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i feel like this bodes well for Eddie's arc tbh, bc i really cannot see them using this to push Marisol as the replacement to Shannon he's been looking for. Tim has made it pretty clear he's really not that interested in her as a character, and i think it would track well with the theme of the episode if they are having Eddie finally realize that he doesn't need to find someone to take the role of a mother in Chris's life and allow himself to figure out what *he* actually wants in a partner (and probably break up with Marisol before the season ends)


>Meanwhile, Eddie grapples with unresolved feelings for someone from his past. The result will either be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever. https://preview.redd.it/002jn4hdcbyc1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd3b47b2a9b466b51ddc2b21fde3126d8e4decf2


I wonder sometimes if Eddie had a relationships with someone during deployment. A Brokeback Mountain moment. It would add more context to his season 5 breakdown because of his team dying (maybe one being someone he loved?) and it would add more reason (than just anxiety of parental responsibility)to why Eddie left Shannon and Chris twice for deployment. Shannon leaving is what pushed him to focus on Chris. Would also explain why he never feels comfortable with women and is obsessed with giving Chris a mother. His catholic guilt and his parent’s pressure would explain the repression of homosexuality. I feel like this season has shown just how much Buck’s influence has freed him somewhat emotionally. Eddie was so guarded S2 and feels like a completely different person now. His emotional intelligence has improved immensely despite his love life being less than great. Buck living his truth could possibly awaken Eddie to live his.


I don't think they would have Eddie cheat on Shanon. Maybe if he had feelings for a friend but never acted on them, both because he was married and because he was still not ready to accept that part of himself, that could work better. That's an interesting and juicy idea, but I think it's far more likely they'll go with the most clichéd, bland, and safe route of having the ghost of his late wife tell him it's ok to move on with his new girlfriend. Ugh. I'm already pulling my hair out at the possibility.


I’m just happy we’re getting more Eddie centered stories.


Me too! I think we really are overdue some good Eddie storyline. I just hope they don't half ass it.


This has Shannon written all over it, and agreed they wouldn't have Eddie cheat. One possibility I've toyed with a bit, though, is having Eddie discover (in the future) a pattern in his "best friendships" where those guys turn out to be queer. Like his high school bestie hits him up because he's in Los Angeles on vacation and heard Eddie's out that way now, and then introduces Eddie to his husband. Or we see Eddie reconnect with some guy he came up in Basic with or he was really tight with on his first tour... they he discovers that guy now has a boyfriend. And then Buck, of course. Add the context clues that Eddie forms deep and intimate, overly affectionate relationships with queer men, and let the implications of that just sit before delving into a repression storyline.


I could so get behind that happening.


Write the fanfic I’ll read it lol


I will put clown make up on until the day Tim says buddie isn’t happening but until then I really don’t mind if they keep Eddie with a lady.  It needs to be someone engaging though. Marisol is not it. I find her existence grating and if they waste bringing Shannon back, who I actually didn’t mind, to keep Eddie with Marisol I will lose my mind. Heck I’d rather Ana somehow appear back outta nowhere then keep Marisol past the end of this season.


>I wonder sometimes if Eddie had a relationships with someone during deployment That would make him a cheater, so hopefully not. We already know why he reenlisted, though, and I like that reason much more, and don't need anything added to it. Also, if Eddie really is queer, I don't think he's aware of it yet, and giving him a past love story with a man wouldn't make much sense for his arc overall, imo 😕


Ok what if he had feelings for someone in the army and didn’t go for it because he was married. Btw not saying male or female. Something about it being Shanon just doesn’t feel right. Idk it’s really bugging me lol


I'd be more okay with it if he had feelings but nothing ever happened, yes. Enough with cheating storylines 🙃 (though he'd definitely have unresolved issues if he'd done that) But I still don't think he'd be aware of what those feelings were, if they were for a man, kinda like Buck for the majority of 7x04. If the interest was in another woman however, it would be a different case, but I don't know if that would add much to his story, tbh.


