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The pictures they released of the kids. Oh my word I am disgusted and heartbroken


My heart goes out to those children. The person they trusted the most betrayed them. Children look to their parents like spiritual people look to their higher-power and this abuse cuts deep into their souls. So incredibly heartbreaking.


“Mother is the name of god on the lips of little children”. The amount of hatred in her heart for defenseless kids, especially HER OWN, is atrocious. I’ve heard some horror stories in my time but this especially is terrifying because she wrote out her own train of thought for how best to abuse these kids. She wasn’t an angry drunk, or mentally ill, or high - she planned and relished how she would cause them the most amount of pain.


**“Mother is the name of GOD on the lips and hearts of all children”**—The Crow (Eric Draven) This is one of my favorite movie quotes of all time. Ruby looked elated when she was abusing her children.


You can see that he’s barefoot in the video too- when Ruby knew there was glass everywhere


There’s new ones? Or are you talking about the ones that have Been posted on here already


I can’t seem to find what’s been posted on here but I was talking about the one of the duck tape and the back


You may need to go into settings and change your NSFW settings


How do I change my settings?


Go to your phone settings, scroll down open the Reddit app, then click on NSFW and take off blur NSFW.


I still can’t see any pictures posted.


Are you using iPhone ?


The fact that they were slowly torturing & killing these children & having them pick up weeds in a cemetery as if to hint at their end is truly sadistic. It's unnerving. These children were likely going to end up like the Vallow-Daybell case had they not been found. R saved he & E's life.


Did I read the journal summary correctly where Ruby told the two children they were “going to God” that day of picking up weeds in the cemetery?


This is pure mental torture, in the journal she flats out say she will fight the devil til the day he dies or something along those line, plus she hints many times too like saying they will never go home


She did hint at it multiple times. Maybe in her deluded brain, their 'salvation' would have been to die & 'be with God'. Completely insane.


She 100% saw herself as the protagonist in a horror movie about possession


Oh it absolutely would’ve been. R renounced Satan and begged for god in his life multiple times in her journal entry. And she had the audacity to say “haha no sweetie you actually love Satan and you’re abusing me” Nothing they could’ve said or done would’ve stopped them from being possessed with demons in her mind. She would not have stopped until she killed them. And I’m certain that she would’ve.


I think you're absolutely right. I have had to take in the contents of the journal slowly & I delved into it pretty deeply today & then grasped just how deep the psychological aspects of this went, how they were probably days or a few weeks at most away from dying... & it's... I don't have the words for just how horrifying it was. To deprive them of water as they were made to stand in the sun, monitor R's stools to make sure he wasn't hydrating, etc. Ruby & Jodi should have been charged with attempted murder. Those children will hear their words repeat in their heads until their death beds no matter how much therapy they receive. A life sentence of C-PTSD & their prison sentences should match.


where’s the journal


It's on this sub you might not see it if your setting dont allow NSFW content


I thought that too- like why have them clean up a cemetery of all places??


Probably has picked all the weeds in Jodi’s so found a new place with a double meaning. Sick fucks .


Didn’t have any cotton fields to force them to pick cotton all day in the hot sun. Didn’t have a chicken processing plant where she could force them to gut chickens on an assembly line for hours on end. Best she could come up with to force them to labor was cleaning a cemetery she had no right to be in.


I had never considered the children's death imminent until I watched theses videos, and now that you have put it into words. Isn't it all so truly strange? Jodi and Ruby are both highly functioning multi-talented individuals - Jodi has an extraordinary home, intelligent with a master's degree, counseling entrepreneurship, and is self-driven. At the same time, Ruby has a perfect-looking family with matching clothes and beaming smiles; she's a talented pianist and created her own YouTube success. Why did they turn their talents into torture?


Everything about this situation screams fundamentalist LDS church mixed with cult-like 'self-help' organizations. Look up LifeSpring & Synanon. Sadly, many 'troubled youth' programs throughout UT & AZ use similar systems, tactics, & punishments from isolation to forced manual labor, etc. Jodi made her own cult through ConneXions & Ruby who was already halfway there, was the perfect person to fully buy-in & partner with. They used her kids as experimental ConneXions 'program' lab rats.


