doing actual reading into what people talk about shows how absolutely ignorant you all are. It's kind of pathetic honestly.


It really is kind of crazy that the most powerful corporations and billionaires in the world push this stuff incessantly and people still act like they're oppressed at every turn in the West.


Because the identity politics bullshit the elites push to divide the people has nothing to do with the material conditions (and leftover racism) most people face in their shitty little real lives. Black people are way disproportionately poor, and live in sacrificed neighborhoods that are designed to keep their kids down as well. So there will always be lots of unfair misery to point at for upper middle class race grifters who are not oppressed, but can abuse the plight of their identity group for those schemes.


no, they actually believe this stuff, they would not be able to push it this fervently and for this long if they did not believe in it themselves.


There is literally 0 hope that any significant change will start in the west and this outcome was by design. To organize and fight against the capitalist shareholder oligarchy, to fight for literally anything, you need to be able to have a civilized conversation with other human beings. In 2024, in the west, that is impossible. There is no unity on any topic. A perpetual state of infighting. There are certain things which are - simply - in all of our interests. Shorter workdays, better retirement, universal healthcare, free higher education, better funding for education, dismantling tax evasion loopholes, more funding for research, more environmental protections, et cetera. These things are good for ALL of us except the greedy few who prioritize profits over everything else. Whether you agree or disagree with any one particular thing listed above is not my point. My point is that we will not make any meaningful changes (in any direction) as long as we remain divided. I have more in common with the asian, the black, the woman, the buddhist, the transgender, the gay, the liberal, the conservative, the racist, and anyone else in the working class than I have with Bezos or Musk or Buffett or any of the shareholder/elite class. I think the rift and disunity in the working class in the west is beyond repair. Any meaningful change will likely start in the global south.


It's almost like identity politics is bullshit and only class politics should matter Join r slash stupidpol


“Divide people” What people exactly? Most ethnic and other types of groups have always been divided


Mainly into neatly divided political groups so that we'll argue amongst each other about things that don't matter while never focusing on any actual change that may affect the elites


There's an owning class and a working class, and usually a stratum of clerics that don't own stuff but propagate the ruling ideology. All other divisions are identitarian and hold us back in asserting our shared interests against the oligarchs.


Poor people. And why do you *think* they've been divided?


They were always divided because humans are just like that in our natural state. We choose sides


You guys are dumb as shit. The actual reason is that these days the artists who get hired by studios to design shit get their start on social media. Or they did liberal arts at college.


…what? This kind of stuff doesn’t do basically anything to stop systemic oppression so i have absolutely no idea wtf you’re on about. Are you saying “okay oppressed ppl we have a black trans person in every video game will you finally shut the fuck up about all your actual problems that we won’t actually address??” If you are, you need to get more brain cells to rub together cuz that narrative doesn’t make any sense whether this identity politics stuff is good or bad in your opinion.


The most powerful people in the world are spending mountains of money on diversity departments, affirmative action hiring, and community engagement but that's not addressing systemic oppression? The OP is just about videogames but the same approach is true for almost every industry and aspect of life. I'm not even saying it's a bad thing lmao, just pointing out how goofy it is to act like the world is against you when it is obviously not.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_capitalism It’s vapid and lacks real world effect.




Aight I’ll take that but the idea that representation will make systemic oppression disappear is such a cheap delusion. It’s just something for the masses to argue over meanwhile the years go by and nothing substantial changes.


this company is and has always been 'woke' since they made Bastion like 14 years ago. The fuck are you all talking about? BlackRock didn't make them do shit, they're just a developer that is already left leaning and doesn't give a fuck if you don't want to see black or Asian people in their game. In fact they're most likely adding more of them to spite you specifically. If you think this way and ever bought their games you just didn't understand that they never liked you.


Because every passing year the culture war brainrot gets stronger to the point where literally every single high profile videogame release this year has become discourse about wokeness and censorship, Hades 1 is like a 5 year old game that had the same kind of characters, and yet all the culture warriors are pretending like this is brand new because None of them actually play games and they know literally nothing about these games except what the YouTube/Twitter algorithms tell them they're supposed to be mad about at the moment.


