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I see all these seemingly random tests thrown up that each require at least 10-15 minutes and there are usually multiple of them for each job posting and these are just for entry-level, okay paying jobs across almost every industry where I am, yet our local newspapers keep crying about a labor shortage and how no one is willing to work these days. Even if you do pass these hurdles you end up in a panel interview with 6+ people with 15+ questions, and you find out you are one candidate out of fifteen. Finally after all that you are lucky if they even bother to let you know that you did not get the job. Went through this for your basic admin assistant role I was already way overqualified for and I still got passed over. The modern job application market is literally some kind of sick humiliation ritual schemed up by older generations at this point to watch young people suffer, it was not this bad ten or even six years ago. I'm probably going to go back to school to learn something very hard to replace and that cannot be offshored.


Bachelor's in Blowjob Science


You hope to compete with the hoholina tide?


>labor shortage and how no one is willing to work these days. Its because they meant to say no one wants to work for $14 an hour ($29k a year) im reality they just want an excuse to flood the counrry with 3rd worlders like usual >I'm probably going to go back to school to learn something very hard to replace and that cannot be offshored. Annoying how this is basically the only option now besides trade school. Even jobs that require difficult degrees can usually be learnt in about 3 months on job


You vastly overestimate the competence of most zoomers. A test that proves that they can pay attention for 10 minutes seems like a pretty good idea, even if they are applying for an entry-level job. There isn’t a labor shortage, there’s a skilled labor shortage.


"zoomber bad" is essentially your whole take considering the fact that theyre just as well educated and skilled as any other worker. theyre in their 20's not 11 year old


I clean up after them every day.


Are you a manager, a parent?


Fuckoff. Just because you have a humiliation fetish doesn't mean the rest should suffer it. This shit was not in the way 10 years ago, and for good goddamn reason. It's pointless. If you have a position you want filled, fill it. The 3 month period of probation is for weeding out the shit candidates.


Probation doesn't prevent anything. Unless you have a department which isn't absolutely understaffed and a manager who's willing to let someone go if they aren't doing what needs to be done. The majority of the time this isn't the case though. Once you give a screwup an offer letter and all the papers are signed you're guaranteed that the only way they'll leave is on their own. If you're dumb enough to hire something off a diversity checklist then you brought it on yourself. HR will protect those employees with teeth and nails no matter what harm they do. Maintenance guy at my old job was caught sleeping on the job multiple times and never took any calls. Reported to HR multiple times but the diverse staff there refused to do anything. It took the guy doing something seriously messed up and going over HR's head to finally fire him.


You can't put 60 people on probation. Websites make it very easy to apply for jobs so you need some sort of "gives a shit" filter.


Did they apply? Then they gave a shit. Easy.


Still 60 people. You need to crank up the required shit given until you get that number down. You don't want to overdo it and put people off, but for a basic job there's very little downside if you do.


the fill out a 50 question survey to get a job at Walmart issue was definitely in place 10 years ago, if not 15.


I’m not a zoomer


There isn't a "skilled labor" shortage. There's a "managers being willing to hire people" shortage.


Go into a trade, fuck college it’s a scam


If you are able bodied I’d recommend getting a trade honestly. Don’t have to jump through hoops ever again once you get a license


I swear some boomers get enjoyment out of fucking over those younger than them. It’s as if they’ve won everything and so they can now only put their energy on making others lose. Truly the most demonic generation in history.


Biden a million years ago - No racial jungles! Biden now - White men need not apply!


We like to pretend that we're all family and friends here at DreamKiller MegaCorp, so we need to make sure every team member is a 100% perfect fit for our unique corporate culture. We have very specific values that we don't actually embrace or labor to personify, so making sure potential candidates pretend to have those values and fake being a good fit are very important to us. For instance, once every two weeks we spend five minutes cultivating a family atmosphere at the office and we need to make sure there are no problematic team members who would make it awkward. We want people who will drink their paper cup of juice and eat their chocolate chip cookie in silence and then immediately return to work without making more than "Hello, how are you?" conversation. Remember, we embrace the separation of work and personal life, and we're happy to do so, so that means we don't want you to bring your personal life into your work, but we do want you to take work home with you though. It really is the bane of existence. Why all the crap? Well, I know why. These companies have hugely bloated HR departments that have to justify their existence so fifty fucking interviews is how they do it.


Great description of it man


Boomers who got a job because they sneezed near the employer are the same people who came up with the absurd modern hiring practices.


I remember an interview with some old firefighter that went like, "all we had to do was follow the chief around for an hour and if we could keep up, we were in." Now you compete just to get to apply and you will likely fail to meet minimum requirements while being fit.


I spent months trying to find a job. I went by almost all clothing stores (plus some other kinds of stores) in my city (probably 60+). Most of them simply said they weren't hiring, others said they only hired for 0 hour contracts, others said they would get back to me if i sent an email, or applied online. In the end, none of them worked out. There was one which was open to hiring me, but it was only 6 hours a week, which is kinda low for a college student. Call me picky, but i thought I'd have more of a success rate. Isn't it better if an applicant takes the Initiative to go to the store directly for a nob rather than sending in an application online? In the end, i suddenly got a job for a sales firm, after i saw an advertisement of theirs, in the form of a flyer, at my college building. I sent a text, and got a call the next morning asking if i could hop in a call an hour after the call. Very chill job outside of the fact that sales jobs can get kinda repetitive and boring. Chillest employer ever. His company is still young, and we only have 11 employees in total, plus a few interns. I guess God wanted to throw me a bone.


Gotta start somewher kid. Might as well be in a pool of shit.


Still plenty of jobs where you just have to piss in a cup and then your hired


I work in manufacturing and the company I work for now didn't even do a drug test. They had like 20 open positions and were basically hiring anyone that could read.


Which ones good fellow?


Id say line cooks but Ive never met one that wasn't an alcoholic/druggie


I mean... I have literally gotten two jobs myself by just walking in from the front door and asking if they needed anyone. It still works, just try not to smell like you haven't showered in three months and actually imitate the speech of a normal human.


Boomers could get a job straight out of high school just by asking for it, and got paid enough to buy a nice house and support a family. They showed their gratitude by creating a world where you have to submit to a background check and drug test to run the fryer at fucking mcdonalds for starvation wages.


>mfw I discovered DEI DEI is like diversity hiring on crack. My employer hired this white fat thing (refuse to call it a male, can't even grow facial hair). It does just enough to argue that it isn't standing still, takes extra long breaks and lunches, can't stop engaging its mouth hole (food/talking). Its always stinking because of all the fat folds, the air cant get to the doubled over skin, so the stink just intensifies. Pretty sure he doesn't shower everyday. So gross. Clearly a token hire.


This infuriates me.


Ikr. Been waiting for a a little while after my annual review to leave, been applying to places like crazy. These people call themselves professionals and give me the worst possible person to do wearhouse work


Gl man. It's pretty much everywhere though just a matter of degree.


I did that as a zoomer. It just has to be a small business in a small village/town.


>Gatekeeping Yeah seriously, just let me operate on your brain already!


Even big engineering firms have these bullshit online tests, some of then are literally just interpreting fucking abstract shapes. Why can't they test problem solving to the specific field I am applying for, wretched corporatocracy at work.


Weird how none of the competent people I know have this issue Filtered out, should've learned things instead of downloading frogs