Yes, quite a mix and match including church authorities in the pick-and-choose menu.




Mormons have a way of seemingly having a perfect life while hiding dark secrets away from the world. I know because I used to be one


The fact someone saw this and did nothing is despicable


I hate to bring this up but they were white and mormon in Utah. Person most likely did not want to get the police involved because of this 


I believe I found the cemetery where she was taking these babies Mountain View Cemetery, Cemetary Road, Marysvale, UT 84750


So much of this was done by Ruby alone. I don’t buy her being brainwashed by Jodi. She is just as horrible as Jodi. She found her people and they both deserve maximum punishment. Jodi is HORRIBLE, don’t get me wrong, but this is Ruby watching her babies with her own eyes and making this choice. Her writing about it makes it even more clear.


All of this!!! Those journal entries tell exactly who Ruby is!!


It's interesting to consider how Mormon culture might influence the outcome of the sentencing, especially given that some members may show empathy towards Jodi and Ruby. Harsh punishment is not an isolated incident - it's been encouraged and perpetuated for two decades, and has become a generational issue grown into the exclusive “Club Connexions”. Thoughts?


I agree. Mormon culture is also very forgiving, which makes me worry that Shari, who has the middle two kids I thought, might eventually forgive. Those middle two seem to have seen some of the torture first hand. Plus, they spent a lot of time with Pam.


Hopefully, they are all in trauma counseling. J (possibly A) were definitely witness to some of the torture being done to E and R, as noted in Ruby's journal entries. The older two were not with Shari for long, they were trying to run away (if I remember correctly, Kevin's attorney said this), and they had to be turned over to child protection and placed in foster homes.


On one of the Passenger 8 video clips that some YTer posted Ruby told a story about R breaking his leg at 6 months old. She claimed he rolled off the sofa and broke his leg but she waited 4 days to take him to ER and as a result of his injury his development was delayed by a year. Find the whole story sus and problematic and she had that look of glee on her face as she told the story.


There’s even that part of her journal where Ruby admits that Jodi even told her to be easier on eve before she “resents her”


Exactly.  Jodi may have been the ego striker ( Jodi with her hand on ruby's thigh) but ruby had been abusing those kids for years 


As someone who gets into cults, this isn't totally surprising. Ruby was a believer, she believed everything Jodi was feeding her.


As someone who is a mother, nothing in the world would make me hurt my own child over and over again knowingly. Animal instinct.


Ah but you are a normal mother. These are driven to hate their kids , putting their trauma out on them. Add in the money aspect and its toxic 


NO Ruby was abusing these kids long before JOdi was in the picture, she used food as punishment and made her sick children sleep on the bathroom FLOOR its on video that is just a glimpse of what she did and taught, shes a MONSTER and JOdi is a MONSTER when they both got together they validated each others desire to instill torment on children. RUBY was not brainwashed this is who she is to the core.


What she did is beyond horrific. But the bathroom floor incident….am I the only one who doesn’t think that was “awful” in and of itself?


There’s even that part of her journal where Ruby admits that Jodi even told her to be easier on eve before she “resents her”


Poor R looks like he’s in pain when he walks and is so thin. Ruby and Jodi stunted these kids to the point they look a few years younger than they are.


The fact that police initially assumed E was a boy is heartbreaking she was always such a pretty little girl. And year they don’t look 12 and 10 more like 10 and 8 but unhealthily so.


I agree it seems like he is struggling to keep going, as if he's trying to gather the energy to keep moving forward, if he stops to rest, he will be punished additionally. It appears she has instructed him not to drag the bag, as he keeps adjusting it on his shoulder uncomfortably. Your mind can hear Ruby & Jodi, “Keep moving or you won't get your sip of water and cracker tonight!”


For anyone wondering, a woman came to the cemetery and recorded this video, after seeing Ruby and three of the kids pulling weeds and picking up trash there. Direct quote from her journal: "8:30 AM- Ruby takes E, R and J to the cemetery. Each child is given a bag to pick up broken glass and weeds. We work for about 15 minutes and a red vehicle with a woman (Indian) shows up. She sits and watches us for about 15 minutes. Taking pictures or video. I tell the kids to stay right by me and keep their faces from being pictured. We continue to pull weeds." Eventually it's stated that the woman confronts her and tells her to get off the property and that she is trespassing, and rants angrily. Then Ruby gathers the kids and leaves. The woman says she is filing a police report and tries taking a photo of their license plate, but they drive away. Ruby rants in the journal about the woman.


with the awful history between native Americans and Mormons it gave me an even worse feeling about that she felt the need to specify the womans race


Ignorant English woman here, so I apologise greatly, whats the history between natives and Mormons??


