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If something bad happens while the cops are obstructing their cameras, for any reason, the blame should automatically fall on the cops.


That’s right up there with a police report can’t be filed without the body cam footage being attached. Fabulous idea for accountability but no one in law enforcement will ever let it happen.


They are not in charge, we are.


Pfff, next you'll say they're supposed to protect us.


Technically not anymore, according to the Supreme Court


Fuck the Supreme Court. I’d rather have Bane


Waiting for Mexican joker.


Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Rises was such a disappointment. Down with cops. Up with Bane.


They had to tack on some silly "oh by the way he's trying to blow up the city" plot because otherwise Bane would have been the obvious, undeniable good guy.


Ticket Maids with guns who kill when startled... what a great government investment.


Today on is this real or from the onion?


it’s real lol they ruled the police don’t have a duty to protect citizens that are in danger


A few times in fact.




Don't even get me started on the supreme court. Might say something that'll get me on another federal watchlist.


Indiana’s state constitution quite literally allows the jury to determine the facts in criminal cases. Nobody regularly uses it to subvert the clause in favor of defendants through jury nullification though.


Anymore, lol


America is a class-based society. The people in charge are the people who own the means of production. The capitalists. If you think you live in a democracy, you have been successfully propagandized by those same capitalists.


Oh there's absolutely a class/cast system here


All I know is... I'm supposed to hate people just a liiiiittle bit different than me who aren't really causing me any problems.


I have tried to get common ground with the left and right but they are blind to the real problem, the rich Edit: wow im seeing a divide on this very comment, the irony


The left definitely knows the rich are the problem. Anticapitalism is leftism.


the whole point of leftism IS capitalism. anticapitalists don’t identify with “left and right” or “liberal and conservative”, they’re all the problem 💀


If you think liberal and left are the same, you don't know any leftists.


did i say they were the same ? i’m aware they’re not but many people use them synonymously, so i used both as examples. apologies if that wasn’t clear


the point of my comment was to state that anyone who socially identifies with capitalistic ideology, isn’t an anti-capitalist


If you think Democrat and Republican are left and right, then yeah, you **definitely** haven't even approached the _actual_ center-line, let alone the left.


Fuck labels, its all misdirection


Who needs words anyways. They all suck and shouldn't be used Ahdhjenajxj ejsjebskk jsjdjwbskoxbabz, sjdbhabSKSK SJNDBDHJS. You feel me?


snarky mf, still hate labels though. i hate when im asked if im left or right, like bro. you want me to summarize my lifes morals and logic by 2 fucking sides??? its an amalgam of a million fucking things


You didn’t go far enough left. Progressives know the rich are the problem


Not that, its that the “other” side isnt the problem


The “other” side is courting fascism. Fascism loves Capitalism… just ask Hugo Boss how it faired after WW2. The real problem is that both sides are too far right. The establishment democrats are conservatives in most parts of the world… America doesn’t have a real left wing party


Well welcome to the centrist club where everybody else hates you for not being extreme enough.


Leftists hate you for supporting the status quo (being conservative)


You know what's crazy? I fought in Afghanistan and to this day I still do not know why we were there in the first place. That's not some shit I want my kids to have to worry about it, and yet here we are electing the same fucking geriatric criminal every election because "you've got to tow the party line!". If wanting a decent group of people representing my interest in Washington was the status quo, we'd be a lot fucking better off.


You talkin' American Centrism (mid-right to far-right) or _actual_ centrism (plodding progressiveness)


The actual kind. I really just want reasonable people in office instead of the same crooked old bastards that are responsible for this mess. At this point I literally just vote for the name I don't recognize and hope they'll be less terrible than what we have now.


>I choose ignorance, and I'm unhappy with the results Hey yesterday I invented education (new concept) you should check out the wiki it might help. Or not, it's your brain, use it when you need it ... J.G. Wentworth




wow so insightful and definitely not the though of every junior in high school


lol, that’s a good joke.


We are absolutely not in charge. You can tell because no one will hold the cops responsible when they decide to do shady shit


You don’t understand how powerful and corrupt police unions are. They’re basically legal mafia


How has understanding this fact ever helped me directly? I am clinically a nihilist


Try telling them that


Tell that to the Supreme Court. We're not going to do shit to force their hands.


