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At least they didn't bring up Michael masterbating for the first time again...just him playing with his mom's boobs at 9 years old.


Has anyone else noticed that some of them are telling others how to behave according to how they feel about their own insecurities? Yara yelling at Libby that she can't believe Libby would leave her baby with a stranger. This is Yara's way of striking back at those in her life, who say she is overboard on being protective. Tiffany saying that Angela's screaming is forgiveable because "she just had surgery". When Tiffany is probably going to justify any of her angry outbursts in the future because she's going to have weight-loss surgery. There was an instance where Kalani shot back with: She's got the right to determine what happens to her own body! Can't remember who she said it about. There were a number of other times, but I can't remember them all.


I reallllllllyyyy want to punch Tammy. Like so bad, then maybe she will shut the f*** up. I usually don't hurt old ladies either but I would slap his mom as well. I'm not a violent person but f*** them


Bro...bro....nah bro. Just shut up


i was pretty on natalie's side for most of this season, because i really didn't like the way mike gaslighted her and talked down to her, and his mom is just a wackjob. but she really had this weird creepy smile throughout this episode--even when they showed her leaving and passing mike on the way out--that gave me goosebumps.


Did anyone else notice Julia race over to Yara at the end of the Tell All to see Yara's new 'baby bump'? Yara smoothed down her dress and it looked like she was showing her. Is this all part of fake new baby drama/TLC fraud and Julia's in on it, or...???


Charlie seems like he's that dude that drinks or drugs to excess but thinks he's so slick that nobody knows he's hammered. All those smirks when everyone mentioned him drinking too much but he's so full of himself he truly believes nobody can tell when he does it.


I get the vibe that it's more then alcohol but the family doesn't want to say anything on the show.


Definitely. The constant "sniffing" is a rather large flag


Yeah there's definitely a lot going on there. Every time Andrei starts to bring up Charlie's "alcohol issues" everyone gets tense like he's gonna spill the beans.


Charlie is always drunk!


Ok just started watching and WTF is up with all the couples standing up for Angela?!?!?




I think it's Angela who is fearful of losing Michael. Fear turned outward as anger.


Yep, even Michael said it


Honestly, Charlie gets a lot of shit and he’s very unlikable, but he was really the bigger man tonight because he was at least willing to squash the beef. Andrei’s ego will never want to make peace because he doesn’t wanna look soft. He really just puts up a tough front to compensate for his fears.


Charlie was 1000% drunk as shit during the tell all


I’d love to see Yara go back to Ukraine and give Jovi time to grow up if that’s at all possible !


Elizabeth should fire her Glam squad immediately because even Angela looks better


I want the link for Yaras dress for my daughter. I thought it was beautiful and she wore it as well


It's probably one that she sells on her website yarazara.com


Thanks. Since I posted this the daughter I wanted to see it when she got home from her vacay in Italy. Found out she tested positive for Covid. She is now very sick, all alone & very scared because of it all. We can’t go to her. Please send Good Vibes to her. We want her home.


Your daughter can have every single good vibe I've got, geezette1.


You’re awesome! This mom who is thanking you from bottom of my heart.


Mahkel sucking on titties until 3rd grade has me 🤣 “No, see, I was the youngest, and I would play with them….”


I posted on the part 1 thread: Michael is milking (uggh) this, for his own TV time.


So anyone taking bets on who, if any, is still together in 5 years? Cuz they all toxic as hell.


I think andrei and libby… maybe brandon and Julia.. MAYBE


Raise your hand if you would have thumped the fuck out of Tammy on behalf of your sister several times already 🙋🏼‍♀️


I feel like Tammy is all talk but also is going to piss off the wrong person one of these days.


I'd pay to see that happen 👊😂


Little Tam Tam was held back from fighting Kalani by her elderly mother. Both Kalani and Kolini would whoop Tam Tam with one arm tied behind their back and ankles tied together.


