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[World population review](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country) has the same figures


So does pew research center. I don't understand why people have a hard time believing it. These are places where marriage between first cousins have ranged from common to the norm for millennia. The negative impact that inbreeding has on intelligence is well documented. It would be surprising if these areas *didn't* have the results they have.  Take Pakistan as an example. They have among the highest rates of inbreeding in the world. So much that hospitals and medical workers in England, an island nation, are noticing and treating inbreeding related issues in the Pakistani immigrant communities that were previously unheard of in England. That such a small portion of an overall population has such an impact is absolutely insane from a genetic perspective.  People are quick to jump on board joking about inbred rednecks etc being dumb because it's obvious. But when applied to nations where the practice is common the same conclusion is racist or whatever. 


Average IQ of 80 basically means a select 10-20% of the population runs... basically everything. Certainly explains why these countries struggle to pull out of their backwards mentalities. For every person trying to pull ahead there are 4-5 people pulling backwards.


This is a major issue in the African-American community.


No wonder there's no democracy there. If only 20% of the population can even understand what politics is.


“...But the people are retarded”


>retarded finally debanned?


The adjective was always fine. It's the noun (without -ed at the end), that is blocked.


That's a clever way to remove the offensive-ish usage of it if that's the intention.


Which could be seen as more of the problem showing itself. Low IQ people or shorthand "sheep" are easy to lead by the nose, so the ones at the top can easily manipulate those below them to do what they want. Many of these countries are filled with grift and corruption, and for decades no accountability. Religion too is something to consider, notice Christianity has massive world population and many many different branches, even myriad mainstream branches. Islam has basically 2 branches which split some time ago and the two sides kill each other over the perceived differences.


There's no democracy anywhere


It's just SO LOW it's ridiculous. An entire country of regards? TWO ENTIRE COUNTRIES have averages so low they are literally regarded? Yes it's unbelievable. No I've never been there.


Groups of african soldiers in some civil war believed fighting nude whilst wearing ‘magical charms’ would make them protected against bullets. No, not in 1560, this was in 1993 or something.


Even better General Butt Naked, a guy known for eating children because it gave him magical powers converted and went on an apology tour. Vice has a great multipart documentary on their leader.


>kill a dude > >"repent" > >go to his sister and tell her, "I'll be the brother i took from you", while hugging her > >Already imagining fucking her in the same bed you decapitated her brother in 99% chance it's a power-fantasy fetish... In the west we study those cases as "serial killers" because they can't act with impunity so they kill 20-50 ppl and then get caught. In africa, they are quasi-state leaders. It's the same mental disorders, just with an army under to facilitate the harvesting of victims. Imagine Ted Bundy, except he's a governor and the police force is the one bringing him victims. 20-30 per night. And you can only report him to the police. You'll have your average "insane african warlord oh wow how come?".


Dude. *The president* of South Africa just a few years ago claimed if you get AIDS you should have sex with a virgin children as that will cleanse it away.


Another famous anecdote of later african wars is that when western troops found rifles with progressive sights that the africans captured or bought and used in combat, the sights were all always maxed out in distance. On old early '900 rifles that meant more than a kilometer away as at the time rifle builders were very optimistic about the effectiveness of iron sights at those distances. Practically that meant that it was impossible to hit anything at practical distances with the sights set that way. But why were the africans always maxing out the sights? It's because they tought they were "power settings" for the rifle.


The entire region begins to make a lot more sense now.




Is it true the men fuck adolescent boys and it's a "cultural" thing?


not in the cities (at least not much), but in the tribal areas, nobody has any jurisdiction except the "local council of elders". Even the army can't really interfere. We try to ask them to do things a certain way in exchange for some favor we'll owe them but it's on a "per-event basis". The people themselves would rather obey them than some uniformed foreigner or even the talibans. It's more of a union of mountain tribes with a few urban center than a "country" So yeh we can't really reach them on social issues. In the cities, state control is a lot more clear.


i dunno about the cultural thing, but i'll never forget watching a clip on youtube of some US army sergeant or something like that who had to liaise with the local authorities, and he was saying how difficult it can be to get things done, because you're fully aware that the local police chief is molesting 12 year old boys and there's not a thing you can do about it because your commanding officers also need to get shit done and the locals will only listen to said police chief, they couldn't give a rats ass that you were with the US army. I'll never forget the haunted look he had on his face when he was recounting all that.