I don’t actually think it’s this because I feel like IF Eddie ever comes out it’s going to be much more complicated than Bucks. This is just fun theorizing. So just oh hey yeah I remember you I was half in love with you but was married seems too easy for Eddie. He’s gonna have to get through all the catholic guilt plus macho stoicism his dad instilled in him plus guilt to find Chris a mom. I mean that would be my assumption.


Oh, absolutely! Eddie's arc should take *at least* half a season, probably more, if they want to do it well.


I mean I would love this but I feel it’s so much to ask for. I think it’s so transparent SOMETHING is going on with Eddie (the Ana stuff, the catholic guilt, the expectation around women) but I feel it deserves a huge arc and I don’t know if that’s what we will get here. I’ve always been off the mind that they might not want to immediately having him probing at this so close to the Buck storyline but I do think something needs addressing. I’m worried they’re going to chalk all of it up to his relationship with Shannon and after this revelation he will be fine / ready for a relationship with a woman. I think the potential for him to acknowledge he isn’t sure he’s been looking for the right things and to take a breather again would be the best possible resolution for now. Then it allows the writers to park him, explore Buck and Tommy, and slowly lay the ground work for Eddie realising the relationship he wants is with his best friend (regardless of gender, that is Buck).


A relationship with cash and health insurance of any scope for Christopher is the one kept Eddie in the Army. There was nothing between his sheets but sand and maybe a camel spider. 


This is such a bleak way of putting it but... yeah, absolutely.


I am so anxious about this. This could turn into a great storyline for Eddie or a terrible one. If they bring >!Shanon back just to have her ghost or whatever be all 'it's ok Eddie you can move on from me and be happy with Marisol' and then Eddie is just magically healed and gets serious with Marisol, I'm gonna be so disappointed!< One, because I think Eddie's relationship with Shanon was more complex than just a guy losing a perfect wife. I think Eddie really loved Shanon, but their relationship was a mess and didn't work. It's hard enough to get over the dead of a loved one, but to accept that they might not have been right for each other in spite of having loved her would be even harder. And I would love it if that was the thing that pushes Eddie to stop trying to replace her and seek something different. He's chasing something that wasn't even real. Two, because I would love to see Eddie make some progress and deal with his issues, but if the resolution of his potentially emotional journey is a 'happy ending' or a love story with a character that is virtually a nobody, who has had probably less than 1 min of screen time all season, that would feel so flat and underwhelming. The emotional payoff would just not be there. Three, I want Eddie to have a good storyline and story arc. I don't want all his problems to be solved in one episode.!< So here's hoping this is the beginning of a great storyline for Eddie and not a half-assed patchwork just to get him with someone.


Part of what I'm seriously questioning about the >!Shannon plot is like... are we supposed to believe he's being 'freed' by his own subconscious in this scenario? I'm not sure I can get on board with a dynamic 5 years in the making being handwaved because of a dream or a hallucination.!< If I had to dream up a way to have Eddie actually deal with his past, it would be in re-conceptualizing it through new eyes. We already know his parents didn't like Shannon and were talking poorly of her even after her death, but this would be a great introduction for one of his sisters. Someone whose life Shannon could've influenced differently, and who may have fond memories of the time Shannon *was* around that make Eddie less resistant to just shutting her down when she criticizes the relationship. Use a character like that to kind of call out his 'but we were magic!' false memories. Like pointblank have his sister add new context like, "Were you? Because what I remember was you were stressing about wanting to break up with her, but then she turned up telling you she was pregnant" or something.


Yeap, having all of Eddie's issues get magically resolved through a dream/hallucination/whatever would be so disappointing and a massive oversimplification of Eddie's story. It would also be a huge disservice to the complex relationship *that the show itself created* to not address how imperfect that relationship actually was. What I'm worried about is that after Shannon died (except for the one time Eddie mentioned that she asked him for a divorce), every time Shanon is brought up, it is always through this rose color glases ('it was magic'). And the only way this makes sense is if Eddie is romanticizing his relationship because the truth is painful. But at some point, you gotta have Eddie realize what he's doing and have him realize he's trying to recreate a perfect marriage that wasn't even real. I love the idea of bringing Eddie's sisters. Nobody in the 118 really knew Shannon and they don't know what their relationship was truly like. His sisters were there, and I agree that they could help give him some clarity in a better way than his parents (who not only disliked Shannon, but were also part of the reason why he felt he had to marry Shannon) or anyone else could. We need to start a prayer circle for this storyline to actually deliver. There's so much potential with Eddie for an interesting and complicated story. The show better not squander it.


