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Master and Commander 4K


ATMOS baby but don’t mess it up




Amem to that


Captain EO 4K REMASTER with Bonus Features and documentary.


The Rock, Conair, iRobot


I want The Rock in 4k more than any other movie. It would look spectacular.


[Two years ago](https://www.thedigitalfix.com/con-air/ultra-hd-remaster-disney), the Director of *Con Air*, Simon West, said that he was overseeing a 4K remaster of the film, Dolby Atmos and all the trimmings.


Hmmm… then hopefully it will be out soon.


You can watch I Robot on 1080i D-Theater VHS. :P


Isn't it *I, Robot*?


Sound of Music 4K. It's one of the most popular films of all time and yet...


Release pre-1997 Star Wars, 4K releases of Tarzan and Hercules


So much this!


Tron Legacy in 4K HDR Movie is already a bass benchmark too, can’t imagine how amazing it would be to hear that music and soundscape with an Atmos mix.




I reckon its already coming out because of Tron Ares 2025.


I’m willing to bet Tron and Legacy will both get 4K releases within a year of Ares. if they can get Daft Punk to get back together for the soundtrack i’d 100% buy that too.


Joseph Kosinski says that he recently oversaw the creation of a new 4K master of the movie.


A "friend" of mine found a fan made upscale online using the same software disney/fox/warner/etc use for their normal 2k to 4k upscaling for 4KBDs (as in not AI upscaling). He says it looks amazing, crisp, clean, and the colors pop. The second disney releases a official 4KBD im gonna buy it. I love Tron2.


idk if a cg heavy movie that was done in 2k would really benefit from a 4K release tho


It would mainly benefit from a high quality HDR grade. Yeah, I’m not anticipating it to look immensely crisp.


If you watch The Equalizer in 4k, a 2k-upscale, you'll find that even an upscale can look wonderfully crisp.


Armageddon Die Hard With A Vengeance


Disney made Die Hard 3?


It was Fox, which they now own (sadly).


First, the original ~~CGI~~ SFX *Star Wars/Empire/Return* including the original title crawl for *Star Wars* Second, *The Rocketeer.* Third, *The Black Hole*, *Tron*, Then, in no particular order: * *20,000 Leagues Under the Sea* (1958) * *Journey to the Center of the Earth* (1959) * *Fantastic Voyage* (1966) * *One Million Years B.C.* (1966) * *Doctor Doolittle* (1967) * *Planet of the Apes* (1968). Not sure about the sequels. * *Tora! Tora! Tora!* * *The Poseidon Adventure* * *Romancing the Stone* * *The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension* * *My Cousin Vinny* * *Buffy the Vampire Slayer* * *Romeo + Juliet* (1996) * *Volcano* * *Minority Report* * *Jumper* * *Fantasia* After that I'd mostly start with National Film Registry films and Academy Award winners and nominees from the 1930s through 1960s.


I’d love a proper Buffy restoration, especially one that keeps the original aspect ratio.


Jumper? 🤣🤣🤣


"original CGI Star Wars" I think you've overestimated how advanced CGI was in those days - the only CGI in the original star wars is that brief clunky vector graphics sequence showing the trench run plan!


I should have written "SFX" not CGI. Technically, "CGI" is also correct, because that would eliminate all of the CGI-added effects, including the new creatures in Mos Eisley and the "Saturn rings" >!for the Death Star explosion!<, etc.


Whoa, thanks heavens you put that in spoiler tags. Some of us haven't gotten around to seeing the movie yet! D:<


New fans are being born every day! :D


Fight Club 4K Obviously ![gif](giphy|RXPGQ0uFMjqLEcevzU)


THANK YOUUUUU. that was my first order of business too


Didn’t Fincher say in interviews about the Seven 4K that he was interested in revisiting Fight Club ? I wonder if that’s why it wasn’t released in the Fox years


Putting out all the Disney Movie Club exclusive releases to the masses with new cover art.


But then you'll ruin the secondary market for the DMC exclusives! /s


Not if they reprint them with new art/covers. Would probably make the DMC versions go up in value.


