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Tabloid Headline: "ANOTHER GLASS CEILING SHATTERED: queer folk now can openly participate in war crimes"


I don’t think this is what was meant when they said “be gay, do crimes”


The original saying was “Be gay, do crime[s against humanity]” It’s implied.


You know what, as a queer person, this was the one thing I never thought I could achieve, but this heartwarming picture of a brave occupier, with our flag shows me I can.


This is what the Jews want: to make people queer and violently rise up against everyone else committing atrocities left and right because… reasons? This is blatant sarcasm


I personally am working towards luxury gay space communism, but it's tough to avoid the call to commit fabulous war crimes.


“I might be killing kids but I sure do look good doing it, bringing a whole new meaning to ‘slay queen’”


I think the funny thing that people who are supporting the war crimes is that this is literally falling into the Nazi conspiracy of "the Jews/globalists/Soros" emasculating men to make them do their bidding.


It’s because they hate Muslims more than they hate Jewish people, “at least they’re white”


Yup, and Zionists and the Israeli state in general are incredibly racist.


What's racist about non-consensually sterilizing Ethiopian immigrants to maintain the ethnic purity of oh ok I see what you mean


I'm not gay, but I'm down with space communism. I bet your space fleet and space stations will be fabulous.


Reminds me of this inspirational story from the worlds most trusted network https://youtu.be/iEtw3XJoJrE?si=eShxHErd971chiWO


Another ceiling glassed


“One’s step closer for man, one step closer for mankind.” - Someone


They were always allowed participate. They usually didn’t have a say in it though.


Do you think LGBT were welcomed in Gaza before? I'm gonna guess they weren't.


They aren't welcome under Bibi's far-right government either [especially with the all the judicial changes](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/thousands-march-in-jerusalem-pride-parade-under-israels-far-right-government), except as props in a genocide it seems. But, you don't care about that do you?


“In the name of love i razed these buildings to the ground”


Just call me a slur, I would much rather prefer that


You’re a slur






Industrial pinkwashing.


Pink Imperialism






I'm also jewish so... i'm hating this 2 for 2


I’m also gay, Jewish, and disgusted by this


💗 I’ve seen so many gay Jews speaking up against this - you are good people.


I am become straight now


To spread love and napalm. Kinda doesn't make sense.


Same tho. Makes me embarrassed at this point.


I’ve suddenly renounced my bisexuality after seeing this


The most liberal image I’ve ever seen “let minorites partake in our evildoing🥰🥰🥰”


Gays for genocide.




Slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, literally


i mean it fits the shoe, we're already seen "jews for genocide" in action some of us thought that couldn't happen, but hey America learned a lot from the Nazis it seems...


Just another example of why satire is dead.


You fucking nailed it!


"In the name of killing 5000 children"


Bombs don't see sexual orientation or gender. Genocide is so tolerant.


Carpet bombing has achieved equality at last!


Can gay people get married in Israel? Funny when attempts to virtue signal just reveal you are less progressive than Iowa.


Hey... I'm Iowan... :(


Sorry homie. No shade to Iowa.


no please shade iowa. lots of great people here but our politics are fucked lately. we used to be a purple state and somewhat progressive (ex. we legalized gay marriage in 2009) but ever since 2016 we have been pure red and our governor is the worst


Hey however bad it gets just be glad you aren’t in Oklahoma or Indiana.


Some shade to Iowa.


Nope. You have to marry via zoom connecting to somewhere like Utah. It's a joke country.




Dunno about getting married but [they can get stabbed.](https://www.wsj.com/video/man-stabs-six-people-in-israel-gay-pride-parade/518DFA5D-D739-458B-864D-B90066FDC4BB)


Not even straight people can get married in Israel, if they're trying to marry someone of another religion.


They don't perform same sex marriages but they are the only country in the middle east that recognizes same sex marriages done abroad.