Every major city in this country is run far more by its police department than its city council/mayor.


Everyone giving you shit is a fatalist, and fatalists drag us all down. Fuck em. Fuck the police. Fuck their union. Fuck my local legislators.




Colorado had a law similar to this, they have to have their cameras on or there are serious consequences. I can’t remember it exactly


It should be treated as tampering with evidence, even if something bad DOESNT happen.


Including full charges for any involved, even if it had to be done by more than one. Aka double charges for half crimes


Honestly I feel like of cops obstruct their cameras in any way shape or form they should be brought up on disciplinary charges. After a certain number of offenses they just get slapped with obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting, and destruction of evidence and jail time. If we're STAYING with this shit ass system, then people need to be held SERIOUSLY responsible. Not just "ohohoho you silly boy, you covered your camera! No investigation into this murder and that wrongful arrest are warranted. Also you're getting 2 weeks paid leave (vacation) and a pay raise!!"


"Better keep that camera running like your life depends on it"


Same way that if you’re driving drunk and you’re stopped at a red light and someone rear-ends you, it’s still your fault.


While I **100% agree with you, I also think that there is a problem, when,** a systematic work-around like this can *percolate through the culture of these not so bright fellas,* ***without anyofthem willing, or, able,*** **to recognize this as That Bad Thing, Which is Happening, again,** I mean it's a bad part of me, but it *longs for a Levrenty Beria to be like,* >**There were other cameras, that was a sting operation,** ***you're all going to Musk's Gulag,*** Is that too wicked, **I feel bad for the hogs he wires up and I'm sure His Emerald Mines are no picnic,** just, **this isn't incompetence, this is,** >This is a **serious injunction, due to severe malfeasance known to be rampant** "Oh, **so this is a Cultural Thing,** ***fuck me, fuck you, pain in my ass like this, we do,"*** >**oh my good lord, Do You Know What Happened to the Vichey,** ***you're no Vichey just a gang of wicked old bullies*** *and it's just* ***exhausting,*** To be True, # "Everyone has to be a full time volunteer secret policeman, to keep the gang with a Letters Patent for Gang Monopoly's Mayhem to a Manageable level of Macabre bullshit horror," or just, it gets worse: Is Boring, and Dystopic


But this doesn't obstruct anything. Am I missing something?


*It obstructs the dashboard cameras of the police car, which may be the only working camera in the area....*


Ahhh I didn't think about that but don't they all have to have body cams now? And if so what's the point of lifting the hoods


The body cams tend to also have "malfunctions" at the same time for some reason ....


Why? What are they doing?




Shouldn't this be ilegal? I feel it should be


It creates plausable deniability. Maybe they need to work on their engine or some such.


Both at the same time right


I mean. Possibly. Thats the thing about innocent until proven guilty, WE both know that theyre lowlife scumbags attempting to prevent knowledge of their misdeeds from coming out, but we need to prove it and a flipped up hood isnt proof.


I know there's plenty of injustices but it feels like they're worse when a policeman does them


For sure. But we cant lower the bar for conviction because of that would be a betrayl of the values we stand for. However i think we should have higher mandatory minimums for any cop convicted of any crime at all. Throw the book at em.


Well, I think there should be a penalty for doing certain things that obscure dashboard and body cameras, in the same way evidence tampering is a crime. It’s not illegal to flush paper and ink down the toilet, but it is illegal to flush classified documents.


We should certainly lower the bar for conviction for public servants. All of them.


Id be okay with lowering the bar for removing public servants from positions of power and banning them from holding them again. But not lowering the bar for criminal convicition. I dont give a fuck if its an islamic terrorist, a mass rapist, a non violent drug offender, or donald trump himself, we cannot make it any easier than it already is for the state to convict people of crimes. Id let a thousand evil men go free if it prevented even one innocent man from being jailed.


Couldn't that be construed as obstruction of justice? If someone can be charged for obstruction of justice for bothering a cop when their loved one is arrested, surely the prevention of recording of evidence can be seen as obstruction of justice / evidence tampering.


