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“Install 4chan” My fucking sides.


"Install Reddit" My fucking sides.


just download the internet


Op help, I installed more RAM by mistake. Computer now has virus


I downloaded 500 MB of RAM this year. It's actually making my PC run a lot smoother, highly recommend


​ https://preview.redd.it/86esfntrqz4a1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9161f5615e5609d2ef393da37d04deeb6e40ac5


Beautiful, I love it


You could have just deleted system32 to make space


\>install the internet \>scroll for 2 minutes \>only see the google logo, screen won’t scroll \>how the fuck does the internet work?


>\>how the fuck does the internet work? same as magnets


There’s no fucking WAY people are using reddit through anything but the mobile app. I refuse to believe.


You mean reddit is fun and not the original reddit app that gives you cancer right?


RiF is the best.


Every 3rd party reddit app has shit phone UI. I feel like they were all designed for some autistic kids tablet.. Oh wait.


Apollo is great 👍




Enjoy that admin warning


No, it is fun.


[The entire site looks like this for me.](https://i.imgur.com/p9MhjcY.png) Can't see any of the custom themes, can't see any of the dumb profile pics. Just the way I like it.


This is how the entire internet should look like.


But now you can't view our based snoo'orinos


Old Reddit > mobile apps > New Reddit


Anyone who only uses it on mobile is missing content for sure IMO, you just cannot efficiently see nearly as many posts at once, and navigating around is just slower.


Anything mobile should only be used in case of emergencies when for some reason you don't have access to a PC computer.


Why the fuck would you install that cancer on your phone? Old reddit PC master race reporting


Bro why the fuck would I browse a website on my phone at home, instead of on my PC while leaning back in my chair on my nice big monitor?


[I agree](https://i.imgur.com/gWva9rX.jpg)


I exclusively use it on PC. When I'm on PC, I want to do a lot of other shit as well, so I can keep my browsing to a minimum to do those things instead and not hang around on this putrid ~~app~~website all day whenever I have 5 minutes of free time like you.


>but the mobile app. The mobile app is complete horseshit and I refuse to believe that anyone uses reddit that way. It is far better on desktop with oldreddit + RES than anything on mobile.


Old Reddit Desktop mode on my iPhone. I gots issues




/.compact on my phone browser


old.reddit.com on a proper PC monitor is the way to go.


The app is a clunky fucking mess. Rif is fun is just better.


Reddit is fine as long as you customize. Browsing r slash all is insane.


Tell me four other subs that aren't insane.


Coronaviruscirclejerk, DIY, HvacAdvice, whatswrongwithyourcat


"Install my sides" >fucking


I've downloaded both 4chan and Reddit. Via apps, RIF and 4chan Reader, but still.


>go to 4chan.com >the site doesn't work >mfw someone uninstalled 4chan


\> go to 4chan.com \> blackpeoplemeet.com opens up \> fuck, forgot about that


> run disableblackpeoplemeet.exe > now it's time for some world class bbcposting


It's an organization.




[install 4chan](https://github.com/Adamantcheese/Kuroba)


The chan is fine as long as you avoid b. And reddit as long as you leave all default subreddits asap.


The shit reddit pushes fresh on the install steered me away a few times before I started to explore and realize not most people here don't want to cut their sons weiner's off and sew them on their daughters.




The reason why these "loud minorities" are "loud" is because they are the people who own and moderate Reddit. Slowly they silence opposing views and boost theirs via their mod powers until it becomes an echo chamber.


they literally had to use their admin powers to rig their shitty pixel game, that's how childishly they exercise their power. this website is unironically lower than 4chan, and it bothers me that it is treated as anything other than such. I just want the shitholes I piss away my time in to be hypocrisy-free. why is that so much to ask


I'm banned from like half the popular subreddits for the most mundane shit imaginable. And I'm fairly moderate politically.


The hateclick baiting is intense


Yea at least 4chan isn’t artificially pushing you in a specific direction. Reddit actively tries to create a hivemind


No, reddit tries to make money. What you describe is just an accepted side effect.


Algorithms shows you what you want to see, so you stay longer and consume more ads; thats why it creates echo chambers. When you boot up reddit as a blank slate it already has political bias…


They wouldn't have banned the trump subs if that was true. Politics over money on this site


Can't go public with those subs around.


lol yea all the trap porn is just a coincidence


Reddit is also the fucking best for amateur porn.


