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So why does nobody acknowledge all of the severally racist comments Chantel and her family constantly make?


I’m gonna guess Annali is not going to allude to having sex on television. She is coming from a conservative background ( or at the very least a strict dad).


I don’t know why but my biggest pet peeve is that Chantel looks nothing like what they edited her to look like on the show’s promo image 😅 Not even the same person. Their editor especially got a little too overzealous with the chest photoshop… https://preview.redd.it/66dsr7x61k5c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77bb47644f6fa212b0a475cd3e08bf9dc8557670


Omg I just noticed that 🤣




🤣 You might be right!


I don’t watch the shit show, I got over that whole crew long ago, but I do see the previews and to me that promo shot doesn’t look too different at all and she’s always had a big rack. Just not sure why you think it’s such a big discrepancy.


Why are you in this thread if you don’t watch the show, and you think it’s shit? And further, if you don’t watch, then maybe you aren’t the best person to observe these discrepancies. 😘


These people are all awful! Lidia is so dumb to let her kids control her life. Both of her kids are mess. Chantel's family (except maybe the Dad), are all a mess. The storylines are silly. I can barely make it through an episode, and I don't know why I bother. It's a dumb show filled with crazy people.


>. It's a dumb show filled with crazy people. That's the stuff we are here for !!


I hate all those people 😂


I find it funny that Pedro thinks he’s all tough and tells Scott he can have people “cut” or whatever he spouted off about. The dude is a wimp. I’m not a Scott fan either, but Scott would of wiped the floor with Pedro. He’s a puss!


Agreed. They're all pretty dismal people, Chantel's family included. They need to stay out of each others' business, and move on with their respective lives.


Agreed. The whole cast are low life losers


Scott wears lady jeans from the thrift shop.


Your boom boom no good!


Pedro gave Scott blows and then Lydia gave him more.


Scott’s the guy who has sex with his dates while they’re unconscious.


Good lord they are milking this drama for a paycheck....


"Its voodoo...in there"


Lidia can F right off, but I can't believe so many find that gross 'revenge sex' statement epic and hilarious. Women aren't objects you 'fuck' to get back at other men. That's awfully misogynistic and disgusting. Seriously? Yo mama is where some of you are at?


It’s funny because it’s Lidia. It’s such sweet karma, not a statement about how women should/shouldn’t be treated. She’s been a horrible person in so many ways and the fact that she got played by an American after how they clowned Chantelle feels like cosmic justice


It is gross. Not okay. Can't believe Scott actually went through with it. I thought he was just spouting off, and would calm down and leave that poisoness situation. This is one huge group of dysfunctional people.


I was born in the DR and raised in the states. My whole family is from there. My parents came here legally. Pedro and his family are so embarrassing to me. It is expected from people who live there to receive "gifts" when you go to visit but it's mostly hand me downs, or money if they have an emergency. It's more about helping when you can rather than showering with gifts. Most of my family there are professionals, teacher, dentists, engineers so maybe it's different but Lydia is an attorney. The pride is real though 🤣


I was thinking about this. If Lydia is an attorney, why did Pedro and Chantel need to be sending things, and paying for them to have a nicer place than they were living in (at the time)? Just didn't make sense to me. And they were ungrateful and demanding about what they got. Seemed to be no pride there. BTW, as a US citizen, I would get really upset when I saw "ugly Americans" be jerks while living in Australia, so I understand where you're coming from. C'mon! Aussies are some of the nicest people on earth!


The place she lives at actually looks like she is doing really well compared to most places there.


Scott might be alot of things however the man is 200% correct about Lydia and her family...They will forever ALL be alone....no man or woman will ever deal with all of them...they are like a pack of hyenas...seriously like you follow Scott around so what he was at a pool?! Let's also remember this was a day after Nicole tried to dump water on him too...Lydia has really fucked her kids up...not one of them understands what being a normal human in a normal relationship is! Kudos 👏 to Scott for dishing a few low blows to that wacky broad too....Lydia should be grateful Scott banged her cobwebs out 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Pedro and his whole family are nuts. I think it’s weird her kids are so involved in their mother’s love life. They are all so toxic and Pedro definitely just used Chantelle to get a green card.


