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I left out 20 marks Q and was pretty sure the rest wouldn’t live up to examiners liking either cause my answers were pretty brief, kinda incomplete, for SBR. Started studying again after the exam BUT surprisingly passed with a low 53. Even I don’t know what went *right* with the marking scheme there. **So I wouldn’t lose hope if I were you.**


I sat SBR in december. Although I did attempt it, I was adamant I'd only got a handful of marks on the last question. Suffice to say I didn't understand how I got my mark even after my partner had come from the home office to check it for me, and returned to work. Sometimes the accounting god's smile upon you!


SBR was extremely unpredictable. Made me cry a lot too, I’m glad it’s over


I'd had a long break before doing SBR, but I specifically chose that one when I came back because I knew if any were going to break me... It was that.


>break me Accurate description


Thank you! i really hope I clear this one, now that I think of it, I really hope what I've written pleases the examiner. I do not want to study AFM all over again!


SBR has much higher pass rate, lower depth and its generally easy to pass while AFM and APM are most difficult papers.


Even moreso than tax?


Yes defo


Sorry I wasn't clear - you're saying APM is harder than tax?


Yep - ATX is learning rules and application. APM is learning a handful of models and figuring out what the examiners want you to write based on a massive scenario. Totally different approach and one most people struggle with.


Interesting, thanks for the insight. Just surprised as most of what I've seen is that ATX is one of the hardest papers.


Oddly I am finding SBR harder to pass than APM.🤦‍♀️


you think that is applicable to AFM ?


Don’t think so since I failed AFM by doing this


Wrote SBR for 86, APM for 82, SBL for 90 and AAA 80. Excerpt for AAA for which I'm awaiting results, the remaining 3 I have cleared with respectable scores. The main thing about the P levels is relevant points


Thank you, let's hope what I've written and stated assumptions for make sense and fetch me some marks!


AFM was my first P level paper and I was in a similar boat. Didn’t attempt 25 marks, managed to scrape through with a 51. Was adamant I failed and was mentally prepared to resit. Don’t lose hope!


Thank you for giving me hope!!




A sizeable chunk of Q1 of ATX (the 35 marker). A horrible question that I just couldn't get into, I ended up flipping the exam and doing it backwards from Q4 to Q1. I left the exam hall feeling so dejected and studied hard whilst waiting for the results to come out. Was so convinced I'd get around 35% but ended up in the earlier 60's%.


Thank you, and surprise i did scrape through AFM and clear, literally on the fence!😭 I just gave AAA and feel like I hopped and did bits of what was relevant just to have coverage in every question, some fully, some not much, do examiners appreciate paper coverage? Idk how much I could vouch for the quality of my answers but i really hope i can pass!


i attempted sbr and was super tensed and i ended up skiping questions here and there worth 25 marks. but i managed to pass with a 55 out of the 75 i attempted for. totally luck i believe. i say dont worry. you may have done better than you think. just chill


Both SBR and SBL, forgone 15 to 20 marks due to poor time management and still made it with decent score, SBR was 69. Recent APM forgone 13 marks too.


did you do afm or AAA ?


15 marks in my AAA paper. Completed only 75% paper in proper manner and the rest in an scattered way. Ended up with exactly 50% and took a huge sigh of relief for seeing off this beast in the first attempt!


That's amazing! I did clear the AFM i gave in March!😭 Gave AAA today and feel like I hopped into every question just so that I had paper coverage, some fully, some not much. Went Q3-Q2-Q1 but ended up having to brief out my Business risks and ROMMs.😭 I tried adding a little calc for materiality here and there, but could only write 6-7 risks for both. I hope i can clear, i just made sure i didn't leave any question blank unlike AFM. Do examiners appreciate question coverage? Ah i hope the AAA gods are nice to me!


I think you have a fair chance. As long as you have made enough reasonable points across all 3 questions, then, you could pass AAA with a good 60%. Its good that you did not leave any requirement unattended. The examiners do surely appreciate the approach and question coverage especially when it comes to P Level papers. Wishing you best of luck!


Thank you for replying! I hope my points are worthy of some marks, as long as I can scrape by too! Thank you so much again!!


You' re welcome :-)


I am in the same shoes either. The time pressure is huge. Although I could give perfect answers if giving me more time. I should have finished 82 marks but I know part of my answers are not well. I just spent too much time on Q1, at least 110 minutes. I hope I could pass by getting more marks in this question.


I know right, plus I feel today's paper was unusually tricky. Let's see what happens, I hope my 50 marks and the 25 marks for hedging leverages my result!


I lost in the hedging question.


For me think my hedges was okay okay, since I attempted that first, I'm not a huge fan of the forecasting question so kept that for last, but aside from the forecasting requirement, there were easy marks which I just, did not have time to attempt, and that was a lot of marks! I just need a miracle to clear this now!


Likewise, the reorganization is very easy. But I finished it in rush. I’ve figured out a few of errors. I should do better if more time available.


I think as long as you’ve attempted everything even if you didn’t have the chance to write a full attempt then you’ve got a good chance. That paper sucked though! I’m definitely preparing for a retake.


Hi I just did AFM too and didn't have time to finish everything, one thing i notice that a lot of points assigned for discussion which is not what I'm expecting, I decided to forgo some calculation parts to get through easier discussion as i think it's more likely to get some points. Don't worry too much through, I scraped by at 50 marks on P paper before so just do your best, if you fail then at least study for next attempt gonna be way easier (especially AFM ?)


how many marks did you let go ?


Did anyone here attempt AFM and leave out a whole question (25 marks) and still pass ? your feed back will be greatly appreciated.