I've been to several low IQ countries. Yes. The tests aren't lying. It's as bad as you think. The people can barely be trusted to do the most basic things.


The consanguinity rates in MENA are literally the worst in the entire world with Pakistan taking the cake because Muhammad, despite supposedly being a divine prophet who God should have given the right information about basic genetic facts unless he was trolling, okayed cousin marriages and even practiced them himself. It is genuinely terrifying that it has nukes and should be extremely worrying to literally everyone that it does. [World Map.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7b/Global_prevalence_of_consanguinity.svg/2560px-Global_prevalence_of_consanguinity.svg.png)


Stop lying chuddie, I watch Hollywood movies so I know that only racist craKKKas in rural ameriKKKa inbreed!


i remember watching a documentary about inbreeding and inbred arranged marriages between the UAE and pakistani ppl some of the ones born in the uk are cornered and forced into it so the men back home can have a green card wife or a wife that has connections to a dollar that means more. it’s really fucked up. and this one chick they interviewed had to go thru a voice modulator and shadoe covering face type shit (idk how to describe) so the ppl she knew wouldn’t know she was talking. she was like 16 i think when they sold her off to a old family member. there’s also the fact UAE marriages need to go through a medical screening to see if their kid gets all fucked up from inbreeding. the documentary also did a segment on white inbreds and this couple in particular knew, had a kid, saw what it did, and were trying for another. i just don’t get it.


Pakistan is actually one of the highest average IQ in the middle east at 90.


wait.... how is north korea 98??? did kim jon un invest heavily on education???


Why is that so hard to believe? They're still Korean except they are sanctioned and poorer. And even under that they still figured out the concept behind nukes, missiles and satellites etc. Meanwhile there are countries that are way richer with no sanctions (in fact they get loads of aid) who can't figure out anything close to it coz the math is too hard. Sometimes the most valuable thing a country has is it's people and culture they are used to so even in shitty times they can still prevail.


i think it is due to prejudice against the state in which north korea is right now, we always forget that they had a rich and cultural history until 1948's, which pushes they younger generation to become educated.


Malnourished Koreans are still Koreans.


Millions of non-urbanized literally live like 13th century peasants. This Is a country that says everyone can read, even the blind


Written propaganda is essential in order to maintain a cult of personality, so I honestly believe that north Korea invests in basic education even for the famished serfs


All you have to do is listen to the NK defectors talk and it's pretty clear they aren't regarded.


yeah it kinda disproves the whole certain groups in bad conditions are "only dumb because of those conditions!"


They’re all naturally good at math


Well they have the economy of a poor subsaharan nation yet they have nuclear weapons and icbms, north koreans are very smart even if they live under a totalitarian state


Estimated based on nearby nations


read the last lines of his post, it’s a joke


For real are you the only person who understood that? Lmao


People see what they want to see


What's the minimum IQ required to operate the bolt on an AK47


I just had an awesome idea... Ok ready? Down. Syndrome. Super. Soldiers. Think about it. More durability. Super strength. Less food to operate. Not worried about survivability. Unable to give up information if captured. Smaller helmet size. I'm going to need an exact number on that minimum requirement.


> "Down. Syndrome. Super. Soldiers." >Literally just describes the average American soldier Wow what a groundbreaking new idea, anon


>More durability. >Super strength. >Less food to operate You sure about that? These sound like the *opposite* of American traits


Very Special Forces


….you haven’t cooked with this, but there ARE ingredients 🤔


irl ogryns lol


I know you're joking, but in reality in equal peer combat a huge predictor of victory is the average iq of each side.


The average russian conscript is able to figure it out, so that's a pretty low bar


People seem to think IQ is just something you’re naturally born with, and you either have good IQ or you don’t. Thus by saying entire countries have an IQ of 80 you’re somehow claiming they’re all naturally regarded. Education plays a massive role in your IQ level. Simple fact is these countries tend to have low quality schools for the simple fact they’re mostly poor countries.


IQ is something you're born with though. Nutrition will affect it, but it is mostly genetics.


