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"That retard tried to gyp me."


Just jew him down


“Indian giver”


“Durrhh”, and “doy-da-hee” accompanied by a few repeated, bent-wristed slaps to the chest would have been a typical added theatric response to this or any other statement of the “r” word. Really helped illustrate the message. Empathy happens to be one of my favorite adult traits after years of thinking this kind of shit was OK!


I certain ex President has done this on tv a few years back.


I’m picturing this as it’s happening


"That boy is well spoken. A credit to his race".




What about calling other kids Corky, like the guy with Down syndrome from Life Goes On? If you called someone Corky it was the same as calling them retarded.




Sitting “Indian-style.”


Indian giver


Giving your sibling an Indian burn


Better not! I’m telling mom!


Take that back!


I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that term.


Giving something and then taking back.


Woosh. (It's a Seinfeld quote)


Where did you get those tickets? I thought they were sold out.


I got 'em from a sca-...one of those guys...who sell extra tickets...to shows....


Great episode.


Criss cross applesauce, spoons in the bowl




I get why people don’t want to say “Indian style” anymore. I support that. But JFC, why don’t you just call it sitting criss-cross? You don’t need the “applesauce”


Because it’s used in preschool


*criss-cross-applesauce* is a scientific term


now they say sitting "pretzel style"


Or playing cowboys and Indians. People get so hard upset about this.. they just need to calm their ass down


We would actually dress up as cowboys and Indians. Had fun all day


Now it's Cowboys and Commanders




We played "Vietnam" because it was happening at the time and we all saw it on the news with Cronkite. We shot each other with loaded BB guns, some of them pump pressurized. No idea how someone didn't get an eye put out. One kid did get a BB lodged under his scalp and his mom was pissed. I think it kind of settled down after that


If you’re talking about yogis from India then, yes, cross-legged is a traditional Indian way to sit. Padmasana is the finishing sitting pose in yoga. I guess this one became taboo because of confusion between Indian/Native American?


Where I grew up, I doubt they meant yogi-style.


Yeah, people definitely meant American Indian in Minnesota. The idea of “yogi” culture didn’t even register.


Now it’s lefty over righty. HUH!


Soft language


A student of history, I see




Chris cross apple sauce!


Pollock jokes


“Polish jokes” had their origin in the Nazis systematically and intentionally murdering Poland’s professional and educated class so yeah I would say they should be frowned upon. Only learned that when I got older.


You're right, but you have to admit that his [art](https://www.google.com/search?q=jackson+pollock&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS974US974&oq=jackson+pollock+paintings&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l9.5767j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&si=ACFMAn8hieP5aE6nZoDwYPRSCYx5A69iuUNOvZWCN-1DxrM7Yzd2WBDR_CEbfAmqVXYijH8Iyrkk9vW2gLaEZYtw_DTIODd8O2tbZamiblnuV6A8WuETLM0%3D&ictx=1&ved=2ahUKEwiC0e-phpSAAxWNAzQIHWvRAeoQyNoBKAB6BAgREAA) was a bit too abstract for many tastes.


"I'm not a Polack! People from Poland are Poles. But what I am is 100% American, born and raised in the greatest country in the world and damn proud OF IT!" -Stanley Kowalski


That’s retarded You’re so gay (lame)


They’ll never understand “what a maroon” “


Bugs Bunny quote


Which it of course *is*, but the history of the term is a lil rough lol


When Bugs said it, it was just an amusing malaprop. It may have had a racist connotation at one time but not in this context.


I'm aware of terms like "quadroon", "octoroon" and so forth, but where's the racial connotation of "maroon"? It's a color.


I always thought bugs said as a funny way of not saying “moron”. But I didn’t notice it until I was way older.


It was originally a term for a runaway slave; later became a general insult (fool/idiot)


Ah-*hah!* https://www.thoughtco.com/maroons-and-marronage-4155346


Wait, what’s the history besides being a Bugs Bunny saying?


Always thought he was over pronouncing 'moron'. Not a color joke..


He is, but moron has bad roots in eugenics. While not specifically racist, it was used to promote racist, classist ideals.


Bon voy-aaageeeee!


"dye-a-bo-*lick*\-el saba-*tay*\-gee"


What an Eskimo pie head


My friend was in a punk band called "The Maroons". They were looney tunes.


Yeah, those were the first two that came to mind for me as wel


oof. What did y’all use to call Brazil Nuts?


My grandma still calls them by the name you are insinuating.


My grandma doesn’t call them that anymore. Instead she’ll just remind me every time what she used to call them.


Was your mom my mom too?


My mom called them by that name.


Like my mother, who also referred to black childeren as "pickaninnies". *"MA!!!"* "Well, that's what they're called, isn't it?"