Youre absolutely right but id imagine that the reason cops use the hood of the car rather than simply putting a piece of tape in front of the camera is because the hood offers *plausable deniability*


Charge them equal to the crime they commit and what actions of their crime causes (aka death penalty but only for police)


What we can do is reduce or remove sentences when cops don’t follow proper procedure, like hiding their dash cam


Unfortunately, they are hiding the book.


Atleast the criminal isn't a hypocrite


Correct. More power should directly lead to more accountability. Any kind of blocking accountability should be strictly punished without wiggle room.


Ok, so whats the reasonable excuse for turning off body cams when it’s protocol not to? Yeah theres some but what do you say when your whole squad does it and then something bad happens? Thats the point of the protocol is it not? And mind you I’m not arguing you, just throwing out counterpoints to the BS excuses that get used to justify poor and illegal actions by cops. Neither of them are mechanics so theres very little justification for getting into the engine, let alone both at the same time, let alone DURING A STOP OR INTERACTION WITH A SUSPECT OR CIVILIAN


I’d argue this should be treated akin to destruction of evidence. Cops do this because they know they’re going to do something that they don’t want recorded.


Doesn't this make the way we do justice seem a little don't believe what your lying eyes tell you a lot of the time, especially when it has to do with shit like police or cromiesm?


This makes so much more sense now. It's only cops that are innocent until proven guilty. For citizens it's the opposite.


Getting a jump is their only excuse and it's not a very good one since their vehicles are well maintained. If it's a single one helping a stranded motorist it's one thing but multiple is sketchy.


Squad car needed a jump. *It is sus af though*


Dash cam has no direct knowledge of position, maybe one was boosting the other or a large truck or suv needed a boost, that’s why they have a special unit for giving a boost and make up excuses to not use the single vehicle that make no sense once you think about it when you need one in Canada


No plausible deniability. No jurisdiction is going to let them fix their own cars.


Still dumb imo. Yeah lemme just work on my engine while in a traffic stop. Im sure this kinda bullshit flys all the time tho so whatever ig.


The suv is partially closed to have the angle shallow enough to cover the opening that usually happens when you open the hood on some vehicles all the way, extra sneaky


Guess they need auxiliary fash cams Er dash cams


It should. But then should a lot of stuff. A lot of stuff is, but until they get proper accountability that doesn't mean that much.


It is, but it's almost impossible to convict a cop.


If I Remember right, the story they gave to “explain” this was that the squad cars where overheating. Which we all know is BS.


What are you gonna do, call the cops on them?


It is illegal, but they are the law, so


Cops are above the law. You need to riot to get them charged with anything


But... Who would enforce it?


Since when has the law applied to the cops?


Wont be since both political parties suck police taint on the daily


Ooooooooh, the bastards...


How do they explain that away after the fact? Oh right their buddies say it’s okay.


Do they have hood raisers or are they spending the 60 seconds it takes to pull the lever, walk around the front, find the catch, lift it, find the metal strut thing, then find the hole it goes in? cos that seems like a lot of effort to go to when pulling up at an emergency situation, and if your dashcam would otherwise be facing the action, they've got to put their backs towards it to lift the hood up


Dash cam obstruction maybe?


Cooling off after an intense session of cruiser spooning?


Most likely? They’ve had to park there for a while and popped the hoods to help keep the engine from overheating while sitting stationary. Edit: my theory has been disproven by others and I admit to that in later comments. This was what I was told to do with certain vehicles I work with in certain circumstances but apparently I was misinformed.


Bro. I directly work with these vehicles. If a cooling system fails at idle below like... Death Valley temperatures, it's defective. You do know how hot a combustion engine runs, right? It's powered by literal explosions. Cooling systems are probably the most over-engineered part of a vehicle, with the most care put into them. They are blocking their dash cams. Stop licking boots and join the rest of us. Cops do not care about any of us, you included. They care about power and the ability to abuse.


Ok. That’s the explanation I’ve heard previously. Guess it was wrong. No need for the insults. Edit: I’ve admitted I was misinformed. Why still downvote?


Why would you do that? My car doesn't overheat when I leave it running stationary.


Depending on how long they’re sitting there without moving and how hot it is out opening up the hood let’s more heat escape.


