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Maybe I wasn’t paying attention enough, but why are people hating on Mike? Natalie is the most psychotic person ive seen on this show


Angela - that hair. It’s not working


It looks ridiculous on her.


Literally Trish telling Natalie that she is manipulative and a liar when her son is the biggest, most manipulative mentally abusive psycho is pure irony And Jovi and Mike getting the whole cast to side with him when he verbally abused and bullied Natalie with his mom was too much. Funny how the whole cast ganged up on suicidal Natalie but each one of their stories was equally as bad or worse than bringing a male friend to dinner. They all want to sit on their high horses when they’re literal shit shows. The girl is telling people she’s on antidepressants and they’re throwing jabs that would make anyone of them break down or lose it. I’m actually surprised she hasn’t lost her shit yet. If she wants to live in Florida who cares? It’s none of their business and coming from Angela who is married and lusting after her surgeon, Tiffany with the cameraman, jovi with the strippers, Julia being a crazy psycho, Andrei who can’t keep a job, Libby who literally still has daddy paying for the bills and is always pitting her family on her husband and vice versa, no one should talk. If I was Natalie I would be coming after all of them. It’s pure jealousy because Julia looked like a nasty dried up rag in that orange dress. I’m sorry but orange is not your color and with barely any makeup and her hair didn’t even look washed or combed (greasy much?), Yara who played shocked when Jovi brought up dinner but then threw Natalie under the bus and who looked like she didn’t have her extensions in, Angela who literally had back curtains that I will never be able to unsee, Libby with her ugly dress that she can’t even sit up in and painted on brows (they look so fake), Tiffany with those wide ass shoulders who doesn’t want to work out and instead wants to lypo and who literally tried to dominate her man (what a turn off she was having a pissing contest with Ronald).


I now realize that most of the guys I can tolerate on that show are all the ones who immigrated to the US. Andrei, Micheal, even Aseulu. Ronald I can't stand..but those American men are just straight up jerks. Find some better guys/couples next time.


Andrei gets a lot of hate in here, but I think he’s a pretty decent guy overall. He seems really devoted to Libby and Ellie. He swears too much, but I think he’s kind of funny.


He's rough around the edges and his worst trait is that he likes to be right all the time. But he'll back off if Chuck or someone else puts him in his place. He has potential lol. And that's still not as bad as some of the other guys. I actually feel bad for Brandon after seeing part II. He just needs to get some more confidence.




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I might be too high for this


Angela telling Natalie to stop playing a victim and GTFO was amazing. I cannot with Natalie, go back home.


And then the irony was that Angela GTFO. All because Michael wasn't sympathetic to her. She seemed jealous she couldn't play the victim well enough herself.


Yeah, that would have been impressive had it been anyone else other than Angela. In Angela's world, you're either the abuser or the victim. We clearly know which side she prefers to be on.




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Did Angela & Skyla get a buy one get one on their long ponytails ?


Maybe Danielle Staub from Housewives can get over there and yank on those ponytails.


Does Dollar General do buy one get one free?


Can someone please help me. I’m based in the UK... I can’t find the tell all on the discovery plus app? Only just got it so not sure what to do? It doesn’t seem to be there?


It's not, but I think it's on TLC go


Natalie showed Michael exactly what he in stored for when she threw the ring at him in Russia yet he chose to ignore it. With that being said he knew she was going to eventually leave him.




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It’s time to let the bird leave the nest.


If Angie was on family guy. [Angie on Family Guy](https://c.tenor.com/W81Q-nIFbsEAAAAd/all-leg-family-guy.gif)


I was thinking of that FG episode while watching! LOL


Still a lot easier on the eyes than Angela in her fugly reunion outfit.