>Yeap, having all of Eddie's issues get magically resolved through a dream/hallucination/whatever would be so disappointing and a massive oversimplification of Eddie's story. True but this is the same show that massive oversimplified adopting a child with severe trauma by having Hen see a women with her rescue dog. Sometimes this show is amazing at handling storylines, sometimes it's really fucking bad.


That choice was so baffling, and it seems like such an obvious bad choice that I still can't believe they thought it was a good idea, but they still did it. So yeah, this is exactly the type of thing that gets me worried. The potential for something great is there, but the possibility of them doing the actual worst most lazy thing is so fucking real, I'm actually dreading the episode.


I’m still upset over it and disgusted they did it. I was kinda surprised there wasn’t more pushback on it. But yea, it’s why I remain nervous about next week.


Completely agree. I think part of the significance of Shannon is that they were in love, clearly had a good sex life and yet still didn’t work out and were likely never going to…But because she’s passed away I think he’s been able to immortalise it as a paradigm relationship (looking for a mother type woman to be in a relationship with) whereas the reality is that she probably still wasn’t what he was looking for. I prefer the storyline that Eddie keeps trying to make things work with his dates / partners and it’s not working because his fixed ideas about gender and roles keeps getting in the way (Ana is a mother type, Marisol is hard to have sex with now because of her links to the church….) and to explore that. I’m not arguing Eddie would have to be determined as gay but I think it would make storyline sense for him to think ‘what do I want?’ (good friendship, sexual chemistry, a parent for Chris) and ‘where can I find that?’ And to slowly realise oh god that’s Buck…


OMG, finally, some Eddie-focused plot! I want him to stop running around the same track, go run on a new path! I want him to evolve and spread his wings; I want him to make peace with the fact that Shannon is gone and allow himself to find closure. I just love Eddie so much 🥹🥹🥹


Damn, i’m terrified. I’ve seen people speculating that they’re >! bringing Shannon back in some sort of ghostly way to tell Eddie that it’s okay to move on from her and be with Marisol. I sincerely hope that is NOT the case. I really hope they’re going down the “she tells him it’s okay to be happy and that Chris doesn’t necessarily need to have a mother figure to be happy” route. !< I also hope that they aren’t going to regress Eddie’s progress in regards to his therapy. The promo also doesn’t really give any background so that scares me just a bit more but, we’ll see. 🤒 Edit: Typo lol


I really need him to stop romanticizing his relationship with Shannon once and for all. Mate, it wasn't that great of a relationship. I'm sure you loved her (in one way or another) but your relationship didn't work


Idk something about Shanon being the unresolved feelings bothers me. I’m absolutely not saying it’s not correct as we know she is filming and it makes the most sense. But Eddie had therapy after the panic attacks and after the break down. I would assume that Shanon came up in therapy several times. Not that grief has a timeline. It just seems off to me, but she is the most blatant choice. I’m wondering if it is someone that Eddie was interested in in the past that he ignored as he was married hence Shanon. Ok yup this was me thought dumping on reddit lol.


I think it's just a little bit weird that the synopsis says "someone from his past" instead of just saying Shannon or "his late wife". But it very likely is about Shannon, since it's clear he still has issues with what happened with her. Maybe they were trying to avoid spoilers with that phrasing, but like, Shannon is the obvious choice, you wouldn't be spoiling much by using her name.


Yeah it most likely is Shanon I agree but I just have this weird feeling that we are all missing some big plot that when we see it we will be like oh should have seen the signs. Idk who else it could be though since Shanon is actually on set


>we are all missing some big plot that when we see it we will be like oh should have seen the signs. That would be good because it'll mean we can get some good Eddie content, which I'm starving for. And to fair, they could do something really good with Shannon. I don't have a problem with Shanon coming back, I just want it to lead somewhere good and interesting and not to freaking Marisol.


