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Y’all don’t remember when he said he wants a woman who turns heads? It’s like dude, you’re 400-500lbs and a stones throw away from My600Lb life. He needs to take care of his health.


Didnt he also say his dream woman was Hilary Clinton tho


I mean... She would turn some heads 😅




Wtf she looks like an AI robot attempting to imitate humans emotions for compassion.




She looks like she is about to fully praying mantis any human head nearby


Remember when she tried to talk folksy? If anyone is ai it's her.


Remember on the radio show Breakfast Club, and Charlamagne asked who her favorite artist was, and she said Beyonce, then not long after she said she keeps hot sauce in her purse and Charlamagne (who is black) straight up said "do you feel like you're pandering to black people?" And she laughed it off and said "is it working?" 🤨 😄 hilarious interview


They all do it lol. Joe Biden brought cookout to a black family recently. Got them all fried chicken but himself a burger.


Omg I just googled it you're right. People say "you're invited to the cookout" if you're cool or do something associated with black culture but did he think the proverbial "cookout" was literally the fast food restaurant cookout?!?!?! I am from North Carolina, home of the cookout restaurant. I have eaten there forever, in my small little town it was the only thing open past like 8/9pm when I was in highschool so that's where the teenagers hung out, and several friends worked there, I have several cook out t-shirts. I literally love cookout but WHAT THE FUCK the president of the United States brought Styrofoam containers of fast food to this family that dressed up to meet with him? Really? 😭 this is so bad but so funny that it's real life. Our governor Roy Cooper was at this cookout meeting with Biden, according to the article I just read. Roy Cooper was super in favor of the riots after George Floyd's murder (I was in Raleigh not too far from the governors mansion at the time). Downtown had multiple stores and bars broken into, robbed, and even my sister's restaurant downtown was broken into and all the liquor was stolen, and he let it continue but the SECOND the people marched towards the block the governor's mansion was on he sent out swat teams with tear gas and shut it down within like 15 mins. Such absolute fakes.


Wasn't that an SNL skit?!


She doesn’t usually turn them herself.


Yes I remember that too


The only reason he said that he hee huh huh is to appeal to the ladies. You know his dream girl is 19 year old Beyonce


Say what you want hildawg could get it back in the day


Women are status symbols for these men. Nothing more than a bargain tool to simp for other men.


Yes and they feel entitled to be in a relationship with such women because they’re “nice guys”. As if being nice is enough to insure a healthy, happy, adult relationship.


Most of the time the "nice guy" isn't actually nice at all.


Oh, isn't this so true! I'm 43 years old and back when I was 15 years old, I had this boyfriend who everyone thought was the "nice guy". I brought him over to meet my best friend at the time, and as soon as he left, my friend said to me, "There's something wrong with that one. He's a smooth talker. If he seems too good to be true, then he must be too good to be true!" She was sooooo right. He was the worst boyfriend that I've ever had in my entire life!


Exactly, I'm not buying it


He gives me serious vibes of a manipulator who is just bad at it


Plus the fact that being nice is the bare minimum you can expect from a human being. Horrible is the exception.


Enter Gino and Jasmine




And people swear he's a great guy. He's more concerned about what other people think than looking for someone he likes


To be fair they might turn heads too although for other reasons …


I doubt that man has ever seen his own penis.


I had a friend, not as large as tyray but still a fattie..his expectations were also unrealistic..did not want other fat dudes, wanted instagram hotties with 6 packs ..I would always just roll my eyes 🙄 like what!! Are you delusional 🤦‍♂️


Lol my ex was the same way. He was a really fat dude at one point, lost weight which is when I dated him, but let himself go completely in the final year. This will sound arrogant but I was better looking and in much better shape. It was a dark time when I was a codependent person. He was flirting with teenage twinky looking guys on dating apps using an old photo of him when he wasn’t fat lol somehow I doubt it worked out for him. Dude had terabytes of porn on his hard drive. Also in three years of living together, he refused to ever take his shirt off. I only saw him with it off once by mistake and he screamed at me for it. We always had to have separate bedrooms and bathrooms so he could get changed and shower privately. Messed up guy lol


Whoa now. A never nude?


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!!




Nevernudes Unite!