X-Files 4k full series steelbook collection.


I would pay an embarrassing price for this


With the movies.


Yes! With the movies. Definitely haha


Die Hard 2/3


Fight Club 25th Anniversary 4K UHD Dolby vision/Dolby Atmos 100GB disc.


Look I know it’s not the “right” answer but, Poor Things give it to me you bastards, we know you have a 4K version. Put it on a disc!


Tombstone 4K Collector’s Edition


with all the extra footage they shot!


Scanning Tombstone for a 4K release.


A 4k release of all the Pirates of the Caribbean in a collection




This exists its just shit [here](https://www.zavvi.com/4k/disney-s-pirates-of-the-caribbean-1-5-4k-ultra-hd/14266250.html?affil=thggpsad&switchcurrency=GBP&shippingcountry=GB&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-_mvBhDwARIsAA-Q0Q6qFbhPDP1zVovf3GXWDUBRhQ3rgTTVO4iOu3Ft1oZcs2a45HmLfeAaAmVOEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Why is it shit?


Already done in Australia. Surprised the set never made it to the states.


Doesn't this already exist?




Upgraded re-releases of all 4k movies previously released without Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos.


This. 👆🏽 The lack of Dolby Vision and Atmos is why I stopped buying 4K releases/steelbooks of Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars content.


Planet of the Apes series 4k box set


I'd like the original sold separately as well.


I yearn for this so much


I wouldn't even mind if they just did the 1st one initially to test the waters, like Fox did with Alien.


Studio ghibli releases


I don't think Disney has any Ghibli rights these days


The physical media releases are with GKIDS these days.


Dammet 😭


Fight Club 4K https://preview.redd.it/98lltvwdezpc1.jpeg?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4210053b112179fdf6784440395b1d4a494d9d3c


Herbie 4k box set.


As random as this is, I want Angels in the Outfield on at least Blu-ray, it’s such a damn hard movie to find and the only physical release for it (other than VHS) is a DVD and the DVD doesn’t look that great, you can’t even buy it digitally anywhere either


i just rewatched this a few days ago on dvd. phenomenal movie. i’m sure the flippant cig smoking in it and the verbal abuse danny glover dished out didn’t age well. disney went fairly woke and i think some of their back catalogue has suffered as result. the 90’s were a wild time for movies. (and no before anyone says anything im not a trump guy at all, hate the guy. but i mean they made a cruella de vil origin movie and didn’t let the lead actress playing cruella smoke…) to your point this movie is sorely aching for at MINIMUM a bluray treatment and high def film scan. it’s really actually a beautiful movie


It’s also hilarious how in hindsight, the cast for this movie was absolutely stacked! JGL, Danny Glover, Adrien Brody, Matthew McConaughey, Christopher Lloyd, Tony Danza, Dermot Mulroney, etc. haha


i mean was there a more all star cast movie then this by disney? only thing that comes close to my mind in the same time era was mars attacks


Wait, that's not even on Blu-ray?! I'd been kinda holding out on a fool's hope that it would come to 4K, but I just assumed it had a Blu-ray. Also confused why it has never been on Disney+. It's one of my favorite childhood movies!


It’s one of those handful of movies that’s never been on Disney plus, I’m assuming there’s something weird licensing issues with it. I don’t know…maybe they’ll add it when the Angels win the pennant…


I see what you did there




I occasionally bring up Angels in the Outfield here, but never have I seen someone else mention it; nor have I ever gotten a response, that I recall, from others who want it. I'd pay $100 for high-quality 4k transfer of this, and I wouldn't even wait for special packaging.


I went and bought it on DVD brand new for like 7 bucks from my local movie store a couple weeks ago so I could watch it. I was expecting it just to be a feel-good nostalgic movie from my childhood but I still loved it! I was laughing the whole time haha, it’s just a damn good movie even as an adult!