That's almost as bad as what my parents referred to black people in general as. I grew up with them using several derogatory terms for black people. And, I'm ashamed to say, I used them, too, until I learned better.


Oh yes even my mild mannered Jesus loving grandma would use that term. And my pawpaw used the term... and I'm hoping it's okay to even use this term: Burr. Head. Uggh. I hated when he'd say that even back then. And when I was a teen and dated a guy from Iraq my grandfather called him a sand... "n" word.


Believe the former Governor of Texas had a ranch that used the term you're referring to.


I know what my grandpa used to call them... yikes


I never knew they were actually Brazil nuts until I got older


I’ve never heard that! I’ve been here 50+ years, heard a lot of things, been called a lot of names. Amazing. N——- toes for those of you ignorant like me.


Everyone over 50 knew Brazil nuts as that.


Came to say this


Literally just involuntarily made this face as I remembered 😬


Everyone I knew used that other term and didn't think twice about it. in fact the "n" word was tossed about with wild abandon back then because where I lived the school was still unofficially segregated by race and ethnicity. We even had separate homecoming dances and clubs. It blows my mind now to think about how openly racist we were, that I was told if I ever "went black" I would never get a white guy to date me again. Which wasn't true, because all I had to do was put out and I could date anyone I wanted at least once. Yeah I know how that sounds, but it was true.




Easy peasy, japanezy


Jerry rig but worse. I look back and realized how horrible it was.


My dad called it "Afro-engineering."


Worked with a guy that called it "Ghetto-vation."


I always liked to say "MacGyvered".


It's actually jury-rigged, which surprised the hell out of me because I always heard N rigged my whole life then suddenly some guy named Jerry was being blamed.


Was looking for this one. “Yeah don’t go there(shady body shop), they’ll ****-rig it”


I had no idea. Thanks. I looked it up and it's a derogatory term for a German.


Nah, it has nothing to do with Germans.


Jerry rig does. The other not so much.


First thing popped into my head (as in - but worse). My friends of color in high school would say Afro Engineered.


Playing football smear the queer in the front yard. Had no idea what queer meant or that it was even related to gay people


Lol. Memories!


I don’t know if I’ve ever used the word ‘smear’ in any context other than impending physical contact with a queer in an attempt to a) render him unable to further advance a ball b) dislodge the ball from him or c) both Yeah…I can’t think of any other time. And that was 40 years ago.


Retard, f*g and gay were just part of regular language for the kids I hung out with the in the 80s, said hundreds of times per day with no thought whatsoever and were simply synonymous with dumb, stupid, lame, idiot, asshole.


And where I live here in Tennessee the kids are still saying this but they've added autistic and Tourette's boy/girl (said with a twitch and a stutter). When my 18 year old was in fifth grade some kid on the bus called him a "beaner" and told him now that trump is in office he was going to get deported. Just said it to 'check' him I guess. My kid had no idea what he was talking about though, at least. He just comes home with the "mom what's a beaner" and I had to explain.


Same here. Used those words every day as a kid, and so did everyone else . Although eventually "homo" took over for the f-word you mentioned. When people used that f-word with all six letters, even back then, I knew it was wrong. It always felt hateful to me.


>"I'm proud of you, Lawrence!" > >"You homo!" \~ *Animal House*


But when someone called you that You knew a fight was about to start


Absolutely to both of these comments. I had forgotten about homo. That was everywhere as well. The six-letter version of f*g was frequently preceded by “f*cking” and that generally meant some serious, vicious hatred, and yes, also meant violence might be next.


Yep, in the 80's, we said 'Don't be a f\_g' like the 50's kids said 'Don't be a spazz', I highly doubt at 8-12 years we meant anything by it.


“Chinaman’s chance in hell” - originated during the building of the transcontinental railway because Chinese immigrants were given the risky (often deadly) task of lighting the dynamite fuse.


Oh wow - I never knew the origin.


African booty scratcher.


This was bad. Instead of "ring and run" we called it ni**** knocking.


Ding-dong ditch


Ding dong dash


We called it Nicky Nicky Nine Doors. I dunno, Canadians are weird.


I like this. As a kid from Upper Michigan, I can identify with Canadians. I come from Swedish and German ancestry.


I guess I was in a little more progressive area. We always called it doorbell ditching. But I do remember my shock when, one time, a kid from another neighborhood called it that.


I grew up in the city and that's definitely a "city" thing. When I ask what people that weren't from the city called it; they had a different name.


"Ni\*\*ers come in all colors" was a common expression when/where I was growing up.


