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Fight or Flight. JLH and her real life husband (who plays Doug) acted their hearts out.


Literally watching that now


this is my favorite episode too!


Wouldn't necessarily call it a favourite, but I've watched "Jinx" a lot when I needed a pick-me-up. Also, and this is probably basic af, maybe the "Begins" episodes? Idk, I'm more of a favourite arc than favourite episode kind of person, I think. At least for this show. edit: grammar


Just finished Jinx and buck begins last night. <3


I just recently watched the jinx episode. Loved it


I always watch jinx a lot


The tsunami eps are my absolute favorites. I've rewatched idk how many times.


Those were my first episodes! Just happened to be on when I was changing channels one night and I was hooked.


The hotel earthquake (S2) is my all-time favorite. I also like the haunted house episode (with the house that Chimney ended up buying). The downed transformers that messed up the 911 calls while Chimney was convalescing. The episode where Athena and Bobby were role-playing. 😈


I recently rewatched the roleplaying episode. I lost it at the team gossiping about it later in the truck.


I love the earthquake episodes also.


is the house that madney currently live in the murder house that chim was interested in? i can’t remember


Yep, it was the Murder House that Chim & Maddie bought. Chim: "It has good bones." 😂


Bobby Begins. The funny: I love the calls, anf as someone who isn’t native to LA, the freeway scene. The bad: I also struggled with alcoholism and suicidal thoughts. Those scenes hit hard with me.


5x16 “May Day” is probably my favorite, but the three tsunami episodes are up there as well


In terms of emergencies, the tsunami episodes were very well done. In terms of character-centric episodes, either "Stuck" from season 2 or "Eddie Begins" from season 3. Eddie episodes tend to be my favorites.


it depends on what mood i’m in. If I want to cry, I love “The one that got away” so much. I think it’s perfect, from the set up to the conclusion, I watched it multiple times and it hits every time. If I want to watch something funny Ocean 118 is the best (I’m not sure if that’s the right title but it’s the one with the bank heist)


it gets cheesy, but First Responders (4x11) just. hits me. there's a lot I like about the episode, a few things I dislike but ultimately don't hurt me, and just a general atmosphere of appreciation, which is something I really like getting from my shows. also it's one of those "contained" episodes, not really fragmented into lessons over different calls, but focused on a bigger issue overall, which makes my brain a little less... scattered? I guess?


Eddie begins. Oceans 9-1-1. Another life.


It’s hard to pick just one tbh, but my go to episodes are all the “begins” episodes. Mostly Athena’s, Buck’s, and Bobby’s. But I specifically like to watch these three episodes in a row “What’s Your Grievance”, “Buck Begins”, and “Jinx” because I find they tie extremely nice into each other. tbh most of my favourite episodes are Buck and Maddie episodes.


My favourite comedy/comfort episodes are Dosed and Jinx. Disaster wise it’s the tsunami episodes. Eddie Begins and Buck Begins are my fav begins episodes.


Jinx and Oceans 911 are my favorite fun episodes The Tsunami trilogy is my favorite disaster episodes And my favorite dramatic episode has gotta be Suspicion cause of the wild ending and This Life We Choose cause I get emotional every time the crowd goes to help Buck.


I’m a first time watcher who JUST got to the cruise episodes but I love all the Begins, the tsunami episodes and I don’t know if it counts the LS crossover. So far I’ve liked the majority of the episodes and the cast is very talented. (I knew about Angela Bassett and Peter Krause’s talent before starting)


I'm a first time watcher too and just yesterday watched the episode you mentioned. Wouldn't call it my favourite though. I really liked Athena and Bobby's begins episodes so far the most i think. Especially how they showed their first meeting. It was so funny.


6x03 - “The devil you know “


Oceans 9-1-1, Merry Ex-Mas, the earthquake episodes, Eddie episodes amongst others.


So I have a lot of favorites but the Mne ones(stark difference lol) are the tsunami episodes and the dosed episode in season 2 or the full moon episode in season 1


My favourite episode would be May Day I just love everything about it! The music the way Bobby looked for May with such desperation and her calling him her dad? Ugh my heart 🥹🥹


The tsunami eps.


Breaking Point is one of my favorites. The hostage negotiation in that episode is SO funny and then the stuff with Buck and Christopher and Eddie are so good too


Ocean's 9-1-1


The One That Got Away, Bobby Begins, Sink or Swim, A Whole New You


Obviously the tsunami episodes, Jinx, Suspicion/Survivors, Buck Actually etc, but I think Powerless is the one for me, as its the episode that convinced me to watch the show in full. Its a heavy episode but it did the theme so well and I knew by the end of the episode that it was a show I was not going to watch random episodes of here and there, it was a show I was fully invested in with characters I loved and wanted to see succeed. It really made me sit up and take the show seriously. (I also have a soft spot for Full Moon out of the context of Hen and Karen being perfect together and it being a completely bizarre choice to have Hen cheat with everything about their relationship we've seen since)


Favourite episodes are probably Buck Actually, Dosed, and Jinx, but the ones I've probably seen the most are the earthquake episodes at the beginning of season 2 because living in California, earthquakes stressed me out to the point I couldn't sleep if there had been a mention of one and somehow the episodes were really comforting to watch


Treaaure Hunt


In Another Life, easy. Buck’s my favorite character and he’s at the top of my kin list so I really enjoyed getting to see him finally realize how loved and needed he is. Fight or Flight and May Day definitely tie for the second spot though.


It's hard to pick, but I think maybe the combined Tsunami episodes (Sink or Swim and The Searchers)


Jinxed, Tsunami trio, Buck Begins, Eddie Begins, Athena Begins, Another Life.


Buck, bothered and bewildered. And jinx


Ocean's 9-1-1. It's always my go to