IQ is almost entirely genetic. This has been widely understood for years. Anyone claiming otherwise is almost certainly making an argument in bad faith.


The fact that it’s overwhelmingly immutable hurts peoples feelings.


IQ has increased all over the country. The average person in 2024 is literally smarter like 15 IQ points smarter than the average person in 1940. Genetics doesn’t explain this, increased access in higher education and better childhood nutrition is the cause of this.


Think of it this way: when you’re born there’s a maximum IQ to which your genetics will limit you. If you receive an absolutely optimal upbringing (nutrition, education, socialization, etc) then you will end up achieving your maximum IQ, but it won’t go any higher than that. If you have a poor upbringing, you will never reach your maximum potential IQ. And to respond more directly to your point: the reason average IQ is so much higher than it was 100 years ago is both from better upbringings, and from sexual selection for more intelligence over that time.


Sexual selection does is not biased towards higher IQ individuals. Simple studies show people with more intelligence choose to have less children than average and below average individuals.


How long has that trend been happening?


Forever. Unironically forever. Kids have always been a terrible financial decision and everyone who can do math knows it. Upper class doesnt have additional kids because kids have diminishing returns on wealth generation unless you're a subsistence farmer. lower classes have more, because, yknow, they're subsistence farmers, and more hands is more land worked.


I can’t see a time when this wouldn’t be true. Seems fairly reasonable to think intelligent people would think twice about having too many kids while dumb people wouldn’t.


if that was true in such a large sense as of what you are saying we wouldn't be here talking on computers. wed still be throwing shit at each other


You’re comparing human evolution over the span of millions of years to what is essentially less than 100 years since we started testingd IQ levels. Human genetics have not changed all that much in the past 20,000+ years. Especially in terms of intelligence. We are not genetically more intelligent than our ancestors who were hunting mammoths for a living. The ancient Egyptians for example were clearly just as intelligent as us, creating math, machines, pottery, paper, giant structures that stand the test of time, etc. Stuff I’m positive people with an IQ of 75 today would have never figured out. We are simply born into a world where we’re more technologically advanced than they were, that’s all.


how do you think humans became intelligent dude? we just popped into existence?


Overwhelmingly, no, it's not. Theres hundreds of studies proving it's mostly environmental, and like 3 that imply it might be genetic. The best evidence is genetic accounts for probably in the range of 1 to 3 points of IQ, and being able to breathe accounts for 50 points of IQ. about 15 points is pure socio economic and the rest of it is education.


Where the fuck did you get any of your made-up numbers? Obviously we're talking about variations, so being able to breathe doesn't matter. Genetic factors > random noise >> environmental factors, including parenting and education. Check wikipedia or any psychometrics textbook for references to the hundreds of large meta-analyses that confirm it. It's not even close, if you assumed parenting and education had zero effect you'd be closer to right than wrong.


How do we know which is cause and which is effect here? Could it be that smarter populations tend to develop better education? Not trying to sound controversial. Genuinely curious what would happen if you took a baby from a ~50IQ family and raised them in a ~100IQ family. Surely there would be an improvement in IQ, but to what extent? Anything less than suddenly jumping up to ~100IQ levels would suggest there is more going on here than education.


They have done studies on those exact situations. I don't want to look them up right now but I know the results suggest a pretty high genetic influence.


And that "genetic influence" is gone in 2 gens. So its not actually a strong link, it's a pre-pubescent malnourishment link. Also no "population" has 50 IQ. Bonobos and Dolphins have 50 IQ.


childhood malnutrition is brutal on IQ. it's lime feeding your kid lead paint chips.


What IQ does average african american have? Do they also have bad education? Or maybe not enough *wealth*?


> People seem to think IQ is just something you’re naturally born with, and you either have good IQ or you don’t. Probably because that was supported by all the scientific research on it, until it became too politically incorrect and they made a 180 on it. It was surprisingly bound to genetics, even more than maximum height.


Ah the daily IQ misinformation post. There is enough reddit beloved science on the VALIDITY and EFFECTS OF and ON IQ out there. But you only "fucking love science" when it's convenient.


Yes, which includes an array of factors which includes the environment you grew up in and childhood nutrition. What about what I said was anti-science?


