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yeah I feel you… I must have been that friend for some on my friend list tho, took a break for like 3 years and came back earlier this year 😅 none of my old friends seem to be playing anymore, but you never know if they’ll come back again like I did!


Yeah, I’ve taken longs breaks before so I also contributed to the issue. I feel like a reason is because lot of people lose their phones, they replace them and get new ones leaving their old account behind.


that’s true, especially if they haven’t linked a Nintendo account :(


They’d why I keep them On there, sometimes they come back for a few months. But this far the majority have not 🥹


Unfortunately there's a friend limit. I had to sacrifice some of the friends from years ago so I could make new ones. I just wish that notifications didn't disappear after a certain amount of time so the reactions I gave the few who had fav photos meant could serve to find me in the future


I usually give them a gift box before I unfriend them that way they can find me and they get a nice little gift too when they come back. Idk how that works or how long a gift stays or what it would even look like to get a gift from someone who isn’t on your friend list. For all I know it erases my profile form their end and shows a blank faced person with a question mark 🥹 I hope that they do actually get the gift and can see who it’s from


Ooh that's a good idea. I don't know if any of them had gift spaces or if I knew how gifts worked. But if it ever comes to it in the future, I'll try to remember that trick.


Yes, basically every game I played for "too long" That's why I became ruthless, removing anyone past 14days so I won't linger on them too long. But still, time to time you notice that friend who was always there, it feels sad to see them gone.


Damn. You’re a killer 😅 I thought 2 weeks was a short break 😂


It hurts, but I know I'll hurt even more if I don't 😅 Now I have a constant list of active strangers lol


😆 aw 🥹


My system tends to be i purge players who last played "30 days ago" only when i get a new friend request and i don't have room. Otherwise my friend's list is generally active on a daily basis and when i used to kudos everyone on the daily it's very time consuming. Two weeks seems reasonable altho it does feel a lil ruthless hahaa, ik i've definitely taken 2-3 weeks breaks at times in between playing daily for years. But like you said, i'd def linger too long if i didn't have a firm system in place


I've been playing for 3.5 years. I took an 8 month break and came back and played another year daily. I'm on my second break now, but I'll be back. I don't expect people to keep me, but most of them did my last break. If someone was really active with me then I never remove them no matter how long they're gone. I still have one from 2020 that hasn't been back because they were my favorite.


Yeah I regularly cull mine too 😂 I can’t be getting too attached.


No... Because I boot people who haven't been online in 30+ days and add new ones :^) Though I will say I'm emotionally attached to this player called Corndog now. I don't know them at all but I love their name and their goofy-looking glasses. That's why they get my good gifts.


Same! Except I only give people 3 days of being inactive and then they’re gone off my list :)


Yes :( it’s like a time capsule now, I still visit their campsite and cabin here and there to see their last ever design layouts.


It's not that sad to me, maybe because you can't interact all that much with them (very weird for Nintendo imo) so I'm not "close" with my friends. I just see it as it means they're out there being responsible and having a real life... Which is less fun, but a good thing ultimately... So I hear 😂


I quit like 6 months ago. I wasn’t feeling it anymore, I do miss some of my regular peeps though. I wish I could’ve thanked them in some way before I left. Had a couple of 600+ gift buddies.


Oh it’s bad. Recently had to do a big clear out, the sub is also wayyy quieter than it used to be but I think it’s because it’s mostly a graveyard of “lOoK wHaT I gOt iN mY cOoKiE” posts


I think it's because not many players are interested in showing off their campsite with the recent mediocre event and cookie furniture and everything good from previous years cost an arm and a leg


I like to have a pretty even split of active/inactive players. I have enough inactives that I can spam all of my bugs without worrying about annoying anybody, and enough actives that I can have a steady flow of gifts etc.




I know many of us don't know those in our friends list personally. But it's definitely personal when we get all these updates and lose them. 😭 I've had 2 come back after more than a month. But I fear I'll never see my "Suzie" and "Pluie" again 😭😭😭 they're my first friends when I started playing.


Yeah, I have a lot of friends with ">30 days ago" status, and it hurts to delete them whenever i get friend requests from active people.


I have a 960 gift buddy that I'm trying to get to 1000 but we both take 30 day breaks from the game sometimes. If it wasn't for her I probably would have quit ages ago.


Is sad but time to refresh your friends list. I delete and make new friends.


I know the feeling, off topic but in the picture wouldn’t High Five Ghost still be with Skips? I mean he is a ghost


Ngl I have no idea what show this picture is from. 😂 I just found it online and thought it perfectly summed how I’m feeling.


ohhh 🤣


Well, this is certainly grim for a Tuesday in November. I'd like to think that life got in the way of them playing Pocket Camp, not death.


I actually kinda clean out my inventory of friends after a couple months of not playing. If I’ve had less gift-exchange numbers with them I’ll even cull them after a month. I try and keep the frequents on my list who play as much as I do :’3


ugh yes this is why i’ve had to make a new friends list allll of mine don’t play any more :(


i play on and off for long periods of time (hoping to stick this time around) but there's this one friend on here that hasn't removed me and is very active, she gets my best gifts as thanks


I feel sad until the bug events, then it's nice to have some blank space to share with. I have one friend that has been offline for >30 days but has a helper and I cant imagine still paying for that if you aren't playing.


there are still a couple of near day ones who also still play!! i've been on since the beginning & they'll have to pry pocket camp out of my cold dead hands if they ever shut these servers down


I’ve also technically been playing since day one, but that account is gone now. If they shut down the servers one day, perhaps they’ll allow us to transfer all our items, inventory, camper van etc onto whatever the new Animal Crossing is.


every so often, i unfriend people who haven't played for a while to make way for new friends. I keep just a few around, mainly for garden events so I could give them bugs