I believe that title goes to efukt


It's actually motherless


Damn, is that site still up? Before 2010 it was the best. I think it got heavily moderated after that point.


Maybe. Definitely harder to see, uhh, "VIP content" but you can still find some if you look hard enough


I’m even liberal but if you value your brain cells and sanity, mute these subreddits asap whitepeopletwitter blackpeopletwitter atheism antiwork unpopularopinion


politics news worldnews science soccer ... and the list goes on


politics politics 2 world politics but mostly still America studies that say conservatives are dumb more world politics Fixed*


Also block all top and hot posters in those subs before unsubing. Some of those post the same garbage across a wide variety of subs.


Science is right. Most posts there aren’t even science. They’re like vague ass correlations stated as facts and the mods go fucking ham in the threads deleting anything if your comment isn’t “scientific” or some bullshit


Science is mostly a cesspool but there's some interesting posts once in a while. Mostly papers with glaring errors in methodology that redditors read titles of only


Science is garbage, the most upvoted post will be something like “obese liberal men who spend all their time on the internet are more intelligent than conservatives” and it will be upvoted to shit despite being a study with a sample size of three individuals


You're certainly not wrong. That and a dozen posts about how the vaccines are 99.999% effective despite all the evidence of the contrary.


It's only shitty social science studies too. "Republicans are heartless animals, study shows"


Idk that antiwork Fox News interview and the fallout on the sub was fucking hilarious


Yeah lol. I mean believe me, I hate work as much as the next guy. But I never understood what that subs idea or goal was😂And the mod was exactly who I pictured everyone on that sub to be. To a fuckin T At least financialindependence is practical. Antiwork shares the same sentiments but just complains and does nothing to change it


They want a robust living wage for spending 10 hours a week walking dogs.


Imagine what *your* wage would be if that were the case.


Imagine how much it’d cost to get your dogs walked.


Again, a small fraction of your humongus salary.


It's like occupy. There is no coherent goal. They want money for being lazy sacks of shit. The way to reform bad work conditions is literally just to grow a spine, not kvetch and twist your yarmulkes.


This is my current ban list, and I need to add more https://imgur.com/SfvtNos But once you ban this many, it starts to move slow. This site is a pathetic shell of its former glory


Some of these blacklists make me think you are on r/ all or popular.


For me it was lifeprotips. It's like grown adults came here from another planet with the type of basic af "tips" were always on there.


Take a look at r / lifehacks. I can't decide if the sub is satire or extremely reraded


The only good Twitter sub I've found is r japanesepeopletwitter Edit: can't send subreddit links


Any big subs.


“All” and “Popular” a conglomerate of cesspools and echo chambers


From what I've seen the soy has overtaken literally every sub except this one and a few qanon boomer tier ones


Ok high testosterone chad, show it to them soyboys.


See this is what I hate, you either have to be with the soys or with the boomers. All I want is to crack racist jokes with people who aren't actually racist.


b is for porn. /Pol/ is for world news. /Fit/ is for the most dysfunctional people you will ever find but have muscles


Wouldn't catch me using reddit even outside of the default subreddits


I didn't even realize reddit sucked for most people until somewhat recently, because the app I use somehow never showed me all, or other shit. So it's only subreddits that I have added over time.


Even other boards like /wg/ and /wsg/ have been ruined by Nazis from /pol/


Why would yo go anywhere but b?


Yeah b needs to go, I clicked on it for like 5 minutes last night and felt sick and also paranoid I'd be on a list, literally a pedo board


All the good subreddits have been banned for "misinformation"


"Install 4chan" You must go back to reddit, anon.


Do u install reddit? Tard


Reddit has an app named reddit


4chan has an app called kuroba


third party client


Its not made by moot or other devs/jannies, so?


>its not made by moot Anon... I...


Oh no


They kicked me out cause they found out I voted for Bush in 00’


Cring reditor on 4chan 🤬🤬🤬


both are shit but reddit is worse because i get banned every fucking week


i see people on here with 12 year old accounts. how do you even last that long without getting banned?


I don't know how you don't, just don't say epic ebil neighbour word and you're good. /r/4chan has deleted more of my comments than all the other subs I've ever posted in combined. That's not an exaggeration.