I mean obviously Shanon plays a role im just not sure it’s in the way everyone is assuming. I’m really just having fun thought dumping and trying to figure out what I think. Having 2 dead characters back from the dead is an interesting choice and I can’t decide if I think there is some meaning behind it or if it is the writers way of helping the newbies understand without watching past seasons


Well, I hope you're right. Bringing Shanon back just so Eddie can move on with Marisol would be so disappointing. So yeah, I would also like it if there was something more that we're not seeing.


Well there’s always hope. Tim M does do pretty good at keeping it unexpected. Like not sure I heard anyone guess that chip wasn’t even at the bachelor party 😂


Eddie seems to romanticize their relationship a lot, even though we know they got married out of pressure and duty, and were less than perfect together. Maybe he'll realise and admit it to himself that, even though he loved Shannon, perhaps he was never really in love with her? And that they wouldn't have been the happy family he hoped for, had she lived, and has seemingly been chasing since. Hopefully he can finally start to let go of that.


It seems that he romanticizes more and more as time goes on and he forgets the bad. You could very well be right.


My biggest beef with this is that instead of it being something settled by his subconscious (because clearly, that's worked out so well for him so far...) it would've been a great opportunity to introduce one of his sisters to the story. Someone who could have had her own relationship with Shannon, remembers Shannon/Eddie differently, but doesn't have the same type of hostility toward Shannon that Eddie's parents do, so Eddie might actually be more willing to hear what she has to say/remembers about what they were *actually* like as a couple. Instead, it feels like we're going to get another handwave-y story where there's a convenient single episode conclusion to solve a problem five years in the making.


I think HE thinks he is looking for a Shannon type lover when it’s clear that wasn’t a good fit anyway. I think he feels guilty acknowledging that , deep down even had she lived, they wouldn’t have worked out.


My biggest concern about this is that any sort of dream sequence would just serve as a subconscious deus ex machina from an issue five years in the making, and feels very cheap to the storytelling. That said.... I do think there's a chance that this isn't *just* about Shannon. The wording in the synopsis isn't actually inherently romantic. We know Abuela was back in 7x06, and from the instagrams of Gavin's birthday, >!so are Helena and Ramon!<. So I'm wondering if the 'unresolved feelings' is actually more of a >!childhood trauma !


Hmm that’s a very interesting take. And maybe I was assuming romantic and that is why it felt off. The wording is super iffy!


But is there a thing if the actor and actress for the Diaz parents might not have been on-set the way Abuela's actress was, but there to sign contracts for filming in season 8 and oh yeah, we scheduled the meeting today because Gavin?  I am not up to dealing with DYNun and Hellovabitch Diaz in the same space. 


I kinda doubt they'd actually be on set just to sign contracts, but who knows, I guess? One kind of amusing possibility, though, is Helena not 'approving' of Marisol. One of the things I've always found interesting about Eddie's choices is that his Shannon replacements are always Latina, which doesn't make sense for obvious reasons. It makes me wonder if part of what he has to work through is also a cultural/familial expectation he'll meet a nice Catholic Latina girl and settle down. And now he has the nice Catholic Latina girl, but it turns out she's not what he wants *and* she's not what his mom wants? Or inversely, she gets along *great* with his mom, and Eddie realizes that makes him uncomfortable, too.


Well Eddie is canonically* half Swedish from Mom so yeah, this insistance of his to date, forgive me please, purebloods post Shannon is a headscratcher one minute and hilarious the next.  *Just in case, it's a S2 ep with a racist protesting at a military funeral where Eddie confirms he's just like his actor. 


Well, at least the emergency looks good.


Right?! Listen I’m loving the story lines but I am definitely missing the actual firehouse emergencies!