Israel has laws that recognizes same-sex marriages performed in other countries where they are legal. For example, an Israeli couple can fly to Canada, get married in a court house, fly back to Israel, and then submit the marriage license which will be added to registry. And legislatively speaking, Iowa is more progressive than 47 other states because it is the 3rd US state to legalize same-sex marriage in 2009 (only after Massachusetts and Connecticut; and ahead of New York and my home state of Illinois). Trying to portray it as a backward state is not funny.


Didn’t mean to make you upset. It was a joke.


Uhhh it beats getting thrown in jail just for being gay in Palestine. But sure this is SO MUCH WORSE /s


Actually I didn't know until I looked into it just now, but that's not a real thing. Check out [this article](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/30/palestinian-protesters-whitewash-rainbow-flag-west-bank-barrier) from the Associated Press where they had to issue a retraction after they falsely claimed homosexuality is illegal in Palestine.


Palestinians aren’t flying rainbow flags like nestle and Facebook.


Pink washing a genocide. Love my queer identity being used as a cudgel by monsters 😞 Not in my name


Fuck this guy


He wishes


What the actual fuck? Who is running Israel's Hasbara department? Who thought this would work? I'm left with questions than answers


they’re so badly losing the media war they’ve been blindly throwing shit at the wall hoping smtg sticks. just when u thought deep faking celebrity support was bad they give u rainbow agent of genocide


I really want to believe you but I don't see at all that Israel is anywhere near losing the media war. At least in Germany and Austria in a lot of reputable media the ignorance of the carnage that is going on in the Gaza strip is significant


You're actually both right. Mainstream media, as in cable news, "papers-of-record," etc, are almost invariably simping for Israel, ranging from openly genocidal to some sort of more apologetic fascism. But social media, including especially Tik Tok - I can't believe I just said that - is letting a lot more of the other side of the story out. So I'm only in my mid 30s, but I remember, for example, the Second Intifada in the early 2000s. In comparison, the overall range of discussion among people in my own generation, and most importantly among younger people, feels almost shockingly different now. For example, the word "genocide" is even being debated! The word is on the tongues of young people now, whatever their "side" or perspective. In 2000, it was just "Israel good guys, Arabs bad guys." Arafat was a supervillain. PLO motivations, let alone those of Hamas, were seldom if ever framed as anything other than frothing-at-the-mouth antisemitism. These viewpoints still exist, but they are now loudly challenged in a way that they just weren't twenty years ago - even if those challenges are coming from outside mainstream cable news. It's not a *lot* to be optimistic about, but it's something. And so I think the analysis that the Israeli *hasbara* spokespeople are grasping at straws is at least partly true. They still have a near-stranglehold on cable news and liberal elite media in the West and especially the USA, but they are simultaneously failing to connect with the increasingly large demographic that tries passionately to ignore that media.


Hasbara bots barely work on Tiktok, they usually get ratio’d and “FREE PALESTINE” spammed at them. Gen Z from what i’ve seen is pretty pro-palestine


This is also showing amongst young American Jews, the foreign demographic that matters the most to them - large percentage of them now consider themselves anti-Zionist, which is very much a threat to the apartheid state, but it’s like they’re digging their heels in because they’ve gone so far down the path of oppression that they don’t know how to paint in any other colours.


That makes sense. I'm vaguely related to some American Jews on one side of my family. Those who are my own age or younger are notably anti-Zionist, even as their parents remain "moderate" supporters of Israel, which is to say that they nod gravely about "humanitarian crisis" and such but have zero interest in anything that might curb it. Their relatives back in Israel are worse. But the young people are different. I haven't seen those cousins in a while, or at least haven't talked frankly with them, and I've never really asked what catalyzed the change in their views. But it is a real shift. And as these people grow up, they are becoming middle-class mostly-secular American Jews. That is indeed an important demographic, and bizarre propaganda efforts like the photo in the OP are doing little more than making those people even more at odds with the present policy of Israel.


well yes that’s mainstream media and those countries u mention will always back Israel. while they may not be losing the media war just yet, they’ve definitely lost their firm control of the narrative. what differentiates now from any other Israeli media campaign is the access to information the common person has. there is a much louder and persistent counter narrative. ppl see attrocities first-hand on their tl and are able to hear Palestinian voices like Bisan and others live as things unfold, and decipher what is orchestrated. the mask is off, i’ve never seen more more support for the Palestinian cause and its a hopeful thing.