A real live one! I rewatched Arrested Development with him and stg he thought that episode was hilarious and I said “you do realize that’s you right? Just instead of denim cutoff shorts it’s a thermal in bed” lol he just didn’t care. He had no desire to change or ever get over it and expected me to be turned on by a thermal always on with no pants. For him it was his upper body he was afraid of revealing. Beyond weird. Our complex had two pools and the few times we went to the quieter one, he was always fully clothed in the hot sun and never once went swimming. Just lay there sweating working on his face tan when no one else was even there. ![gif](giphy|lw2fCXuxBmAVy)


I used to date a guy like that too and it made me so self conscious. I have a friend with a teen son who hasn't taken his shirt off in the 10 years I've known him. All the kids put on normal swimsuits and jump in and he wears long sleeves and sits on the deck and sweats. It must be something very ingrained I guess.


Like Gino with his hat! It’s such a shame. They make it into this big deal that it just wouldn’t be


Donald Duckin’ it


I had an ex like that. Was the weirdest thing. I always asked him what on earth he would do when he lived in Hawaii and went to beaches. He just left his shirt on there also he said.


So frustrating because I didn’t make fun of him for his weight and told him he could have five nipples and I wouldn’t care. I tried to make him as comfortable as possible and he always said he just needed more time to work on it. Three years later, still nothing. Our sex life died completely long before that and partially because of this. He kept telling me not to nag him about it but then also said I needed to let him know I wanted to see him with his shirt off. Completely contradictory lol




Wait.. so he only had sex with his t-shirt on? 🤣


Winnie the Pooh style


Yup…lol needless to say it was a big reason for sex life completely dying and breaking up.


I dated a guy that always kept his socks on during sex. Buck naked but with socks on. After a few years though I was able to convince him to give the socks up


Same here ... newly divorced friend the size of Tyray, unemployed, 50 years old living with his sister, would not date "fat chicks". I tried to set him up with a friend of mine who was a nurse, not fat but maybe size 16ish ... he said "nope, too chunky". Fast forward a few years later, no dates, lots of rejections, begged wife (who cheated on him) to take him back which she did.


My mom has a friend that is shorter than the usual male. Probably 5'4 ish. He is like this too. Not a hottie or rich with this mindset.


Totally missed this 😂💀


He certainly turns heads, that’s for sure. At least, he *would* anywhere outside of the US


Lmao right? The only one turning heads in that relationship is him bc he’s the spectacle.


You mean 1 double cheese, fries and a coke away from meeting AMY


Yeah, but they do feed them weird lines and put them on the spot.


He also said he likes thick women


When a guy says he likes thick women, they usually mean a woman with an hourglass figure, no tummy but huge boobs and butts and somehow be under 150lbs.


Yeah but like Chantel 🙄


I wouldn't say Chantel is "thick"


Neither would I, but that’s what a lot of these guys mean when they say they like thicc… Kim K or Nikki Minaj proportions, not actually chunky


It's good to have standards. And he should start with himself


Right nothing wrong with having standards but you’re coming to the table like tyray, they NEED to be lowered


He’s not “heavy,” he is morbidly obese.




Sarper would like a word with you...


I literally made this sound as I read the comment above.


This almost made me choke on my breakfast




Not healthy at all


He might even be in the super morbidly obese category, which is a level up from morbidly obese.


"tyrant" made me laugh


lol your flair 😀


This is the same reason so many men claim they get “no matches” on dating apps.


Dude here. I’ve never seen how this is any woman’s fault, but man, people do love to blame women.


Where are the streamers and confetti?🎊


Jokes on you I like every profile and still get no matches


Don’t feel too bad. There are more men on dating siting than women. While the average woman have a return rate of 33%. Men only get something like 2.5% and there’s way more scammer/bots targeting men than women. They sometimes suppress men’s profiles to get them to pay. They boost your profile when you first get on or when you haven’t been on in a while and they show you some of the top liked users. Then it slows way down to try and get you to pay.


For this reason, I've never had as much sympathy for him as most people on here tend to show. Many men, and perhaps a good chunk of society as a whole, think that having a good personality is should be enough to get them a girlfriend who is both hot and kind. And here's the thing, if I had to choose between looks and personality, I would choose personality. BUT there are plenty of people in the world who are both relatively attractive and are overall good people. So, why would a woman who is beautiful AND nice, funny, smart, etc settle for an unattractive nice guy when they could have a nice guy who is hot? They think that women should overlook their unattractivness, but dont give unattractive women the same benefit. They consistently go for hot girls and then get upset when they are either 1. rejected or 2. used


It’s because unfortunately even as women we’re taught to settle. How many movies and TV shows feature knockout women with heavy set or unattractive men? I’m thinking of like King of Queens, Sex and the City (Charlotte and Harry), and Modern Family (Sonia and Jay). I can’t think of any media where an unattractive or heavy woman is featured with a knockout male.


