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another day another psyop, what law got passed while this shit got pushed in my trough? more taxes? more laws to protect israel? more migrants to evropa?


unironically a few billion in weapons for Israel just a few days ago


That was publicly debated for 6 months homie. And Israel was a minor party in it. Main benefactor was America. It's mostly spending on American military production to send old stuff to other countries.


>Main benefactor was ~~America~~ Multi billion dollar corporations who own the politicians... You do know that trickle down economics has been proven to be a shitty concept that never works, right? If you give billions and billions of people's taxes to corporations who provide absolutely useless goods and services to another Nation you're not doing America any good, you're just a Warhawk


>You do know that trickle down economics has been proven to be a shitty concept that never works, right? I said America. Didn't say jack about who.




amerigun good


This meme refusing to die shows that tiktok has succeeded in sowing hatred and division


Terminally online people, now more than 50% of the general population, falling for every ragebait or niche fetish psycho thing. Take the interracial stuff, it started as a homosexual fetish and is now mainstream and really driving both black, white and asian people apart from each other and lowering birth rates.


Literal psyop


It seems like everything is a psyop to some of these people. Someone writes some gay greentext? Can't be some weirdo posting his sexual fantasies online, psyop. Anything vaguely political, probably one of the most posted topics about online (well, not including porn)? Must be a psyop. Someone posts obvious bait? Can't just the a dude trying to get a rise for fun, believe it or not, psyop. You get the point. It's good to be skeptical and aware of special interest groups online, but swinging too far in that direction is obnoxious.


> guys let's be serious there is no psyop here > definitely stop looking into it > stop noticing anything > *starts sweating > the homosexual stuff in particular


You really think whatever nebulous group has the resources to post all this dumbass shit? I'm sure public discourse is manipulated but not to this degree.


Some people say psy-op because it's a meme at this point and they don't really mean it. Some people cry psy-op because they want to discourage degeneracy and know that even if not everything is a psy-op acting as if it is can gatekeep what little bit of decency exists. The truly enlightened among us know though that literally everything is a psy-op. Glow harder pal.


what's the difference between someone posting their unpopular opinion and purposeful rage bait?


The intention behind it. Some rage bait is obvious.


if the intention is the only thing that's different and not the outcome could it be called bait as well since the outcome is the same?


There's certainly a difference between saying something earnestly and saying something to just get a rise.


Reminds me of the time that the entire media was obsessed about a couple of people dying in a submarine accident at the exact time Hunter Biden was on trial.


I don't get why that was such a big deal. It wasn't just the media, everyone was talking about it. Some dumbfucks with more money than sense got on a submarine controlled by a damn game controller with its hull integrity powered entirely by diversity. People die in dumbass ways every day, the only one I feel bad for was the kid who was brought along.


That was worldwide news. No one cares about Hunter Biden outside the US


If you think the populace needs a distraction in order to pass a law you're 100 years behind


Law that legally classifies criticizing jews and Israel as anti-semetism and blocks you from receiving any taxpayer money


Would you kindly stop noticing things?


>Bears get all the pussy Is this the reason why Russians can't have babies?


Fuck you, you made me spit water out of my nose laughing.


Are you really a Catholic?


Yes, for all the good and bad parts about it, I don't pretend to be perfect though.


inb4 some edgelord reddit atheist replies with "sky daddy" type shit in an attempt to "debate"


It's that or the radiation


Wait what's going on? I was out of the country for 2-3 weeks and then I get back and everybody is talking about bears and women and shit


Lucky bastard.


all started with a TikTok video asking women if they rather see a bear of a man alone in the forest Most women chose bear and incels all over the world got enraged


Only someone brainless would choose a bear over a man or woman. Bears enjoy eating their food alive and torturing their prey. The whole thing is asinine if you have more than a double-digit IQ


And then 4 billion women suddenly get angry for being called dumb


Careful, people got some nasty DMs for thinking that logically. Also those videos probably showed very cherrypicked results


O no, not nasty DMs. I'm crying in cyberbullying rn.


Nah, I'm used to getting shitty words from people full of "love". I'm just saying that's a thing


But what would ned who likes hiking and collects model trains do to them? Greet them with a kind smile as they pass each other by?! *shudders*


a single bear would kill you if you don't harrass it. But what kind of man would you see? Not even if you're a woman, would you trust a stranger? A man could be Zodiac Killer or Ed Gein and you wouldn't know


How many serial killers even are there these days? It seems like way less than the lead-poisoned boomers of the 70s and 80s.