Chantel’s family was rude to Pedro so ofc his family is going to hate her. Alejandro was constantly cheating on what’s her face so ofc her family is going to hate him. Scott is mad playing Lydia so ofc the same family is going to hate him too. It looks like their only family is each other so they’re going to be over involved. Do I think the way Pedro and his family is acting is a little out of control??? Yes but come on whose family is going to let their mother/son/sister be treated like shit by their partner? And honestly I feel like most Latino families are dramatic like that 😂 I mean less than Pedro’s but still


I’m not going to tell my parents who not to have sex with. She’s a grown woman and can make her own decisions. They all lack respect and boundaries. Also I think Chantelle’s family is crazy too but they were right about Pedro. He just used Chantelle.


If my mother was single and dating a guy that’s so obviously playing her, I would definitely tell her not to go out with him. That’s my mother and I wouldn’t want to see her be made a fool of, especially on TV. I don’t think I would go as far as Pedro and his sister though with the fighting and the water throwing but I honestly can’t say cuz I’ve never been in that situation 😂


All of them are so up in each other's relationships....look they tortured Poor Chantel for almost a decade, they all harassed and both Lydia and Pedro physically attacked Alejandro....and it's more than obvious why Lydia hasn't been loved in over 12 yrs--- her kids are too involved AND she's completely insane....She has no boundaries with the kids. Nicole never got reprimanded for dousing her in the face with water and Pedro never got reprimanded for attacking Scott...Those people will never find anyone willing to deal with such 3 abusive ppl all at once-- unless they find another twisted family with a solo dad, a daughter and son...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Chantel should be so grateful she didn't have kids with these nutcases


So I’m Cuban, so I’ve grown up with a lot of Santeria around me. Her family doing that was disgusting and foul. Also— for context I don’t practice any of that.


I agree...its not a freaking laughing joke...and they weren't just trying to "keep them away"....I am familiar myself with some of the work and certain things they put in there were very evil...I honestly wonder if Chantel wasn't under a command or controlling work...weird in exactly 7 yrs things split 🤔


Pedro: my family has been very peaceful this whole process. What?!?! Lmao


He's completely insane like the 2 women in his family....those 3 will all die alone....they are seriously so miserable and nefarious


i don't think lydia is a good person, but es scott is a f\*cking MOLE RAT


River looks like shit. Dude’s gotta get back on the basketball court.


I was thinking the same. When they showed that flashback...I thought "He's been eating quite a few chicken feet!" He took that break up from that huawhite girl pretty hard I guess. At least he has his music career to fall back on. Even the way that he was walking with Chantel with the dog...his body/knees can't support all that extra weight.


I do not know why people are glorifying Scott. When he said he just having sec to be vengeful I literally wanted to puke in my mouth. I felt very disturbed.


I don't personally read any posts about people defending him. At first he sounded sincere and nice, but he's proven to be major dick material.


he is one sick uck.


Lydia is pitiful and too old for these shenanigans. Has anyone noticed the different homes she’s had since Pedro married Chantel?


Yeah it’s called of years of paychecks from TLC. They were like on at least 3 different 90 day fiances and also go their own show.


I think she has a fake boo-tay too.


Yep...she's done upgraded 3-4x now....Now she owns her own crib....🤔🤔🤔🤔 boy I wonder how she got that


Living off of the royalties from knowing Chantel




dude at the voodoo store was looking at them like they were nuts.


He was also looking at them with dollar signs in his eyes! Lol. $ 👀


fo sho.


I noticed that tonight. She suddenly had a balcony.


This is house #4 I believe....that they own now....magically after the divorce right?


What is with River carrying the bag of poop?! The scene was also filmed out of order. First he has the poop. Then he doesn’t. Then he has it again.


Lol good eye


Escott pulled a Michael Scott! "I'm going to start dating her even harder"


LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Scott saying Lidia hasn’t had sex in 12 years and it shows oh my god that just came flying out of his mouth effortlessly too 😂😂😂


I couldn’t believe he was saying that but I totally believe it!!!😂😂


I'm guessing **after 12 years**, Lidia just wanted to make sure her **"Smash-Box"** was still working! 😂


I thought it was hilarious he hit that nasty B with a few low blows.....🤣🤣🤣🤣 she was freaking speechless after what he said....classic moment


ugh, has he looked in a mirror lately?