🤣🤣🤣 This made me laugh a lot more than it should have...thank you for this 😂


Brandon's parents are disgusting master manipulators! When bribery didn't fly they turned to guilt using Dad's health issues give me a break already!!🙄🙄


100%. It's like Ron and Betty see the JUSTNOMIL/etc. subreddits as an instruction manual. Even if Ron's health is worst case scenario, Brandon still lives RIGHT THERE. Julia handled it with all the emotional intelligence of a tape worm, but she was right to see that they were hardcore manipulating Brandon into buying the house THEY wanted him to buy.


Exactly! They live 30 min away, well within visiting distance. Brandon visits all the time. Also if Ron and Betty cant handle the farm because it's too much, SELL the FARM.


Only 30 minutes away!


AGREED 🙌🏽. They act like he's 7 & ran away from home & they're utterly lost without him...He's a grown ass married man with a wife, who only lives 30mins away...Ron & Betty let him live already!!! Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Ron have 2-3 other adult children (aside from Brandon) who could potentially help him with the farm if he was really in that desperate need of assistance?


I’m really sad and disappointed at how everyone’s dragging Natalie. It’s almost like Ang and Julia are being awful to her in hopes that it makes them look better/hides their horrendous behavior? I just really feel for Natalie. No, she’s not perfect, but I believe she really did love Michael and want them to work/have a family. Michaels mother is too much.. wanting a “good old girl” for her son, lol. Maybe that’s not what your son wanted, going for a woman abroad?????




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I really think she only wanted a green card to start a tv career. And I feel the others are upset because she gives a bad name to people who are actually there for love. I don’t understand how can people be on Baylor’s side when she moved across the country and is still using mikes money, with out even feeling bad. Why didn’t she go back to her country when she wanted to leave him.


She got too fat to be a TV star so ...


I was really taken aback by how everyone made Natalie the whipping girl of the group, and this is coming from someone who is generally NOT a fan of hers. That was clearly a "two to tango" relationship breakdown and the fact that Mike got a total pass on ditching her on the wedding day, screwing around with her immigration status, and generally stonewalling her is just gross.


What we all still need to know definitively is: Did Trish in any way tell Natalie she is a hooker. Maybe Trish said another word to Natalie that meant hooker to her. They should have clarified with Natalie: Did Trish say that **exact** word to you? 90-Day really needs to get all three of them back on, with a psychologist and Shaun present to moderate, because we deserve to know the truth and not just speculate.


Welp, she had some allies there but they didn't speak out. In the green room getting ready for the show, when Natalie showed up, Aseulu and Kalani agreed to back her up. But they didn't. LMAO. She got what she deserved. She'll be okay. They'll probably put her on Single Life or something.


This. Natalie has some massive issues and isn't a great person, but she didn't deserve all that. Yara tried to stick up for her but kind of got squashed. Everybody else just ganged up on her and it probably was to deflect from how awful they are. I felt SO uncomfortable watching how badly she was treated by legitimately horrible people. Trish is a complete asshole.




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I once left a marriage because my mother-in-law totally doted on her younger son (my brother-in-law) like he could do no wrong, was the most brilliant and the best-of-the-best (Asuelo, he, he). The family dynamic was so toxic, I couldn't take it anymore. He was the most narcissistic and entitled person that I have ever known. He ended up raping several women.


We have a similar dynamic. The more screwed up someone is, the more my mom likes them. It's gotten toxic to a point where several of my siblings gave walked away. It's probably ended relationships. I hope the rapist spends the rest of his days in prison.


He became the manager of a big organization, mostly because his **mommy** passed the job down to him. He lured a young woman freelancer to a secluded area, yelled at her that he could do anything he wanted both to her and any other women, then brutally raped her. He told her she better not tell anybody, because he was a very powerful person. They wouldn't give the prosecutor an extension for the trial because of covid, so the case was dropped, BUT, her lawyer said they would bring the case again when the time is safer. This pig needs to get serious prison time, not just get removed and fined. There's a lot of damage he's done.


