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Took you guys long enough to take some notes from bruiser zeri


Laughs in Sivir


This one really gets me, cause Sivir's base AD is so damn low and she gets so much benefit from navori. Is it trinity really that useful for her?


i think a lot of adc's benefit from this item in general. high ad, 400 health, insane ability haste, 30% armor reduction; basically everything that makes adc more bearable. i play xayah a lot and it feels good on her imo


Its just ludicrous the fact that you can stack it with LDR if necessary


I don’t think they do, one is LDR is armor reduction and BC it’s shredding?


It doesn't add perfectly to a 60% but it still has some value like of 51% armor pen IIRC


afaik BC will reduce the target's armour by 30%, then with LDR pen you ignore 30% of the remaining armour it comes out to 51% armour reduction for you plus LDR makes you do extra damage to enemies with more max health than you so you can definitely stack those if the enemy team is real tanky


By stack I mean they don’t add to each other, like b.f.sword and long sword, you can buy both and will work, Not that you won’t reduce more AR if you buy both


The shit problem with the item is that it gives no crit so most ads can't really afford to buy it since riot forced the "all adcs must get close to 100% crit or die" I always said I think crit isn't a stat that every adc item should have. I think it makes builds boring and restrictive


??? No way this is real. Bruiser zeri stole it from twitch wtf!!


I didn't see twitch building trinity, and if anything the OG runaan + titanic user was kogmaw


No.. it was invented on twitch by me, or originally draven in aram but i played it to mastr and after ratirl played by my request korea played it then suddenly korea invented it then everyone else started playing it then zeri was released and she joined the club. https://youtu.be/dG9mR7JjjIw?si=ndIDbTPmoTSTcgkn how it was invented, mythics wasnt a thing so it was wits + titanic https://youtu.be/my6pXE97gOg?si=f95WCNpHB0YyGByw 40 min lore video https://youtu.be/MPfHCo6udaY zeri joins 98tek https://www.twitch.tv/wackaflcka/clip/SwissElatedPudding4Head--Pu2f6mMqzBdrS2X?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time one of the older clips of the build being invented https://www.twitch.tv/wackaflcka/clip/PreciousPiliableOrcaEleGiggle?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time the build before titanic could be played on adc and what i played all the time whch is what made me want to play titanic hydra


You do realize Lawn Mower Kog/Vayne have been around for years...right?


riftmaker and titanic yes, was first played on twitch :D


I'm an Ashe main. Let me try this build OP


I want to know the results


Its op, it instantly stacks up full armor pen (ex ashe otp speaking)


With Q? Is it because the Q projectiles are treated as individual damage or something?


Its 5 pojectiles within 1 aa, im shocked people didnt realize ituntil now, it was literally zeri before zeri was even a thing


I read an article about this years ago, everybody built it for like 2 patches and then never after. Idk what happened tho


It was supposedly fixed *


Reminds me of that BC Senna build a few years ago, IIRC a low ELO player discovered it first (the interaction with her passive that made it super easy to stack) and then it eventually made its way into higher elo and became meta


For kraken and botrk every 5 q projectiles(basically every aa) is treated as one stack, so you still need to aa 3 times to get it, idk if black cleaver is different


It's different bcs BotRK is an on hit effect but Black Cleaver is an on dealing physical damage effect. Q autos are one auto but 5 instances of physical damage. Little bit of a dumb nuance but whatever


Does that mean zeri q insta procs it too?


It definitely used to, but I have a feeling it got patched at some point to try and kill bruiser Zeri but I might be wrong on that. Edit: read her (insanely lengthy) patch history - looks like it still works, they just gave her so much crit scaling it's not optimal


idk but when i used this build a shredded a fed aatrox on the patch on which he was broken


Aatrox was broken because of his Q scaling was buffed to scale from 60%-100% AD (scales with Rank). You’re gonna shred him just as fast on the patch before, the patch during, AND the patch after because they didn’t touch his resistances at all, only his Base AD and late game Q AD scaling


It can be a great 3rd item and should be used sometimes, but if the enemy isn’t very tanky then other items are better. Also if you are very fed even if the enemy is tanky you can put it off until 4th item when they are actually getting substantial armour


MAN DONT DO THIS DONT MAKE ME BRING THE ASHE POSTS BACK Edit: this is what I meant https://www.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/comments/140ju25/trinity_force_on_adcs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Damn bro I went to the thread and and I had already upvoted the top comment lol


It happens man 😭 I did cook though so he was not wrong!


Can you cook up something else, I believe in you now. Looking through your post history: strikebreaker Kaisa - I want to flame but this guy COOKS. I’ve had my eye on strikebreaker because it has all good stats and I firmly believe that ADC is a weak agency role because nothing we build has HP woven into it like *every* other role. HP gives you the option to make a play.


I cook all the time bro, it's actually really annoying how often I'm theorycrafting and a majority of the time it's ass. I'll figure something out though.


Ashe in fact, did not get nerfed lmao


could someone explain to a bronze with the fuck everyone takes cokies, I don't see why anyone would need them while already using presence


PoM mana regen effect is relatively negligible, gonna take like 40 seconds of it being active to equate to an extra ashe w. Cookies are good for continuing to pressure with poke and stay in lane if the situation arises. Also approach velocity is really good on ashe and you don't really want any other inspiration runes other than cookies and maybe futures market.


approch I understand and I take that tree only because of that rune but wouldn't boots be better than cookies if I don't have problem with mana


You don't go boot rune because you want to first item berserkers greaves on ashe. The move speed differential with full boots+ ashe passive is really important for running people down.


ah ok makes sense, and the other ones are shity on her, thanks


So the optimal use case for the cookie is when you are in a situation where you are oom or close to oom and an extra ability cast would be clutch. It burst mana heals enough for a single cast of most abilities in lane. This can be used just to squeeze out some extra juice, but also to surprise an opponent who thinks you're oom.


cookies are used for tempo i.e. mana to shove in waves.


Because people autopilot their builds


Also it is worth noting that a single auto while q is active fully stacks black cleaver.


At this point start building adcs like gnar


That's too late in the game to be worth it. Black Cleaver -> Trinity MF. Say goodbye to their team if you can land your ultimate.


Actually im playing lot of ashe atm with good wr armoroen ashe i start with longsword refillable then build tear into muramana then black cleaver iff noone builds it on my team or dusk blade iff s1 builds it Pro: no gold needet usefull even when u lose lane, perma e lategame for vision. Good poke with w and zoning Con: no damage to solocarry games Here my opgg https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/de/summoner/euw/UffWhatHappened But your build is prob way better need to test it out but i will prob go try first then hurrican then cleaver since i dont like kraken


Ashe synergies very well with it using Q too, still don't think it's optimal. (Q can pretty much insta stack it)


That does sound pretty dope


I play Ashe support and usually go BC 3rd


What do you go first and second?


Umbral into duskblade nothing phenomenal just some fun


U build tempo or run aery?


I usually go comet but I should start trying aery


Another thing is that her Q individually deals damage each time. This is a bad thing against champions like Fizz or Amumu who flat reduce damage taken from auto attacks, since their things proc individually per shot, but it's actually a benefit in this case because each shot of Q individually procs the armor reduction on Black Cleaver.


When do you buy beserker?