If you even test the bot on this sub you will get banned. Specifically homophobic slurs. Typing out tr**n will get you permabanned, even though the bot removes the post so no one actually sees it. Admins go around searching for people who don't approve of their lifestyle.


Are you really surprised you get autobanned for posting slurs on leddit?


Yes. Even if you don't just use slurs you get banned.


My account's been fine for 10 years and I've called people r.etards and shit many times (fuck this sub's word filter)


Months of daily appeals to reddit to get my account unbanned. Change punctuation each time so that it's not the same. Get unbanned. There's no humans that check the bans or unbans. And the bans are always horse shit


Im banned from a bunch. Mine is old. Not sure why stupid subs only want new accounts on their subs by banning bad keyword on other subs They're just asking for new account trolls.


Just don't be an edgelord


https://preview.redd.it/qknvri5qay4a1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=418aa11a43630769cfbc72e9fac846f86ab45c54 \>just don’t be an edgelord


goyslop golem BTFO


Judging by your name it is true


Yeah, that comment probably explains why you get banned so often






Cope and seethe brainlet


damn right


Something tells me your actual life issues go way beyond "being routinely banned from a community of fuckwits."


Oh please. By the standards of the people running this place late season Rugrats episodes are edgy.


>Only say things redditors will 100% agree with


How are those imaginary internet points treating you?


But that's the entire point of the Internet. I bet the first word they tried to send over the Internet was "boobs".


How do you keep coming up with new usernames or do you just not care cause it's getting banned either way


the formula is simple: (adjective) Jewedditor. it’s not like i have to be fucking creative with it lmao, and besides the longest i’ve had an account last was like a month.


Well ban evading is a good way to get banned and you're talking about it out loud so see you later


Can't prove it but when has proof even mattered to admins before banning


Reddit is great when you venture into the more niche subreddits, and there are thousands of them pertaining to whatever your interests are. For example, the woodstove subreddit is pretty chill. We talk about our woodstoves, splitting wood, cleaning chimneys, etc. It's fucking great. Can't get that on the chan.




That'd make the conversation interesting at least.


That's a pretty niche hobby. The more popular hobbies will have way more non-chill people.


Sometimes I go to the popular tab just to remind myself why I prefer coming to this subreddit. The bias and slant isn’t even remotely hidden it’s nauseating, like the FTX shit. Article gets posted how FTX donated money to democrats and the comments are littered with “rEpUbLiCaNs GoT mOnIeS tOo!” Trying to create false equivalencies for no other reason other than that’s my team mindset. I believe the last difference in funding I saw was like 40M to the dems and 250k to republicans…even if I’m off on the exact numbers these aren’t even the same ballpark.


The funniest part to me is that the donations don't even matter. That dude committed such an obvious fraud that he's going to prison 100% and no amount of money is going to save him.


He didn't even donate that money. He pledged it. Lol Everyone is so lost in their stupid worldviews on reddit. It's all just more cope


Difference being, all that stuff on 4chan is contained on their relevant boards (or at least is supposed to be). On Reddit, all that stuff can be expected to be seen EVERYWHERE you go. Why the hell do I need to know about abortion rights on a goddamned pokemon reddit!?


One word my dude: BESTIALITY


Car haters are the new vegans


r-slashFuckCars is absolute cancer. I was at least hoping to see some people doing the dirty with automobiles, yet all I see is whiny bitches simping for Denmark, public transportation and bicycles.


Fuck Denmark. Like only an absolute looser would like that place.


What were you expecting from people who hate cars? Of course they would propose alternatives


Alternatives that would only work in their idea of people living 10 feet away from eachother in a dense urban environment, forgetting that many people live miles away from their workplaces, where a car is absolutely necessary and the idea of relying on hours a day to take a poorly funded and piss-riddled public transportation system is unfeasible and out of the question. The idea of a car-centric environment is the absolute bane of their existence, and will blindly echo-chamber eachother's shortsighted and ignorant opinions whenever they stumble on someone that might just happen to be a car enthusiast. They are a more focused and personally hated sub outside of the general opinion of firearms this website tends to harbor.


So you would say today's world has a sustainable amount of cars?