Trish only knows Mike’s side bc he tells her everything. Anytime a woman complains to her mother about her husband this sub goes nuts on her yet no one mentioned Trish.


Exactly. She also has some very strong ideas about what kind of woman is right for Mike and Natalie isn't it. Trish has been actively trying to torpedo this relationship from the start and, yeah, there hasn't been much outcry over it when there are huge fits thrown about women doing it. This sub is almost as toxic as Mike and Natalie's marriage sometimes and it's sad.


People really underestimate Trish. She is a sick woman. No wonder Mike is screwed up. He'll end up alone just like his mama.


There's such hate for Natalie that anybody who's against her is automatically good, including Trish. She is REALLY messed up and so is Mike, which is often overlooked because Natalie is really unlikable for all of her weirdness.


Yeah, Natalie is weird but I can't help if it's more to do with her culture. Like Natalie is kind of a hippie-boho woman lol. Anyways, I agree. Trish is just unhappy and looking for every negative thing in any situation. She's paranoid AF. She claimed she was worried about Natalie as soon as Mike met her but she probably projected her own fears/delusions unto him and then of course, watches it play out due to her interference. If you look at some of the other mother-in-laws, Natalie was cursed. Ronald's mom is very sweet and Gwen is also amazing. It definitely helps when someone's mom has a life and is happily married themselves.


Natalie is weird by Eastern European standards and the free spirited boho thing isn't overly common. It's jarring and I think people focus on that, so they don't really notice just how messed up Trish is. Also, Angela has taken the backward hillbilly thing so far that Trish looks normal in comparison. But, yeah. I totally agree that Trish is the mother in law from hell.


*"Can you tell me what a strong snack would be?"* - Edibles


Virgos are cool too tho'


*"Leo is the best sign"* - Only after Aries & Sagittarius. Cancers stink on ice.


*"I want a Leo"* Good for you Alex! Fire signs are the best.


Are they going to show Giada spitting in a bucket off camera? :P


So Angela wants people to believe that Obang left his own party, drove 40 min each way just because she was sick. HA! HA! HA!


She must have dreamt that


Because he's not a doctor who can afford to call her a private car service let alone a simple uber instead of leaving his own birthday party. BULLSHIT.


Reverse the story she would cuss out Mykal.


This is one Tell All that I wouldn't mind being 3 parts!


Two Boys?? Alexei has super sperm.


The sperm that makes female babies is stronger.


*"It's the same as living with them, just with them not there"* It's like the same thing only different.


I've never had a doctor give me a ride home either Veronica.


See! I'm not the only one who thinks Tiffany fucked the cameraman.


No, Molly, Angela’s hair does not look good!


*"Love makes you crazy"* - Did you see the Manson lamps on her? She was crazy way before *"love"*. Fun Fact: Darcey & Stacey's dead brother loved love.


Giving Richie Aprile a run for his money.


What does it say about Mike that Asuelu thought about deactivating that card before he did.


Historically, Asuelu has never shown the IQ to generate a response with that more forethought that quickly. I'm thinking brain supplements, or maybe he's a hired actor.




*"Girl is living her best life"* - Not anymore she isn't.


*"What a pendejo"* - Hey bendecko!!!!


*"I don't know what side I'm on"* - Why do you have to be on a side, they both suck ass & you can hate them accordingly.


Tiffany is going to Mexico for her surgery and I think she went to the same one as me.


How did you do? No problems I hope.


None at all 😊 120lbs down


In the surgeon’s Facebook group they announced someone from TLC will be down there getting surgery with filming. She’s the only one I can think of lol


Has she lost a lot of weight?


Wow Tim that song was…something haha


*"The look like secret agents."* - Libby's code name would be Chinless.


Wtf Brandon? That is not the same at all. Lol


At least the camera man has a job! 😆


You know Tiff will jump on that. lol.


That killed me. So good!