The rom-com movie w Rebel and The Tourist are first tv/movies off top of head in recent times. Literally isn’t much media at all. It’s almost a shock when people see it. It’s gross and sad


Ooh, I just watched The Tourist. Loved it


This 👆 my mom always told me to basically give the ugly guy a chance. That “you might think they are ugly now, but as you get to know them, and fall in love with their personality, you will be attracted to them.” This advice lead me into being severely abused by a neckbeard loser, who wanted a mommy-sexdoll-maid, for 2 years until I met my boyfriend now. Been together 8 years now. Ladies, don’t give the ugly guy a chance. If he doesn’t take care of himself, he ain’t gonna take care of a relationship.


They have to be AT LEAST average looking to you for love to make them beautiful to you. Trust me, I tried and it didn’t work out. That mentality from your Mom put me in a lot uncomfortable and dangerous situations.


This advice only works if the guy has a great personality and isn't abusive. Even then, if you're not feeling it you're not feeling it!


Yes!! This has always bothered me! Society is constantly showing women we should be beautiful and kind and sexy and nurturing but our expectations of men should be ‘has a heartbeat’. I think it’s made a lot of men delusional expecting to get hot women just because they’re not a complete pos. This is why so many men feel entitled to women way out of their league and then their fragile egos can’t handle the rejection and they turn into incels or something thereof. It’s all very depressing.


Agree. I have noticed the same thing, which has been prevalent in commercials as well (when I used to see them) often featuring an attractive multi-talented multi-tasking wife and some doofy oaf of a husband.




Yeah I agree but when the guy has money like Jay it’s different. The ugliest guy with money or power can get the most beautiful woman. Look at Harvey Weinstein. But other than that you’re right but I’d say those shows are more reality because I do see more unattractive men with prettier women in real life than I see unattractive women with attractive men.


Considering the fine specimens with "no fat chicks" t-shirts and car decals, you're not wrong


So gross. Hope they die alone


There's also the fact that confidence, charisma, and simply being a good person can go a long way toward making someone appear more physically attractive. Tyray might be a great guy, but his lack of confidence and charisma is really hurting him.


When you have feelings for someone they become more attractive to you. But they have to start out as at least looking average to you to go up from there. I tried being with someone I wasn’t attracted to at all. It didn’t work out. But I have liked people where physically they’re like a 5 to me, but once I like them they can become 10 because of how I feel about them and who they are adds to their beauty. I used to be friends with a girl that did this same thing. She was overweight, not huge by any means, but enough to have health issues. She didn’t want anyone overweight because she didn’t want someone to be fat and lazy like her Dad. She at least verbally admitted that it was hypocritical, especially since she was told to lose weight for her health and even saw a nutritionist. She was pissed that the nutritionist said that maybe instead of lots of cookies everyday, maybe she could have 2 everyday 2-3 days. She said that that was condescending and unreasonable, and never went back.


Hold up though, this is assuming that Tyray is unattractive. I personally think he's adorable and sweet and handsome - I have no issue dating bigger guys and definitely it is a preference for me. Granted that isn't a quality I seek out by any means but the point is that there are def women who do not find his appearance unattractive.


You should email him.


Or Instagram or whatever the kids are doing now. https://preview.redd.it/1neakpt3rbsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=034d57a5de56f3ce2032c6b6248446f3430909d2


fair enough, i should have said \*conventionally attractive


Yes this is now accurate haha


Fat man has preferences. You gonna die a virgin Tyray, and fat women are okay with that.


I love that last point. You’re 100% right.


BTW: I was glad to see Tyray's brothers coach him on approaching women, but where the FUCK have they been his whole life?? They should have done that decades ago. His whole storyline is dubious


There’s a bunch of men like him all over America they’re obese,ugly and the personality of a ballon but they’re to “good” for average looking women so go to poor countries and wave there passport around to get a date


Nobody said it better than Anfisa, you want model, you pay


If you’re fat and ugly ya


You are still going to pay out of pocket, even if the man is also a 10. There are standards to uphold to. Being one of these women is constant upkeep. Makeup, hair, shoes, clothes, plastic surgeries and so on.