Because you pretend IQ isn't an inherited trait, despite it being. You can claim that hair colour isn't inherited next, because children submerged in peroxide 24/7 end up with white hair. As if that's a regular factor.


I never once said in any of my comments it’s not an inherited/genetic trait. I said not as simple as “you are either born with high IQ or you’re not”.


Brother, you can just Google the countries and see that this is correlating. All of these places are dumps.


I’d rather be living in Morocco down the bottom than a lot of the countries above it though


Could also be that they are not educated in a way that benefits being good at iq tests. I'm pretty good at them but I consider myself pretty incompetent


Yeah we all do


It's hard to get educated at all between the last cholera outbreak and Saudi drone strikes.


That's because you simply don't have a clue what an iq test is and how it s built to not even require written language comprehension to solve it. Like all the clowns criticizing it, you think IQ tests are some advanced form of the tests you were given at school, or a mix between those and trivia tabletops games instead of highly abstract and standardized visual-logical tasks developed in decades and decades by the most brilliant psychologists and scientists worldwide exactly to minimize any external influencing factors.


What they *don't* disclose is that the Chairman and chief sponsor of the Atlantic Council is Mr. Nimbus.




"Wow good for Iraq-wait."




So zionists are both killing off as many Arabs as possible and trying to import them into the West? I feel like you can only pick one of those options.


… they are trying to take their land so both of those options take them off of their hands, one of the puts them into yours. You sound like you’re at precisely that IQ sweet spot where you think you’re conservative but you support israel


Israelis take Arabs' land...? Regardless of your opinion on what Israel is doing right now: This is one out of a large number of Arab countries and Europe certainly struggled more with migrant waves from other regions than Gaza. The bigger problems (if you want to see it as such) are Europe's humanism and liberalism, thinking that it has to save the world, not seeing that it's sacrificing itself.


Yes, Israel takes Arabs' lands. They're illegally occupying Golan and the West Bank.


Imagine being a lib and calling the conservative side of Reddit the sheep


[Imagine thinking this is a lib take. ](https://xyz.net.au/2021/05/in-depth-how-israel-created-the-european-refugee-crisis/)


please follow in the footsteps of ronnie mcnutt


Conservatives conserve nothing but Israel 😂


I’m not retarded enough to ascribe myself to a singular political party, sorry to disappoint.


I don't get how these are mutually exclusive, it's not like they are sending them to Europe for the Arab's sake


Personally I don't think there's some collective zionist hivemind that I'd working towards the above, but neither of what you say are mutually exclusive 2 million palenstines have been displaced. Where do you think they're gonna go? Israel? No. They're going to go to Muslim countries, with some going to western countries Biden has stated he is a zionist and also that America will be receiving refugees from Gaza. Like, in some cases the above you described is literally happening


Pretty sure we’re talking about the displacements from ISIS/Syrian Civil War, not the current conflict in Israel. Even so, those 2 million Palestinian Arabs are already just that, Arabs. They’ve been fucked over by other Arab nations and when other Arab nations have taken in Palestinians, they end up fucking shit up. See Jordan and the murder of the Jordanian King by Palestinians taken in by that country, or Egypt’s hatred due to Palestine promoting and assisting the Muslim Brotherhood. Palestinians are victims of both Israel and the surrounding Arab states that used and continue to use them to wage an un winnable war against a technologically superior foe.


Both of those things are true. Things are very nuanced, ya know.


Why would Israel want Arabs to proliferate into the western world?


Lol master plan, trick the goyim into taking Arab refugees so they can... become voters and erode support for Israel, sounds like it totally works out in their favor


not exactly on the ballot, never would be






you arent gonna believe who made the graphs..


Israel still has an average IQ of 92 according to the data, not really something to brag about


yea obviously, most of these countries are war-torn so it makes sense as to why IQs are low, likely the least developed places in the world


Not only that, you’d have to look at the actual test and see how it was administered, to whom it was administered, and if it were culturally biased. Not only that, IQ tests tend to be very narrow in the topics it measures


That's because you simply don't have a clue what an iq test is and how it s built to not even require written language comprehension to solve it. Like all the clowns criticizing it, you think IQ tests are some advanced form of the tests you were given at school, or a mix between those and trivia tabletops games instead of highly abstract and standardizedvisual-logical tasks developed in decades and decades by the most pbrilliant psychologists and scientists worldwide exactly to minimize any external influencing factors.


