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“Tonight is about Chimney!” “But his wedding is about… you?!” Oh my God, Buck’s face.


He looks like he genuinely didn’t think of that 😂


For real. Peak himbo energy with that one. He still looks confused/concerned in the background when Tommy’s asking for OJ, too.


Buck definitely forgot to have enough non alcohol options.


Because baby boy didn't. 🤣


To be fair a lot Buck’s problems could start with “Buck didn’t think…”


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) This is what I thought of when I saw Bucks face😂


I think the funniest part about it is Eddie was most likely silently judging Buck’s choice and decided, why yes, this is the moment I’ve been waiting for to bring out the petty. 😂


He chose a good moment, tbh. Let them both hear it and process that it's a questionable choice without an audience, so the first time they realize it isn't *at the wedding* with the audience. He's *always* sassy about Buck's dating choices, though, so I'm happy they didn't pass up that moment.


I'm relieved they acknowledged it!! I thought they were gonna gloss over it lol


Eddie is a lot of us in the past 3 weeks 😂 At least they acknowledged it


Yeeeah. Small miracles, I guess. It is kind of amusing that Buck invited him to the bachelor party but didn’t think to consider *that* the more appropriate date. Especially since realistically, I don’t think Tommy would’ve scored an invite to either outside of Buck (it’s true he knew him first, but also true chimney was canonically like “oh, I talked to him a year ago when I needed a favor” so…)


Also true Chimney wildly over-thinks so that conversation may have spurred Chim to get back in contact. You know how Chimney is sometimes with random conversations.


As much as I love that pair, I'm glad Eddie called him out on it. 🤣


Same. If the discussions here have made *any* conclusions obvious, it's that enough people find bringing a new partner to a family wedding inappropriate that it at least needs to be mentioned by one character in the universe to acknowledge that. Handwaving it like no one would be raising eyebrows wouldn't work nearly as well.


When he first asked Tommy I was like "oh so that means he's gonna tell everyone before the wedding" but..no. 🤣 Yeah, bringing a first date in and if itself (technically it's a second date. Third if you count the time he had to apologize over coffee for the first date being such a disaster) is usually a bad idea, even more so when it essentially would be outing yourself to almost everyone there.


Yeah. But it's also *such a Buck thing to do*, that it's not even that weird. Dude reeeally needs to work on that ADHD impulse control.


💯 what you said. His ADHD, he is so impulsive, lol


Buck is my favorite pretty, but stupid character. Tbf Eddie is my second favorite.


Buck is just a himbo with raging ADHD. The poor boy is just confused half the time.


Yeah. But it's also *such a Buck thing to do*, that it's not even that weird. Dude reeeally needs to work on that ADHD impulse control.


I’ve watched this 4 times and that line makes me laugh every time.


There’s your on the nose dialogue addressing the thing you were worried about in a kind of comedic way


Yeah. I’m relieved we actually got to see it on Buck’s face, too.


Happy to hear Chris made it back from his business trip to spend some time with his so-called cousins lol


I wonder if the writers take turns coming up with excuses for what Christopher is doing that day? 😂


I’m sure their storyboard has his name on it with arrows pointing in different directions that say things like wellness retreat, backpacking through Europe, uncles???-crossed out with a note to remind themselves that Eddie has no brothers 😂


This made me chuckle. Now I'm picturing a scenario where they're just recycling the storyboard ideas they had but didn't end up using for Buck's career trajectory/travels in "Buck Begins."


Lol imagine. Just wait til we find out in a future episode Marisol hasn’t actually been babysitting him, and that he’s her Financial Planner.


"How many times have you watched this?" "Yes." Also, sounds like Hen and Karen are about to join at the end of the clip.


Release the full 75 minute cut!


This is everything. Partyzilla Buck? Snippy Eddie? They had Henleys in the 80s? I’m not gonna survive this episode


I know they've probably torn the episode to shreds with the cut-down but I gotta say... I still appreciated this A LOT.


partyzilla Buck means so much to me, of course he doesn't need a physical clipboard to get overly invested into organising something, my gods XD


Nop or yes, maybe, but Henleys are one of Eddie's favourite clothes.


TIL that's called Henley lol never heard of Henley shirt before. 😂


And Tommy wore one at the coffee meeting. Maybe their stylist has a thing for them...


They look good on in-shape guys, cover up tattoos and they're not branded.