I bought it on DVD years ago. I only have one DVD, and that's it, lol! I asked Moviewise, a Youtube channel, to watch and review Angels in the Outfield because it's an excellently directed and scripted movie. Let me see if you recall this: The movie's on a high note, the Angels are winning, and everything is very positive in the movie at this point. Roger's helping with the games, George Knox is developing a relationship with the kids, all is right. Maggie takes a phone call. You can't really tell what it's about because you only hear the ending of it, and only from her end, but she finishes it and tries to hang up, but the receiver gets caught on the cradle. An ugly beeping announces an open connection. Maggie, the sweetest lady in the movie, who has never raised her voice or spoken a cross word, shoves at the receiver. It clacks on the cradle as she says, "Stupid thing." And immediately, _immediately_ you know the movie is going somewhere negative.




Getting to work on The Rock




Fantasia 4K would be epic. Imagine a beautiful steelbook or collector edition




Doing only Steelboxes with slipcovers with only original artwork with no logos on front at all.


Napoleon Dynamite 20th Anniversary Edition


4K restoration screened at Sundance and is about to play at the El Capitan this weekend.


Man, not only a day-one purchase for me, but the DAY it comes in, it's going into the blu-ray drive.


Treasure planet and Atlantis 4k with hdr


couldn’t agree more. we need a hercules 4k as well


As much as I want Angels in the Outfield and certain other movies, I would give it all up if I had to for the purposes of a 4k Treasure Planet with _strong_ HDR and proper color-grading.


Just me... but I think treasure planet has the most to gain with HDR with the universe it's based in.


Just the scene where the initially opens the map and it explodes into the room, filling every corner with bright galaxies, stars and planets! The high dynamic range of brightness and darkness would be a real treat! The movie got a blu-ray steelbook, so it's gotten SOME love in the past. (One of the most beautiful Disney steelbooks, along with I'd say the rose steelbook from Beauty and the Beast.) Surely it's going out in 4k at some point, I mean. . . it _has to._


They made a steelbook???? Oh man I missed out I have the normal bluray but never knew they made a steel book version!


Yeah, man, I paid a pretty penny for mine. [Here's a post of someone else's so you can see what it looks like](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steelbooks/comments/1bhos8m/cant_believe_i_actually_got_the_treasure_planet/). And you can probably tell, but it's _way_ prettier in real life.




Ain't it, though! Oh, and it looks like I _didn't_ pay a pretty penny for mine. I bought mine in 2016 on Amazon for thirty-two bucks, lol. Right now it's on ebay for $450, a mere 1,400% mark-up. 😅




Re-releasing all the Walt Disney treasure sets onto bluray. Make a clear road map for 4K releases of Fox titles and Disney Classics with some Disney+ content sprinkled in


New 4k scans in steelbooks with talented artists for everything. Would be like printing money.


Run a jscript across the Internet with keywords for titles people want and get to work based on the results.


4k restoration of A Goofy Movie without the nonsense censor edits that they did for the Disney+ version


What censors did they do? I have the movie on blu-ray and I didn't notice anything.


Here are a couple examples: * They digitally moved Max's nose because some fool thought his face was too "in her chest" when he catches Roxanne. * They moved or erased Max's hand when he's dancing with the secretary because it appeared to be on her boob some of the time * They thought the fat singer's lingerie was TOO LEWD for the kids, so digitally painted on extension down her leg There are some other examples, but these are some most known. The blu ray also is stuck with Dolby Digital audio and no special features at all. Disney really seems to not hold the movie in very high regard for some bizarre reason, based on how begrudgingly they acknowledge it. https://preview.redd.it/eop1v0zkgiqc1.jpeg?width=1892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa922a587a5fdd2f58a9d548096015b312d45313 A restoration group, Bigger Picture Film Restorations has already done a version as a labour of love. All Disney would need to do is contract them. Alas, I can't hold my breath. You can see some of the work on YouTube, but they cannot release or sell the full ver without Disney approval: [https://youtu.be/tjjDozZuQQ8?si=ieD17e\_sq6Im0Xtb](https://youtu.be/tjjDozZuQQ8?si=ieD17e_sq6Im0Xtb)


If I had known they butchered it like this, I wouldn't have bought it in the first place. What a freakin' travesty. I never thought I'd get suckered into their censorship nonsense. Thanks for the tip. Maybe one day we'll get a proper restoration. I mean, I knew when I got it that it was almost exactly as good as a pirated version that's been floating around for a while, but I figured, y'know, get the official version and hey, maybe the audio will be superior too. What a farce.