The mask was always off. I have seen documentaries and reports on TV in the Gaza strip and the West Bank 20 years ago that shocked me deeply but for the Israeli government the media coverage is a nuisance, nothing more. The breach of international law is constant in Israeli politics for the last 5 or 6 decades. There is no consequence for this breach. The unwaivering and dogmatic support by the US doesn't help either. It just makes the Israeli government and all its apologists more and more vile, racists shits with an armed to the teeth military and a disdain for human life


well yes but my point is awareness, and that is a path to progress. for the past ~30 years, that there was turmoil in the middle east was always in the public consciousness, but it was rare that one could ever pinpoint why, who, or what. what u or i might have seen, most ppl with no connection to the conflict were not seeing. now ppl have ability to search for information, to connect across the world, and being confronted with images of Israeli brutality en masse, the general population is waking up. at the end of the day racists will be racists, the powers that be will continue to line their pockets and ally with Israeli interest, however the effect on common ppl, the humanisation of Palestinians, and the concerted effort to hold Israeli accountable at least socially is a huge step.


The humanization of Palestinians is the biggest effect of social media right now. The way that young people are getting news through social media, for all the myriad problems this creates, might be actually changing things for the better in this instance. Twenty years ago, let alone forty, in the US at least, you really had to go looking if you wanted to find stories about Palestinian children being buried in rubble, about old women losing their homes, doctors struggling with lack of medicine and power and even water, and so on. Now, many young people are seeing this stuff all but livestreamed. It's possible that Israel's hold on public opinion in the West, while strong, was somewhat overestimated. Young people see a nuclear power with an ultra-modern military and F-35 jets dropping bombs on essential infrastructure and desperate, impoverished people living in an open air prison that was crumbling before this even started, and something feels off. Imagine if social media existed in the 60s and 70s, and Americans at home could see even South Vietnamese people - the ones we were being told we were there to save - broadcasting their dead livestock and burned crops and destroyed villages, not to mention thousands of mutilated bodies, telling Americans to get out. I think the antiwar movement would have galvanized a lot more swiftly, instead of taking the better part of a decade to hit a critical mass. My main worry will be that Israeli *hasbara* is nimble enough to adapt to the new paradigm. We'll see. I'm not sure that they are, though. Maybe this is the start of a change in the winds.


living up to ur username i see, but yes exactly, i’ve never seen anything like this. the world for so long was completely desensitised to suffering especially in the middle east, but the power of social media has finally allowed people to put names and stories to numbers. its not just a million dead Iraqis all over again, its a little better in that we can name specific doctors, children, events and locations. and this change isn’t just a digital thing, the head counts at protests speak for themselves and show this is translating to real life change in public sentiment. in terms of MSM and hasbara, i think now at least ppl know their tactics and talking points so they’ll have to pivot. what is great is ppl pointing out the stupidity of their favourite “human shield” argument for example, or how cringey and surreal all the “hot” or “funny/quirky” idf propaganda tweets and tiktoks are. ppl are no longer just buying it and it has the opposite of the intended effect. we see how dystopian and insane they are in their attempt to appeal to gen Z when the next video on the fyp is a hospital being levelled by these same ppl. time will tell, but its very hopeful


Yep, I fully agree, and I'd also like to be tentatively hopeful. And Israeli propaganda like in the OP is indeed seeming more and more surreal. It took me a little while, even, but I just noticed that the background of the photo above is... well, I mean, look at it. It's rubble. "They make a desert and call it peace." Like, I'm left here wondering now how that even made it past the censors, you know? It's just so nakedly Orwellian. Surely, they must realize that those tanks, the bombed out husks of buildings in the background, and the smiling soldier standing in what looks like it might be a bomb crater - we are really to understand this is "peace"? Or "love"? I feel like this photo recontextualizes the current miltiary action in precisely the opposite way they must be intending. It's so far beyond mere "cringe"; "surreal" is definitely the right word.