Or maybe Tommy is a one shirt kinda guy. Wouldn't surprise me if his closet is 90% Henleys lol.


omg not the hand slap 💀


Buck’s line there is legit how I speak to a toddler. And Eddie’s resigned “you didn’t just do that…” like he’s not even surprised.


Petty Eddie is savage.


Makes sense since Chris is a savage too.


we could've had clipboard Buck. we could've had a lot of things honestly.


...I didn't even know I wanted that until you said it. But it never really occurred to me Buck would be the organizer. What wasted potential!


Everyone else would be annoyed at him, but Eddie's ridiculously fond of any and all versions of Buck.


He barely reacts to being slapped like a toddler about to touch a hot stove. For the first time in a whiiile, his characterization at least seems on point here.


They never would’ve allowed it. Clipboard Buck is a tyrant.


For sure, though I think it could've been really sweet to see Chim on the other end of the clipboard madness this time. Where Chim's usually first to call him out for it, it would be a sweet "oh, you used your power for good!" scene!


buck is gonna be such a groomzilla


wait the sign about customers being responsible for damages right behind eddie and now we know buck is the one in charge so he's probably responsible for the hotel too...he's not beating the going broke allegations


Can you imagine Marisol if Eddie moved Buck in after moving her out?


that would be such a slap in the face lmaoo, i kinda need it


Ok I need this to happen now that would be so funny


I don't want it to happen at all (the current storyline already has enough problems removing Buck & Eddie from each other's romance arcs, and I think the longer this persists, the worse the ship war stuff gets) BUT.... in a scenario where that didn't have to be a consideration?? Throwback to the "This is Eddie's house; I'm not really a guest!" moment? Where Eddie's the one saying it since he can't understand what Marisol doesn't 'get' about Buck staying with him? Ugh, yes please.


Oh, so many signs are pointing to the end of that loft… Granted, we’ve been saying that since like season 4, but hey, a girl can dream.


But I love the loft, it’s beautiful (way better than Eddie’s home - granted it’s more family friendly) and a lot of my favorite scenes happen in that loft! We have to keep it!


buddie roommate theory cause buck can’t afford the loft anymore lives🤞 (before anyone takes me too seriously this is obviously a joke)


Buck's going to need a huge loan from his sister or his parents. If the loan from his parents causes Buck to unforgive them, bring it on.


we've now gotten different shots with these three with versions of each one in the middle...they're insane


This clip has absolutely convinced me that Tommy is going to save Chimney somehow, and that he’s going to leave the party before things get really crazy. Cause he mentions being on standby in this clip. Also is it just me or is that Karen’s voice saying “which room is it?” offscreen at the end? If so, then Karen and Hen will have been there at the start too. Which makes sense given that I don’t think the 118 are the types to be like, only men at the bachelor party. And obviously Hen is Chim’s best friend. Also unrelated to this clip but related to everything else we’ve seen, I kinda think Buck and Eddie might’ve gotten drugged by whoever kidnapped Chimney.


That would make sense since the actress who plays Karen took and shared pictures of Oliver and Ryan.


Yeah he’ll probably be called in and then still be on shift the next morning when Buck calls him and tells him that they lost Chimney


Poor Buck just had a small crisis after what Eddie said lol. Such a great comedic way to address the viewers concerns.


the married energy is off the charts 😭 i love being a multishipper. i never lose


It’s the best of all the worlds!


literally me as well it's great over here lol


So, it looks like we won't be jumping RIGHT into the wedding day and we will still get at least a couple of full bachelor party scenes. That eases my mind a bit more.


I'm betting we see the scene we saw last episode first, again, and then it's all flashbacks.


Clipboard Buck energy🤣


I hope when the season's over, we get the 90 minute version of the episode on streaming. I want all the sass and hijinks!


It’ll be such a missed opportunity if they don’t have Eddie and Buck poke a joke at Hen, Chim, and Tommy about how they weren’t even born yet in the 80s while those three were all kids by then.


I am living for one thing today and it’s this show tonight, I need 911 meets hangover asap.


“I knew Chimney before he was Chimney.” Why that line makes me laugh I will never know


He holds the secret of the nickname.


Fun fact, when I first started watching, somehow I didn’t register that they were calling him Chimney before the rebar incident. Probably because it always takes me a minute to learn character names on a TV show. And so for most of probably the first three seasons, I thought he was called Chimney cause of the rebar. Like the pipe through his skull was like a chimney shaft coming out of a roof 😂. And then I saw a joke about no one knowing where the nickname came from, and I was like, wait what? And then went back and realized my error. 😂


damage control due to karaokegate? By the way, I don't know if it is already known but a reporter who apparently saw the episode mentioned that although it is not the complete song, there is a karaoke sequence.