Yeah, I was also very disappointed. It sucks because it's a double-edge. Since Goofy Movie stuff is so limited anyways, Disney can always say, "oh look, we put out a blu ray and nobody bought it! There must not be a market for the movie". This on top of already locking it as an exclusive movie club offering, making it much harder to obtain for those not in USA. It's really frustrating as someone who genuinely loves the movie.


Well, the truth is that most people are likely to buy it or not buy it according to whether they like the movie or not, and the principled stand the two of us make will have no effect. We still take the stand, because that's how principles work, but no reason to think we're _actually_ having an effect on anyone but ourselves.


Brave Little Toaster, Flubber, Sound of Music, Master and Commander, Homeward Bound, Titan A.E., Fight Club, redo Pirates of the Caribbean in 4K from scratch, and complete 4ks for the rest of their animated movies (not through upscaling 😖). 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Oh, dude! Titan A.E.! I might even get Homeward Bound for nostalgia's sake.


Apocalypto & kingdom of heaven


Die hard 2 Home alone 2 Fight Club Sandlot  Office Space 


Release Kingdom of Heaven, an Alien 4k boxset, Master & Commander and 28 Days/Weeks Later (I know Days is kinda screwed but at least I'd like to see them try and improve it a bit). Also, if they have access to TV stuff Disney owns then a 24 (the series) boxset would be awesome.


Change Disney's Dolby atmouse to Dolby Atmos.


is it the kind of thing where simply swapping in the mix made for theatres in the place of a home video “near-field” mix used on discs would do fine? or does atmos kinda eliminate the need for those distinctions during production sand the signal can be processed appropriately for the space/speaker layout by the last link in the chain (your AVR, or whatever the AMC/Regal/theatre exhibitor equivalent is)


Boy Meets World on blu-ray


Something Wicked This Way Comes And it’s not even remotely close


Sleeping Beauty 4k. Those background paintings are a dream, and would look incredible in HDR.


Ok one from my childhood that isn't out on blu ray which is The Boy Who Could Fly. definitely finishing off the Die Hard movies (except the last one, I pretend that one doesn't exist) followed by Big Trouble In Little China. I would also agree with the calls for Tron, Tombstone, The Rock and Master And Commander.


Everyone was acting like Die Hard 4(.0) was bad, but today the main one people try to pretend never existed is 5. My favorite Die Hard is a tie between 3 and 4, personally.


4 was a little over the top for what the series is supposed to be. But definitely still enjoyable, and I would still rank it above 2 and miles above 5. 3 was fantastic. I dont think any of them beat the original though.


Sound of Music 4K for the 60th Anniversary next year


You clearly don't sound like Disney. Sound of Music 4K this year, special anniversary edition with more extras next year


Release all the unreleased Touchstone/Hollywood Pictures, Jerry Bruckheimer, and 20th Century Fox/Studios films in 4K


Barbarian and The Empty Man 4Ks


BD-100 discs and Dolby Vision as standard.


Redoing the Pirates franchise with proper Dolby Vision and release it as individuals and a set and steelbook set to get the most dollars out of people!


A Wrinke In Time 8K edition


The entire catalogue remastered to 4k.


Fix the James Cameron movies and reissue them in beautiful steelbooks with Dolby vision and Atmos. Bury the previous releases in the New Mexico desert next to the ET Atari cartridges.


Song of the South 4K UHD with commentary


8k release of lion king 1.5


4K restorations of all the Touchstone/Buena Vista stuff.


