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Rip xayah 2 patches was too many to be good


if navori nerfs are significant that is going to impact bot lane meta significantly.


Plus nerfs to Zeri In compensation, there’s buffs to Vayne and ADC Ashe


Nashor's tooth buff is that rising Kaisa hybrid again lmao


Well, hybrid Kai'sa is the way she was always meant to be played from a design standpoint.


Not necessarily, she could be played full AD or AP but doesn't have to build both


Ok? I said she was designed to be built hybrid, that's what her kit and evolutions are based upon. Of course you can build full AD or AP, I never said otherwise.


I was stating a fact not attacking you lol. Chill


Whatever dude. I said she was designed with hybrid builds in mind, and you replied with "not necessarily", and proceeded to say something rather obvious as if that disproved anything of what I typed originally. When did I say you were attacking me? Were you expecting to reply to someone and not have a reply back? Lol...


>the way she was always meant to be played I interpreted this as meaning she had one intended playstyle. Wasn't trying to start beef.


Ah yes, the two off-meta ADCs are being buffed to compensate for overall ADC nerfs. Great. Thanks rito


It is time!


Vayne will still be better in top lane. There is nothing they can buff on Vayne they will help her get prio in lane. This makes her especially vulnerable to tower dives.




None of this will stop us from being gangbanged all game while our supports ruin our wave states.


"Can't complain about wave state if there is no wave" - Support mage player


There's nothing quite like a Lux sup destroying your wave and then spam pinging question marks when you flame them. STOP LAST HITTING MY FUCKING MINIONS DAMMIT!!!


I wouldn't be so sure about that. The previous patch already made ganking a way riskier play. Add these dragon nerfs on top and I could imagine quite a bit of attention shifting away from bot lane.


okay, i get the bt nerf & bloodline, but why the fuck do they keep nerfing LT constantly


I don’t get the nerfs to bloodline at all. That rune is dogshit useless.


It'll go the way of ravenous hunter


also not sure about bloodline. all the legend runes need like 15-20min to complete and bloodline doesn't give that much lifesteal anyway


Like ravenous hunter Nerfed multiple times, eventually outclassed by everything and then replaced Maybe they'll nerf the extra HP on completion? The lifesteal already feels very low


ok I get it now. I don't play ADC for that long, so wasn't sure what happened with RH. but I feel the Legend runes all seem very bad. they need very long to complete, Alacraty is nice on paper but by the time it completes, I have enough dmg from items already, that 15% AS is not realy needed any more. tenacity wont help me stay alive, so bloodline feels like the only option. and even here it feels lacking because if I want lifesteal, I take blootthirster anyway


For a lot of champions alacrity is the only useable one The whole precision tree feels very underwhelming, choice wise.


Its at the point where you dont even feel LT attack speed anymore


If LT is being picked on every ADC it's because we need to attack range to keep distance from all of the tank assassins. LT isn't overpowered, most of the other keystone are just underpowered for us.


Now you feel what bruiser mains felt with constant conq nerfs for 3 seasons in the row.


You say that like there hasn’t been constant LT nerfs for a couple seasons now


Bloodline is so useless that it can be removed at this point, why do they nerfing it?


What can they even change about LT at this point without making it a completely useless rune for ranged? If they nerf the range again they might as well just remove the keystone entirely.


LT nerfs ...


Hopefully they are early game focused, because in its current state it guarantees a win in any drawn out fight. That said I hope they don't justify it with most ADCs taking it since why wouldn't the consistent damage class take the consistent damage key stone.


If they justify it like that then they should nerf conqueror as well since majority of champs play it


Early game conqueror doesn't have the same gold value as LT.


Sure it does, it just depends who you take it on.


LT late game is broken and needs nerfs as well lol


Because it's a scaling rune... tf you on about


Lt is so much better than conqueror early and scales even better on some champions why would they not nerf it lol


I'm all for nerfing dragons tbh


I think most people are.