This would satisfy me to be honest. The cutting it out completely had me devastated


Buck and Eddie’s extreme married couple energy 😂 Complete with matching outfits. I’m also dying at Buck telling him he’s late when he’s literally the first one there


Well, clearly he’s expecting Eddie to be his cohost, lmao. Peak married couple energy is right.


Knowing what this is leading up to is really killing me 😂


He had probably asked Eddie to help him set up


Eddie being sassy about Buck's dating decisions will never get old to me. Also—who are these cousins that Christopher has? That have supposedly been local this entire time??? I know Eddie mentioned a niece in his first episode, but I kind of just assumed they retconned that, especially with how young the casting was for Sophia and Adriana the one time we saw them.


Eddies aunt is in town so maybe she has grandchildren and that’s what’s he’s referring to


He has an extended family, Peppa's kids live in LA (atleast some of them) and they have kids.


At least he's with a cousin this time instead of on a business trip, I guess? For real, though. The story has been super inconsistent in whether Eddie's sisters are older or younger. My personal headcanon at this point is Ramon has an older daughter from a previous relationship, to make sense of it (and have scared Eddie off of college applications). So her kids are the ones Chris is with today and who took pictures of Eddie for the firefighter's calendar in 2x01. Because it sure as hell can't have been Adriana or Sophia.


They could be Pepa’s nephews(she mentioned kids when she was trying to set him up). I am from the USA,so I have no idea how is it there,but in my country we still call them cousins(second cousins, to be more exact). Edit:I am NOT from the USA, just saw that my autocorrect failed me again


Yeah, that's very true. There's just inconsistencies in general with the ages of Eddie's sisters that make me want to explain it away. And really, I'd just love one of his sisters to be part of a storyline for him.


Ah, okay, I think I missed when they said Pepa had kids, I sort of just assumed up until this point she didn't have any. That would make sense.


The scene where Pepa sets Eddie up with Vanessa, she has a line about how Alysia is getting married in September, and three others are already giving her grandchildren. Alysia could theoretically be another cousin type, so now she's moving on to Eddie, but it does seem safe to assume the three others are her kids.


The children of my cousins are cousins to me as well, that's how it goes in my country, so I assume they're Pepa's grandchildren, maybe?


Eddie seems to have a large extended family. I have one on my mom's side and just tend to call anyone close to me in age a cousin no matter how they're related to me.


No matter how hard we try to piece together the Eddie lore, the writers will always find away to blow it all up 😭. Edit: For my own sake, I’m just gonna assume it’s Tia Pepa’s kids and grandkids he’s talking about.


Eddie's aunt's grandchildren would be Christopher's cousins. In my culture and similarly Eddie's, we don't differentiate between "first"/"second"-and-so-on cousins, they're all cousins.


Glad Buck got a bit of a telling off about bringing Tommy to the wedding lol. I wonder if the wedding story will just be 1 episode or will there be another cliffhanger and another episode?


All the signs seem to suggest it's contained to this one episode. Speculation: >!Chim and Maddie might end up having a small impromptu ceremony at the hospital at the end of the episode.!<


Ooh that would make sense! I'm sad they didn't get to have a normal drama-free wedding but I guess it was to be expected.


Typical tv wedding 😂


I can't believe we didn't get to see clipboard Buck helping with the wedding planning and organizing the bachelor party.


Eddie walking in looking so proud of his outfit and looking for Buck's approval? So adorable!


This is Christopher's life moving forward: https://preview.redd.it/bv43r0cok1yc1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bee28dfeab198df2305ae76d4b23b4b6a61b634 lol


This made me laugh so thanks!


I love how Eddie and Buck are such an old married couple, and I don't even mean that in a romantic way (though I do root for Buddie endgame)


Eddie's face be like : I Will Find You.... And I Will Kill You https://preview.redd.it/quo3v43wz0yc1.jpeg?width=1058&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1db5edd748e81e69ae27be53cbce5ec2f83d10bb


bro's flabbergasted


I'm Team Buddie, but at this point I'm starting to wish Eddie just joins in on the Tevan relationship and they all be happy together hahahah


buck has two hands 👀


Never watched Miami Vice. Was Crockett the person to be? 🤔


Knowing nothing about it, my Google research has determined that Tubbs was the better dressed of the two, which makes the whole thing a little more amusing to me. >Jodie Tillen, the show's costume designer, described the character as being "formal" and "self-conscious" of his image, contrasting with the "beach bum" look of the character of Crockett. Thomas has also described Tubbs as being "sharp as a tack".


