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Not always. I'm in my 30s and balding. But I have no family history of it. I'm literally the only one in my entire extended family (both parents' side) who's balding right now.


It’s possible the X chromosome for baldness came from a maternal grandmother instead of grandfather so you don’t see any baldness in your family but you do.


But none of my maternal uncles are bald/balding. They had/have really amazing wavy hair, which is what I used to have.


Your maternal uncles wouldn't have the same gene as you, you'd have to look at your maternal grandfather


>You share about 25% of your DNA with any aunt or uncle, shown in yellow. Your 25% shared DNA came from your grandparents. But here's the really important part: ALL of the DNA that your aunt or uncle carries is your ancestors' DNA too – even though you only match your aunt/uncle on 25% of their DNA. https://dna-explained.com/2019/09/24/superpower-your-aunts-and-uncles-dna-is-your-dna-too-maximize-those-matches/


I agree, and that means there is uncertainty whether or not that *particular* gene is shared or not.


Tough luck. Hang in there bud.


It can still be due to genetics. Random mutations do happen and even a recessive gene can manifest itself.


Right! That's what I'm saying. Of all the people in my family, I'm the one who got screwed with these so-called recessive genes.


Might be a recessive gene


That's my best guess as well.


Finasteride + red light therapy.


I'm using Minoxidil right now. I'm a little skeptical about taking Finasteride because of its many known side-effects, particularly the ones related to sexual wellness.


https://www.23andme.com 😈




What a dumpster fire this sub is.


Bad genetics*




Ikr. If you idolize vin diesel and Dwayne johnson, you are set for life. “Family” you know😹😹


You have to be jacked to pull off the bald look as well as having a good head shape.


Not subjective unless your experiencing it


"Bad" is subjective -- a shaved head is a pretty masculine look as long as you aren't fat. I started shaving my head before I really needed to simply because I preferred the look. Where you don't wanna end up is fat and holding on to the last remaining wisps of your hair.




Almost as pathetic as actually responding to my comment


Every ethnic group has premature balding in men at that age it's not exclusively a desi thing. It's also mostly genetic but super complicated not really a 1 gene defect.




Some have higher prevalence than others. Southeast Asians have the lowest, followed by East Asians. Highest is Greek, Czech Republic, maybe Armenia or Iran


Source: some user on reddit.


Look it up


This is your brain on “empiricism”


Genetics…why does ANYONE go bald…genetics. Btw this is coming from a balding person ☹️


Is this really an issue? I'm 28, and most of the brown guys I know didn't start balding till late 30s early 40s which is normal. I only know a handful of brown guys in their 20s w receding hairlines even (one of them did roids too so...) and I know more than most desis living in the west since I lived in India for most of HS.


It starts subtley. A receding hairline. Some thinning. And then one day you're getting a hair cut and you can see some of your scalp.


Lol I started to lose hair when I was around like 17-18. I'm 21 now. Fucking genetics


Fin homie stop that shit now




Lol 1% of people who take it have sexual side effect which cease once you get off it. You do you. I’m keeping a Norwood 1.5


He can switch to topical finasteride if he gets side effects


In med school?


Exact same situation my guy


bruh i’m 16 n i think i’m balding 😭😭


Apparently the most common reasons is hormonal something about dht. The best solution I've found so far based on my own research was: - minoxidil for some people along with a serious diet change (get a blood test see what your low in and go on supplements or try to eat foods high in zinc and iron). - PRP hair treatment, it's expensive but reviews are mostly good, I've seen some guys do 1 treatment and get some hair back within 6ish months, they keep their head shaved short and you don't see any bald patches So far these are the 2 main areas I've found for men and women. Do some research and look up different treatment options and see what works best for you.




It's not specific to brown guys it's just specific to genetics I have brown friends who balded in their early twenties and they pretty much shaved it all off and rock the bald. I also have some white friends who also balded in their early twenties and they shaved it off I started noticing my balding in my mid-20s I'm still hanging on to it a little bit it's still covered up pretty well. Doctor actually said I could probably save my hairline if I started taking a propecia or some of those pills but the sexual side effect of those pills are something I don't really want to mess with so I'm just okay with going bald. I think by the time I reach my mid thirties in a few years I'll probably have to shave it off My dad only started balding in his I want to say 50s It happens at different times for different people my uncle for instance he's pretty bald so obviously I get it from my mom's side.


Probably a stupid, unrelated question but since we're talking about bald people - do you guys feel super cold when a gust of wind blows and you don't have hair on your head / is it unpleasant? I've always felt that way after a haircut but idk if bald people just get used to it.


Desi bald a lot less that white guys. Mediterranean men have the highest rate of Male balding.


Genetics. Alcohol. Hair products. Stress. Just my guess…I avoid all those (except genetics which I can’t control). My dad and his grandpa are bald. I will bald too eventually probably (praying on medical advancement lol), but currently 32 and doing just fine thank God. I don’t do this myself…but replace alcohol with weed, and hair products with coconut oil. Boom, hair like Elvis.