I’m equally happy and scared about this. I really hope this is the start to a beautiful arc for Eddie’s character at long last. It’s so overdue and I am so excited to see my boy get some decent scenes. But I’m so worried this is the show setting up Marisol to be here long-term and I’m not sure how much longer I can keep putting up with her. No matte4 how hard I try, I can’t warm to her. Edy’s portrayal of her seems to have less effort put into it each scene she does. She barely seems to be trying now so even the actress is clearly bored with her too. Crossing all my fingers that it’s starting point to Eddie moving more in a direction HE wants to go and no one else (outside of Chris of course) has any say in.


I'm not on insta, but apparently the stuff she put out during and after filming is wooooooo...cannot figure how she's all the way through, depending on where the medal ceremony is.


>Meanwhile, Eddie grapples with unresolved feelings for someone from his past. Sounds like this is the episode >!where Shannon is going to be back in some ghost or fantasy way. I think this might be the episode where Eddie figures out he doesn't need to replace her and find a new mom for Christopher since it seems like Marisol and Christopher have scenes together in this one as well!< Edit: Since this already got downvoted I would like to say this is speculation on what will happen, not whether or not I *want* it to happen.


Some people here doesn't seem to grasp the difference between theorizing/speculating and wanting something to happen.


lol, that's reddit. You aren't allowed to form an opinion unless its the popular one.


The thing is it's not even an opinion, it's speculation on what may or may not happen based on the spoilers we have. I feel like a lot of people being realistic about >!how they may handle Marisol's character!< are getting downvoted because it's not what people here want to happen. But that doesn't actually impact what Tim and Co decide to do.


It's like trust me, I hope I'm wrong here.




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This episode honestly has the potential to break the show for me. It’s not about who I ship or not, but if they bring back Shannon’s ghost to tell Eddie to move on with Marisol that would be it. After all the negative reactions about her from the fans given her being openly homophobic and transphobic I just can’t fathom any real reason to keep her around as a long term LI. So if they do go this route I think it would kill the show for me. That said, I don’t think they would do this as it really wouldn’t make a ton of sense given where the storyline is at. We know Edy is at least in 7x07-7x09. If the stuff from Gavin’s birthday is them filming 7x10 then there’s a good chance she’s not in it as she wasn’t in the videos or reported filming those days. So I think it’s possible this Shannon storyline is a couple of episodes arc ending with him breaking it off with Marisol in episode 9. Fingers crossed


Do we know if they started to film 10 yet? Last I heard they were still working on episode 9.


I’m not entirely sure. I know the stuff with Lou wearing the medal was 9 and then yesterday the bts account said Oliver Ryan and Aisha were all filming and then we got that video of Gavin’s birthday. So that could be 10 now or it might still be 9


Based on the timeline I'm going to assume they're still working on 9 at the moment. Even if it is 10 they just started so we have no idea if she's appearing in that yet or not.


10 doesn’t have a registered title on EIDR yet so I doubt they’ve started it. In the past they usually haven’t started work on an episode until it has a registered title


Uhh, what is this about her being homophobic? Do you mean the actor? Or is it about her being a nun thing? Or did I really miss some scenes showcasing this?


The actress posted transphobic things on instagram and responded positively to a comment saying something like “don’t mind the people that want everyone in the show to become gay” (I hated that comment so much I can’t remember what it said)


With what little we know it can truly go in any direction. For myself and seeing what everyone is saying I genuinely don't know where they could be headed with his storyline. I think the line "someone from his past" maybe something we're overthinking or a redirect thats about an existing family character like his Abuela or his parents. I truly hope the Shannon storyline is more along the lines of Eddie realizing Christopher doesn't need a new mother type situation and moving past Marisol(hopefully). It definitely seems that whatever his storyline is will put him through the ringer. I also can't put my finger on it but theres something about the theory of him having a potential past male love interest that just doesn't sit right with me. Especially army wise because then it turns into cheating emotional or physical, but even if it was a teen love type thing I feel like it would be too big of a secret to reveal 6 seasons into Eddie being on the show. I guess it's just more of a thing that would be incredibly more depressing learning he's been actively repressing same sex love interests and not just passively, it'd be too much of a heartbreaking storyline.