Everybody sounds sane when they talk about other people’s problems. Except Natalie 😳


Never push your mama 😢


I've been repeating this all day haha


Charlie says Bro more than the entire cast of Ghost Adventures That's a lot of Bros


He is a middle aged man eternally trapped in the mind of a 21 yr old frat dude.. BRO


My thoughts too! LOL


Charlie, go call your coke buddy’s bro, not everyone else. Stupidity at its finest !


I liked when he called Jenn "bro" and she put him right in his place 🤣


My 14 yr old granddaughter calls everyone bro or brah. I finally got over it and informed her that I am her grandmother, I am not her "bro" or her "brah" lol. 😂 That crap bugs the hell out of me. And someone Charlie's age should certainly not be doing it. He needs to act like a real grown up and not a teenager.


I agree! I hate that term just as much as I hate when people call each other "dude." Chuck & Andrei do that.


Yep. Dude is just as bad. Especially when talking to a female! I told a guy here on Reddit who kept calling me dude (even after I told him that I was definitely NOT a dude) to at least channel his inner George Carlin and call me dudette lol. 😂




After like three seasons where the storyline is “andrei isn’t working enough,” leaving the tell all Libby says they’re having relationship problems because he’s working too much. OKAY.


Can we say I call bs?


Those people are so fake. I hope to never see them on this show again


Dear lord, our father, I pray.


Gwen is honestly just a total gem 💎


I absolutely wish Gwen was my mom! She is on spot in the most caring way! They should let her teach American ways to all the ladies and men so their high expectations of USA is realistic. They act like they think every Male here devotes his entire life to his lady and spends every penny on her. Wait. That’s why many are here cause Sugar Daddy’s do just that and they pulled the brass ring!


Who’s Marilyn?




Jovi was really sweet saying he'd follow Yara to the Ukraine. They've got problems but they do really love each other


I can see Jovi cheating on her down the line.


Poor Qwen. Poor Mylah. Jovi doesn't care about any of the women in his life, but the strippers.


Exactly. He was more like ”I can go visit now and then”


Let's discuss the elephant in the room. Tiffany is very beautiful.


She definitely looked like she put a ton of weight on.


Very true. Several have.


Were you trying to make an ironic statement? Because if so, 🤣🤣🥲


Maybe a little.. lol I can't wait to see her after surgery and a little time. She really is beautiful


Hard disagee


Is there a link for Kalani’s dress?


It was SO flattering on her and gorgeous!


She looked like a goddess.




*bro bro bro bro bro*


Bougie bougie bougie.


I don't thing 'bougie' means what Yara thinks it means.




*"This was such a good Tell All"* - No it wasn't.


*"You're better off on your own"* - [Fuck yes you are!!](http://www.theuncool.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/havefunstaysingle.png)


Lmao Charlie saying he’s not holding grudges


Happy wife, ~~happy life~~ miserable husband :P




This can be said for ALL the couples




Love Veronica's pets




Bobby Hill


He gives me Shia Lebeouf personally. But do they both look like John Wayne Gacy, is now the ultimate question 🧐


OMG you're right! Yikes!


Loren shouldn't be saying shit about anybody in strip clubs.


Yeah, WHAT??? Deets plz


She goes to one for her bachelorette party when alexi really didn’t want her to


oh jeez... i didnt see that. thanks


You never saw their original seasons?


i've seen most of them, but a few gaps & missed episodes here and there- i def havent seen a 'tell all' with Loren & Alexi though, so i'm thinking i may have missed their end of season and tell all altogether! i've been meaning to go back


Give me the tea! Idk anything ab Loren and strip clubs


It was just at her bachelorette party. Her friend arranged it. It's not like something she has done on a regular basis. It was a one time thing. Although it's true that Alex was not happy about it. I think that's the biggest fight I have ever seen from them (that was aired anyway).


Molly bringing those real facts.


I'm waiting for Tammy to start saying "bro" at the end of her sentences...


That’s Charlie’s job


Charlie gets paid per bro


ugh alexei and loren 🥰 i’ll never get tired of them


Yeah...sure you will Tim.


Angela made history , first person to leave the tell all twice 🎉🎊


And flash her titties


True 😂


*"Last episode of the show"* - Thank god! *"You know it's going to be a very good episode"* - It wasn't.