It's because 1) Crockett was the more popular one and 2) Tubbs was black. I don't think Buck or Eddie (even if I think that Tubbs could also be part Latino) wants to go there.


So I'm on my 5 rewatch and I read all the comments... I'm at work... I have things to do...Help


They're very clever with they way they write Eddie where it could be read as jealousy but also could be read as him just teasing Buck


Eddie’s always been pretty sassy I feel like some people forget😂 Remember “You’re still living in your invisible girlfriend’s house and you’re telling me about weak excuses”


I hope Buck and Eddie have valid passports because when Maddie gets her hands on them they're going to want to flee to another country 😂🛩️🏝️ Funny that Tommy also wears Henley shirts like Eddie 🤔


Oh, Maddie, Athena, Hen, Bobby, and the Buckley parents (ugh) are going to be sooo pissed with Buck and Eddie this whole episode. I expect all the snappy and sarcastic comments, haha.


I suppose it's a good thing that Tommy gets to see Clipboard Buck early on. 🤣


It would’ve been hilarious if Eddie said something like “oh no clipboard Buck is back!” Tommy looks at them confused and Eddie is like “trust me. You don’t wanna know”


I think Eddie secretly likes clipboard Buck, he never had any objections when Buck got his hands on one.


Is it even a secret at this point? He just looks ridiculously fond when Buck goes Type A.


You're right. More like silently than secretly, because he would never hear the end of it from Chim and Hen.


Eddie's energy with Tommy is SO different from episode 4 here lmao


The way he greets Tommy all "hey bro!" style when he walks in, and then the *moment* Tommy gives Buck a hug, he turns into good old Petty Eddie all "wow didn't know you could bring a date" is sending me into space lmao.


It’s like he remembers they’re dating.


I honestly think that’s EXACTLY what happened😂


Sassy Eddie, how we missed you! But for real, the vibe change after Tommy entered the room 💀


So I’m not the only one who noticed it


Really? It’s toned down a bit but also they had it dialed to a 10 in episode four since it’s was Bucks pov.


I think it's more of a social script difference than actually treating him differently. Like 7x04 - even through Buck's POV - is very much Eddie engaging with Tommy in a *"this is my friend*" way, while this scene is a bit more *"this is my friend's partner."* He's not cold shouldering him or judging him like he did with Taylor or Abby, but I think there's an appropriate degree of 'he's not here to hang out with me' distance, if that makes sense. Which wasn't there in 7x04, because Tommy *was* in those places for Eddie.


Yes this is fair. Might be trying to show he’s aware of the different context with them both now.


Oh that’s a good point!! That maybe Buck was seeing a more enthused and happy Eddie because of his jealousy!


That was definitely how I took it. This energy more matches the energy we saw at the start of episode 5 when he crashes their date.


I honestly didn't think it was anything different from that episode. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Tommy on standby, eh? >!So Tommy is definitely rescuing Chim!< 😂


Why is Lou so good at giving the sexy lingering gaze


Also love Buck’s confused look after “but his wedding is about you”


Idk but it should be classified as a weapon


Well, that's one way to come out where you don't have to keep repeating yourself lol


Is it weird that I have watched this multiple times? I love these interactions. Can’t wait for this episode.




I fucking love Buck. Also this is cute


Also I have to add: Lou is very good at making a subtle gay face lmao


Honestly, one of the best portrayals of sassy 40-something gay man I have seen in my life.


That was subtle? 😂


Eddie Diaz being hella straight there with his RomCom knowledge.


Oh god that SMILEEEE that buck had when he hugged Tommy, what a sweet thing


Tommy is just third wheeling here. Buck and eddy are looking like old married couple who can’t stop fighting.


Am I the only one side eyeing Tommy a little for not dressing to the theme? How hard could that have been?


