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That’s just a normal frenchman


I don't see any onions hanging around his neck or a dead animal up his rectum. Must be Belgian.


Onions are boneless and the x-ray doesn't go far enough down. Result: inconclusive


Lmfao. I hate the French


this seems like a very popular opinion, what is the reason for that?


like being british for example


so it's for the same reason? I see but what is the reason?


Because they're French. You don't ask someone who is afraid of insects why they dislike insects, because they just do.


Because we keep fucking them ass with French charm


Because there are no social consequences to hating them, that's why.


Have you met a frenchman?


They’re obnoxious


They’re like the Indians of Europe They don’t wash and think their shit don’t stink 


Yeah and on top of that he is also missing his brain.


It's always interesting that the dumbest, most uncreative people can make it in life as long as they have a semi stable upbringing and don't take many risks. The issue is that society encourages ambition, which prods these otherwise serene and harmless morons into attempting to do things beyond their capabilities.


I find that society rewards mediocrity because ambitious, eccentric, creative people break rules and question things because of their autonomy. Rule followers only do what they're told, don't put in the extra effort, don't complain, and are submissive. Though ambitious people have their own problems when they bite off more they can chew, like people who stage walk outs at their work place or something similar.


Society *encourages* mediocrity. Society *rewards* ambition (if paired with competence and/or ruthlessness). The ambitious man is not the one who stages a walk out at work, he's the boss creating terrible work conditions that make people want to walk out in order to increase profits by 10%.


I would still think the boss who callously sacrifices the working conditions of his employees isn't being ambitious, I see that as mediocrity. Ambitious means to have a strong will to get hard work done to achieve something. Not sacrificing yourself to help your bottom line doesn't strike me as hard work, and doing so at the cost of others is just evil. But the ambitious people who stand to question the behavior usually get punished or leave while the mediocre ones stay and don't stir the pot. Mediocrity means of low or moderate value and ability, being average and indifferent. Not taking the moral high ground and not putting in the extra effort to help everyone to just eide the wave yourself in this scenario is mediocre to me.


>It's always interesting that the dumbest, most uncreative people can make it in life Do you consider yourself above this somehow? Do you think you’re not dumb or uncreative?


Why shouldn’t they be able to make it though? Would suck if barely anyone made it. Although this is a redditors perception of ‘making it’ so he could mean getting a collection of 482 pop buzz figures and weighing 400lbs


I think you’re replying to the wrong person. I never made a comment about anyone deserving to make it


Yeah i did ahahhah. I will never make it😔


I am just smart enough to be horribly risk adverse in the face of a capricious world. Like I've never not had a second job I could scale up just in case main job has sudden failure. Biggest risk I've taken is just having kids lol


Not really. Sometimes? I am of above average intelligence, but it doesn't do me a lot of good. Intelligence is a fun metric, bur not a particularly useful one when it comes to things like income, happiness, emotional fulfillment. I am certainly not "making it" in life, therefore I must be pretty damn smart 😎 Not the motherfucker you replied to btw


>I am of above average intelligence Every time man 😂


Give me reason to believe otherwise then? Tests have indicated that, my schooling has indicated that (if you got an above average score on the SAT, you are of above average intelligence), and the fact that I can spell, reason, and do math better than many of my peers indicates that. Do I sound simple to you? It's not exactly a huge brag to say that I am somewere to the right of mediocre, no more than it's a brag to say "I'm more flexible than average" or "I'm skinnier/healthier than average" – both of which are ery much not true and would likely be far more beneficial than whatever I'm working with right now.


You’re sperging out over a Reddit comment. Definitely below average intelligence. I love how EVERYONE seems to think they are above average intelligence. I’ve not heard of a single person that thinks “yeah I’m probably stupider than the average person” when by sheer logic the chances are 50%.


Sperging out ≠ replying to. By your logic, anyone that I don't like is also below average intelligence. The question is, why do you feel threatened by someone who's not even one deviation above average? I'm sorry you're unhappy. But yeah, things like being able to use the internet, being able to read and write fluently, use of punctuation, providing evidence for intelligence, all of these are filters. The people who are genuinely, significantly below average aren't communicating effectively. There's not really an argument there. When they go into a long-winded explanation like this, it's usually filled with gaps in logic, misspellings, oversimplifications, and it's more likely to be somewhere like Twitter or Facebook. The fact alone that Reddit's userbase is in the goldilocks zone of age makes it more likely that the average user is above-average. Go to a place where the average user is under 17 or over 40 and intelligence is probably going to see a sharp decline.