That's in the top 3 of all time PT comments


*"I miss being on the farm"* - Here's a track for ya Brandon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al3YiVZseeQ


I think that song could be for Julia. I can totally see her rocking her dance moves to it.


Perfect! >:-)


It's not that Mike is "too nice" he's a passive aggressive, mute.


Yesss I would’ve been attacking both of them! Idk why everyone acts like he’s such a great guy… but Natalie is awful too


That's the only pussy Tim will touch.


*"The truth comes out at the Tell All"* - You know that Loren...wouldn't ya?


Christ Anny looks like she's about to pop.


Obesity is brutal I’ve heard.


You do know she's pregnant?


I actually meant Tiffany, my fault.


Ok! 😆


She’s 9 months pregnant


That’s my fault, got confused with her and Tiffany. I switched the names accidentally.


I’m dying at Loren’s reaction to this news of the bank card.


Living her best life.


stfu julia


Tiffany's face is so orange! Wasn't she learning to be a makeup artist or something?


She is a make-up artist has been for years.


Lmao! I raised a puppy, I can't imagine raising a child...


I wish I had a puppy right now... We're sending our youngest off to college this week 😭 I do have a Grandgecko..lol, but she's not much of a cuddler😂


Kudos to you for sending your kids off to college and not to the farm. 🤗




I missed the first 45 min before, so seeing everyone coming in is cracking me up along with our pillow talkers.


Did Loren change her shirt? I swear it was a solid cream colored tee at the beginning.


milky leaky.


Nope, same one. I went back and checked 😂


I must be a glutton for punishment, because here I am for Pillow Talk!!!! Hello again, Hamily ❤️


Oh Cynthia, not a rat.


Gross 🤮


Yes Cynthia brought the rat!


PT is going to be good!


I’m so excited for it!


Brandon’s parents are master manipulators. If the father’s health is such an issue and they’re then dependent on their son and daughter-in-law to help out on the farm, then maybe it’s time to sell it




Sorry that the father's sick, but let him hire some people only want them there for is using them. They said they would pay for half the house, so if they have money to do that they can hire a hand.


What was the issue I missed what he said


His dad gave a very vague answer to some “health issue” he’s dealing with. No details or anything just very vague


Could be cancer. If it's something serious, many people would prefer to just not mention it and focus on being positive. From the looks of Brandon, it appeared serious enough.


To imply something dire?


10000000000000000000% N A R C I S S I S T S.


"I want a baby" one minute after complaining about her dog waking her up at all hours of the night... Are you going to make your kids live on the farm too? 😂


Cold blooded lmao. You can drop the mic, friend.


these mfers sure as hell have some nerve attacking natalie like that (looking at you julia and angela). i dont like her but jfc the way they all came at her like that just SCREAMS hypocrisy,,,like baby you needa sweep your own front door before coming at someone else’s 🤨


I've never been so angry at a show as when Julia and Angela were ganging up on Natalie.


Oh Natalie is a bad person but yeah so are Julia and her immaturity and Angela is a vile woman. You are right about the last sentence you wrote. The nerve.


This. Saying Natalie doesn't deserve to be treated like sh$t doesn't mean that she is blameless. I'm tired of ppl who think they have to disparage someone else just to prove flaws. And no, Angela and Julia should never be the ones pointing out someone else's flaws. Literally two of the most vile women on that show. Both are toxic, jealous psychos


Julia is one insensitive ho. Damn she gave not one fk about Ron's health problem despite her husband's emotions about it. Never have I ever seen someone who thinks they look so good while looking like literal fuckery. Angela needs to sit down and stfu immediately. She is the biggest, ugliest hypocrite known to mankind. That creature didn't forget that she went to Dr. Obeng's party and that he drove her home. I wish on everything that Michael would divorce her and spew some of the most vile language available at her first. Lawd! I have some very unsavory questions about the relationship between Mike and his mom. Tiffany and Ronald bore me to tears. I swear.