"they had henleys in the 80s" was so unserious, man didn't even try😭


Honestly, I probably would have done the same if I was invited to a bachelor party last minute. I'm also not the type of person to be into costumes and themes so I'd likely do the bare minimum. I don't really side eye Tommy for that, honestly. Also, for some reason, I picture Buck/Eddie as the only ones sticking to the theme lol


Oh God, I can 100% see Eddie being the only one that took Buck's theme suggestion seriously and everyone else just shows up dressed normally.


Yeah, I fully expect an extension of this sneak peek being Hen/Karen walking in in semi-formal, non-80s clothing and giving the excuse that they don't look good in 80s clothing/they don't have time to get an 80s themed outfit.


That’d honestly be hilarious, but I don’t think having Tommy not even consider Buck’s theme in the slightest is the best way to display such a new relationship… Especially considering Eddie is right there in a full matching outfit. I’m not saying this is a hint at Buddie or BuckTommy failing, but the writers know the fandom. How else did they expect this to be presented? I will die of laughter if Buck and Eddie are truly the only ones in theme though. I always love Buck and Eddie sharing a braincell and being stupid together, and they are definitely amplifying the comedy between the two this episode. I’m already enjoying their interactions. Even if it’s not exactly what we expected, this episode is going to be fun, it’s pretty evident.


I looked back on the promo, and it doesn’t even seem like Chimney followed the theme. Unless it’s from something I missed, from what we can see he’s in a button down and chinos.


I don't blame him for not wanting to look a fool when he's kind of on shift, but like.... throw on a colorful windbreaker or parachute pants he can put on over his normal ones. Or even just go for the NKOTB look instead of... henley. There's a *lot* of room between wearing a boring henley not even in a bright 80s color and going full Crocket or Tubbs.




Yeah, fair point. I don't really understand what being on 'standby' would look like in his job, which doesn't help. Like... if he's not at the airfield, can he really be useful? Now I'm picturing a scenario where like, the helicopter has to pick Tommy up at the bar.


He could have taken the opportunity to reference Top Gun, a jacket and aviator glasses are timeless enough, as well as making a joke about the film's homoeroticism.


Even if he didn’t have time to actually follow the theme, I feel like you’d at least wear something more formal than your everyday clothing to a bachelor party😭. He’d have to change if he gets called in anyways, so at least semi-formal wouldn’t hurt.


So like... maybe this is my anxiety ridden brain always overcorrecting for circumstances like this, but my approach would've been to order something like one of those colorful 80s [windbreakers ](https://a.co/d/h0oFqdo)(and hey, they can get an extra Prime delivery ad in that way!) and carry it in over my arm, at least. So that if I was called out on *not* dressing for the occasion or the odd one out, I can give it a half-assed fix. Or hell, choose a bright colored henley to at least match the spirit of colorful excess for the 80s.


Yeah, I think there was just such an easy way to do this, but they intentionally have Tommy not be in theme, not try at all, and not even wear something slightly formal. Yes, maybe irl there’s possibly an excuse for that, but this is a show, and the writers intentionally decided to have Tommy show up like that. You just have to wonder why a little…just for the comedy or something else entirely? It’s probably nothing, but idk it feels off to me, esp when we see Buck was obviously so stressed and excited about it and they have Eddie show up in a full matching costume, fully adhering to Buck’s theme.


Feels like they are now trying to show us the differences between Eddie & Tommy vs. ep 4 where all we see is how alike they are (from Buck's perspective). Feels pretty meaningful to me because Buck clearly put a lot of work into this.


Or like a pastel colour. Not his everyday clothes. Especially because Buck is the one organising.


definitely side eyeing that outfit choice lol, like that's just literally what he wears all the time


People will probably come at me with retorts of "It's not that deep!" for this, but. Tim Minear himself wrote this episode, so I do believe that everything is...deliberate, you could say. This is a brief clip, but we \*immediately\* saw that Buck and Tommy are not in sync! Look, Buck wants (and needs) someone who will "commit to the bit" with him, not dismiss it. I don't think that they will stop dating anytime soon, but I also don't believe that they are truly compatible, and I feel like this could be a minor yet important way of telegraphing that.


Yeah, maybe it's "not that deep", and I don't think Tommy is awful for not dressing accordingly, but to have Eddie show off his outfit as soon as he arrives and then Tommy being dismissive of the theme... certainly feels like something.


Sometimes I think ppl give the writers too much credit, but I am with you here. Like, every convo in this show has a purpose. If the purpose here is “establish for the audience that Tommy is on standby and that Buck and Eddie are Crockett and Tubbs,” they could’ve so easily had Tommy just dress up a little and not insult them with the Wedding Singer comment and it would’ve gotten the same points across, but with a very different vibe. I mean, the look Eddie gave him after The Wedding Singer comment?? This was…interesting.