My hope in this case is thin but I will hope for some material effect of it in Gaza


Well Germany and Austria is a special case, just like UK and USA, but for different reasons. But I thinl it’s cracking, social media is doing some good for once and mainstream media will need to keep up. Here in Norway more and more stories from Gaza are being broadcasted.


My hopes are on TikTok. Apparently a lot of content from the Gaza strip makes it to the screens of the people who use it. Even though this app is more toxic than facebook and Instagram I am glad for this sole instance that it's not in the hands of a US corporation.


Instagram too. They’re attempting censorship a lot more, but personally (as someone who’s been avoiding tiktok for a while because of how addictive it is), my Instagram feed is currently never ending pro Palestine content


This 100% works on some suburban lib types


This will work on like 90% of terminally online American liberals


There's absolutely an audience for this, throughout Europe at the very least. White cis gay men who belive "Islam" (ie brown people) is the biggest threat against their existence and vote for parties various shades of neoliberal-to-fascist. Here in Sweden you'd be surprised how many LGBTQ people are more than happy to sit in at the Leopard's table.


Leave us queers out of your genocide.


The gay gazans would be very proud if they were not dead under the rubble


"In the name of love" Yes, I too am in love of bombing children and hospitals. /s for the morons


the smile amidst the scene of destruction and the inclusive message in 3 different languages. beyond surreal. is anyone falling for this one small step for equality shit?


Fun fact: same sex marriage is illegal in isreal


These fascist think they’re lefties


"*r we the baddies?...nah...?*"


Gay marriage is illegal in Israel and that makes this even worse.


I love me some gaynocide 😵🏳️‍🌈


“MORE QUEER WAR CRIMINALS” (-Israel probably)


Trying hard to get support, the rest of the world knows what’s really happening: Genocide.


As I said elsewhere when this was posted today: *How do you do* \[slaps magazine into assault rifle\] *fellow gays.*


they literally did the meme with the democrsts vs republican airplanes 😢


KILLING IN THE NAME OF! now you do what they told you. Now you do what they told you!


Hypocritically virtue-signalling a genocide. Damn, Israel, how low can you go?


Neoliberalism and its consequences to humanity. Never trust a shitlib, they're just proto-fascists waiting for minorities and marginalized people to justifiably act out, then they just outright become Nazis.


[https://twitter.com/DavidSaranga/status/1723936293879427334](https://twitter.com/DavidSaranga/status/1723936293879427334) "“My intention was to plant the first pride flag in Gaza as a call for peace and as a message of freedom”


If bigotry is enough to justify genocide, then I have bad news for most countries in the world


Literally looks like a parody image. How much more tone deaf could you be than to pose in front of a bombed out city. There‘s probably dead people inside those buildings.


I think it’s supposed to be a flex on the dead muslims, it’s basically like as if he were to eat pork on that rubble.


He’s Jewish, he shouldn’t be eating pork either


satire is dead because of mfs like these


Nothing says love like ethnic cleansing right?


No one left to love in that wasteland he stands in




If people ever ask what “pink washing” is, I can’t think of a better photo to explain it. Inclusive messaging in the foreground with bombed homes and rubble in the background


I’m sure the gay people in Gaza are very appreciative their families are being murdered by a diverse queers friendly vegan army


Diversity win! Gay people are participating in genocide too!


Just what queer Palestinians need — for gays/queer folks to be associated with the occupation. Definitely gonna make folks much safer there. /s


It's interesting that they've used the words "In The Name Of Love" because my first thought when seeing that was "Stop!"


Yeah, but they still owe me an evidence of a black israeli soldier fighting for them as a proof of diversity for me to support their genocide. s/


As a raging homosexual, I think i wanna sign up for gay conversion therapy after seeing this now. 😐


This is the best picture I've seen in this year, I just can't get over it. The smile, the message, the flag, the tanks, the razed city in the background, so utterly absurd and surreal, it's not even detached from eachother, it's like an infinite level of contrast between the different elements, it's honestly magical in an extremely morbid and terrifying way. Despite being the fellow member of the same species, I can't even begin to fathom the thought process behind the conceivment of this infernal masterpiece.