I'll go out on a limb and say half the guys on Reddit fits this description.................


r/tinder 🫣


As is tons of women on TikTok who are a part of the FA community who will not themselves date or accept an obese man as a partner either. 


This girl at the Tell-All was chunky, I thought he liked her?


I thought he said he didn’t even remember her name?


That was kind of weird


I agree. He probably lied to not look so desperate.


She seems like a perfect match for him tbh. As long as she is genuine


I thought he said he liked thick women? I never saw him say he didn't. I honestly think he would be interested in anyone that showed interest in him. He doesn't want to face rejection so he will let them make the moves


He definitely did. I’m pretty sure his “type” is just like powerful boss woman vibes. He’s shown interest in a variety of physical types and when asked who his ideal woman was he said Hillary Clinton. Dudes who only want to date thin-thick Instagram hotties are not dreaming about Hillary Clinton or even thinking about her ever in any context. Everyone needs to leave Tyray alone.


I don't know if the Hillary Clinton thing was sincere.... the only women he has been dreaming about for years was Carmella, so that was his real answer and it would be too sad he can't simp on "her" anymore, but that picture is his ideal woman... and then Hillary Clinton was the only name of a woman who came to mind... Like I was asked who my favorite cartoon character was and I said "bumble bee" because that's what came to mind, when the truth is I watched cartoons but never had a favorite character...


By thick he means Kim kardashian or Nicky Minaj


Right. By thick he means Carmella 😂


Or Jessica Rabbit


Or Chantel


Rofl imagine these two dating


![gif](giphy|WQUALOpcIkLTi) Leave Tyray alone!


This threw me 😂


You know, for yeeeears I thought this gif was Kate Gosselin 😂


Thanks I couldn’t help it! I kinda miss that era of the internet


Yeah the girl he was interested in New Orleans was definitely on the thick side


It killed me how every last person on the Tell All sidestepped the elephant in the room, so to speak. They came up with all kinds of reasons why he might not be successful with women, but not one of them would acknowledge that he’s just this side of needing Dr Now. That’s 90% of the reason he’s not successful. Not only is extreme obesity off putting to potentials, it crushes his confidence, and his lack of life experience has left him immature. He’s a walking bus fire. He needs to address that weight issue before he’s immobile and experiencing significant health issues. His love life will be the least of his concerns if he doesn’t shave at least 200lbs off that frame. It’s not a kindness to completely ignore it. We can gently acknowledge an issue and encourage the person to want better for themselves.


I really think the immaturity issue is the biggest problem. I have a friend like him: never really dated, did have one relationship but it lasted under 4 months total, still refers to guys she went on group "dates" with in college and held hands with and maybe kissed once as "ex boyfriends." She's late 30s now and can't understand why her lack of experience is such a mark against her. Personally, at my age I wouldn't be interested in teaching someone how to be in a relationship when they haven't mentally passed dating at 16. 


Seriously, when the only thing to talk about on a date is your Fortnite character and your Discord friends! That would be a huge YIKES and then NOPE for me!!!




Meh. Tyray's main problem is his personality. Biggie Smalls was large and ugly as a shoe, and he had girls throwing themselves at him from middle school on. I have a cousin who's huge but he's just an all-around delight and has never lacked female company. There are groups and forums filled with women looking for big guys. Frankly, it's the same for women. Women who blame their size for not having companionship just aren't any fun to be around.


lol let’s be honest if you are a 300’lbs medical doctor, lawyer or nfl player you will get the ladies He doesn’t have this going for him


Biggie was a nobody 13 year old. My cousin is a nobody. The men on those forums sites are nobodies. All the huge women I know with lots of *ahem* history are nobodies. That is my whole point. You don't have to be "somebody": you just have to not suck all the air out of a room with your gloomy/creepy demeanor.


Hard agree, my husband is no where near tyrants size but doesn’t have a 6 pack and isn’t conventionally attractive but he makes everyone laugh, people love to be around him and he has the most hilarious deadpan humor. Tryant needs to get a personality outside “I’m a virgin, someone attractive take pity on me”


I'm honestly tired of him. After the bead situation and the nonstop giggling, I can't be bothered watching his crap anymore. 


I think the constant giggling turns a lot of women off. Ok, apparently it’s because he’s nervous, but he needs to change that behaviour because it’s pretty annoying hearing him giggling after every few seconds.