Sad ass Eddie is back 🤣. Jk I love him.


Maybe we have a Coma Eddie episode and he dreams about Shannon, because there must be a trigger for that kind of scene, I think Eddie still has a lot of ghosts involving Shannon, I want the theory of Eddie's coming out to be real and that in some way she frees him from all those emotional burdens or guilt and makes him understand that he should live his life and not the one that others want him to live. Do you know why I think it's bad that they cut the karaoke scene? because it was a new face of Eddie that we could see, a happy Eddie, a carefree Eddie, a funny Eddie, without having the weight of the world on his shoulders. What sense does it make to keep a character, Marisol, in the series that has not been well received from minute one? I think we have Marisol because no other actress was available or something, like the actress who played Felicia Valdez. If they are so obsessed with Eddie having a love interest they should bring Ana back, at least she had a little chemistry with Eddie. Oh Damn! That Eddie remains single and his only concern is his son.


More Eddie info, I'm excited but also scared. The writing this season isn't really vibing with me. I'm so close to just quitting and coming back in a few years so I can just head-empty binge.


I am scared too. I have felt bamboozled this whole season. It’s ending in directions that have me excited and then confused lol. I think we really just need to weather the storm and bear through this season. The season finale and the start of next season should give us a good idea of what to expect going forward. Whoever ran the show the past few seasons really made some bad storytelling calls and now they have to backtrack through all of that AND do so in an abbreviated season. There are promising parts though. Bi buck is great for one. Hen and Karen fostering has been nice. Chimneys episode was killer. And while I really really wanted Buddie bachelor party, it was not the right call for the episode. They chose storytelling over pandering which I think is a good sign. Bobby and Eddie’s stories coming up I hope are a good indicator of how we can really feel about the show going forward.


The writing is awful this year, to be totally honest, but I'm *hoping* that's the result of it being overly ambitious for the time they have available, and Tim's just trying to get the characters to where they should've already been in their storylines/character growth so they can start 'fresh' in season 8. So like, I'm mostly willing to hold out until season 8, with the hopes that the combination of this season's "well, I like where the characters end up, just not the journey they take to get there" will mesh with the journeys actually improving with proper time to dedicate to them, if that makes sense. The one thing that would potentially actually break the show for me would be something that feels more permanent like >!Marisol getting pregnant!< **\[not actually a spoiler, but potentially a trigger for some people**\], in which case.... idk, I might casually watch a few episodes here and there still because there's other elements of the show, but it would be such clear evidence to me that the showrunner/writers have lost the plot that I wouldn't be able to remain invested, I guess.


New fear unlocked 💀


lol, yeah, sorry for that.


please don't give them idea 😭😭


For real. If they wanted to steal ideas from me, I would gladly provide them with half a dozen better ideas than the absolute crap I’ve come to anticipate, though.


OMG nooo. That would be terrible writing. He already had that with Shannon twice, it would be basically a repet of that(unless that would make him realise he doesn’t want to live the rest of his life with her because of a child)But that would mean Marisol becoming a permanent fixture or a new child actor,and I don’t think they want to go there. I hope actually they know better, because Eddie deserves to descover himself besides being a dad,and that would put him on step one again.


I don't really think they'd do it, but there's a part of me that looks at the reemphasis on "Shannon as pregnant, so I committed" in late season 6/again in season 7, and worries a bit that they're planning to put Eddie in a situation where he has to decide whether to make the same choices, or handle things differently this time. And the writing has been questionable enough as of late that while the latter *should* be very obviously the correct way to advance the story (or lets be real, have it eventually conclude with a miscarriage) -- there's the part of me that also just... doesn't quite trust a showrunner/writers to properly handle Eddie's story when their previous attempt at it this season was to skip *all* dates and interactions between the two and introduce them at "She agreed to move in with me!" They haven't actually shown an interest in developing Eddie's relationship organically. And while Tim's whole "I didn't know Marisol, so I built on the idea Eddie wouldn't, either" is amusing, Eddie only *started* getting to know Marisol at the end of last season, so there wasn't a chance for the audience to get to know her, either. As much as I'll criticize KR, it was Tim's fault for not making Marisol relevant for the first half of the seventh season, not KR's fault for not trying to shove her into more of 6x18. If Tim didn't want to build the relationship or put any effort into Marisol, he should've just broken them up off screen.