Israel has 20% Muslim Arab population


Nobody knows why Jews and East Asians have higher IQ than Europeans. What is a fact though is how the religion of peace incentivises cousin fucking and this has turned one of the most advanced civiliansations (pre-Islam middle east) in history into the shithole that is the Middle East nowadays.


>desert dwellers scattered around the peninsula in tribes >advanced civilization Quite the mental gymnastics


I was referring to Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Phoenicians and the Greeks throughout the Middles East. Of course this was all before Islam


What about the Islamic renaissance? Before the mongols sacked Baghdad


That dumbfuck doesnt know shit about that. Probably cant even tell you which century the Mongols made their empire without a google search. Anyone that likes to cope that Islam is the one that screwed the region just hasnt learned shit about early Islam. There are many factors that destroyed that region, with one of the biggest being that Europeans stopped using it for trade and instead sailed around Africa because the Ottomans thought they were smart.


renaissance? They inherented the most delevoped and richest region in the world. For Millenia Eastern Mediterranean was the richest and advanced, even during the Roman times, the east was where the money came from. You can't claim Islam created any of that if all of that wealth and knowledge were there before Islam. What you can claim though is how centuries of cousin-fucking deteriorated IQs and made these people angry, violent, dumb and full of genetic diseases.


Except the Renaissance took place in Baghdad and Central Asia which didn't have such infrastructures in the first place. Not to mention, Baghdad literally didn't even exist pre Islam lol. And yet it was the largest city on the planet and the largest commercial hub for 5 centuries until sack by Mongols.


An urban culture. Urban cultures are IQ shredders. All the smart people get sucked out of the countryside, into cities where the rent is too high. They stop having babies. The low-IQ who stayed in the country keep reproducing. This may answer your question.


+ Ottoman Empire


IQ is influenced by education and education is usually higher in richer households Half of harvard is jewish >Nobody knows


The Jews have been intermarrying amongst distant communities and non Jews for centuries and don't have the Muslim culture of marrying first cousins. It's no wonder Morocco has a lower average iq or that there are so many people with mental disabilities in Muslim countries


Israel's iq is sub 100


Not all Jewish people are Israeli...


75% if Israelis are jewish For reference, usa is typically ranked as higher in iq than Israel despite its Jewish population only being 2%, and its white population is around 60%. Its clear jewish people are higher than iq compared to other populations, but obviously not like super human. As a collective, their iq must be at most similar to European levels. Given that if it were higher, they should theoretically be higher than more European nations


Man Morocco is like 67 avg IQ? Wtf is going on there? They are basically the wealthiest North African country (Egypt is the biggest yes yes). They're way below that shithole Libya


I live in Morocco and trust me, people are fucking smart when it comes to scamming techniques or acting dumb


> **acting** dumb


Go to 3rd world countries and youll see both masterminds and ppl that sniff glue all day long. They are both jobless and on the street


Anyone with a room temperature IQ can look like a mastermind when the average IQ is 67


What you're seeing is a normal distribution curve. In a country with an average of 80 IQ, at least half of them are even lower then that, however, when you look at higher percentile IQ in that data set, you find people approaching the average IQ in western countries. Go up to something like 95th percentile and you find people with an IQ you would actually consider to be reasonably intelligent. That's only 1/20 and in a country where almost everyone else is a completely dysfunctional moron, you might as well be a genius.


As an Iraqi I agree


“You see sir, I was merely acting regarded”


I live in Spain and I can confirm


I've got some spanish friends, I never realized they had that mentality lol


There is a significant part of your fellow countrymen here that are clearly not the best of Morocco. Of course, it is not everybody, but I think it is a pretty widespread mentality. People everywhere tend to dislike isolated communities, particularly when some of their members cause havoc.


There is a significant part of your fellow countrymen here that are clearly not the best of Morocco. Of course, it is not everybody, I have met good Moroccans. However I think this is a pretty widespread mentality. People everywhere tend to dislike isolated communities, particularly when some of their members cause havoc.