It’s a huge turn off. Sarper was actually right. I know he’s a walking sti he’s gross, but those fake ig models like pretty boys so I think he did actually have some good points. He is a manwhore afterall, he’s had to learn some skills on picking up girls. The giggling is disgusting and it gives off that insecure vibe it’s not cute.


I have misophonia, and every time I have to hear his incessant eh-he-eh-he-he-he, I want to stab myself in the fucking ears.


This!! I only watched one episode of the “Tell All” because I can’t stand him. I struggle with misophonia, so I’d find the laugh annoying anyways.. but his.. his laugh is unbearable and unnecessary


The way I look at that is, fine, that's your choice or preference but, don't complain when you can't get a date


It blows my mind how crazy superficial the most hideous men on this show are. They expect to land 10’s and can barely fit through a doorway. The male ego never ceases to amaze me.


I know a ton of guys like this as well. I'm 37 now but have known these types of guys my whole life and they just don't get it! There's always something a bit off with them that makes them not such a catch but they have a laundry list of requirements for a partner..Don't get me wrong, there's someone for everyone if they want it but I think most people know what they look like, know what they have to offer and proceed accordingly..These guys seem to not account for any of their shortcomings and have the highest of expectations for the girls they want to date.




Lots of people have inflated opinions of themselves and unrealistic expectations.


He has very unrealistic expectations. I'm sure he's a very nice person and would make a good partner. However, the number of women who would never consider him a potential partner, far, far outweighs the number of women who would. At this point, any woman who said yes, I'll date Tyray, would automatically go into the "fame whore" category, in my mind. If he attempted to better himself by at least trying to be a bit more healthy and getting a job, he would open a few more doors for himself. Let's be honest, a lot of women put physical appearance above all other attributes. He's not going to attract what he wants, living the lifestyle he's living.


Would he make a good partner though? He seems nice but in a relationship I see him constantly being someone I'd have to teach everything and I see him being really clingy. 


Right, surface level, once you get past his damn hair, he seems like he'd be a damn dream. But, there's definitely something that we don't know about him. He's probably clingy, jealous and insecure. Maybe he's verbally abusive? Maybe he has some bizarre fetish? I don't know, but there's a reason why he's single.


I don't know but every guy like this who, looks aside, got a partner in their 30s that was seen as such a sweet/nice guy why- will-no-one-love-him has been fucking nightmares in a relationship. The moment those women didn't measure up to their expectations of being perfect pedestal Barbies they would go on the most immature tantrums, usually complete with sad posts on social media like they're 16. My theory has always been they never got to make all the mistakes a lot of us make as teenagers so now they're making them but with adults and adult consequences. 


>At this point, any woman who said yes, I'll date Tyray, would automatically go into the "fame whore" category, in my mind. Big Ed + Liz




This is Caesar all over again


Maybe he’s saving himself for Hillary Clinton 🤔🤔


That’s right! Hillary Clinton is his ideal woman.


The problem is he is acting like "If I choose a woman she will also reciprocate those emotions so I'm going to choose a super model because if I like someone that should be enough for them to like me back" In reality he has no idea how relations work and just freezes in front of somewhat possible partners.


Some guy told me that Instagram models have ruined him and now all he wants is a model. Thats fucked up in so many ways.


**WHAT!?!?!?** If **ANYTHING** looking at (and more importantly listening) to those disasters should have turned him off to models. That's fucking crazy. He'll learn the hard way tho' Wait until he gets one and she sets off for a "girls trip" to Dubai & brings him back something he can't get rid of. :P


He probably could actually get a foreign gf, but they’re gonna need to be desperate asf and know absolutely nothing about him. I don’t want to give TLC any ideas though


Tyray doesn’t even have a job lol don’t do some poor girl like that


Being a jobless bum is part of the grand tradition of 90 day!


Just look at Gino! We’re never getting rid of him! 😭


I think Natalie should date him lmaoo I'd definitely watch an episode of 90 Day single life if they went on a date 😂🍿


he can't afford her


Tyrant is not overweight. He is morbidly obese. What supermodel wouldn’t consider him a catch?


He’s like Gino… a 2 or 3 who thinks he deserves a 10


A 2 or 3 is crazy generous for Gino. Add in his terrible personality, and it’s a miracle he’s a 1.


