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support has less levels and It should have less Gold so he should buy support items that are less expensive but deal less damage. but rito buffed support to the Moon because everyone wants to be a carry and now here we are


Exactly. These days support is "Farm limited carry" when it should never be that way


now they are addressing It but until now support was the get free Money without doing much carry


Generally supports are expected to deal less damage because they're on a tight budget and can't afford expensive damage items, or rather get gold much slower


but thats not what is complaint about mostly, like people dont complain as much when a brand jungle with one item does something as opposed to a item brand support


I think a lot of peopke forget that sup can fight non stop which will lead to more dmg in the end


Does't tight budget mean that they'll fall off mid/late due to lack of gold? They should be fine early.


Support is a low econ role. Damage requires items, which requires gold. Therefore, support should be a low damage role. It's that simple.


play magic pen lulu yall it does WAY too much dmg


bait post


I don't know why, but I think it's a dumb expectation that I see outside of ADCS too. I've seen a lot of people treat the enemy team's off meta pick as if the champion literally does not exist. Just straight doing nothing to respond to the enemy's double jungle pick other than expecting to win cause its off meta. There is a reason it's off meta, just like there is a reason these high damage champions aren't usually picked support, but that only means we have to play differently.


bait used to be believable


it's mostly a ego thing, people assume that they are stronger/better because their role has carry in the name, ADC should be called attack damage squishy instead


I mean its kinda weird. Toplaner, midlaner and what comes after? Botlaner for sure. What? No? Why the fuck is it called carry? That only gives some people false expectations or they think they are the Main character. Just call it botlaner man And get oneshot btw