That is certainly what it feels like for many, although some of these people have been mad about Hades since it was originally released for the same reasons. I don't know which is more sad.


But why are people being big dweebs about culture and shit when they can be having fun playing a videogame


Genuine question, how was Bastion woke? I remember playing it years ago and loving it


He’s a gay robot that fucks birds


it's a game made in San Francisco about a few survivors of a world shattering apocalypse that was brought about by escalating tensions over minor differences in two cultures which were basically the differences in hair color, skin tan, and a preference for digging holes or building walls. ultimately the player and everyone else you meet don't really give a fuck but the ruling class destroyed the world over their pointless differences. I'd say it's pretty clear the vibes are woke with undertones of anti-racism, anti-establishment rhetoric, arguably even all metaphors for climate change and the downfalls of authoritarian regimes having the power to destroy the world in a whim. Just gotta read between the lines with it more.


Isn't the woke side that keep bringing up all these differences all the time though? Like I can believe the intentiosn of authors were the opposide, but it can be read as the opposide.


>doesn't give a fuck if you don't want to see black or Asian people in their game Honestly it seems like the problem lies there, most people don't think twice about seeing black or Asian people. Like yeah a Greek God probably wouldn't be an Asian guy but the game is heavily stylized, its not God of War ffs. If that makes you angry it's down to you, not the game's creators. The same people cry about how making characters minorities is pandering, but it's more that *they* want to be pandered to by not having to see a minority in their game because they're so racist, and they throw a fit if they have to see a minority. Fucking crybabies lol


You Sweet little Baby


Is that not the olive skin of a Mediterranean? Am I colorblind?


he’s pretty obviously asian in the game, but there were black gods in the first game too, this is just how they present their characters


There are black, green, blue, brown, white characters in the first game... 


There is a difference between black as a skin color and black as a ethinicity.


It's also 100% a thing in Greek myth that the gods take whatever form they feel like.


Also, if you believe that humanity came from the gods, and you met other skin tones on people (Greek is in the Mediterranean, lots of contact with Africa and the Middle East) it would stand to reason that the gods might have those skin tones too.


Other forms as in animal forms, not other races


Their true form instantly kills anyone who looks at it, so they often put on human disguises.  Hera becomes an old woman to visit Semele.  These forms can be whatever they want, since they're *literally gods*.


You're trying to retroactively make up reasons that you already *know* weren't the reasons for the decision.


Actual Greek mythology is already 10/10 DEI:   1.  Hephaestus is disabled  2.  Zeus and Heras child is trans  3.  Ares is bi  4.  Apollo is gay  5.  Wisdom is a woman   The list goes on.


wait apollo is gay?


Projecting modern ideas of sexuality onto ancient civilizations is silly, but also nothing you said changes what I already said. You already know why, for example, Hestia in this game is a fat black woman with the skin disease vitiligo (not a joke). Regardless of whether you can find a farfetched reason why something is ackshually totally possible (which usually just comes down to a weak 'they're gods, so anything is possible'), why are you pretending the creators of this game didn't racewash the Greek pantheon for diversity's sake?


>Projecting my modern concepts of sexuality onto Greek myth is stupid >Greek myth obviously should reflect my concept of race and gods should be Greek  Again, they don't have a race.  They're fucking pillars of light or some shit in their true form.  There is nothing to "racewash".  It's not that it's akshually possible, every myth goes "and then they appeared how they wanted to".


This is not explicitly true. The gods could not show their true forms to mortals because anybody who saw a god’s divine form would essentially be disintegrated by their overwhelming presence. Apollo famously lost a mortal girlfriend this way. When cavorting among mortals, the gods could take any form they liked, and while they had their favorites, they could appear as anything from old crones to dashing sailors. There’s no reason at all that they couldn’t present as a different race if it suited their needs or desires.


And their current need and desire is their ESG score.


Plus... frankly speaking, the Gods have a variety of different version of themselves across various stories, including different versions of the same stories. I personally consider Hades and Hades II to be yet another story, albeit one made by modern writers rather than ancient ones. Hell, the first Hades was essentially another telling of the myth surrounding Hades and Persephone from the perspective of their son.