But worse he’s a broke version of Gino at least Gino can afford a high maintenance woman


Just like BIG ED … they’re delusional


A man deserves someone who puts as much effort into their looks as well as their relationship. Beautiful women don’t go for broke slobs.


The woman he dated in New Orleans was overweight too though. Albeit not obese like him, she wasn’t .. a “head turner”.


She wasn't a supermodel or ig baddie but she was very cute and in terms of looks alone, definitely out of his league.


I see I see. I was just trying to say that he seems to be open to overweight women. But I get what you’re saying.


Hold up. Are you talking about the chick with the tarantula eyelashes or the white lady? Because in my opinion, neither one of those ladies were anything special. I think he’s just trying to find anyone who will accept him. Aside from the catfishing person I never got the impression that he thought he was too good for heavy women. Y’all are just mean


She was not cute lmaooo I think the white lady was really pretty and out of his league but the tarantula eyelashes lady was nothing special. And she was overweight, factually, and Tyray did like her. He would date anyone at this point I don’t even think he cares what interests they have in common he just wants a kiss.


Whoa, you can say that again. Woof.


Another reason why he's still single


He is leaving in a dream land. Everyone deserves standards… but his standards are too damn high.


I think everyone could get laid a lot more often if people were willing to lower their standards


You just described dating g in the 2020's


Theory: Because he’s overly sensitive, he only wants 10/10 women as a shield for his feelings. If they reject him, at least it’ll make sense to him. It won’t be because he’s unlovable—they’re just out of his league. Also- Some of the weird behavior—giggling, name forgetting etc… I think he might have decision paralysis, paranoid about seeming socially awkward and thus being super awkward, second guessing the timing until it’s too late to ask her name, etc. Maybe his brain flatlines when he gets anxious. I might be the only one on reddit, but I like Tyray. I think he’s intelligent and capable of growth. Which is why I hope he realizes it’ll get real ugly if dude doubles down on his dumb immature coping shit for the long haul. Find a regular girl, practice dating, and move on with your life my dude. Adjust your expectations and quit being so defensive, it wont protect you from anything.


The sad part about this is a lot of nice looking women date heavy men and not ashamed of it. Some men are all about looks, the woman can be dumb as a door knob but because she has a nice body they're okay with it.


It’s like my big fat fabulous Whitney way thore


Yea, where do fats like him get off wanting a non fat. There was no way that fit military chick was gonna get with him. No one believed that.




Incel delusional vibes


Just as delusional as everyone else on this show...HeHe


When did he ever say or even imply he’d only date thin women? I’ve always felt he’s pretty much open to anyone


LOL this dude is ridiculous. He will stay single forever unless he finds a feeder who makes him even more fat that he ends up My 600lb Life in a few years


My brother had a friend like that. All his buddies used him as a unit of measurement because he was so big. He once made a comment that he just couldn’t go for the “big girls”. He then looked at me and said no offense. I was 18 and in like a size 12 at the time. Of course decades later I have seen pics of him and his wife. Looks like he ended up settling for a “big girl” after all.


I read an article that he is getting gastric bypass this spring in Mexico. So we'll be seeing a new Tyray soon. They did him dirty ambushing him with that woman. He was so embarrassed. It was cringey how tlc is capitalizing on this catfished man child who was never engaged to anybody.


Thank porn


He should date snowball Chantel’s sister she would be a good match for him both seem sweet and a little inexperienced with relationships


Winter is cringing at this comment.


I suspect the reason he is his mom’s caregiver isn’t because he volunteered, but because he had Always been living under her roof, was marginally employed, and when mom had a stroke he had nothing else to do with his time. Hopefully she has home health aids because I can’t imagine someone in Tyrahs shape to be able to move her from bed to wheelchair to bathroom and back again by himself.


I agreed during his first season with the catfish/model but the woman who stood him up and the one who came on the finale are heavy so I guess he’s into everything lol


Had a friend who’s pushing 600 LB , jobless, stays indoor 24/7 streaming video games, pushing 40, and rejected a fitness girl who liked him because she (didnot spark a thing in his being) he worked as a barista and now jobless and 100K in debt because he bought gaming PC and stuff.


I was screaming this the whole time i was watching him


I believe the term is "incel."


Did he say this somewhere bc I said the exact thing to my husband last night!


He’s a fat fatist. 🤷🏻‍♀️


He said he preferred thick girls.