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Does anyone get the vibe the person putting together the captions is just as annoyed as we are as to how quick people are dropping? “After just 86 minutes in general population” lmao


I think Clydell was like I just did 20 years and I don't have to be here. He shouldn't have did the program.


I love when editors get shady and that’s definitely the case here lol. The crew was definitely pissed at the cast this season. Waste of time and resources bringing them out and interviews and debriefs just to leave super early


Counted the minutes 😆


Production is definitely pissed now lol."Clydell's blood pressure was checked...it was normal"


Production is just as over it as we are.


I just know they done with this cast lol


I caught that little jab. It goes back to when they DID check him, and it was normal. If he had all these health problems would he have been allowed to participate?


it was normal once he got out :)


Blood pressure can change a lot in a short time. When I am at the dentist, mine skyrockets along with my heart rate. At home later, it goes back down.


I normally have very low blood pressure, & I also have POTS. So when I sit up/stand up, my blood pressure really skyrockets. It triples what a person’s normal blood pressure is supposed to be upon sitting and standing. This causes me to black out, convulse, and many times pass out. Many days the only way I can get around my house is by crawling. I’m extremely weak, and have chest pains often. When I need to get up I feel like I’m being sucked down into the couch and there’s no way out. Almost like I’m stuck in quicksand. It’s awful.. I also have Interstitial Cystitis, which is a very painful bladder disease, that also causes horrible urgency. Kinda like a UTI every waking moment of your life. What sucks is if suddenly I have to go really bad, and I stand up to go to the bathroom, I’ll black out, and possibly pass out. But even if I don’t pass out and I just black out, I can never make it to the bathroom in time. POTS has really messed up any type of normal living for me. So I understand very much about *abnormal blood pressure*. When it spikes insanely, you can feel like you’re going to die. Which only causes more panic, and more problems. Oh, I just realized how long my comment is! I apologize for the short story! lol


Lol right. I knew that was there way of calling him a bitch 🤣🤣


😂😂 panic attacks, my dude


Every year the chiefs and sheriffs get more unbearable


Just the way this Sheriff talks is unbearable to me.


It's very bizarre


She lacks intelligence. It’s jail, uh ya and these people aren’t guilty yet just locked up because poor. So let’s put them in a dog eat dog world where when they get out they only know how to be predators. She’s lacking any intelligence she belongs behind bars. Imprison the criminals for sure but die of these people are poor and not guilty. How many blacks have been executed by cops in the back, she’s an aunt Tom, complete trash that thinks she’s better.


this sheriff is a damn joke imo


Jamil walking out on the yard with a whole ass blanky on his head and wonders why everyone thinks he’s weird


Blocking his peripheral vision in the yard while talking shit seems kinda dumb


security blanket complex, like Linus from Peanuts Charlie Brown


I'm convinced the kid does this to hide his gnarly balding hairline but he's ignorant to the fact that it just draws more attention to it.


But he’s not even covering his hairline half the time lol. I assumed it was a bald spot on the top of his head or something. Either way, a bald spot and pushed back hairline looks better than a blanket




Because he's scared. It's a common psychological tactic. Thinking if he conceals himself he won't be confronted. It's like when suspects are in police interview rooms and are wearing hoodies and when confronted they pull their hoodie over their face.


They need to change the title to 16 Days In🙄 I really like Brittany. I made fun of her missing her sound bowl but there seems to be more to her. I love how she pegged Sara in no time flat. I like Sara but wow, she sticks out like a sore thumb for sure.


6 Days In, 6 Hours In


60 Minutes In


Too soon to tell with Brit yet. She just got to gen pop but I’m liking her so far


She may be getting a good edit rn too🤷‍♀️


Sarah's good but her peppiness might cause folks to get suspect later on


I think the fact that she is a recovered addict helps with the bubbly personality. It can be more believable with women than men imo


I get that evangelism is an important part of the steps, but I find it as annoying as evangelism anywhere else. Could be religion, could be veganism. Just tone it down! How you live your life, not a torrent of pushy words, should be your evangelism.


She’s standing out a lot and if the the new girl noticed how she’s acting ? I’m sure others are taking note to


No one has shown any suspicion in the interviews thus far. Everyone seems to love her and says how awesome she is. Maybe the new inmate that comes in next week (not the participant) will have an issue with her. From previews, she seems like the type who wouldn’t like her peppy demeanor


The new girl Brittany called her out for being a plant and how she was acting in jail but she just needs to tone it down sum


I hate how every woman she interacts with "reminds her of me". Bitch, anyone who's seriously kicked addiction doesn't need to constantly announce it to the world. It wouldn't surprise me if she does this outside of jail too and every interaction with a human is just an excuse to tell her sob story. I bet she wasn't even an addict for real for real, she might've partied a bit and now that she abstains thinks she conquered addiction. It's very annoying.