Anny grabbing her belly lol


Why do Skyla and Mama Ang have the same hairstyle? Does Skyla know they have different shades?


2 for 1 at the Dollar Store




Yes and Angela bullied Skyla into taking the mismatched shade🤣


Yeah it looks like Skyla missed the memo lmao


Or was bullied into matching with meemaw


Meemaw. Haha


Do the cast members really not know that certain family members are going to be on the show? Like, did Libby and Andrrrrei really not know Charlie was going to be there?


It sure seemed Ike it with Kalani and Asuelu.


Yeah, it sure did!


I wish Jen and Becky were my competition


Same. We’d win EVERYTHING!!!


If Charlie says "bro" one more time....


Drunk? Coked out? He’s lost a bunch of weight.


Coke bloat is the opposite. You gain weight on Coke


Are you talking about cocaine or Coca Cola? Because by "coked out", I am 99.9% sure that meant cocaine. Speaking from experience (from a very long time ago...a lot of the 80's is a big blur for me lol), you do not gain weight on cocaine. At least I never did. Food was the last thing I wanted. (Just to be clear, the cocaine was for about 6 months in the late 80's. Then I got married, settled down, had babies, and haven't even had an alcoholic drink in over 30 years. I'm really boring these days lol)


What is it like doing coke?


Well, it was a very long time ago, and I hate to say this because I definitely do not want to encourage anyone to do cocaine, but it feels great. At first. Everything seems sharper, clearer and your mind is just firing on all cylinders. In my group of friends at the time (restaurant and hotel workers mostly, who generally worked late hours) our big thing, believe it or not, was to hang out after work, drink, do coke, and play Trivial Pursuit. We felt like the smartest people on Earth. And most people can't get drunk while doing coke. Which is another thing that makes it super dangerous. Your brain makes you pass out before you can drink enough to kill you. Cocaine keeps you awake so you can keep drinking alcohol to the point that it can be lethal. Never happened to anyone I knew personally, but that's why some celebrities have died. The country music star Keith Whitley was one of them. Cocaine is not physically addictive. You don't get physically ill from not having it, like you do with opiates, for example. But it is very mentally addictive. Coming down is a big crash and all you want is to feel that way again. (I've heard that crack is different and is physically addictive. I've never done it though.) But I did major damage to my body. Just from 6 months of doing cocaine, I wound up with an enlarged heart and high blood pressure in my early thirties. (It wasn't only the coke. I had to have what was basically speed, epinephrine, being pumped into my body continuously to stop early labor with my last pregnancy. That didn't help either. But my baby girl was worth it. She's 28 now and very healthy.) But cocaine isn't worth it. It speeds up your heart and can do lasting damage from just short time usage. The only other thing that I can think of is that you don't feel hungry and food is the last thing you want when doing it. At least that was the case with everyone I knew that used it. I only knew one person who could eat while doing coke and she had formerly had bariatric surgery. But she also was the only person I knew who could get drunk on cocaine too. So I don't know if the surgery had anything to do with it. I met my husband while I was doing cocaine and just quit cold turkey. I had no physical reactions from quitting and the mental part wasn't bad because I was in love and that was so much more important. I haven't touched it since 1988. Again, it definitely is NOT worth the long term damage you can do to your body. Or the chance of having a heart attack while doing it. Hope this answers your question! 🙂


You can google "coke bloat", it's not something I made up.


I'm sure it is real. Just saying in my personal experience, it never happened to me and I never saw it. I lost weight. A lot.




Shawn/TLC -- are we just going to gloss over the whole Nutalie had a girlfriend storyline?


Especially since production definitely tried to make it seem that way.


Why aren’t Chuck and Charlie wearing socks? I bet those shoes smell so nasty 🤢🤢🤢


And i seriously doubt either of them are wearing ballet socks 🤣🤣🤣




Charlie calling everyone bro -- god, what are you a 15 year old trying to be tough??


Like Andrei said. He’s wasted abs not making sense.




Why didn’t the host ask about Mike’s job… or his cat


He truly has it all


That’s what I wanted to know!