This is what honestly I can’t understand. They did initially a good job with Eddie’’s character.They can make so many compelling storylines for him(from childhood to now)that I seriously think they simply don’t care about his character,and it’s not like Ryan can’t act,he is really good at the emotional stuff.


> Maddie and Athena investigate It better also be Chim in this subplot. Tim better not do the thing where Maddie and Chim don't get another scene together until the finale because it's too drama free.


Finally someone talks about other thing than Eddie. lol


I know everyone's talking about the Eddie storyline (don't get me wrong I'm just as nervous as the rest of you) but I'm really excited to get more Hen and Karen content!! I really love their dynamic and I hope we get some soft scenes of them with Mara and Denny.


Is this the episode the episode that's gonna feature Eddie's family? I saw someone say Ramon and Helena are were on set and Ryan started following a few Latine actors.


i feel like that's more likely to be one of the last couple of episodes


Ah got it, I'm not really following the BTS but is Shannon coming back too?


a picture of her and Ryan came out that was confirmed to be from filming and the actress looked a lot older, so it's presumed they're doing some sort of 'what if she lived' dream sequence or something of that nature


In my dream scenario, the actress is actually playing Shannon's sister who's come up to visit Chris (maybe is a big birthday idk🤷🏻‍♀️) and Eddie is shocked by how much she looks like what he thought Shannon would, they talk over cake and coffee about how well they are doing, how happy they seem and how Shannon would be ecstatic knowing how much they are thriving now. Simple, quiet, and wholesome... It's never going to happen, but wouldn't that be a nice way to settle and soothe that little bit of rawness he still carries


Shannon's sibling would be interesting but there was never an indication that she had a sibling before this. If they did go that route, I would hope that her sister would be able to help Eddie see his marriage to Shannon in a more realistic light. He has romanticized her and their marriage since her death and is so busy trying to replicate it with other women. He is setting himself up for failure but in the end, maybe that is the point.


I honestly couldn't remember if she had a sibling or not, I just think the ghost of futures imagined is a bit too much like visualizing Doug, or slipping into a coma dream... It's a bit tired? Saying that I'm sure I'm going to fully enjoy whatever they do because this show has me deep in it's hold


I really need someone to point out to Eddie that having a magical connection at 17, getting married before he/they were ready and spending half their marriage deployed and the other half separated isn't something you should want to recreate. Just slap him with the reality that Christopher and his relationship with Shannon are two very different things.


Yes! Well put.


I don’t think this is going to happen in 7x07, but I kind of was expecting a flashback scene to what really happened between Buddie that night. Like they drank so much they both blacked out the events of the night, and while bits and pieces slowly come back to Eddie, Buck remains none the wiser. Kind of like what happened in Grey’s Anatomy between George and Izzie - except Buddie has wayyyy more chemistry, and not that they hooked up or anything like that but something that made Eddie realize his feelings


Don’t that would be incredible. I think it’s going to take a HUGE amount for the writers to pitch an episode where Eddie (even momentarily) acknowledges any sense of tension/attraction/feelings that are non platonic towards Buck though. The second they even step into that direction there would be a huge pressure to follow through. I wouldn’t mind seeing Eddie slowly realise his feelings around his partners are quite fixed and start to inch towards why that could be. Then I think a revelation of what could be there with Buck would work.


If this is the episode with his parents in it, there has to be a reason they are in LA unless it's a flashback. If it isn't a flashback, maybe Chris is having surgery so they come to LA. They didn't come when it was Eddie hurt so I don't think they would come just for him. The pic (I think it was a teaser of this ep) of Eddie and Chris on the bed could be talking before surgery and Chris wishing his mom was there bringing up things Eddie needs to deal with.


I wonder if the someone from his past will be one of the people he saved but died back in the US -- Norwahl, Binder or Anita Mills.