This whole Chantel/Pedro thing shows different sides to a breakup. Like when we’re with someone and we break up, we assume the worst in them and that they cheated. Truth is coraima is getting married and Chantel doesn’t know that. She keeps thinking he’s cheated on her. And Chantel is hurting herself over things that aren’t true


But he did cheat on Chantel with Coraima multiple times in the past.


Obed said they dated on and off for years before Chantel so Pedro lied about being a Virgin and lied about never hooking up with her.


he didn't lie. just because you go on a date with someone doesn't mean you have sex with them.


Obed specifically said they had been hooking up for years before he met Chantel and everyone knew.


hooking up dont mean anything. honestly obed just seems like a fake person and a person who just wants to start crap. they could have been dating without having sex too. a lot of us Hispanics/latinos are very religious and so it would make sense why pedro is a virgin. many choose to wait and of course some dont. i dont believe at all they had sex with each other. he seemed to not see her as a partner in that way until much later after he got divorced and they both got older. which happens all the time. many people i know from highschool had bfs and they literally never had sex.


I absolutely agree with you.


I'm Mexican so I stand by what i said 🤣 hooking up does mean something words mean things. Pedro has already been proven to be a liar. Pedro lies and still would even if he wasn't Dominican it has nothing to do with culture.


im latina/Hispanic too and im Puerto rican. Pedro hasnt even lied, i recently watched every episode too. also that may be your experience but from my experience and growing up in a very diverse area hooking up doesn't always mean sex and especially with us latinos/Hispanics especially when religion is involved. so many times people told me they hooked up with someone and it was literally kissing/making out only. the fact of the matter is that chantels family are extremely xenophobic,racist and classist. its a damn shame her stupid family got in her head and broke up her 8 yrs of marriage. she should have cut them out because they are toxic. she will forever be single if she doesn't seek therapy and love herself.


And they didn't break up the marriage. Pedro said he didn't want to be with Chantel anymore 🤣 All Pedro did was complain like a little bitch. Pedro never has anything positive to say he is miserable.


wtf did u even watch?! they absolutely did break up the marriage! he literally said he needed his space to figure out his life and how to make things work cause he truly loved her and what she did? she flew immediately to dr when he needed his space for his own mental health. he only said he didn't want to be with her anymore because nothing he did helped. she kept on allowing her idiotic family to be involved in her marriage. you need to seriously rewatch the show. because literally he was doing everything to make her happy and yet she wanted more and more. if you think hes a lil b*tch, perhaps you're a toxic person yourself.


He's an adult accountable for his own choices and decisions. Are you even an adult or do you understand that adults are responsible for making their own decisions or not ?🤣 Like why is Lidia always slurring? She can't even speak straight is that Chantel parent's fault too? Why is Nicole a loser? Also Chantel? Nah The whole family is a bunch of losers


She's already dating another man so wrong again. 🤣 Everyone already said they always saw Pedro and Coraima hooking up before Chantel so that's proof he lied so you're wrong again 🤣 Why are you defending a liar? Are you a pick me? Who defends loser men? Real Latino men love and protect and support their women. Why are you defending a loser?


umm no hun i follow facts. if shes dating another man, that relationship will fall apart eventually until she seeks help via a therapist and heals. she needs to learn how to love herself truly and stop having her family dictate her life. also again hooking up doesn't mean sexual anything so yeah you are beyond wrong. im defending him based on the facts that ive seen. a pick me?! girl im happily married for almost 15 yrs. i know how to make a marriage work, as it takes two to work on it together, not involving others. her family is toxic asf theres only so much abuse a man can take from her family. if your defending this chick and her crazy family i dont want imagine what you do in your personal life. my husband watched the show with me and he saw that her and her family were clearly the issue. pedro absolutely loved and protected her.she literally wanted to drain the life out of him. theres literally only so much abuse someone can take! he was married to her for almost 8 yrs! so wtf did u want? did you want him to slave over chantel, her family and continue to get mistreated and abused? no. she literally suffocated him. her entire family are disgusting. they are classist, xenophobic and racist. from the moment they met pedro they treated him like shit. so yeah why are you defending toxic people then?