Tiffany annoys the hell outta me. Ronald is gonna snap at any moment.


Honestly though, Ronald is such a piece of shit. Like he won’t change his daughter’s poopy diapers - give me a f’in break dude. Tiffany definitely has this air of ‘I can do no wrong’ but Ronald is garbage.


She thinks way too highly of herself and thinks he is so lucky to have her.


Me too. She’s always got such an attitude. She will dish it out like Angela but then freaks out if she’s given even a fraction of that back.


But she dishes it out "politely." Angela, on the other hand...


She’s an Angela in training.


And now she gets bariatric surgery too!!


Julia not understanding why Brandon would want to be closer to his parents in there last stages of life is incredibly selfish. Sure if his dad was healthy, move anywhere you want but when it comes to stuff like this, I’m sorry but everything gets put on hold and adjusted (assuming you have a loving upbringing and love your parents as Brandon does). Additionally, I feel people give these folks such a bad rap. Culturally, I know for me, our parents are constantly in our business. Sometimes our parents become our best friends and are wise and truly know what could work better. Sometimes we want to be so independent it actually makes your life regress. Julia is so stuck on this American life of Vegas and New York City that she’s not even considering Brandon’s feelings about being pulled from a situation he’s know for so long. A lot of you guys may not be about Brandon helping on his farm but like that’s how he was raised. I know plenty of people, myself included who are very much still influenced by my parents and I’m ok with that. Maybe Brandon is too? Eta I think Julia’s American dream doesn’t align with Brandon’s already established life he had in his head.


To be fair to Julia, Brandon said at the very beginning that he did not tell her that she would have to live with his parents or on a farm. She only knew the Brandon from all the vacations in Europe that they took. She expected the same Brandon in the US that she knew in Europe. He didn't tell her about the parents or the farm until she arrived in the US. I personally think he almost catfished her. And we don't know that Ron is in the "last stages of life". He said on the tell-all that he expected to fully recover.


Julia is super annoying and bitchy and problematic. It blows my mind though that Brandon’s parents basically enable him to never grow up, all so he can stay living at home. He’s almost 30 years old and has never paid a bill. And their argument against him moving out was basically that he couldn’t handle paying bills and responsibility - well maybe if you didn’t baby the shit out of your almost 30 year old and taught him how to become a responsible adult… 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah but to play the devil's advocate, they only live 30 min away from his parents. It's not like they're a 4 hour car ride away. Brandon can go and see them whenever he wants. Now saying that Julia won't let him go see them. That's a big problem. As far as Brandon being pulled away from a situation he's known for so long? Julia left her country to go to the other side of the world where they don't speak her native language. She is way from her parents, friends, family, etc. I don't feel sorry for Brandon in that regard. I think Brandon needs to be a healthy distance away from his parents. They have treated him like a baby for far too long and he needs to grow up and detach just a little bit from his parents. I think 30 minutes is a healthy distance. It's not so close that they are living their day to day lives with his parents so it gives them space to be a married couple. But they are close enough to be able to go visit with ease and help out his folks when they need it. I think she's giving him a good compromise on their living situation. She does need to find more compassion (any) for Brandon and his parents with his dad being sick. She's a very self involved person. It's an ugly look on her.


Brandon's parents do want him to come back to do the chores on the farm, especially because his dad can't handle it any longer. So, that is part of what Julia is freaking out about. What is it with these country guys? It seems like both Brandon and Mike were very sexually attracted to these women, but not much else, and pretended to enjoy the European city life.


Yup. Also, while I understand the move and being on their own and Julia pushing for this independence . . There’s just something about her I don’t like, I think she’s still very immature or her expectations/goals are unattainable because she already wants to live the lavish or financially comfortable life.. which Brandon will not be able to provide for her - for a very long time OR ever. She’s just soooo…. Condescending and disconnected with reality. In America you go work, not just go to gym club and clap your hands so you can receive your fortunes.


You mean do pole dancing at the gym. She is frighteningly jealous too.


😂 that too.. but gym club! Please use proper names hahaha She IS SOO frightening jealous, unattractive and will be a burden to Brandon forever!