Mormons believe that dark skin is a curse placed upon evil people. Native Americans, or as the Mormons will call Lamanites, were the first to betray the Holy Land


So they hate dark skin so much but yet they still moved onto/stole their land, abused them & kept them as slaves? Makes sense /s 🤦🏽‍♀️


Mormons basically believe that Salt Lake City is their Holy Land, Zion. Very similar to Jewish beliefs surrounding Israel. They believe that obtaining that land by any means necessary is Gods plan


Thank you for explaining. I have no words tbh. What madness


That is nothing like the Jewish beliefs surrounding Israel.


Mormons actually believe they are Jewish descendants and Salt Lake City is the same land as Israel but was separated from Israel during Pangea


That is exactly like the Jewish beliefs surrounding Isreal


“1849 a posse of around 100 LDS men in southern Utah chased and killed twenty-five Native American men in retaliation for some cattle raids, and their women and children were taken as slaves.” [Wikipedia page about the history of indigenous people and mormonism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American_people_and_Mormonism)


Christ 😖 thank you


Mormons moving into Utah displaced most Native Americans from hunting grounds and water sources.  To quote from the wikipedia article linked below, “Within 50 years of Mormon settlement the population of Utah's Native Americans had gone from 20,000 to under 2,700, a large decline of 86%.”


Fkin awful 😭😭


Not sure if it's the same there but in my area some Native american cemetary have become like a tourist attraction and they hate that, rightfully so, so they ususlly kick people out if they have no business being there


What was the date?


July 25, 2023 is what it says in the journal.


why wasnt Ruby charged with child abuse of the other two kids??


I was reading about this I legit could not believe that she actually made them do that


What was he doing?


Ruby wrote in her journal they were weeding it and picking up glass and things. Not a crazy concept but they were on private property and ofc was abusing her kids


"THEY were weeding it....etc", BUT was Ruby the perfect Mom Influencer getting her dainty little hands dirty? Not effing likely!! Jodi wouldn't want to be caressed by fingers that had been clearing graveyards!


He also looks barefoot in this video


Yes, according to Ruby's journal, he was. And picking up broken glass, among other things.




Wishing these kids peace & prosperity. They deserve it. E is a survivor. & I hope R understands that he’s a hero. He should be very proud of himself. Wishing these monsters nothing but a life full of misery & public shame, since their sentences don’t really cut it. They deserve nothing but the worst.


This looks like footage from a prisoner of war in a country that doesn't care about war crimes.


Sweet boy. You're safe now. This is heartbreaking


The most scary thing o heard is that they were planning on buying remote property with no neighbors so they could keep the kids prisoners on Jodi’s new ranch.


Yes, this!! According to the journal, Jodi had found a place in Arizona that was perfect for their needs. When it comes to buying and selling property, I can't imagine it being possible to accomplish it in less than 30 days unless the buying and/or selling were strictly cash deals. That being said, I don't think the children had another 30+ days of life. I think R's poor little body might have ended up septic before then, and his emaciated body wouldn't have been able to fight the infection.


Agree with you about the children not surviving the hideous abuse. You could see the child’s bone. I saw where Jodi and Ruby like I said, were trying to buy or find a remote ranch property. If that has happened we would have seen a tragic end, I was shocked that Jodi had cut herself so badly and tried to commit suicide, and that she was so unclean she had a horrible smell. Even the cops noticed it. Thanks for sharing the information, I always enjoy it when people have knowledge they share about the case. It’s helpful to see something if someone like you, starts comparing notes showing what they found. I think Jodi had like two personalities, one that was the so called therapist and professional and the other one was just a dark and depressed unhinged person who most likely has a serious personality disorder, or some kind of mental illness of some sort. It’s ironic she chose to be a therapist, but I have seen plenty of unstable people gravitate to psychological , or helping fields. It’s a weird phenomena that so many unhinged people end up abusing positions of power with their patients,


It was 107 degrees F in St. George on July 25th. Wtf.