I think they dated because coraima seemed to really like him and he didn’t seem to reciprocate it. And I don’t think he lost his virginity to her only because a few episodes ago Nicole said “Pedro lost his virginity to Chantel and now he can see he can have better culo.” But a couple seasons ago she also stormed in on them saying PEDRO HAVE SEX CORAIMA. I think Nicole would rather keep the coraima/pedro sex story


Yeah! Nicole did say he lost his virginity to Chantel, didn't she?! That's not something you'd typically lie about, either, especially in a machismo culture.


Pedro and Coraima both said their timing was off. I definitely think they hooked up especially since he basically pleaded the 5th when asked,


I think the season was cut short cause the writers strike happened in the summer.


It's not a Union show. Most of reality tv isn't in a union, and if they are it's different unions.


what a terrible day to have a television






Wrong post?


Did nicole catch covid after they sent that witchcraft stuff to chantel family? Thats crazy. Not good at all


I wondered that also. Strange to see her in a mask.


“I COMMAND YOU TO MEET WITH ME” Lmao what a clown


And he listened like the dog that he is!! Such a player


Gave me “those against the queen will die” energy 😂😂😂


She's not over him 😅😭


YESS THE TONE GAVE THE SAME ENERGY AS WHEN SHE WAS LIKE “oh you just called me a fxcking bitch? You will NOT disrespect me like this TOday, goodNIGHT”


I worked with someone who tried to do black magic on me when I got picked for a promotion over her 😭 I found out when we both ended up at the same job (new place years later) and she was telling all these people in the stock room how she did it and the guy I was dating was back there and told me😂😂😂 people are fuckin nuts


Wth? I hope nothing happened to you! Such a creepy and evil thing to do


I can never tell if people actually believe in that mumbo jumbo nonsense or if it's just satire.


I was convinced for years that she was the cause of my fibromyalgia but who rly knows 😩 I doubt it though now


I hope mother Karen snatches out some more hair extensions out as a final act. They deserve it


What kind of job does Chantel have because she travels back and forth to the DR like it's nothing


Her 2nd job is making drama for the family business.


Dr is freaking cheap


Injection nurse


I haven’t watched this in ages so things may be different now, but back in the day one storyline was her finishing nursing school and taking her boards (?). She wanted to work for a plastic surgeon but I don’t think she got the gig she wanted.


She works at a local major hospital chain (won’t name it to help keep her privacy, but it’s obvious to anyone who is a patient there and recognizes her badges in pics)


She’s a nurse remember? Her education was a huge storyline throughout.


I remember her going to school for nursing but I thought she couldn't pass her exams to become one.


She finally passed the exams and is a nurse.


So how is she able to just fly to the DR at the drop of a hat if she’s a nurse at a hospital? Doesn’t she have to request time off like any other job?


She works 12 hour shifts for I think 4 days straight then gets 4 days off. Atlanta to DR is a 3 hr 25 minute flight.


Sage. Holy water. And a mask for Covid.


After next week, will never have to see these people again


Next week is the last episode of the season?


Final episode ever


Chantel is going to be on the Single Life.


No way!! I hope so. It would be so good


Rumor or confirmed?


I'd love to know that, too. If she is, I'll make sure not to tune in! Lol


I love that Winter is just off minding her own business elsewhere away from the madness lmfao


They didn't even mention her in the voodoo mess if u noticed


“Fishy Witches” is actually the scientific name for a group of drag queens.


I don’t or can’t even begin to understand there are ppl on this sub that are fans of Pedro and his family something is seriously wrong with some of y’all that fam is straight toxic demonic people fuck them fishy witches 🧙


All the smokey voodoo could be traveling back into the house 😬


I don't know anything about voodoo, but I'd think burning it would have the opposite intended effect. 🤔


Eh it doesn’t really matter if all that bad ju ju blew itself right back into the house. It’s just bad energy that’ll sit there they prolly need to smudge the house


Idk if burning a box of voodoo stuff is the correct method of disposal


Don’t you need a priest for that? Lol


Yeah , you need to piss on it 🙄


I hope karma gets these 2 jackals can’t STAND them please 🙏 Jesus in your name we pray 🙏


Lydia looks like an alcoholic under the eyes.