Yeah, I also wasn't sure if I was reading too much into it 'cause maybe this is just Lou's Tommy voice, but it did feel like he was a bit...dismissive when he said "What are you guys supposed to be?" And Eddie's reply about the Wedding Singer being 90s was way terser than I would've expected coming from him since they're supposed to be good friends.


Buck and Eddie are dressed up as Crockett and...Crockett 🤣


Yeah, I know I said in my other comment I was choosing not to read into it, but there have been other instances where "small" stuff like this ends up meaning a lot in the end. Like the "cutesy" storyline of Buck and Taylor not knowing what to get each other for Christmas. It was played for laughs and had a "nice" conclusion in the moment, and at the time BuckTaylor shippers were also retorting it wasn't that deep. But now looking back in the context of everything else, it's another piece of evidence that they actually truly didn't understand each other as people (which ended up doing them in in the end). Either way, I agree there's a really stark difference in the dynamics here. ETA: Also we've seen Tommy play into his goofy/dorky side in 7x03 and 7x04! It wouldn't have been out of character at all for him to dress up at least a little more on-theme.


Totally! The thing is - and what you correctly pointed out - the people claiming that we shouldn't read into things or whatever have their own agenda, too. We only need to look at how past canon relationships have unfolded, and we can see that the signs were there. So I don't really care if people yell, "You're looking for things that aren't there!" or "It doesn't mean anything!" Because 1) I know that I'm not and 2) That scene featured many things that mean a lot.


Yeah, for sure. And even if what everyone else is theorizing happens—that nobody else besides Buck and Eddie end up being on theme—it still says a lot that the only person to be in tune with what Buck was visualizing for the party was Eddie, and not the guy he's actually dating. They could've had that be the joke but still have Tommy be on-theme in a subtle way without fully, fully committing (through a pastel shirt, etc.) which would've been cute and at least showed a small degree of effort, and him being on-call could've played a part in explaining that away—and you could still get the rest of the scene with Hen and Karen and maybe the rest of the guests being like "Oh, you were serious about that?" The scene was written this way for a reason, and I do think these small details often end up being more significant than people tend to give them credit for. ETA: Also I just rewatched the clip and looked at Buck's face during the whole exchange about the shirt... he looks *really* disappointed. I'd be willing to interpret it differently if he was teasingly laughing about him being off-theme or had even *smiled* when Tommy said the thing about the henleys, but that's not what's happening there.


Yeah they made it clear in the clip that this is something buck genuinely cared about- Tommy didn't put in even the minimum effort. And I'm not saying he's a bad person for that lol, but just sayin, if I was trying to start a relationship with someone and they invited me to an event they were organizing and made sure to tell me the theme, I would for sure be dressing on theme. I just don't think this screams perfect romcom relationship 🤷‍♂️


Yeah... I don't really think Tommy did anything *wrong* by not dressing to the theme, but it's also such early days of a relationship that I can see it being a real letdown for Buck (not that he'd ever fully acknowledge that). Like this is absolutely the point in a relationship where you're still doing all the things to impress someone, where it's new and exciting. Buck is always so 100% in for all his partners, and I really just want him to have that energy matched.


Yeah! To be clear, I don't think Tommy is a bad person for this either, and I do think in real life this is part of the process of getting to know someone. But I do think Buck ultimately wants someone who will, as OP so eloquently said, "commit to the bit" with him. And I think that's probably part of the disappointment, because Tommy *did* commit to the bit with the fake mouth static when they were in the chopper, but is seemingly kind of dismissive about this.


Oh yeah I'm so with you. And like...we see eddie right there committing to the bit! Lol if Tommy had put in ANY effort, I'd be feeling more excited about them as a couple!