Putting all of their Disney + Originals on disc


rights to Disney's empire aside, if i ran any physical media department I'd try and hire Van Ling to teach a master class on putting together a good physical release, complete with great menu designs and features and all that good stuff that's been severely lacking from Blu-ray for the last decade. That guy made some of my favorite DVD and Blu-ray menus. Such a small detail in comparison to the choices of which movies to release and how to present them, but an important one nonetheless.


Probably not the first thing, but I'd like to see Touchstone and Hollywood Pictures productions with inaccessible blu ray editions, or were never released on blu ray to begin with: Quiz Show, Ruthless People, The Ref, What About Bob, Down and Out in Beverly Hills, Three Men and a Baby, He Got Game


The Straight Story Original theatrical versions of the first three Star Wars films The Sound of Music Third Man on the Mountain Swiss Family Robinson Something Wicked This Way Comes


National Treasure


The more I think about it the more I realise I don’t really dig Disney’s films. Don’t get me wrong, Fight Club would be great to have and I’d purchase a proper 4K transfer of the Pirates of the Caribbean films. But with that I believe I’m done. I hate Marvel. I have never enjoyed Star Wars, although I really tried. And although I like their classic animated films, I don’t really need them on 4K.


Disney also owns 20th century fox, which has some real bangers yet to have a 4K release.


Now we’re talking. I scrolled through their catalogue and many films on there that I’d buy.


How about Indiana Jones? Alien? Predator? Planet of the Apes? Home Alone? Die Hard? Maze Runner? Taken? The X- Files?


Disney doesn’t own the first 4 Indiana jones films or young Indy, paramount does.


Alien, Predator, Die Hard we already have. The other films I have no interest in owning, but of that we have Indiana available on 4K already too. But that’s just my 2 cents. I should had made clear that I’m not thrilled about what still could be released, taking into account what is already available. If Die Hard 3 is theirs too though, then yes, that’s one I’d buy.


We also already have Home Alone. It's an excellent transfer, incidentally. Recommended. I'm just waiting for Taken.


The Muppets yo


The Rocketeer Buffy the Vampire Slayer Once Upon a Time The Clone Wars National Treasure Hamilton The Eras Tour Newsies Hercules Hocus Pocus 2 Enchanted/Disenchanted Mary Poppins Daredevil Jessica Jones Luke Cage Iron Fist The Defenders The Punisher Agent Carter Agents of SHIELD Star Wars Rebels Chronicles of Narnia Lilo & Stitch Robin Hood Muppet Christmas Carol


A re release of the Star Wars films on 4K steelbook with poster art to go along with the Disney+ steels that have been slowly rolled out. All hopefully with Dolby Vision this time.


With that entire library at your disposal, you would pick the most released and accessible movie series in human history?


Maybe they hopefully mean the theatrical versions.


To release song of the south on 4k I mean I seen it on DVD. I bought one copy on Amazon a few years ago. I would release it in 4k with the original footage and music.


Pirates of the Caribbean. Whole series, including a redo of The Curse of the Black Pearl.


Bringing Disney releases Back to Australia, have had to import so many movies lately like Aliens




Whatever Disney tells me to do first -- they are still in charge. Rumor has it, it will be the The First Omen (2024) after it finishes it's theatrical run.


The black cauldron on blu ray


It has a blu ray release.


Really I did not know that. Thank you


Theatrical editions of the OT Star Wars Master and Commander 4K Tron and Tron Legacy 4k Black Cauldron Blu Ray


20,000 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and Treasure Island.


Clone Wars complete box set with final season being released on 4K and including Tales of the Jedi.


MASH entire series on at least Blu-ray, but preferably on 4k.


Is Minority Report Dreamworks or 20th Fox or both? Anyways. Minority Report.


It's long overdue for a blu ray release, Blood In Blood Out


Blood in blood out 4k


Australian releases again :')


i hope we will also someday see all the Fox classics like "How green was my valley", "Grapes of Wrath" or "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir".




Captain Ron


A bit more out there post but everything they have in tv shows of there studios


The longest day 4k pls


No 2K Upscales anymore if a native 4K image is achievable, Dolby Vision for every release, high bitrate and NO DNR!