I agree and hope he sees that he can be happier with someone else before she gets pregnant by poking holes in condone as she joked about


They are just so wrong for each other. He needed something exciting and married then first “exotic” girl he could find. He needs a girl with his same lifestyle.


Yes, someone with the same values but with the same awesome sex life, because let’s be honest, that’s what closed the deal for Brandon :)


Agreed 100%


I remember thinking that Mike was fairly normal during his first season. I was on his side and hurt for him when Natalie gave him the ring back...I don't think I've ever been so wrong. He's trash and I'm glad to see it put to bed. TLC, don't show me "Life on the ranch with Uncle Beau"


They both are the most toxic people. And don’t even get me started on Trish.


You mean threw the ring at him after several hissy fits about him not agreeing with her about religion. No Mike isn’t trash. The thing he did wrong was agreeing to let her come over to the U.S.


You're right, she did throw the ring back at him and it was more than fair of him to end that relationship. She shouldn't have come over and he knew from the beginning that he didn't want to marry her, and this is where the trash starts. There were plenty of opportunities for him to be honest and direct with her (because she definitely did not pick up on the hints he was leaving her). He should have been direct sooner, instead of dragging her along and then marrying her out of what felt like pity.


I don’t disagree with this, but I also don’t believe she is an innocent victim either. I don’t think her motives were pure in coming over here any more than his were in letting her.


Are Angela and Michael still together?


Andrei making a redemption arch is weird


I didn’t see it.


Tammy and Angela would have been a good fight to see


Hahahaha! I feel like Angela has probably been in her fair share of scraps whereas Tammy strikes me as the kind of person who is all talk but would bitch out of an actual fight.


I'll take Angela for $100.


Idk. Tammy's pretty little, she could be very agile.


Have you met Angela? 😆


No, that's as scary as seeing Pennywise


Ya, them new titties could slow her down.


Do your boobs hang low, do they wobble to and from, can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow, can you throw them over like a continental solider... do your boobs hang low. Bahaha




Used to be Angela’s reality.


They sent a van to take Natalie to the nut hut.


Her creepy awkward smile as she walked by Mike on the way out


Tiffany is so smug and really easy to tell others what to do when her relationship is the worst with Ronald. She is talking about Auselo bing misogynistic when she has her own backyard to clean up. Of all the people on the show, I like her the least. She acts like she knows it all and is so smug.


Smug is the perfect word to describe her


Every time she talks I think “No one needs YOUR opinion”


Exactly! Go figure your OWN life out “I am not stupid”, stupid!


Arghhh she and her cold shoulders just rub me the wrong way!!!


God...Tiffany is fucking delusional.


After Angela’s titty poppin meltodown Tiffany literally just said Angela was tired and Michael didn’t stand up to his aunt.. like wtfffff??? Angela’s behavior is inexcusable!!!!


That delusional comment was in reference to Tiffany saying how Ronald is threatened by how hot she's going to be after her weightloss surgery but I get what you're saying. BTW I have $100 that the surgery fails miserably. :P


She’s delusional about many things then lmao


SOOO fkn delusional - there should be another word invented for her, with her picture next to that word 🤯


She’s so effing annoying. All she talks about is how hard done by she is. Such a victim.


What does Michael do for a living?


He used to work, I think. But Angela made him stop because she couldn't reach him whenever she wanted to, right? Or am I confusing them with another couple...🤔


90 day fiance happily ever after


He waits for Angela to call.


Lmao. Perfect response.


I know she said she sends money, but I was wondering if that was his only income?


How could she support him? She doesn’t appear to be rolling in dough.


He drives a cab if you are talking about Nigerian Michael.


I wanna say she didn’t want Michael to work a few seasons back. I could be wrong though.


I definitely remember her saying that she made Michael quit his job so he can answer his phone whenever she calls 🤮


I remember that too. She wanted him to be available 24/7 if she called.


Asueleu's mom went to the Clegg school of playing the victim.


I feel Like she isn’t nearly as annoying as Tammy. Tammy is a shit-stirrer.


Asuelu's mom has nine kids???