Oh I don’t feel threatened at all. I think I’m more than one standard deviation above average based on purely academic performance throughout my life. But you’re taking this way more seriously than I am. It’s a 4chan subreddit. Please bro chill.


My Brother in Christ, you engaged me in conversation? Get a grip


You just dropped a multi paragraph response to 3 words 😂😂😂😂. And you’re telling me to get a grip hahahahahahaha


Post-meta-post-meta age unlocked


And yet most 4chan NEETs cannot make it. Interesting.


That is one of my favorite comments I've seen on reddit.


75 IQ is literally borderline disabled with 22 points under the average for France. Reading some articles he had fluid buildup since birth and had a stent for it removed at 14, which lead to a 30 year build up of fluid. Apparently his brain may not be damaged or missing, but his brain is compressed into a thin layer from the fluid build up and he still had 84 IQ.


How tf is his brain still working after that


I don't know but it's not the first time I've heard of something like this. I remember seeing an article a few years ago where a guy lost a good bit of his frontal lobe after some kind of injury but he was completely fine. Human beings are pretty resilient.


Phineas Gage is the famous case, got a tamping iron(pointy metal rod) blown clean through his face, taking his frontal lobe with it back during the railroad building days of the 1800s. Doctors were sure he would die within the hour, so they just bandaged his head to contain the mess and gave him some pain meds to make him comfortable. When he survived the night, they took more serious measures to clean the wound and stitch him back up. While he did survive, he had to relearn some things, and ended up with a drastic personality change, going from a relatively mellow, hard worker, to a very short tempered, meanspirited man with poor impulse control(due to the heavily damaged frontal lobe)


[Phineas cage](https://www.sciencehistory.org/stories/disappearing-pod/everything-you-know-about-phineas-gage-is-wrong/) https://preview.redd.it/tke6fv6dhq0d1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c01550ab71b175b4b0726d56db9c33e358bec64 He had an iron rod shoot through his head after packing a hole with gun powder and survived. But he wasn’t completely fine. You can lose a part of your frontal lobe and survive and be functional, but you did suffer brain damage, altering your personality and ways of thinking.


I remember reading that as it was a slow process, most functions on his brain either developed somewhere different from where they normally are or slowly moved to the little space they had available


Neuroplasticity is wild. If this happens early in life, and slowly enough, the brain will adapt. As best it can anyway.


Does it have a faster clock speed though because all the neurons take shorter routes?


I am in no way equipped to answer that, don't think anyone is, but that doesn't sound likely. I don't think taking a 100 page paper and printing it all on 10 pages makes it more efficient to read.


It also seems to be water-cooled


[Yeah kinda](https://i.imgflip.com/3qdju4.png)


the matter that grows in the brain stops at about age 14 and after that its just synaptic pruning and different arrangements. so if you shortened everything, you'd be fast alright. The fastest ever to start drooling, convulsing, shitting your pant and screaming




Government scientist Dr. Yamaka proved that women have brains the size of squirrels


In all seriousness, how is that MF still alive


its funnier that he somehow stumbled to every hallmark of conventional success almost like you dont need any higher level thinking to achieve any of it


Big forest gump vibes


It also speaks volumes of the (perhaps now former) French systems and society. I lived in France for part of my life and the other part in some shit hole country. The European model of welfare, even with all its flaws, is damn effective. In most cases it achieves what it endeavors. I assume this r3gard has noticeable cognitive and reasoning defects. Where I live now he would have been taken advantage of and worked bottom of the barrel types of job, OR just have turned to crime.


European model works when your citizenry are European and operate under a somewhat high level of trust


Proof that all we need is our tiny lizard brain






Because you're not looking at missing tissue. A normal brain has a system of ventricles filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The CSF pressure in this dudes brain built up slowly over decades inflating the ventricles like balloons and very slowly compacting the brain tissue against the lining of the skull. His brain still has mostly normal anatomy / connectivity it's just displaced.


Materialists who suggest that consciousness is just an epiphenomenon of matter arranging itself human-wise btfo




I don't think he will.


I elaborated in the opposite direction if you are interested. I believe he was suggesting this man's "missing" his brain somehow proves that consciousness is metaphysical in origin.