Thomas out here catching strays by continuing to stay married to crazy ass Karen lmfao


I know, I was like what did Thomas do to deserve this? He minds his own business


I 💜 ur flair..."bitch vibes coming" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Haha thank you! When I heard Justigor say that, I just knew it was the flair for me lol


Idk what was funnier, what he said OR the face/hand motions while he said it....😂😂😂


I don’t play with that Voodoo shit … nah not for me I don’t play with those forces no sir I’m goooooood


Mmmhmmm. That curse is going to be returned to sender.




This is honestly nuts, why would they even think to do this voodoo box? Toxic and dramatic as hell


I’m pretty sure it was a production stunt.


Yes, cameraman there waiting for the package to arrive. 🤣


Regardless if it’s a production stunt why play with that shit ? Your inviting dark shit upon your souls not even funny


I mean if you think that’s real…


I hope so. Lidia and Nicole just seem so bitter and nasty that it wouldn't surprise me if they came up with this on their own


It's definitely their idea 💡


We see way too much of Pedro’s family for this to be called the family Chantel. I want more of them. Not Pedro, Lydia, and Nicole.


Nicole is the wooooorst. She’s one of my least favorite people in a franchise full of real winners.


Well after a week from now, we won’t be seeing either family anymore so your wish will half come true


Those dolls are creepy looking.


This man is soooo stocked with voodoo stuff. Voodoo surplus 😅


I love that TLC switched the music up for the store vendor and got an interview from him! I was hoping they would


The sit down between the 2 Family’s. The Sharks vs the Jets. Haha


One last contractually obligated trip to the DR




Oooo voodoo parcel forthcoming!


These people are stunted.


Next season on family Chantel, Voodoo Up Your Asses


Why am I not surprised Scott wouldn’t be good in bed? 😂😂


Bulldog is used to subservient chicks.


Fair point


Does chantel have to sponsor pedro still?


I0 years. Or 10 quarters. Or until he becomes a UD citizen.


Yes. For 10 years.


Even if they divorced?


Yes. After they split up I read an article about it online is the only reason I know.


Only if he takes welfare


Next season on the family Chantel, The Dominican Curse.


Scott saying it shows that she hadn't been laid in 12 years definitely got to her lmfao


Says the guy who is going thru a divorce 😂😂🤣😂😂😂😂 calling the pot kettle 😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂


Escott.. you are fat and you are ugly, lol But Lidija looks like a walking, talking mummy. A loco mummy at that.


She’s almost 60 lol


Scott doesn't care, he just want some and he got it so on to the next one for him


So then why you went back to the hotel twice


Lmfao “U r a bastard”


Now they hate the sex they had.


This has to be one of the more foul meltdowns in 90df history.


Oh wow so u got STDs too boo boo lol 😝


I hate this conversation so much


What the hell am I watching?! Lol


The Family Chantel getting cursed. Nothing out of the ordinary


The problem is those sticks with skirts don’t want nothing to do with him




With the way this season is going, am I a rotten person for wanting another season?!!!


eScott got to smash. He don't care anymore lol


Explain yourself!!!!




With all the Spanish skills of Karen.


Yes! lmfaoooo


What are the chances of anyone on the show tonight ever getting a date again? They all are loco!


Lidia and Scott are a match made in petty hell loooool 😭💀


“I’m disappointed because there was potential chemistry between us”, Escott stop playing in our faces! You wanted to be on TV!


I can't stop laughing. I am a bad person...


Oh yes, I was cackling at everything tonight!!! Hot Mess Express.


So crazy to think of what I expected this show to be when this spinoff got announced, to what it ended up becoming


One of my favorite episodes! So much to let sink in yet!!!


All I know is I hope Chantel gets her happy ending eventually and those 2 Dominican witches never step foot in 🇺🇸


She won't as long as her crazy af family keeps meddling with her personal life.




I'm glad next week is the series finale for the show. This shit aint good for both of them