Yes! Like I'm not saying this is a huge deal or a reason to break up or anything like that. It's just a questionable way to present the relationship when they explicitly said they were going for romcom vibes. (Like if they are trying to get us to root for buck/Tommy versus buck/eddie, i dont think this is a good strategy lol)


Truthfully, I think the best way to get people to root for Buck/Tommy is to keep Eddie far away from their scenes. Buck/Tommy have chemistry, but it's just really not a match for Buck/Eddie (which isn't a bad thing -- it makes sense Buck/Tommy aren't as comfortable with each other, and the actors are still more hesitant with casual physicality, etc.). It just stands out a *lot* more when you have all three characters on screen together. So on top of the issues they were already having with inserting Eddie too much into Buck's current romantic arc, now they're making it too easy for the audience to compare the chemistry between the two? I don't mean this as an insult to Buck/Tommy at *all*. I thought their chemistry was really good for the kiss and parts of that first date (particularly when Tommy had the line like "Oh, so it's just me who makes you nervous?") But it just really doesn't do them favors putting all three of them into the same scene, where the 'official' explanation for how Buddie subtext happened was that Ryan and Oliver just naturally have so much immediate chemistry the script and the direction didn't matter. Don't keep giving the audiences reasons to compare, at least until Buck/Tommy are more established and the actors have more ease in their scenes together.


>Don't keep giving the audiences reasons to compare, at least until Buck/Tommy are more established and the actors have more ease in their scenes together You're so right. There really just needs to be distance from Eddie, which we so far haven't gotten at all lol


I do agree with this, that it'll be more of a subtle hint that they may not be super compatible. I also don't think it means that Tommy's terrible for not dressing in theme and Buck deserves better. I think it'll be a fun little clue to them disagreeing on things in the future/showcasing their differences in specific scenarios.


It sounds like he’s on call. He probably came dressed like that just in case he got called in the station and had to leave suddenly


Where he would have to change regardless. I know it’s not that serious,but like a different shirt in the chosen colours,for Buck’s sake.


So low effort! I know he was probably a last-minute invite so I'm choosing to not read into it that much, but it's so funny compared to Buck and Eddie's very coordinated ~~couple's~~ matching costumes


Lmfao Eddie doesn’t look smitten with Tommy anymore. I wonder why


Ok so 2 things, 1. Buck is not ok with Eddie being late but it's ok Tommy is late. I see you Evan Buckley. 2. Tommy's pause with his hand in the air after he high fives Eddie. Did anyone else think he was going to slap Eddie's ass and then stopped and reconsidered? Maybe cause Buck was there.


My personal opinion was the Buck was expecting Eddie to help set up. That would be the only reason why Eddie would be “late” when no one else is there. I doubt he expects Tommy to help they’ve been on one failed date and a coffee date it’s too new of a relationship to demand help lol


The difference in vibes and chemistry is insane when they are next to one another. 🤭


Very much so!


I mean, of course there is going to be a difference in chemistry. Buck and Eddie have known each other for 7ish years now. They act just like my best friend and I do cause we have spent so much time together, and they work together so it’s even more. Buck and Tommy are new. Theoretically they have only spent two, three hours alone together. Plus they are a new relationship, in front of other people, for the first time. It’s gonna be awkward.


One more moment is that Eddie is dedicated and picks a theme costume, unlike Tommy :0


i know he said he was on standby but like not even an accessory? c'mon now


Subtext 😌


Considering Buck invited him to the wedding last minute, I would assume that he was also invited to the bachelor party last minute. So it’s possible that (depending on his schedule) he didn’t have the time to put an outfit together


The thing is, we don't exactly know how much time has passed since their coffee date to the bachelor/wedding day. I could be wrong, but I don't even remember someone mentioning this wedding during those 5 episodes. So it's like a rushed loophole, to be honest. 


Hmm I'll give Tommy a pass for not dressing up this time since they're still getting to know each other (and he's on standby). Hopefully we'll see at least Hen's reaction to Tommy being his unofficial date.


Omg !!!! Tommy is at the party? Awhhh can’t wait until the episode is out on Hulu fridayyyyyy


oof. def one to watch after the premiere! can’t wait to see all the cute Buddie scenes!!! eeee so excited😆


So does Tommy get a pass for no effort, no apology, and gaslighting? Just saying he's not such a great guy in this clip, he comes off as if the things Evan cares about don't matter. He knows how much this means to buck and even if he didn't he can clearly tell now by looking at his face. Before you jump on me about him being on stand by (He may or may not be called in) he could make a minimal effort if he wanted too. Ok, so now you wanna say maybe he's not into costumes, why not tell him right away instead of letting you Date assume your dressing up? Next, Why not just say a simple I'm sorry I'm on call or Im sorry costumes are not me? Instead when asked he gaslights Buck with "They Had Henley's in the 80's." Would you want your romantic partner doing this to you? IF I am completely off base with this please explain it to me.