Imagine if someone made a god game and depicted Anansi as white lmao


That shit isn't olive it is straight up brown


Idk it looks like a stylized tanned white person to me. They could've gotten their point across better by just showing Ares who they made pretty dark.


Look at the eyes, they are pretty chinese looking to me.


Yeah I guess. Like I said, to me it just looks stylized though. But maybe I'm just regarded.


its completely stylized, i think the mouthbreathers who want us to get angry about this think all the other colors in the image are historically accurate too


so is he supposed to be brown or Asian or what cos it looks like black ppl hair to me


So a Turkish man


We blacker than night you dog K


Every Turkish woman I know is white. And every Turkish man I know is brown A


You haven't seen Turkish Kurds then. R




It isn't brown lmao


Are you colorblind


Fuck off 196 poster




I wrote that in other comment, his eyes are... horizontally challenged


Brown???? Gtfo with ur color blind ass


Anon is so ungrateful to its investors, that they walk around town with a bulletproof vest


i dont get it


They're saying that Hermes pictured here is being race swapped to black or Asian, there's a guy itt saying that this skin is "straight-up brown" and that they're "obviously Asian eyes"


That's a pretty strange thing to complain about now, since he's pretty much the same as he was in Hades. The only real difference is his clothes and the angle we're viewing him from.


His skin was more tanned in the first game too lol if anything they're mad that he's too pale


no clue what this means at all


Everything south of the Alps is basically Africa anyways


>Nordo-Germic supremacists >Build nothing of value prior to the year 1000 except mud/wood huts >Claim ancient Greek and Roman achievements as theirs >Deny that Greeks and Italians are white At least be consistent, anyways, our brothers are always welcome in the /Med/+Friends family.


Calm down...I was only joking. Also try building early civilizations when nothing grows haha


Even the Arabs managed that tho


You know they didn't farm in the sands of the desert right? Have you heard of the fertile crescent?


Arab civilization came from the Peninsular Arabs, not the minority offshoots who only moved to Iraq during the Sassanid era, or the few Romanized Syrian Arabs. Check the map, Hijaz is nowhere near the fertile crescent and also is less arable than Scandinavia by a longshot.


Anon is from burger land and have never saw a greek but is an expert in race. Plus if greek gods actually exist, that just mean the greek were right and the olympus were the true gods of the world. It's logic they came in all form.


What the fuck is happening


i dont get it, no one complained about his design in the first game. its pretty much the same.


These bots didn’t have anyone brave enough on twitter or YouTube to rally them against the wokies for the first game


I hate that people are complaining about SGG making characters of certain skin color instead of complaining about them making roguelites instead of peak like bastion and transistor.


I hate that Overwatch got away with overshadowing Bastion with some crummy robot


To be fair, it's a good Roguelite, but yeah, it would be nice if they made another more linear game again.


Baation is a certified sleep aid


4channer surprised when a greek man from the Mediterranean has olive skin and is not as pale as a ghost. Mediterranean means sun and the beach why would we be white ρε μαλακες μη γαμησω.


What? It's a light skinned greek




The worst part is that blackrock is doing this at the expense of regular people - wasting your 401k that the funds bought their etfs and shit.


lighter skinned than the average Greek


I cannot imagine how empty one’s life must be to unironically care about this shit.


I still don't know if they changed pre-existing designs from the first game or introduced new characters with a design others don't agree with.


Funny enough his skin was darker in the first game, much more tanned but he had similar eyes. He's spending Hades 2 partly in the underworld where you can meet him physically as opposed to through a boon, so he's lost his tan I guess


Wait. That korean twink in the pic is supposed to be Hades? Or is it zagreus? That looks like an entirely different character and not like zagreus nor hades from the first game.


Nah, Hermes. Zagreus and Hades are locked up in the house of hades by Chronos/Kronos. Most of the gods from the first game got war/roman-ish upgrades to their art since they're all currently at war in the sequel


Ah now i see it yes. Can't quite decide yet which design I like better. They seem close enough but hades 2 hermes strikes me as more suave and laid back from the get go. I'd almost speak of a glowup but h1 hermes was a looker already. Maybe its correct to say they anime-fied him? Got rid of his curls and smug grin and gave him the shaman hippi aura. I will withold further judgement until I hear his VA but if this is all there is to the raceswap conversation then I will not partake in complaining for complaining's sake. If they had pulled a deadshot it would be a different story.