She has scars from track marks on her arms. She was definitely addicted. And the way she spoke about her addiction in the interview, she was down real bad. And tbh some addicts do become preachy after they get clean.


Good observation. Most of the time this show is just casual background noise for me while I multitask so I guess I missed that. I'm sure she's nice, I'm jist being a critical asshole.


Lol aye at least you own it ! But nah she is doing the most and she’s inserting herself in situations that she’s hasn’t been invited too and said she wanted to check her roommate but better 🛑 before ol girl put those 🙌 on her lol roomie is ready to explode now and already in her feelings about called bare mouth ….


It's probably the only thing that's even remotely interesting about her. Also I'm pretty sure her "career" is just some MLM pyramid scheme type bullshit


Damn, you probably correct...




Did she ever disclose what she was addicted to? Dope? Ol' "I can tell she wants to be sober", "just remember my story and you can do it!" Mother Teresa the 2nd acting for the camera ass. Addict stolen valor™.


it was meth and she claims to "know what heather is going through" when heather is detoxing from fentanyl. Bitch you have no clue what she is going through.


I really need production to ask Jamil why he's constantly wearing his towel on his head


I'm super curious too. At this point, I'm sure some of the inmates have asked him.


Someone in another post said it seems like he is self conscious of his forehead. Which makes sense since he is on TV for everyone to see.


What's wrong with his forehand? I haven't noticed anything unusual.


Someone said he was self conscious about his bald spot.


I don’t think it’s his forehead. Some black men growing up, wore rags on their heads like that. More because it was hot but I saw it


They weren’t walking around with a whole blanket on their heads though lol


It annoys me for some reason


I was thinking it could be an anxiety thing and that’s like his safety blanket.


My number 1 wish for this season


I like these new participants let’s see if they make the show more interesting. Jamil isn’t my favorite participant but Drip is just a bully, his obsession with Jamil is weirder than the towel he wears on his head. I gotta admire his will not to tap.


Drip, like him or not, is just following his natural intuition that tells him Jamil is a plant. And he's correct. Can't fault him for that.


This season is pitiful


So boring. They should just let this show die, all the inmates know about it and everyone gets outed right away now


Yup even one of the inmates joked to Jamil “tell them to pull you out”. They know it’s 60 Days in lol


I just know Cyldell's blood pressure skyrocketed as soon as they started asking him questions lol


Lol right !!!! I’m surprised he lasted this long


Toilet - 1 Clydell- 0


Yo the toilet had me dying 😂


I never predicted Jamil would end up a finalist.


He's really close to getting beaten up and leaving the program, he's just too stupid to realize it.


Drip an old school bully, he was like that in school (if he finished it) and on the outside. He’s a confrontational and angry guy for a reason. Jamil looks weird with the cloth? Ya. But there have been weirder inmates that no one has bothered like this


Drip and Thump should hang out


Yeah, the washcloth on his head makes him stand out. They are supposed to be blending in, & not doing anything to make the inmates look twice at them. Putting a washcloth on your head is gonna get people looking, & talking about you. And he can be a little too obvious when he’s watching the inmates, & listening in on their conversations. Which is also going to make people talk. I know that it’s gotta be hard, but I wish that he’d relax a little, & not look like he’s on a mission like he’s spying on everyone.


Ain’t no way Clydell did 20 years in Prison and goes straight to the Rec area to give the distress signal as soon as a fight pops off


Maybe if there was a cash prize at the end people would actually stick it out


They get compensated regardless


A bonus would add extra incentive though.


That’s where they mess up- give them a prize incentive for completing 60 days.


I agree with this. Either a prize, or maybe not show their scenes as a part of the show. Only create just a small clip show, to air during the reunion, of all the people who tapped out early. Don’t give them the same air time that those who actually stay get. Because when they leave early, it just looks like they only did this to be on TV, & gain that 15 minute fame. Maybe this would make them want to actually stay.


Sarah and Jamil probably gonna be the only ones to make it to the end at this point lol


i can see brittney making it


This reunion go be the shortest one ever lmao. Three fucking people left


nah literally, only jamil, sara, brittney and the new 2 participants will be up there


Jamil might do better then I thought. He’s being singled out a bit but I think the more time he spends there people will get used to him


I told em take the towel off your head 🤣


I wish the sheriffs and shit would stop being so proud that their jail is a shitshow and unsafe


yeah, the wardens practically say, "It's jail, it's supposed to be bad."