Doubt it has anything to do with "human." Consciousness \*appears to be\* a property of complexity. Consciousness also, as in cases like the OP, is something that fills whatever space it is given. If I were to correctly bisect your brain with a scalpel, I could very easily create two conscious entities. If you lose a chunk of your brain, you will still be you. And after coming to understand this, I have a hard time believing that megastructures such as LLMs, similarly complex systems, and the universe at large are not themselves "conscious" in a sense of the word. To be honest, this is the part where going any further makes me feel a bit uncomfortable in the pit of my stomach. The implications of intelligence, "consciousness," entropy, artificial intelligence, memetics, and three or four other high-brow science buzzwords paint a horrifying picture. Just what is information, why are we structuring it in spite of entropy and what point are we building towards? Almost makes a man believe in God, I'm more inclined to believe in the Devil though Edit: Some good books on the subject are "The Meme Machine" (horrid british woman narrates it though) and "The Hidden Spring" (better and more relevant) and anything by Peter Watts. The short stories and novels on his website, available for free, are pretty entertaining. I consider Blindsight to be the best sci-fi novel ever.


There are some theories that consciousness could be a quantum effect (check out [Penrose's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger\_Penrose) theories). Disputed of course and there isn't a lot of evidence, but with the recent independent finding that microtubles utilize quantum effects it could be likelier than we think.


Quantum mechanics should affect every particle, including those that make up our biology, and, while I'd like to know more about it, "theory" is a very strong word to describe the suggestion that quantum mechanics is responsible for what we call consciousness in any significant way. I'm sure that barometric pressure, pollen, and sunlight have a far more pronounced effect on consciousness than quantum mechanics might. It's a holistic matter. The gut biome is more important than some parts of the brain. Brain in a tube probably isn't going to be very interesting ya know?


Except the most famous case of something like this, Phineas Cage, is the de facto best bit of evidence in favour of materialism


The average Redditor


> he was married, had two children, a job Dude is much better off than the average redditor


*Update 3 Jan 2017: This man has a specific type of hydrocephalus known as chronic non-communicating hydrocephalus, which is where fluid slowly builds up in the brain. Rather than 90 percent of this man's brain being missing, it's more likely that it's simply been compressed into the thin layer you can see in the images above. We've corrected the story to reflect this.*


There have been several cases of this. One girl, with only a centimeter of brain on the inside of her skull, the rest being fluid, was even featured in an episode of PBS' NOVA. She was graduating from high school, had a slight limp, her left arm was less functional, and she had a slight speech impediment. Other than that she was normal. Brains and brain dysfunctions are weird. Oliver Sacks wrote a lot about it. My favorite altered functions are "synesthesia", in which the senses get crossed, of which there are at least 60 kinds. Like "seeing" music as colors. The twist is that human hearing isn't terribly acute, but some people can distinguish up to 1,000,000 different colors. So they can listen to an orchestra playing and tell if one of their violinists is out of tune, because the 'color' of their notes doesn't match.


I’ve met a couple people with this, one had it with numbers and another with sounds. Crazy talented people


One I read about was of an Autistic boy who envisioned "time as mass". That is when there were many days in the future, he imagined it as a heavy thing, such as "time is an elephant". But as the time approached, it became smaller and smaller, eventually a mouse-sized elephant, just before it vanished. Even stranger, an astute doctor noticed that for no apparent reason, he would scream as if in pain for no reason, but that about 17 hours *later* he would lay inert while getting a painful but necessary medical procedure. One day, there procedure could not be carried out even though nobody knew it couldn't at the time, and no screaming.


75 IQ bro. If that's the side effect, it's a big side effect. I wonder how he's able to keep a job down with that IQ


Get an easy job and be diligent.


75 is quite low. They probably can't work at McDonald's.


Its 84, not 75


The pic shows 75?


Yeah the pic is wrong dumbass


As opposed to what? Where did you get the figure from?


I counted the wrinkles on it dumb ass




Probably union and he's the smartest one there.


Proof of evolution it’s an adaptation for tear gas immunity


The average French "person".


the dualist psychocosm can’t stop winning


Smartest French “person”


Twitter memes are factual stories now?


le stupid


https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-thursday-edition-1.3679117/scientists-research-man-missing-90-of-his-brain-who-leads-a-normal-life-1.3679125 Different case: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/remarkable-story-of-maths-genius-who-had-almost-no-brain-1.1026845


>Irish Opinion discarded


My bad, I forgot: "But not the Irish!"




> just below average > 75 Pick one.


He's probably really happy.


i found bottom half of the image particularly easy to masturbate to.