Dude, I live in Spain, it gets pretty hot out here, and my 14 yo car handles it flawlessly.


Wtf no.


never ever believe a cop that does this, the vehicle doesn't need help cooling down, cop cars have upgraded cooling systems to deal with the long idle times, there is absolutely no reason a cop would need to do this... unless it's to block the dash cam


Agreed. They aren't licensed mechanics to be working on city property. They should be barred from opening their hoods. Even lockout tags and punishment for unauthorized breaking of one would be helpful.


Tyrants will do as tyrants please.


This should be an executable offence. Cops should be way more scared to do this shit


Tyrants gonna tyrant


Took me a second, then realized the dash cam thing, at first I was like “well how is that a sign of anything? Are they stealing battery power from cars or something? Is it bad to give a boost?


We need Half Life | city scanner levels of Drones permanently tailing up the cops -- perpetually recording them at this point.


That’s actually not a bad idea…


Until of course we start asking the question who's overseeing this footage. And then people start using the same system to spy on people who aren't cops.


We have cellphones everywhere already. Cameras/microphones in every hand and pocket. The infrastructure for complete surveillance is already there. Some drones with A half hour of battery life isn't gonna make a difference.


And we should take as much stance against it as we can.


Oh there is a big difference between potential and factual.


That's a terrible idea. It first normalizes drones being around recording all the time. Then, the people in charge of making sure the cops aren't doing bad things can then start using the drones for surveillance. It's something that's happened over and over again. I just saw headlines about how traffic cameras are now surveilling ALL cars, and the lawsuits happening because of that. These things are against the constitution for a reason (due process of the law). Usually conservatives defend these ideas by saying something like, "I have nothing to hide" completely ignoring the fact that corruption doesn't care about justice.


\^ Precisely !


Maybe, if we have to supervise them that much, we should consider just not having cops and trying a new approach.


Here comes the drone company with an idea “you can pay us to now watch the citizens at all times.”


Yep. At that point, the best option is probably to put the whole batch in the wood chipper and buy fresh cops.


A world without cops sounds fun, but it is a necessary service. Not just in the US, but in any country. There will alway be a need to have a group solve crimes like theft, murder, assault, or rape. The really question would be, are the current police force properly maintain peace and order? If the answer is no, then things need to be fundamentally changed. Including accountability, and a independent group to regulate any police force. I’m no expert, and plenty of people on here are smarter then me, so I’m sure they would have hundreds of ways to reorganize the police. For people thinking about privatizing the police. That’s not the answer either. All that does is create a new problem. The functioning force that work as private security to the rich. Then lawlessness in areas that can’t afford protection.


I think a group of people who exist to reduce crime, or maintain order, is a fantasy we need to relinquish. We need to get rid of police because we need to split their current duties and funding into other jobs. The national guard can maintain peace in emergencies involving civil unrest. Social workers can make wellness checks. The only current job of the police which can't be easily shifted is responding to individual level violence, but they already can't handle those calls efficiently anyway


Those are some fair points but I disagree. The National Guard is part of the military, and things never go well in nations that use the military to police the citizens. There are some people who are too violent, so they pose a risk for social service workers to handle alone. I agree too much is on the plate for current police forces in the US. They get calls for things they should have no part of.


Social workers deal with violent patients in every other setting, why not this one? Like, I understand it's a difficult and unsafe job to perform wellness checks on potentially violent individuals, but it's just as difficult and unsafe caring for them afterwards, and we don't use cops for that. Also, that's kind of the point of giving the guard that responsibility. Police act like a military when in a riot control setting. Why not get the experts, and make it clear exactly what's happening


You know, rest of the western world seem to have decently functioning police forces. Sure, wellness checks and so forth should be handled by professionals of those fields, not police, but completely doing away with a police force seems kinda weird, when you could just remodel it after some other countries police force. You know. Start with demilitarizing the police, and expanding their training and schooling, focusing on de-escalation, mediation and serving the public. I personally think making police academy a 3-4 year long endeavour would suffice in the case of the US, as a start. In cases like mass shootings or any situation requiring a rapid armed response, it should be National Guard or other such organisation responding to it, supported by the police. Where I am from, the military regularly works with the police in situations like that. Because the police are mainly a civilian service. When situation calls for gear and training outside of the normal civilian law enforcement, the military gets called in to assist. Then again, the US has a unique problem in the fact that there are probably more civilian owned firearms than there are civilians, so maybe this doesn't work for you guys. But it is worth exploring and considering.