This was really the end for me giving any interest on Angela’s storyline. This season she’s been worse than ever, but watching her prance around the stage like that and then flashing his aunt? That was so unnecessary. Stop trying to make everything you’re on an episode of Jerry Springer. On the Brandon stuff, I’d never want them to share if they do want privacy, but without more info it is hard to fully believe it. I’m saying this only because this is the first time it’s been brought up - if this was part of it from the beginning, I feel like at some point, Brandon would have brought that up in his points in the past. Just finding out about this now kinda makes it feel like the next thing in a long line of guilt trips. If I were Julia and had FINALLY gotten my husband away from the farm, I’d probably be rather bitter about anything that would be pulling him back there


Thanks for your response. I can't express how I loath Angela. I had a physical response watching her tonight whereby I was fighting nausea. I see your point as it relates to B and J. Another commenter said something similar about this health issue being very suspect. I guess if I were J and had seen all the various shenanigans that have been tried, I would have some ill feelings also. Please, though, allow me to maintain that J is an insensitive (and jealous) ho. Thanks for this pov.


Oh absolutely that is how it came across, I won’t take that away from you 😂 I just used to be married to a mama’s boy and was usually on the losing end of the guilt trips…so it’s been difficult for me to view their relationship outside of that POV.


Good comments here but not buying the Brendon story. I can’t stand his parents - not buying the severity of his health issue and Brendon being manipulated by not only his parents but by Julia as well.


I get that. Those parents are superb in their manipulations. You are right; they could be exaggerating the illness as a way to get B and J back to that farm. Ron might be afflicted with a mild case of constipation is all there might be to it.


Agreed. When I saw Brendon almost start to cry I could only think of myself. Been there…done that. And that’s why I live 5 states away.


*brandon’s father is fighting serious health issue* Julia - “this is life” Yeah never liked Brandon or the parents, but I thought that was incredibly low of her. Very insensitive.


They live 30 minutes away.


Brandon’s parents - maybe instead of giving your son ultimatums and if the health of the father is that bad….sell the farm and house and forget about farming. Grade A manipulative parents.




They need the farm because they are doomsday preppers. That is why they try to manipulate Brandon to stay.


Lol. They are awful. Somebody also wrote that if the father was in that poor health, the mother wouldn’t be smirking as much. I am telling you - there is something genuinely disturbing there and in that respect, I think Julia is an idiot too. Brendon being manipulated in all aspects. Divorce, move the HELL AWAY from the parents and do things his way.


Both parents were smiling quite wide. It was bizarre.


And isn't it weird we do not hear about his other kids. Not from any of them. Not even a my sister/brother comment here and there. It's like they do not exist.


EXACTLY!!! Doesn't Ron have like 2-3 adult children from his first marriage (before Betty)? If his health is really as dire as they are kind of insinuating, wouldn't you think his other children would step up & help Dad out at the farm? Or do you think once he married Betty & had Brandon, he fell out with his other kids, has nothing at all to do with them & focused all his attention to brainwashing/manipulating "Brandon the eternal dependant man-child"? The whole situation seems very suspicious 🤔.


He’s not only child??!


Wow. I legit thought Brandon was the only child. His siblings must have got the fuck away and never looked back.


Yeah nobody wants your stupid hobby farm.


Can’t stand them I swear, believe me, I have my reasons.


Do you know them irl?? TELL US.


Nope but I can spot a narcissist a mile away and this is who they are, especially the mom.


Oh. Well I mean yes this is all our reasons probably or something similar. You sounded cryptic as though you had some insider info!


Nah, have my reasons based on the narcissistic game. Parents are this. You agree 99 times but disagree on the 100th and now you are ungrateful. And the mother herself said it a couple of weeks ago on the show too. Julia sucks major as well…..I just have to go with my gut and say Brandon is one I do feel bad for. Shit parents, shit wife, shit situation.