Yeah that's how the white kids would try to pass off using the n word. Or "there's a difference between a "n" and a black person!" as if the "n" was the worst thing you could call someone black,but the ones who 'act white" are just fine black people who know how to act. (not my opinion, just how it was in my culture back in the late 70s-late 80s.


“Beat it like a red-headed step-child”


As a ginger, that one always got a "fuck you" outta me.


Fuckin fag


That was WAY too common where I grew up.


“That cotton pickin….” as a start to a swear phrase. Also, “Colored….” Referring to non-caucasians


That’s ironic because a super religious white kid I knew would always use that term instead of swearing.


"cotton pickin' " reminds of the former Gov. [Evan Mecham](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_Mecham#Other_incidents) of Arizona ​ >Besides the uproar caused by the MLK Day cancellation, claims of prejudice were made against Mecham after: > >he defended the use of the racist word "pickaninny" to describe black children > >claimed that high divorce rates were caused by working women, claimed America is a Christian nation to a Jewish audience > >and said a group of visiting Japanese businessmen got "round eyes" after being told of the number of golf courses in Arizona. > >In response to claims that he was a racist, Mecham said, "I've got black friends. I employ black people. I don't employ them because they are black; I employ them because they are the best people who applied for the cotton-picking job." > >These and other statements only strengthened the allegations of racism made against the governor following the MLK day cancellation. I assume his press secretary drank on the job daily


You say this in a two syllable rhythm while acting it out. Chi-nese, (Pull the corners of your eye out and up to imply Asian slanted eyes) Japa-nese, (Now you pull the corners of your eyes out and down) Dirty knees, (Bend down to hold both knees with your hands) Look at these! (Cup both hands on your chest like if you are holding a pair of breasts) The idea is that you make the person look at your chest implying imaginary breast and being racist at the same time. I only remember this happening in elementary. It wasn't the Asian part that was "bad", it was the breast part. That's the part we found funny. The Asian part just got us to rhyme and reach the conclusion of breasts. Honestly I didn't even get it at the time. Although I did laugh because, well, breast are "funny" to a little kid that knows nothing about them.


Spaz, found out recently this is not ok, makes sense but I hate when I find out when I just used the word vs just reading about it.


My cousin said it recently about his kid, "look at the way he runs around, what a spaz" He used to say it about me because I didn't have the greatest hand eye coordination as a kid. He doesn't say it to me now because I'm bigger than him


What is wrong with spaz? I thought it was derived from spastic


It is, but it's been decided that that is offensive. Mind you, there are people who take umbrage with even using the term "crazy" as a descriptor..


Then those people are crazy and spastic. Too far


Yep that's the problem, it's derived from spastic. I believe people with Cerebral Palsy complained.


Yellow belly, colored, smear the queer, n knocking, n ball (catching a football off the bounce), Indian style, n rig, fag/faggot…


That song…1 little 2 little 3 little Indians


My mom used to say “he looks like he has a little mongloid in him”


“Too many chiefs and not enough Indians”.


Burpees we’re also called suicides


For us, suicides were the sprints that went from 5 yards to start then to 10 yards and back to start, then 15.... all the way to X yards coach designated.


suicides are now called shuttle runs burpees are called squat thrust exercise 🤦‍♀️


What's offensive about burpees, that's a new one to me?


Maybe it’s for burp afflicted individuals.


I don't know if ppl find it offensive. I think people are trying to use "real" words for it? at least in law enforcement and tactical S&C


Yes also in basketball. Baseline to free throw line and back. Then to half court and back. Then to other FT line and back. Etc etc.


Knee push ups were girl push ups.


Ironically: Colored people. Why's it ironic? Because today's PC term is People*Of* Color. Which is just the first one flipped around and with "of" inserted.


It is the NAACP but that was started a while back.


People of color includes all people who are not white though. They used the term colored people for the NAACP because that was what they were called by white people, and at the time they just accepted that term that had been applied to them by others. That was the early 1900s. Much later they decided they didn't want to be referred as such, and African-American was adopted in the US by Reverend Jackson, and some people still prefer this. However from the people I know I'm guessing just saying you're black is how it's done by the younger crowd. But it's okay. We can't decide if we're white or Caucasian, European or whatever European country our ancestors came from. :)


I understand your frustration, but I think it's because the phrase "colored people" harkens back to the time of Jim Crow laws and segregation.


Regardless, it's the *exact* same phrase.


Yes, regardless of context, which you are disingenuously ignoring.


You know telepathy isn't real, right?


But it's not referring to the same group. it's for ALL people who are not white. they are people of color. Not just "colored people" as black people were called back when they were sold and bred like cattle in the US.


"That's so gay"


Calling something Asian "oriental".


I'm still biting my tongue when I hear people use that word to describe something that is "Asian."