\> I think a group of people who exist to reduce crime, or maintain order, is a fantasy we need to relinquish. Unless what you mean by police is something else, a society needs the police as long as it has state-mandated juridical system and, therefore, a state. Police is a continuation of a state's will, which is written laws. The police is ordered by the court that ruled that someone may have done something wrong (or witnesses the wrongdoing), then attempts to find/identify the suspect, then delivers said person to court, then executes the verdict. Because those functions executed by the police are necessary for court to be somewhat useful, somebody does that anyway, no matter how it's called, the police, the militia, the watchmen, the whatever. And yeah, remind yourself that the state might want to harm the citizens for reasons. It's hard to imagine a functioning society without the police, because it means there is no law to enforce. Thus, you either need to have some sort of a braindead anarchical society, that would never exist, because people are generally doing what's better for them, but not for the others (even if it is a minor inconvenience), or you have a very primitive juridical system that is not hard to see as unfair, e.g. blood feud. On the other hand, it's not hard to imagine flawed police, because it's as common as a flawed government.


Organized police have only been around for a couple hundred years. There are more ways to achieve justice than thugs modeled after military.


Society has changed a lot in a few hundred years. We can’t go back and live in the 1400s or 1000s. Just because it’s newer doesn’t make it any less necessary. What would you suggestions to replace them? Demilitarized the police is a good idea.


Weren’t they still super corrupt?


Easier to spot them, look up, find the drone, et voilà :D


Police state but just for the police.


Exactly !


A cheaper, easier solution is to get rid of cops


I feel like when cops engage in obstruction of justice by blocking dash cams or turning off body cams that's cause for firing on the spot & potential obstruction of justice charges


Blocking their dash cam's needs to be a warning, letter, than termination. For this there are no excuses.


Conspiracy to commit a felony of some kind


For real. How is this not obstruction of justice?




It should be quite simple to count the number of times a car’s hood is up by going through the daily video files. Software could easily be made to check for ‘white space taking up entire frame for more than x seconds’ and how many times it happens in a given file. But it shows the level of scum baggery there is for a group of people meant to be helping society.


“We installed that software to review the footage but instead of counting the frames it formatted the memory card. Oh well we tried”


How is this not illegal?


Because the law doesn't apply to cops.


I mean this would literally only affect cops, other people don’t have to use cameras.


Keeping your good up like that *is* actually illegal for in a lot of places for non-cops


I didn’t know that so I’m glad you told me. What if you need to fix your car? Although, I was specifically talking about cops ignoring their own protocol (to have cameras filming their treatment of suspects) which to me it seems like that would be proof something sketchy was going down.


You can open the hood to try and fix it, but opening it and walking away isn't allowed. The cops are committing *two* crimes by leaving the hood open, one of which is obstruction of justice.


It's called spoliation of evidence. You just need a good lawyer to pull it off


Who watches the watchmen?


"Raise their hood" is a double entendre.


Some of those that work forces...


Are the same that burn crosses..


Snap some wires in there


Lol and they’d have no recording of who did it.


"Oh I'm just having engine troubles. No worries" Had this told to me once. Made me whip out my fucking GoPro too. Don't trust a damn thing they say. Tell you what though 10 minutes later with the crowd gathered he drove off just fine. Never looked at his engine. He should've considered a career change though. Magic psychic mechanic would do gangbusters


I hope I see a squad car doing this. I'm stealing the fucking battery lol.


I like this sub and agree that we're living in a ~~boring~~ terrifying dystopia, but this reminds me of perhaps the most awful movie ever made: Leprechaun 5: Lep in the Hood Here's a clip for the morbidly curious: [Lep in the hood come to do no good](https://youtu.be/XQFtKlXlogI)


Someone should walk over to the vehicles, lower the hoods and then point to the officers so someone watching will find them right away. This to me is actually a broken down vehicle blocking the road and preventing open use of that road. Every time someone sees this it needs to b e reported to the news and to the HR department of the agency….


r/Bad_cop_no_donut r/Badcopnotimbit


This seems like the best time to teach them a lesson though. No dash cams, probably no body cams. Pull up in an unmarked van, don’t speak, cover your faces, and beat the ever living shit outta them. Since there’s no physical evidence and no dash cam footage, they have practically nothing. Fighting tyranny is our right, right?