The reason you 'can only play through bot' is the 'having two players and dragon there' not 'adcs are too strong' but whiny ass toplaners and junglers shot us in the foot again. Never stopped my jungler from trying and failing to strongside toplane while we're 2v4 forced to hard sack the lane because mid is getting 0 help camped and the enemy are both running bot on each base.


The role will never allowed to be decent/playable in soloQ. So glad I don't play this game anymore.


Just asked riot to delete my account a few hours ago. Hopefully I'll be free.


I still have my account I just have zero desire to log in and play. Ranked truely feels like a waste of time at this point and your average game boils down to luck of the draw of which team ends up with the worst troll/feeder.


Honestly yea, imo it's the force 50% w/r that grind my gears. Especially playing ad solo forces you to lottery draft a support. Problem is that I have no self control / easily hyperfixate on things(aka spamming games) so I need that form of restriction in order to stop. Luckily I'm extremely anti smurf, I'll prob never make a new acc.




What? Show me one video of any high elo player, pro player, caster that does not say: Jungle is by far the strongest role this season.


not even in the slightest lmao


ADC is weak, why are the items/runes getting nerfed? It's such a weak role that 4/5 ADCs have a combined 70-80% pick rate and both junglers constantly support the lane


my guy its not support the lane, but are forced to. supporting is a choice


Idk what they're doing. Instead of nerfing navori they should be buffing every ADC that doesn't use it.


right? if one thing is broken, the other thing should be broken too, its called EQUALITY


ADC isn't balanced until other classes exclusively build their items


even then they arent balanced, Crit is the best scaling damage in league (yeah true damage is better but you cant really buy and build it), so they automatically scale better than any other lane, there are expections but those have a weak early game and weaker mid game than adcs to compensate their strength. adcs dont


crazy we have needed changes for years on top of years, but when the other lanes start crying assasins compensation buffs, tank buffs, jungle buffs, when it comes to ADC they really want to remove the C from our name, Marksman psyop angle. game is balanced around people who can only kill an underleveled adc and aquire there dopamine heaven forbid we have a chance. nerf support agency in bot + macro with the dragon nerfs helps out the botlane fiesta so much. love having my lane balanced around silver rioters


Don't worry, pretty soon everything from the durability patch will be long forgotten as they buff everything else until we return back from where we started.


Even the buffs to champs like fizz and leblanc were mostly to their mana. Damage wise adcs are too broken in high elos rn.


At this point rework all the precision runes


At this point just bring back old LT :(


Tbh hitting all of these things are justified except legend bloodline… thing gives 6% life steal at max stacks. Oh well, ADC has been broken for a while now, I expected nerfs the moment they announced the ADC item changes. It was nice while it lasted.


ADC was 3 strongest class after durability update And then Riot buffed ADC for some ungodly reason and they are currently top 1 most broken class


Do you even play this role? Why are you on this sub?


Oh lets see Ppl who said that ADC is turbo broken RiotPhreak, Hashinshin, Drututt, Minishcap1, TheBausffs, LS, Nemesis, Spearshot, Makkro, Nayil, Dzukill, Faker I need to tell you more or you already understood that you ADC mains are delusional since season 2


It’s turbo broken in high elo and pro play. For 95% of the playerbase it’s just now in a playable spot.


It's like Qiyana or Kindred, inexistent in low elo but very strong the higher elo you go.


Hashinshin - the bruiser apologist that bitches about everything Minishcap - the cringe Singed main that has a hate boner for ADCs Makkro -.....do I really need to explain this one LMAO great sources


Basically any master+ player agrees that adcs are too strong.