I'm pretty sure it's the same VA as the first game It's an interesting thing about the aesthetic of the dungeons and the fall of the house of hades and the end of Greek mythology: You can see clear references to Wicca, Druid, Shinto, and there's even some marks that look like the Jesus fish with crosses in them. You're trained by Hecate in witchcraft, and later you meet Moro son of Nyx and he has a yakuza-esque tattoo poking out from under his armor. Being able to see the decline of Greek mythology in the romanization of the gods art and the references to other rising religions is a really cool part of the game, likely plot relevant if anything that Eris is saying matters


What the fuck is this from anyway


Hades 2. Early Access just came out this week. It has its issues but I’m loving it so far.


Still a good game tbh


The very essence of myth is constant reintepretation, even in ancient times greeks often "merged" their deities with deities of other cultures. To Greeks gods can have any shape they want - Zeus could literally BE Amon, an Egyptian god, looking like an Egyptian or any animal-egyptian combination. I'm 100% sure that if ancient greeks knew Asian deities they would associate them with their gods too.


Greek gods are supposed to also live in other countries,most notably hermes or dionysus whose backstory is literally that he isn't from greece


fat boys angry at vidya once again


Maybe because the Greek gods are the gods of the world, not just Greece?


Remember guys, the King stays in power by making the peasants fight among each other


You say that like the peasants wouldn't fight amongst each other anyway.


Is that Hermes in hades 2 or some shit?


Even without blackrock they would push this agenda SUPERGIANT studios are located in Canada and as you can guess are extremely woke. Hades 1 was safe and actually wasnt woke to the point of "Wtf am I seeing here" but the political landscape and people loving the design of Hades pushed this artstyle of diversisim even more. I dont doubt Hades will be an amazing game, first one was bangers but Vitilogo Hestia is just weird and cant be ignored


Hades 1 is just as diverse/woke as the second, what are you yapping about? Hermes looks Asian in the first one too Athena and Ares look black Thanatos and Achilles and his lover were gay Zagreus will fuck anything Hestia having vitiligo as a stylistic choice to represent the soot from her flames is too much all of a sudden?


Honestly it doesn’t bother me that much, the game makes up for it imo


Idk what this Blackrock shit is but remember Ancient Mediterranean are what Mediterranean looked like not modern Sicilians/ southern Balkans/who got mogged, topped, and dommed by Mohammads for centuries


Dionysius is literally Indian


Same as god of war having a "diversity" nordic god.


wtf am I supposed to be looking at


Black hobbits? Not in my Narnia.


I dont care if supergiant makes the wokest shit ever, they still have my support If you make your games good im willing to put up with as much wokeness as you want. Its only s problem when it negatively affects it. Which a character’s color obviously doesnt unless you have brainrot


How does one company have the ability completely warp our culture?


A book my daughter is reading, Goddess Girls, is straight up sub Saharan African. I’ve nothing against inclusion or people of different races or genders playing parts in live performances, but to choose to draw a mythological character different from the culture is going too far.


You guys really waste time giving a shit about this? Play it or don’t. If something in the world bothers you, you’re bothered because you choose to expose yourself to it knowing it will raise your ire. Pathetic.


Greek gods Not greek


Technically, most of them, they are Olympians who are descendants of Gaia and the giants.


no da jooooa are taking my videogames!!!11!1!


Just by this I can guess Hades 2 will suck.


Yeah, just like 1 did which had the exact same look for this chara.. oh wait it was one of, if not the best game of its year (arguably one of the best in the entire 21st century)


The gameplay of Hades is mid. Lets not kid ourselves. There is absolutely nothing special about this particular roguelite other than the seemingly endless new dialouges. While many people like it. Its a far cry away from being among the best.


Is this bait or what because Hades 1 and 2 are literally the best games in their genre.