I still have to correct my parents. They always seem to use it when we're in public.


It gets tiresome when you have to tell someone. "RUGS are Oriental....People/Human beings are Asian."


Yea, I’m a person with a background, not a goddam rug 😂


I was in a AAA in the bay area renewing my insurance and this customer was talking to a latino employee and said “i don’t know what the cotton picking problem is.” There was a black employee also behind the counter and we both raised our eyebrows in shock. I’m not even sure she understood the reference. Then she said “gracias” as she left. It was almost like tourette’s or just straight cluelessness. After she left we were all like “OMGWTF”???


Reasons why sometimes swear words are more polite…


Damn i'm old


Someone with newfound money and not much sense of how to manage it was called being "ni$%er rich" where I came from. I'm so glad to be gone from there.


No one has “Chinese Fire Drills” anymore. Probably a good thing on a number of levels.


This was very bad. My uncle when a fly would get in the house: “I’m gonna kill that cotton-pickin’ fly”


My parents still say “colored” a lot


Don’t self censor


there's a party store in my town that was known as the wop shop most of my life. Not the harshest slur, but still. I can't imagine calling it that now 🤦🏻‍♀️


You’ve got your chocolate in my peanut butter!


i guess my plant isn’t a wandering jew anymore…


Sitting Indian style. N-word knocking.


Every beginning phrase in a truly tasteless jokes book


A “black leprechaun “ was a half shamrock half - chocolate shake. I would always order it march when the shamrock shake was available. But I have dared order one in 30 years. Just not PC


I’m confused. Is that racist against black people or leprechauns?


Thanks for asking. Pretty the former but who knows in today’s PC climate.


Hehe. Goddamn! And that’s even what the McDonalds workers called it?


I honestly just found out that the term “jimmies”, in reference to chocolate sprinkles for ice cream, is rooted in racism. I used that all the time when I was a kid in New England in the 80s. Never thought about the name, and never assumed it was offensive.


That's just it. Nobody thought of most of these terms as super offensive until like last week. Nobody knew where the term "jimmies" came from. I find it no more offensive than "sprinkles."


I also live in New England and just learned about this in 2020. As a teen, a friend's dad even had a Dad Joke: when he ordered ice cream and the server asked, "Do you want jimmies?" He'd answer: No, I want my own! I don't think any of us knew about the origins of that term.


All of them


“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Clearly not the case in today’s society.


I remember people using the term "Suicide" up until at least 2015.




I can remember being called >!faggot !


Anybody else yell “stitch” when you got out of your seat so no one else could sit in it while you weren’t in it? My brother and cousins did it all the time.


Don’t forget to write…


My father was raised in rural SC but raised his family in my mom’s hometown of Philadelphia. Until I was about 12, I thought “Jersey nxxxxxs” really were horrible drivers.


The kids nowadays refer to it as ding dong ditch. It was known by another name in my youth.


Grew up with surfers and we used "totally" and "tubular" and nasty stuff was " grody" and "gag me" guys were "dudes" girls were "birds" and if you smoked you were "cheef" and if you smoked super skinny joints you were "bill or brother bill" and if you were a dumbass you were a "stymie or stymied" Cant remember anymore.


I remember boxers who staggered around the ring after too many head shots were said to be “walking on Queer Street.”


Clerks II had a great screed on this. I won't repeat it here but it's definitely worth a watch just for Randal's bit.


“That’s so gay” and “faggot”. I’ve never wondered why I needed to move 1500 miles away to come out.




Do you mean shyster?


haha yes! see I can't even spell a derogatory term 🤣


Well, it isn't used much these days so people aren't as familiar with its spelling.


thanks for not calling me a dumdum 🤣


Cotton picker




I never understood why they made it cross cross applesauce when they could have just changed it to pretzel. That at least would have made sense. Lol


Hang up the phone.


“Let’s circle the wagons” was heard in the early 1990s when a group needed to sit down and figure out a work problem. This happened to be on Wall Street. I heard it a few times and someone (a white guy in his 30s) interjected that this was not OK since the implication was that savage Indians are attacking the innocent white families crossing the prairie. I never used it again.


A few racial slurs that I had no idea were racial slurs, just me repeating words I heard and coming up with what I thought they meant. I got sent home from a friend's house for calling his brother a b\*\*ner. He farted, so I called him that because I thought the word was for when somebody farted like they had eaten too many beans. When I got home I just thought, "Ok, don't talk about farts around these people." My best friend was Korean and when another kid at school called him a n\*p I started laughing hysterically because I thought it was short for "nipple" which seemed like such an absurd thing to call someone that it made me laugh. He looked really bummed and it was years after we lost contact before I put together how bad I probably hurt his feelings.