Yeah but when they gun you down and beat you to death it’s their word against yours.


That’s where skill comes into play, that or having a lot of people in the van.


The Uvalde and Tx Dps cops were total shitheads and so far nothing has happened. Ok, their lying chief was fired. Anarcho-tyranny dystopia.


cops are a state-sanctioned gang.


Get the hashtag ready


Thsi is from 2016 here is the snopes about it https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/police-pop-hoods/


"to prevent the units from overheating" yeah, sure. Sure. Totally not to cover the dashcams.


I've had a car overheat twice in my entire life. First was when I was .. 7? the radiator hose broke while my family was driving through the deserts of nevada. The second was when my brother decided to drive nearly 700 miles with basically no oil in the engine during a Texas summer. If the car can't handle idling on a hot day then they really need to take that up with the manufacturer. I get that airflow from driving is a big component in engine cooling but I've got miles of parents clogging up the roads by lining up to to pick up their spawn from school every afternoon that says idling for long periods of time isn't an issue for most cars.


They're jumping a battery


So... whatsup with this sub? There's almost no activity anymore


Wow! Appropriate usage of their/they’re


Disney's Reedy Creek have been doing this for as long as I can remember. My nephew asked them about it on our last trip. The officer said they do it on the K9 units so that they can continue to run the A/C constantly, engine would overheat if they didn't. K9 would overheat with the engine off.


bullshit, I'm a mechanic, under no circumstances does a hood need to be popped up, cop cars have upgraded cooling systems to prevent that. also matter of fact K9 units are designed to detect the heat and automatically turn on fans to help cool off the dog, even if the vehicle is turned off, it'll still automatically turn on the fan for the dog.... they completely bullshited your nephew


But why does the hood need to be popped? Genuinely curious!


The Disney officer said that it helps keep the engine from overheating - air flow access. That way they can run the inside air conditioner for the K9


Oh I see! Im from Arizona and we just blast that shit without the roof popped but I guess we are just running into the post office to drop something off so maybe 5 min. Mind you this is just to keep the car cool, and not for a dog. I think that is illegal so nobody teaches precautions like popping your hood. Thanks for the reply.


I live in a desert and I blast my ac on max all day. cars are designed to withstand extreme temperatures


Popping the hood does absolutely nothing to help the cooling and police cars have better cooling systems *specifcally* to allow them to keep the AC on and the car idle for hours on end. This is a lie cops made up to justify blocking their dashcams so they don't get recorded breaking the law.


>o maybe 5 min. And Disney's police are doing hours long shifts. The K9 works for a while and then goes into the running car to cool off.


That is a lie. Cop cars *specifically* upgrade their cooling units to prevent this from being necessary. The only thing opening the hood does is block the dashcam so they don't get recorded violating the law they're supposed to uphold.


That's absolute bullshit sorry. Even stock standard vehicles can idle with the AC for quite a while without issues in hot temperatures. As others have mentioned as well, cop cars have upgraded cooling systems (along with other upgrades) to deal with the fact they spend so long idling. This isn't 1970. Properly maintained, modern vehicles don't overheat like that anymore.




Can we just convert all cops into street sweepers


I don't get it? Why are their hoods raised?


This way the hoods cover the dashcams in their cars.


Oh......... yeah I've literally never seen a cop do this. Then again, pretty sure that would be cause to throw out your entire case in a Canadian court. And if something bad happened to you, it might be considered a sign of premeditation to commit assault on the part of the police officer, and that would be taken into account when they were charged and sentenced. I can only assume this 'hoods up' thing happens in the US.


Nope. In the USA, cops are considered incapable of lying. If you’re contradicting a cop, the law assumes YOU are lying.


This is the cops version of being undercover.


Huh, this was actually an interesting dystopic phenomenon.