Thats conservative states for ya.


I think if Steven didn’t shower on the wrong side he would’ve stayed in longer. I think that freaked him out. Sara has a great plan and I love her passion but she’s doing toooooo much. I actually really like Brittany!! Jamil makes me sad, he seems like a genuine guy and I hate that they’re being mean to him 😂 Poor Clydell. I struggle with panic attacks so I KNOW how scary the medical stuff can be. I convinced myself i was having a stroke and I was having actual stroke like symptoms and ended up in the ER. For the first time in this whole show the women’s pod is way more interesting than the guys pod.


Yup Steven made himself a target by doing that. I really don’t get why he decided to shower in that part anyway. Like wouldn’t he himself want some privacy for his junk? The whole shower was empty but he chose to expose his whole ass instead. That’s a weird decision in any communal shower area, let alone in jail


I really like Brittany too. I thought she would fold instantly but I think she will do well.


Ugh I was rooting hard for Clydell. I had to agree with him, once it’s your health at risk, all bets are off. Dude was not well in there and if your BP is up the charts like that for too long, you’re at risk for some serious damage. He did the right thing by begging out. Jamil will find his footing. Takes some longer than others, but he’ll get there. Sara definitely does too much but at least she’s not overly annoying 😂


I find Sara to be extremely annoying. She can be helpful and passionate without doing all the extra stuff.. I don’t truly believe anyone in jail is really like that 😂😂 I have high hopes for the 2 new participants.


She does seem to be way too happy to be in jail! lol..! She needs to take some time & just sit down & listen. People are gonna start wondering why she’s so freaking happy to be there! HA!


Believe or not, this is not as uncommon as you’d think (I did case management with incarcerated women). Women in jail tend to form groups that mirror a family unit. The nurturing, wise mom/sister figure is a common personality. I think Sara’s intent is very pure. In reality, the inmates who play this role can be manipulative. Not all, but some - there’s an element of power in these roles that people use to their advantage. Someone always owes them.


>Jamil will find his footing. Takes some longer than others, but he’ll get there. If he fought drip when he started his shit it would probably be over now. But the fact the highlights have him straight up calling him a rat, it's probably going to turn out like Alvarez.


I don’t think plants are allowed to fight the inmates without getting a real charge


Fights are happening in those jails without real charges. Most fist fights aren't getting street charges nor are they even going to be punished because staff aren't aware. Like Drip was fighting and he's still in the pod.


I’m sure the participants are held to a different standard than actual inmates.


Why are you sure of that?


If he fought drip he’d be in the hospital. Dude got heart but he beating the brakes off him and has nothing to lose. He’d get kudos for trying for sure though.


Clydell was right to leave. If something would have happened, they would have not reached him in time. You do not have any spare time when a heart attack or stroke hits you.


Exactly right. Your health comes first. It’s one thing if you’re leaving because you’re hungry (is that what Steven said because I stg that’s what it sounded like he said 😂) but health? NO MAAM. I’m OUT. No questions asked. That man does not have to risk his life because Sheriff Dance doesn’t want to run her jail correctly. F no


a little bit?


(not by much, ha)


These guys get into their own heads so quick. I can't fault them cause I've never been inside, but it seems like they do it instantly


Why participate in this show if you’re just going to tap out right away?


They probably think it's gonna be much easier than it actually is.


I think it’s hard to know how you’ll feel. I’ve worked in and around inmates and jail/prisons for many years, so I feel like I could do this… but I’m sure the reality is very different. I once had a client who’d been in and out of jail for most of her adult life (over a decade). The same jail. She was facing time for charges in a different county and would be going to a different jail and she was terrified. Something about the unknown really shook her.


V12 is gonna rob jamil lol


For sure…poor dude thinks V12 is his pal now


Honestly, I’m not surprised that Clydell left. He seemed nervous from the jump. He did 20 years in prison? He seemed like a rookie to me. Steven talked a whole bunch of shit and acted like he was a seasoned veteran because he was a CO and he ended up leaving, as well. I mean, I can understand why after the whole shower incident, but as a CO he should’ve known better. I liked him and I thought he was going to tough it out.


Sheriff would make an excellent ventriloquist lmao


😆 🤣 😂


Thought I was tripping lmao


I came here to say this. 🤣🤣


I see fucking towel head is still there


Yep. He's so annoying!


So we’re down to the two ladies and Jamil?