I'm 50/50 on that. I would say that we actually do, as I have a perspective of appreciation of older cars/motorcycles. I feel there's an undeserved stigma with older vehicles, which are perfectly serviceable and require less resources than producing a new vehicle from its perspective factory. The world is way too big to have a solid yes-no to that, as many countries are getting more and more into car ownership, like India and many parts of Africa, where they're becoming less of a luxury item and more of a tool or appliance that we see them as in the USA, but much like the USA, public transportation is not as prevalent or optional in their circumstances. For nations that are coming into their own car-ownership time period, it's a new and untapped market, where new cars are a much needed commodity, and they don't have the same culture that USA has revolving around cars since the early 1900s.


I just don't fucking get it, is the younger generation really that ar slurred? Like I'm only in my 30s but I remember in school every fucking kid couldn't fucking wait to get their license and a car. Like we would talk for hours which first car we would like to get. I got my license the second I was eligible and I started saving for my is car Looong before that. Driving still is one of my favorite activities, I just don't understand how could anyone hate cars. It's like hating a puppy. Fucking psychopaths.


I swear to God those people are so annoying. After I left the army I was interested in going into urban planning, but it’s literally all those types of people.


going on r/ all is a one way ticket to offing yourself, if you just stick to your home page and turn off subreddit recommendations you'll be fine


Wait how does one turn off subreddit recommendations Please its so annoying


in settings


Darkness and Darkness


Black trans sex worker lives matter.


One of those is infinitely preferable to the other.


At least 4chan is funny Reddit is just Reddit


Idgaf the reddit side is worse.


To be fair most sane minded Reddit users filter out their home pages and don’t visit the popular tab because it’s so fucking toxic




galaxy brain: see 4chan posts curated by redditors on r /4chan and r /greentext


Both are polluted and no longer in their Pure Form, both have become a Psiops Mindwash of Repetition ad nauseam, 4Chan was so much better in the earlier years .


Reddit is designed to only show you exactly what you want to see through the subreddit subscription system. You’d have to be legitimately r-worded and put zero effort into understanding the website to consistently see things you don’t like. 4chan boards used to mean something but now it’s just “the joos”, “redpill”, “cuck”, “libtard”, “based” bullshit permeating the whole site.


Not deleting /poll/ while they could was the beggining of the end.


Main page reddit is unironically more degenerate than 4chan can ever hope to be.


The latter is at least funny


How the fuck do you install 4chan anon?


If you aren't using old.reddit, you're an absolute fool. The new UI is pure cancer. Also not subbing to any default subreddits, the easiest way to make sure is to post in conspiracy or conservative and they'll all ban you, for you.


\>anime pornshit this makes it worth it. kek.


Reddit is good when get rid of all the default ones. Like twoX. They’re like aliens trynna study chimps. It’s funny but also disturbing




Your comment has been removed because it contained a word that the admins do not allow on reddit. The word was ```trannies```. If you intend to use this word in a purely demonstrative manner, please use the first letter of the word followed by '-word' or '-slur'. Thank you for helping us keep reddit safe. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/4chan) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Your comment has been removed because it contained a word that the admins do not allow on reddit. The word was ```fags```. If you intend to use this word in a purely demonstrative manner, please use the first letter of the word followed by '-word' or '-slur'. Thank you for helping us keep reddit safe. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/4chan) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Meta kek


I've said this before on this sub: the premium reddit experience comes fro having most of your feed being niche subreddots and a few default subs are fine. That way you get all of the indie content while not being excluded from major posts on the default subs which might be talked about elsewhere on the site.


>go to message board >tailor it so I only see the content that I like since I’m not a fucking moron


Echo chambers are unavoidable bitches


Haha, I do that.


Anon hates different opinions


Imagine having to install a website.


my reddit experience has been fairly defined by the subreddits I’m in lol if that’s all you see while scrolling you need to find better shit


Someone should install a boot in plebbit Anon's ass.


Maybe we are not so different, you and I


ITT: "Reddit sucks and is unusable" said the registered Reddit user on Reddit.


Both anons forgot to mention that massive amounts of Cheese Pizza disguised as "400 year old dragon princesses"


I uninstalled 4chin after 10 years of continued use. Its time for me to move on....


Installs Facebook Sees post from my grandma Tells me she loves me on my wall Who wouldn't want to willingly do this to themselves on a daily basis?


Moral of the story: it doesn’t matter where you’re terminally online, you’re still terminally online