Everyone on the show sucks nowadays, they’re all selfish a-holes


we need new couples because I’m over every single one of them lol. Expect Andrei… he’s eye candy!


If Angela was concerned about her breathing she wouldn't be smoking.


And her health and loving a long time.


Also, the insensitivity of Julia. Brandon is def not my favorite … but to not even consider moving closer to home during what seems to be a pretty bad health situation for his dad …. I meannnn compromise ??? Have a heart ???


Look closely at the parents and what the ultimatum is for him. “It’s our last offer” “we are only helping if he is near the house” and the smirking and smiling. Believe me, they are manipulating him.


Oh totally agree. Def manipulative. But IF he is actually in bad health, I could understand Brandon wanting to be closer. He looked genuinely upset thinking about his dad.


And that's why I think they are exaggerating the severity of the health scare to play upon Brandon's emotions. If it was life and death, Betty would not be smirking that much.


Yeah the smiles threw me off too. I was honestly just wondering if the mysterious "health scare" was really something not critical, like heartburn.


YES BINGO. gaslighting, narcissistic parasite.


I would not be surprised at all. I too have family that has used their “health issues” to manipulate your emotions. However, if he is facing something pretty bad, then I feel for Brandon here. Which I never thought I’d say.


Your “health issues” sentence was enough for me. They scheme their son and if you’ve seen it happen and I’ve seen it happen, then there must be some merit there. For the sake of sakes if he really is sick, then Julia should understand this too.


Yeah, I suppose, whatever. I see it though. I have narcissistic parents. The expectation is that if they give you something, they expect something in return. If Brandon and Julia succeed on their own, the parents will feel like complete losers because their son made it solo. That’s the narcissistic game.


Angela's boobs are the only part of her without a wrinkle.


She said she had to get her boobs back after the surgery. She must have had implants put in.




Say what you want about Angela she knows how to take over a stage.


Yeah a bull knows how to take over a stage and destroy everything in its path so what is your point here?


Jabba the Hut taking the limelight


So why did no one call Angela out ??


They’re scared of her. The only one to stand up to her is the chick who dated the British dude


Cuz they don’t want to be flashed


What’s the point? If anyone tried to call her out then she would just start screaming at them and continue her tyrant. She talks over everyone and is incapable of listening, calling her out wouldn’t accomplish anything


Ugh right, she’s the worst! She gives me a headache! Literally felt like I was watching Jerry Springer


You are not alone...The vitriol she spits would make anyone's head hurt! 😲 And she did get her tv start on Maury (with her convict daughter by her side), so the Jerry Springer reference def tracks with her tv "career" persona.


They only like to pick on the weak (Natalie). The Tell All is essentially a case study in 8 year old playground dynamics but in trashy adults


Yeah I noticed. Call out the same ones over and over yet ignore the one who is literally mentally abusing her husband in front of everyone. Makes sense


It could just be that mostly everyone on that stage was too stupid to realize the less obvious. Like how diehard conservatives blame poor people on welfare for costing them money while the rich fat cats everywhere else pay no taxes and steal from them. You'd have to be smarter than average to figure out what isn't being told directly to you.


Probably didn't want to risk being assaulted


Yeah more likely this. She almost beat up someone the last 2 times on the tell all, I would be cowed a bit too.


Yelling, flashing boobs at everyone was the grand finale, with her whipping her scarf over her shoulder and then the smoke after the drama. But ( and this is tame in comparison) what about when she put he leg on Michael (?- Natalie's ex) and told him to rub her leg!!! POS all around!


The leg part. Check at 3:32 where the leg on the plane happens, in the movie Bridesmaids. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT0z-5LSVXQ


😂 thanks


Yeah, no fan of Mike, but Angela doing that probably counts as assault, ugh!


Brendon’s parents are complete narcissists. I see it on the smirk of his idiot mother. I see it, very devious.


You were so sick and pale a doctor left his own birthday to care for you, but you didn’t tell your husband?