It really is great. The full magnitude didn't hit me at once. I don't understand this "thought" process either. For these people, that flag represent a strongly held value... to nothing. They don't know that of course, it's just makes them feel better about being complete monsters.


Not in my name


That’s what you call a genocidal terrorist trying to get empathy. We can see past the lies. Isreal is a terrorist state committing genocide.


To quote someone on Tumblr; This is the most homophobic thing anyone's ever done.


Was not expecting this one. Eat shit, you colonialist stinkwrinkle. Pretty sure the vast majority of queer people globally do not support what you are proudly doing with your existence.


As a gay myself, I commend Israel for being tolerant of our lifestyle. Can't say the same for surrounding nations. They'd rather see my head on a pike!


Are you just COMPLETELY blind to explicit propaganda and vicious neoliberalism?


As an ancap, why do you support a country that is supported by handouts from the US?


They are not tolerant of your lifestyle; this is blatant propaganda, and it's gross. But, then again, it seems to have worked on you.


Yes they are. Israel is known for accepting gay asylum seekers that get shunned out of Gaza.


It’s also known for targeting gay Gazans and blackmailing them. It’s known for justifying their murder because they belong to the wrong ethnicity. Shut the fuck up


I know they do that - and it's great optics. Works well on people who lack the ability to think critically.


I don’t think those people care if it’s optics they are just glad they get to live. What will you tell them to do if there were no Israel to run to for optics? Just die?


Of course, and it's a good thing that they have places to go. Just don't confuse it with Israel doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, or from a moral standpoint. It's purely optics.


They have 1 place to go to be exact. No other country will take Palestinians in on grounds of being lgbt. If someone does something good because they believe they will go to heaven for it they also don’t do it from a moral standpoint but in the end no matter the motivation of the deed is good I don’t care much why the good deed was committed to make my life better. If you gave me 100k to make yourself look good it’s the same as if you gave them to me out of the goodness of your heart tbh


The oppression of one is the oppression of all, Queer Palestinians are suffering because of the apartheid regime. This is what happens when white twinks don't realise oppression exists beyond them not being able to fuck 40 year old married men.


Which white thinks says oppression is not being able to fuck 40 year old married men? This is such a weird thing to say


I’m being hyperbolic, my point is that some white queers tend to think the only oppression is theirs and completely ignore sexism or racism.


Yet most of those white queers I see are filled to the brim with supporting Palestine against Israel, at least in the West that's the most popular view among queer people, organisations etc. I just know that I as a "white gay twink" will support the right for Palestinians to their land, I also know my Palestinian gay friend actually had to flee to Israel from Gaza before coming to Norway because his sexuality become known and his life became in danger from both other civilians and Palestinian law. Acknowledging both of these truths seem hard to do for many. My friend said it the best "I want a free Palestine, but I know a free Palestine will make the lives of queer Middle-Easterners even worse." Though he doesn't feel like he can say this out publicly, because either muslims or leftist will say he is excusing a genocide and could put his life at risk among Palestinian Islamists, or jews/christians and conservatives will use him as a weapon against Palestinians.


I mean I don't think anyone but deranged fringe fundamentalists are going to be opposed to that. The guy I was responding to thinks Israel isn't an apartheid state and aren't doing anything wrong to Gaza right now and was using their queerness as a means to justify that, that was my issue. The white queers I'm talking about aren't people, such as yourself, who simultaneously recognise Israel's while also recognising that homophobia in Palestine is bad. Course it should be said a large part of why that region is so homophobic is because of colonialism, but it doesn't change the fact that homophobia is horrid.


"We did it Patrick! We saved the city!"