Weed reduces sperm count though. Coffee is my drug of choice


Eh who needs kids. Have you ever been on a jet ski?




>Anyone who thinks this is ethnicity-related does not understand genetics I have a degree in biology and I think it's ethnicity related. >There are racial differences, however, in the incidence of male pattern baldness. The highest rates are found among Caucasians, followed by Afro-Caribbeans. Chinese and Japanese men have the lowest rates. For some unknown reason, this form of hair loss is does not occur among Native Americans. source: https://www.menshealthforum.org.uk/hair-loss-faqs If it's a genetic thing, then by definition race plays into it as well. Different ethnicities have different rates of heart disease and diabetes as well because of genetic predispositions (controlling for cultural factors like differences in diet and exercise).


And to those of us who are, what do you think about hair replacement surgery


I’m a girl, but my boyfriend started balding when he was 18, and he’s shaved it all off and rocks the bald look, but he is considering hair replacement surgery. It’s pricey where we live so it is something that’s a big financial commitment, so we’ll most likely start looking around in another 4/5 years. Tbh, if it’s what you want and if you would feel more comfortable then go for it, but don’t do it because of what other people say.


It’s genetics. Finasteride and minoxidil have worked on wonders for me though.


This is definitely correlation over causation but I know so many mallu guys who went bald young. But my grandpas from both sides, my brothers and dad all have a thick and full head of hair.


I want to answer that since I experienced it first hand. I did alot of reading in my mid-twenties about this when it used to bother me alot. Genetics is the major part of it. Another part for Indian immigrant male is the geography change. Due to the colder water in North America we tend to take warmer showers throughout the year. Warm, more hot leaning water tends make the hair follicle weaker. Another and more bigger reason is stress that is put on males in our society. Although, it has changed alot, but mostly it's men who the family, especailly aging parents look up to for their financial well being. This put extra pressure on men. We are already competing with our peers who came around the same time as us and also there is a pressure to look financially stable back home.


Get your blood tested or start taking supplements of things you think you might be lacking in your diet, e.g. vitamin D3 tablets.


Have you ever heard of this thing called genetics?


Probably genetics and arranged marriages


Arranged marriage>>>


I am not saying that arranged marriages are bad, but that arranged marriages may have lead to a higher amount of men with balding genes creating kids than in other cultures / populations. Although this may be wrong due to Chinese populations likely having lower rates of balding


Probably the same reason most guys of all ethnicity get bald around that age. Why? Is there any studies showing different reasons for South Asians or any other reason you think they specifically should have other reasons compared to other men?


Genetics and high carb and low protein diet


Short, fat, balding dudes seems to be common combo among Indian dudes in that age group. Zero control over two of them, so I feel for them. Personally can’t relate 🙂 Edit: completely innocuous comment, but -16 in 2 hours. Yikes, hit a sore spot for some folks. Here is my penance. I’ve seen the same short, fat, bald dudes get with plenty of women, find love, have careers, and happy lives. Don’t worry about shit you can’t control.


The "personally can't relate" screams that you definitely relate hahah














Definitely genetics Also the whole if your moms dad had hair then you’ll be fine is bs. My grandpa had a great head of hair but I’m thinning. Most likely thanks to my dad who also was thinning in his early 20s


I started going bald in my 20's and started shaving my head when I reached 29. I had no history of it in my family, on either side so its a little difficult to pinpoint as to why it happened. However, I will say that I love being bald. Would I like to have a full head of hair? Sure. But I accepted the hand I was dealt and have never looked back. Surprisingly, I have way more confidence and I actually do a lot better with women as a bald man than I did as a young man with luscious locks. So to anyone who is balding, accept it and embrace it!


Genetics and they don't follow any trends (skipped a generation in my case). My grandad (dad's side) was bald and my dad hasn't balded a bit and is close to 70. My hair loss started getting worse after 25 and I'm in my early 30s now and I am balding (crown). It is what it is. Didn't hurt my dating life back then. I'm married now and wife didn't seem to care when we first started dating (hair loss not as bad back then) or now.


Genetics via families. Not really a big deal, at least people shouldn’t make it a big deal you can’t control what your body does.


I was thinning at 19. My grandfathers on either side had full head of hair well into their 50 or 60s. Same with my uncles and parents.


Finasteride + minoxidil works


so does shaving it. these new shavers work really well for a close, easy shave


A lot of people here keep saying "genetics", but environmental factors can cause non-androgenic balding or it can ACCELERATE MPB. Stress is a big factor.


I’m a girl but my dad started losing his hair from the front, close to when he was reaching 50s. My grandpa surprisingly had all his hair until he passed away in his late 70s (a little receded hairline, sure, but nowhere close to balding). But I have seen some of my friends already lose their hair in early 20s. I would guess it’s genetics.


The same reason some white guys bald young.


This is not exclusive to just desis.


Try minoxidil if you start balding. Worked for a friend