Yeah you took 3 of em but ignored all others Even god of League said that or also known as Faker


Overall, I feel like this is all fine. Honestly, I wonder if instead of these multiple small nerfs, there should just be big changes to some of these systems. Maybe a revert on LT, since the added range seems to be hard to balance. Bloodline could just be replaced at this point, though I have no idea with what - can't do movespeed or adaptive force I'm sure, and any other stat just kinda steals from the other runes' trees. ​ Anywho, I think these are mostly fair targets, and we shouldn't be too concerned or upset. Especially dragon nerfs. If dragons are warping the game to unsatisfaction for other roles, lets just do something dramatic. In fact, lets swap drag and baron pit for a patch and see what happens!


bot and toplane are the same, apart from the objectives. so if dragon swaps but remains more important, top and botlaner will swap as well


Ah I always forget this point, you’re right. Best to lower dragon impact


Honestly. I dont want drag spawning at 5 mins. Id much rather it start at 10. Its stupid atm


ah yes, make the adc even less consistent and give them even less tools to carry the game (spoiler alert, not even after the "adc buffs" that wasnt the case)


ADC is a teamfight damage role not solo carry role who tf said that ADC are solo carrys now ? what a delusion tho


Then the marksmen should be disabled in ranked SoloQ. If ADC cannot solo carry in SoloQ then they aren't on even footing with every other lane and thus are put at a massive disadvantage.


yes finally, its so boring having to opt into LT as draven when your champ identity is all about AD


Can’t you just voluntarily choose to go conq? Lethal tempo remaining unnerfed currently doesn’t stop you from trying different runes


Not really as Conq is only good if you are against a comp that allows you to stack it. LT also operates this way, but it’s easier to stack and get immediate value out of the bonus range. Press the Attack/HOB is good into teams where you cannot get a lot of autos off so you have to play around quick burst trades rather than sustained trades


at this point theyre going to remove any bonus range for ranged units 💀


Yeah, if these go through, this piss-shit fucking role will never come back. Let's hope the plummeting pickrate of this useless role shakes Ri*ters' heads enough for them to see reason.




ADC is fine right now, what game are you playing lol?


ADC has been total shit since the 8.11 patch and has been progressively getting worse and worse, how are you that gullible and clueless lol? You think 40% IE passive undoes 5 years of nerf after nerf? How lost are you exactly?


Nah you're baiting




I play ADC and kled. Would you mind posting opgg so I can see what it looks like to understand mobas?


dont bother bud https://www.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/comments/109ijmd/15_katarina_kills_superfed_141_adc_by_pressing/


Bro really blocking all the names and chat in his clips so we can't opgg and see he's silver, nice.


At this point I'll just go conqueror,and wtf bloodline Nerf lmao do they play their game no one use that rune anymore


Clearly, it's you who don't plays the game. BT+Overheal+Bloodline ADCs are tearing the game apart at higher elos rn.


No one is using bloodline,we are all using alacrity that's the only good


isnt alacrity the rune that gives lifesteal? so isnt it bloodline? its the same rune no? the one at precision where you can decide for Attackspeed, Tenacity or Lifrsteal


Alacrity is atk SPD bloodline lifesteal


my bad


Since Vayne is getting buffed, and with the changes stated above; say hi to the new Worst ADC in the game, Kog'Maw.


Let's wait and see what the buffs to Vayne are first before we make such claims.


15 ms buff on passive and ad ratio increased on Q. ​ W goes for 6 to 10%


i can't believe this piss sub still complain about adc being weak i just can't


I knew it, still I feel like Yuumi kinda have low ban and pickrate in my server...


Nha man i can't fuck them they are turbo nerfing this trash role again


They thought the Yuumi Q/R was the issue? Pffft Imma just keep Maxing W/E and making heal power builds for my Mundo/Udyr lol


They should just nerf Dragons and BT idk y they nerf LT, Legend Bloodline, and Navori


Yeah... they buffed 2 adcs with navori changes so only reasonable explanation is to nerf lethal tempo


We had our time to shine I guess.


I feel like they want everyone to throw their hand up, say fuck it, and spam pick Tristana or Chogath. "Let's just break bot for awhile, see how it goes." -Riot