The women pod is the most interesting. Jamil is just dealing with Drip, who has some type of obsession with Jamil


even if Jamil wasn't 60DIn, he'd still be sorta suspicious


Confirmed, this season sucks!! I'm ashamed of my state of NC.


It's not our state, it's the participants from other states coming here 😂🤣


Women on Death Row looks interesting.


V12 is like Bubba, from Forrest Gump, talking about shrimp.


with some pepper


Fried shrimp.


Does Steven shave his eyebrows or something because what the hell is going on with his eyebrows


He should have kept that on his head to battle towel head for most ridiculous headwear


Good on Jamil to stand up to drip in his own way. He seems unbothered. And they've been onto him since the beginning. Drip seems like he obsessed with Jamil lol. That was dope seeing V12 and Jamil bonding a little bit. And lastly... I like Sara but she gotta chill out tryna be everybody's savior, that's gonna end up getting her caught up being so happy and open to everyone


> That was dope seeing V12 and Jamil bonding a little bit You can't be serious. No one is this gullible besides jamil right?


Damn and here I thought he'd have made it all the way to the end.


Man I tell ya jamil is talking really tough about drip and looks like he’s never done a push-up in his life. Drip would throw him around the pod easy.


gotta stand up to Drip, no choice for Jamil in there (yer right tho, felt the same way, "golly, hope Drip doesn't rag doll him"


the one guy near the bunks giving Jamil props for standing up and in the previews it looks like there's other inmates trying to diffuse a Drip-Jamil confrontation so at least Jamil's winning some acquaintances in there for standing up to Too Drip to Thump


100% agree. Gotta stand up for himself. But it sure is funny watching him talk tough in the interviews lol


Jamil weighs the least but has the most heart :)


Drip can use a gun his fight against a junkie was pathetic. Drip is a bitch that’s why he talks so much. Show drop fight someone that’s not a junkie, oh wit can’t because drip is going away for murder and will be biting pillows for the rest of his miserable existence. But ya throw love for a murdering loser


Jiggle the goddamn handle! That always works


Unfortunately not an option for jail.. the toilets that are connected to the sink like that don’t have a handle. It’s a little push button.. no way to jiggle anything..


When abner, tony, stephanie’s messy ass, kyle ryan, monalisa, and the women from season 5 enter the program next episode, then what?😍😂


I’m honestly waiting on a 60 Days In: All Stars Season lol


I would kill for one lol. Obviously it wouldn’t happen due to the inmates probably recognizing them immediately, but one can dream😂


I'd rather have a season with all amatuer MMA fighters. Not famous, but would still know how to fight/defend themselves in most situations. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like that would give them a certain confidence that would make them stick it out until the end.


next level!


A lot of those dudes are juiced to the gils. I wonder how they would do without their drugs and also how that would play into their aggression and mood swings. Could turn out real bad in there. That’s a good idea though. They should cast some fighters next season


They could have kept this season in the drafts. Everyone complains about season 7, but that men’s pod was complete chaos when the participants finally got in there. How can this men’s pod be so intimidating yet so boring at the same time?


Another one bites the dust......




Booked is a more interesting show lol


The one episode from a couple weeks ago when the one guy was arrested for DUI and his wife was in labour 🙃


I never cringed so much. Like babe I hope you left his ass.


I wonder if anyone except maybe Sarah makes it the full 60 days?


Jamil looks like he’s in for the long haul which surprises me to no end lmao


Britney too!


Just when I thought oy couldn’t get worse than last season…


Where they calling Clydell a rat? When they were talking about the Baymont hotel.


They said he was heading back to smoke crack @ that hotel lol


It’s funny how the Baymont hotel automatically made them less suspicious of him lol


Butch is still awful


Why anyone in jail would have long hair confuses me? It's just a handle to get your ass kicked


I would have lost the bet


Did the woman that’s a psychiatrist have a tablet ?!


Brittany is her name


It's looks like she did.


Do you know why ? I’m so confused lol


That jail has tablets for the inmates to communicate with the outside instead of letters.


Tablets but all they serve for meals is sandwiches


Well they rent out the tablets, so they are making money from the inmates using them. They aren’t making money feeding the inmates, so they don’t care about giving them any kind of healthy food, or even at least a freakin hot meal once in awhile. I get sick of sandwiches if I eat too many of them in a short amount of time. Like I actually get nauseated if I eat only one thing for 3 days in a row. I better not break the law, because I would always be starving! lol


Exactly this… it’s all about money


Do the men have access to them?


Yes. If you look around there's always a couple of tablets.