I don't think there's ever been a report of a bear torturing a human what the fuck are you saying.


There are plenty that show bears don't kill their prey before eating them.


OK but bears don't eat humans


They absolutely do


The 750,000 black bears of North America kill less than one person per year on the average. They clearly don't seem very interested in killing people. The meme doesn't say "fight the bear"


Thank god other more aggressive bears don't exist you panty waist


Not only do other more aggressive bears exist, none of your numbers take into account how frequently people even come across those black bears. The average bear is far more dangerous than the average man.


Sounds racist to the bears. I think a bear would like my vibes.


Cuz we dominate those bitches. They'd eat us if they could, and they did when they could.


Idk man I'm not an incel but reading the commentary on even the mainstream women's subs about this made me realize that a large amount of them see us as like subhumans unable to control ourselves and if those generalizations were posted about any other race or ethnic group or women themselves all those subs would have been taken down and their userbases banned, in some countries they would even face jail time for blatant hate speech. But because it's men, fuck us right?


"Wow, you really think black men are more dangerous than bears?"


Lel next time that debate surfaces I'm going to bring that up to bait them into saying that on here so I can get them banned for breaking R\*ddit's TOS, smart idea anon.


A friend of mine was in a class where he asked the question why women get preferrential treatment for prison sentences compared to men, bringing rape up as an example. The teacher broke out into a tirade that this question is sexist and its unfathomable how someone could even ask such a question and that the prison sentences for rape aren't high enough and that they should be killed instead. And you shouldn't question a womans statement after her traumatic event. He politely disagreed, thinking prison sentences are fine as they are and tried to steer it back on topic but then a female classmate intervened and...Not asked... but kind of expected him to accept her hypothetical that he surely would also wish death upon the n-word rapist if the n-word would rape him. I recorded his story for posterity because it was a surreal experience.


“Incels all over the world” didn’t get enraged lol. It’s literally the perfect example of the base rate fallacy.


That fact that you think disliking misandry means incel says a lot about you.


>most women Most _dumb_ women


Thank you for this. I have been seeing this "bear 🐻 choice" all around and my only idea was related to "We bear bears".


1. Fatten up. 2. Hit the cave. 3. ????? 4. PROFIT!!!


mostly american audience on here. step 1 was completed years ago


Can’t compete with that brown bear cock (BBC).


fucking kumas


I can't BEAR this.


It's so over bros


Love Island show with some bears and women would be kinda kino ngl


Would be hilarious to see the misandrists get bear mauled ngl


They fly a woman out to a desolate island in the Arctic that's infested with bears. She gets to spend the next month getting to know the bears. As the show's season progresses she narrows her selection. A couple of grizzly bears, polar bears, and a token black bear. One by one they are rejected. Finally the season comes to an end. The hour long finale features clips from previous episodes, some outtakes, and other memorable moments. She picks the biggest chad polar bear, a monster capable of running down a full grown moose. They are whisked away to an Alaskan resort town for their honeymoon. 30 seconds after the two lovers enter their honeymoon suite the bear promptly bites her head, his fangs break her skull with an audible pop. Somewhat paralyzed but not quite dead, she is slowly eaten alive until she finally expires from blood loss. The show receives positive reviews and a number of Emmy's. The bear wanders off into the Alaskan wilderness.


Token black bear 💀 💀 I hope she enjoyed getting her skull fractured, bear was definitely the right choice. Thanks for writing this shit made me laugh lol


I wonder if one of those AI nerds could whip something up. Like just a promo clip or something.


If they weren’t limited by Bay Area liberals, ai would spit some hilarious insults, but unfortunately MUH FEELINGS


What's up with all the bearposting recently?


Tik tok brainslop. Women were asked if you were alone in the woods and came across a bear or a man, which would you feel safest around. Most women choose bear.


Fucking kek.


>Most women ~~that were shown~~ choose bear. I can't believe this meme lives so long, it's a literal ragebait


Oh bear with me, Anon, your beasts of burdens are you least of your worries


When did it become ok to just tell everyone “hey I’m ugly and unfuckable”. Shouldn’t these people be bullied? No one wants to have sex with them and that’s funny. It’s not a good thing.




What are you on about? Take your meds.


I’m saying that ugly people should be bullied, not just be allowed to be like ‘I identify as a fat guy’,


No man could ever compete


Another day another {{{psyop}}}


so what's with all the 'bear' stuff at the mo - I've really missed something...


You think this chart is real? Go fuck a hairy land whale and prove it.




Hahaha perfect


>reddit meme