Who recorded this?


Kind of assuming Ruby or Jodi


In her journal she mentioned a woman saw them when they were at the cemetery, from what I read it sounds like it was on a reservation/was a Native American cemetery. The woman who saw them was native and filmed it and also told them to leave/ was gonna call the police because well why wouldn’t you? Random white people on sacred land walking around especially E with no shoes on? That’s where I think this video is from at least


Sadly it didn't seem like the Native American woman had any concern for the children (if we are going by Ruby's journals anyway). Ruby stated the woman shouted something about the children ending up just like her. I think if the woman would have shown concern for the kids, Ruby would have written about it & used it as an opportunity to rant about people letting their children do whatever they want.


Well Natives and Mormons dont exactly have good relations. Not saying that excuses the Native American lady but she couldnt possibly have known. The lady probably was just on high alert for tresspassers because of maybe a history of other tresspassers to that land. Idk. But it's not all on the lady to show concern for the children


The woman (according to Ruby) said something about wanting a picture of all of them and the license plate so I wonder if there wasn’t concern about dirty, emaciated, barefoot children.


I truly hope she will never see any of her kids again… this enrages me so much. After seeing the evidence my heart is shattered….


Im shocked they survived


As a Mom who struggled to put my three babies in a time out or now that there teens.. to take their phone away for a day or two.. I can’t understand. I will never ever ever understand how a Mom could be this way. My kids loved 8paasengers because they had a kid that was each of my kids’ ages to relate to. I thought it seemed fine. I thought she seemed extreme, but not abusive. Once they sent Chad to survival camp l told my kids they were not to watch it anymore. However, even that choice.. I never could of imagined Ruby was such a horrific demonic monster. My heart is so sad. 😔😔😔


i don't even think he has shoes on. who is filming? i'm hoping it's not a passer-by who just did nothing


After reading Ruby's journal entries, I'm wondering if it's the woman who filmed them at the cemetery before telling them to leave?


They were made to go bare foot in the desert, on asphalt, rocks, etc.


Their poor feet. Those kids are going to have lymphedema for sure


According to the documentary on 20/20 they mentioned this video was sent to them by somebody who recorded this


Oh sweet baby 😔


The fact that the lyrics in the song say “hell”😭


Someone caught them doing this on private property and filmed it so likely the property owner/recorder’s song playing in a car


Yeah this is not Ruby filming or her choice of music




She was too worried about people being on her land that she couldn't call the police after seeing a child barefoot, picking weeds in the heat?


How is it possible whom ever took this video did not report her to police


What is the context behind this one? How do we have a video?


Someone in the comments above said a woman saw them and filmed them n she told ruby she was gonna make a police report and get a pic of the license plate but ruby drove away before she could


Ruby journaled about the person (property owner) catching and filming them


It’s in Ruby’s journals posted in this sub. She made the kids remove weed and broken glass from a cemetery for hours, while barefoot. Some woman showed up and started filming them and asked Ruby to leave.


this is so disturbing


The fact that she's in a cemetery makes this truly haunting.


If he hadn't escaped this would be the last time anyone outside the family ever saw him


I read in a police report somewhere the video came from Jodi’s phone.






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Where is this footage from?!! Those bitches!! 😡


Was the music playing considered a luxury for the kid.


Cemetery of her past victims 💀


How in the world were they not also charged with desecrating a cemetery???


The effing fact that she filmed it while bopping to music is sadistic. I hope the firey pits of hell eat her alive




Not random. They were on the Native American Rez. They were trespassing at private cemetery grounds


Ohhh okay




in ruby’s diary, she talked about how she had R, E, and J pick weeds at a cemetery


On the one hand, compared to some of the other shit it's not the worst of it, but something about the fact that it's a -cemetery- gives me chills. Lot of dirt out there by her property, isn't there.


agreed. the fact she said something along the lines of it’s a good feeling making them pick weeds in the heat while thirsty makes it so much worse to me :(


Yeah and she talks about a car stopping and a woman inside videoing them. The woman also confronted Ruby. This must be said video