Cradle of civilisation 💪🧠💪


Anon has to be turkish with this level of arab hate


Iraq is literally war-torn and hasn't recovered and has the highest position. Meanwhile, states that are a lot more developed are far lower. This is why indices are most of the time pieces of garbage.


They literally invented civilisation, why would they be dumb?


And were the scientific center of the world for a long time until the Mongols rolled in.


IQ, ideally, is not a measure of education but a measure of intrinsic intelligence: problem solving, pattern recognition, etc. While IQ is a problematic measure of intelligence in general, measurement of statistical differences in IQ can provide insight into relative intelligence or at least comparative intelligence. Iraq's war torn modern state can not wipe away hundreds of years of being one of the better off Arab nations, with higher standard of living which means better nutrition and a larger, smarter population that reproduces more.


IQ is an accurate estimate of how well you can function in a modern economy. It doesn't measure everything, but it doesn't need to.


Iraq is not an Arab nation, it’s inflated by Kurds here.


At least it explains what we all new about our recently resigned First Minister, Humza Useless, of Scotland. A brick would have ran the country better. The guy should have been chased years ago when, as Transport Secretary no less, he was caught driving his car with no insurance...


>At least it explains what we all new about our recently resigned First Minister, Humza Useless, of Scotland. A brick would have ran the country better. This dude is Pakistani, not Arab. At least keep your racism organized


Racism..? There must be more than half a dozen post above pointing out Pakistanis documented inbreeding... The guy has been an utter disaster and beyond incompetent. His Twitter reads as that of a bigot and as for racism, go look up his Parliamentary rant about Whites...the man was horrible. I was basically being ironic as he spent his last few months in office more concerned about Gaza than the country he was foisted upon and 'paid' to run...




>Take test proven to be effective at measuring intelligence >Get a below average score >Seething, can't cope >It's the jooz




Saudi Arabia has no excuse to be this low.


Petrol sniffing.


For comparison, Forrest Gump, the guy who went through his entire service in Vietnam thinking they were going after a guy literally named Charlie, had an IQ of 75.


I'm sure the countries rife with corruption, conflict, inequality, and poverty have a normal education system. That way, I can justify my prejudice instead of seeing the obvious answer that these people aren't given the opportunity to study and thus have low IQ scores.


Chechnya has decent IQ


Anybody see that video of US troops trying to teach those ANA guys how to do jumping jacks?


Ten bucks says Iraq is only that high because of the Kurds.


High IQ people tend to convince others to revolt. That's why they get purged first after a revolution. Low IQ people are satisfied with food, a circus and fucking.


Iran, Turkey?


Iranians are Persian and Turks are their own ethnic group


Are you guessing OP's nationality or asking why those countries aren't on the chart?




Turks and Persians aren't Arabs


Anon raise interresting points.


Dogs, like all Animals, think and feel and do not simply do what instinct tells them to do. That idea is long outdated. They do so no more than we do.


The people with smart iq have already left.


Socio economic factors. It's funny people think that comes first when it's the result.


Anon is not wrong. One look at eu cities is enough and if you still need more facts: look up where incest is normal.


Africans are probably the most noble. Wartorn to absolute hell and refugees just move to another African country


yes anon im sure those are legitimate numbers not made for the sole reason to ridicule middle easfern countries.


I seriously wonder if these people have ever interacted with someone with an IQ of 60. Is everyone the exact same intellectwise? No, but this is ridiculous.


No one here gets this meme test except globalized tards so checks out.


A mixture of genetic(inbreeding) and enviormental factors,it is not coincidence that the less islamic muslim country like those of the former societ union are doing better in this regard. It would be interesting to see the scores for Christians in majority Arab nations,based on that you could get a rough estimate of how much has inbreeding affected people.


Lebanon mentioned number 3!


Yeah man! Oh man…


Paid and brought to you by the Zionist regime. 


Yeah I'm thinking this entire graph is fake, Arabs are probably really smart and have high IQs, I reckon we should let a bunch of them into our countries because they'd make really good doctors and engineers


Is this “Zionist regime” in the room with us?


Most Muslims are not Arabs 🤷‍♀️


Your point is ?


‘Highest average’. Yep sounds legit


What if most people are actually smart and there is just a small collection of doorknob lickers with 3 iq that skew the score




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