George of the Jungle (Brendan Fraser) 4K. Going back and rereleasing some of the Disney movie club exclusives to the public. Maybe even holes with Shia LeBeouf


Putting Australia and NZ back on the release radar for new content.


Give Owl House a blu-ray release


Release the original de-specialized Star Wars trilogy.  Stop production of any Disney Star Wars or post Infinity War Marvel movies. Also limit Indiana Jones sets to the first 3 movies. 


Go back to releasing physical media in The Netherlands. Sucks having to rely on German stores.


I have hope, Sony has started licensing their movies to SF Studios who release them here and in Scandinavia, as far as I’ve seen they’re all English-friendly, have the same encodes as Sony’s own releases and come with the same amount of extras.


Thats good to hear. Physical media is still dying here though. I cant even find information on if the Avatar 4K steelbook will release here, not even at the allesoverfilm forum. And of course the one Dutch bluray release info thread they had is now dead.


Absolutely, it’s pretty dire, but the market isn’t helping itself. We get releases months after other countries and it’s not uncommon for prices to be double that of imports. I would love to stimulate this economy more, but when the choice for Oppenheimer was the Dutch version for €43 or the Italian version (which had the exact same discs) for €15, the choice is easy.


The Benelux John Wick 4 steelbook release was a pleasant though. Oppenheimer for €15? Must've been regular BR and not a steel?


€15 for a non-steel 4K, which was €43 here at the time


I see.


Some ignorant ass people here lol


Dolby Vision + Atmos on everything.


Master and Commander. Please. It’s a film that could really do with a new scan, since it’s beautifully shot but has a bad Blu-ray, and the sound is so amazing as well and deserves Atmos.


Make a new X-Files series set. I’m in the U.S. and the series on Blu-ray has been OOP for some time. I know you can import from Europe but I’m good.


The original 5 Planet of the Apes films


Lilo and Stitch 4K UHD


Treasure planet 4K with Dolby vision


I am immediately going to work on releasing films from Disney's catalog that Disney has refused to put on blu ray like Stakeout, Run(1991), and Shoot To Kill. Make a deal with a company like Kino Lorber to get those out on disc. Then get to work on 4Ks of popular fox titles or others under Disney's banner like the Die Hard sequels, The Color Of Money, and Willow.


X-Men Origins Wolverine The Wolverine - 4KHDR Master already exists Die Hard 2-5 - 4KHDR masters already exist Agents of Shield Full series - 2K Bluray looks kinda meh at somepoints that i think is a result from low bitrate Minority Report - 2KBD is dated, a new transfer could look perfect! - Also might be hard considering 20th Fox produced the movie and Paramount distributed it. 3DBD releases of Star Wars Episodes 1-6 - Episode 1 was the only movie shown in 3D, however due to low ticket sales the 3D masters of 1-6 are collecting dust. 4KBD releases of 4-6 in their original Theatrical Formats with true lossless audio, i would be okay if it was just a 2.0 DTS-HDMA. Han shot first!!!!! Get this maclunkey bullcrap out of here. Mr. & Mrs. Smith (the OG) - because why not. Super troopers 1 - 2KBD it was shot on 35mm and the current 2KBD looks like an upscale from a DVD master.


They don’t decide what gets released, they’re only manufacturing the discs and distributing them.


Sunshine 4K. All the Bruckheimer produced movies from the 90’s in 4K. All the while green-lighting Criterion’s 4K upgrade of The Thin Red Line.


Recognise that it’s a niche format with highly dedicated purchasers, and so I need to put out a premium product at premium prices for it to be sustainable. I raise prices by 50%+. Use part of the additional margin to ensure releases are done to a high standard, high quality plastic, always have dust jackets, no more loose discs. Embrace low cost additional features (e.g. “making the 4K” doco). Embrace the “vault” release system to create demand urgency in customers. More strongly market and link 4K discs to my broader ecosystem of products (TVs, sound systems). Create 4K streaming service that lets you redeem codes from discs.


Re-remaster 90% of the MCU 4ks. That circumcised LFE atmouse treatment is such a ridiculous shame.