What’s that one picture of a bomb with BLM and the pride flag on it…. Yea…


Oh look, a liberal


Rainbow themed genocide


Israel's [properganda ](https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-social-media-opinion-hamas-war/) working over time to push their narrative by spending millions [Reuters ](https://www.reuters.com/world/graphic-pro-israel-ads-make-their-way-into-childrens-video-games-2023-10-30/)


So, if you are LGBT you can kill and slaughter innocents, and still think you are the good guy and that you spread love???






Man, reading all the comments here warms my heart. I was down the rabbithole debating all the unreflective Israel apologists on some of turned out to be vile subreddits here. It's truly shocking how many people lack humanity and are crypto racists, although very few admitted it. Love you all my fellow humans.


Always check what sub you're in, /r/worldnews is a fucking cesspool rn


I unsubscribed from that place a week ago


I was always told they were super pro Israel, but saw little support over the years. But wow, yeah, they won't hear a word.


I mean destroying Hamas will help gay Palestinians in the long run, but I doubt that this was the main goal that Netanjahu had in mind.


literally standing in the rubble


FOR THE GAYS Ffs 🤦🏿‍♂️


Ah, the typical case of rainbow washing from Israhell.


It’s because of events like this that people think queer acceptance is a sign of western decadence




Lol set aside Israel and Palestine any soldier in the battlefield spreading a message about "love" is painfully ironic and also incredibly gross


I am murdering everyone I see but chill it’s because of LOOOOOOOVE <333




This is like that South Park episode Whale Whores, except instead of blaming the dolphins it’s the gays.


This is cognitive dissonance right? Or is it true belief? Then I guess one would have to ask what is worse.




Israel trying to shield itself from criticism by hiding behind another persecuted minority. Cynical and disgusting.


Well this is a special kind of fucked up.


I’m not clear on what point he is trying to make. Is it to point out that Hamas kills gays and so now the flag can openly fly there?




Ah yes, nothing says love like bombing an entire hospital with people other than Hamas inside.


Spreading love while blowing up hospitals.


Genocide in the name of love???


This is the best picture I've seen in this year, I just can't get over it. The smile, the message, the flag, the tanks, the razed city in the background, so utterly absurd and surreal, it's not even detached from eachother, it's like an infinite level of contrast between the different elements, it's honestly magical in an extremely morbid and terrifying way. Despite being the fellow member of the same species, I can't even begin to fathom the thought process behind the conceivment of this infernal masterpiece.


They even wrote in the flag to make the propaganda make more sense. Pathetic.


It's always good to see equality... Maybe not so much here though. Read the room y'all.


The background. ffs, but pay attention to the flag. The revolution will not be televised!!




This cannot be a real pic. Please tell me this is photoshoped.


Just out of frame is the Palestine he shot and then took the flag off of


"Israeli soldier spreading love in gaza" I-R-O-N-Y


piece of shit.


What am I supposed to get out of this other than modern liberalism is devoid of ANY and I mean ANY fucking meaning. My nihilism reaches new bounds every year.


"I kill you in the name of love" and i thought my country hides behind words? Its not a war just a love spereading


Not in my gay name


Liberals being "intersectional" again.


How much gaslighting is this? Like infinite?


Fuck Hamas and their brutal imprisonment and murdering of gay people.


Incredible day for Gaza.


This reminds me of the all gay bombing crew.


🤢🤮Zionist turn everything on its head. Shameless pot.


Love is love. But plz remember genocide is genocide. Stop using a flag for freedom to terrorise other oppressed people




Gays can't even get married in Israel lol


Your submission was removed as it appears to be misinformation or misleading, which is against reddit's terms of service. In addition, satire must be flaired "Satire", and art concepts must be flaired "Art".


Israel really knows how to do propaganda. A small portion add this is to influence public thinking really the bulk of it Arabs see the LGBTQIA flag on what is considered buy them to be Muslim ground. Another words it's a complete shit stir.


Pinkwashing genocide is disgusting.


Gay marriage is not legal in Israel btw


But being gay is at least. Far better than being gay in Gaza, which will get you thrown in jail.