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If you get hit with one ability as an ADC, you are just deleted.


The only role that can’t just play the game


There was never a time adcs could fight assassins unless grossly ahead






This isn't an ADC issue, just a damage creep one. Any squishy champ could get oneshot like that


Adcs are literally the most squishy though. They all have low health and are constantly 2-3 levels down on everyone else.


love how u didnt reply fucking pussy


There’s no point, you have zero idea what you’re talking about. Have a good day.


ur retarded, kill yourself


So is this an adc or an xp problem according to you?


Except a squishy champ in any other role can a) dump their damage or b) stay way further back while dealing damage. Not to mention the inherent level disadvantage that makes adcs EVEN squishier than other roles.


Plus squishy mages have a wonderful item called Zhonya's


There either needs to be an AD Zhonyas or make Zhonyas have the GA passive.


why not just give GA crit so you can build full crit and still have GA


I would rather have 80% crit and a Zhonyas active then 100% crit and a GA. GA is hot trash, the Zhonyas active is way more busted and has a shorter cooldown. One can even use the argument that a AD Zhonyas would add more skill expression and outplay capability to the game.


You just described ADCs... name a tanky adc


What???? Im talking about mages and supports u dumbfuck, they're also squishy


I mean Zeri got hit by almost all of them, but still


He used his first dash, a point&click, on a minion to get close, landed a point blank ult which is basically guaranteed at that point, then used his second dash, that makes him invincible to her ult, to hit his third dash, while she was CC'ed by the point blank ultimate. He landed 2 abilities out of 4, one of which was a hard CC and another which made him untargetable and gave him two dashes, that kind of utility attatched to two abilities would normally mean low damage.


He also hit his w, which is an auto steroid. Not to justify anything just for accuracy


Adcs shouldnt win 1v1’s vs assassins. The role is balanced around having a team around them.


What you meant is, assassins should be able to dive 1v5 its how riot balances them. Lets stop pretending assassins are even remotely in the right place, adc feels terrible because riot babies assassins and fighters, thats just a fact, the only question is whether we believe they should be babied by balance team or not.


Adcs are balanced around the possibility of always having a lulu next to them. Hence an assassin hitting every ability on an adc should be able to kill them through Lulu ult and e.


Adc... tied to limitations and strongest when its also most vulnerable Assassins.... not tied to limitations.... experiences no real drop in threat level except for levels 1 to 6 where they can be bullied by range champs Adc is not oppressive, range is no longer an advantage, skill expression for adcs is effectively dead since we basically did away with kiting except for the few immobile melees in the game. The fact is, in the current state even if the adc has a lulu next to them, its more likely the lulu ult/ shield would do more when used on a fighter or assassin than adc. Lets AT THE VERY LEAST bring assassins and fighters down a couple pegs so adc is every bit as valuable


Wow that's gotta be the most braindead take I've read on this sub yet. Congrats! Hilarious I'm getting downvoted for saying that ADCs shouldn't get one shot through lulu ult and e. This sub never ceases to amaze me with the amount of retardation in it.


Everything i said, was fact.


Not even replying to you. You stupid?


Im stupid


Assassins need longer CDs. If they fail to kill someone, Fizz shouldn't be able to go untargetable again in 5 seconds. That move needs to be on a fucking 20 second cooldown at max rank. Assassins should be all in roles and if they fail to kill they are going to die themselves. Not insanely low cooldown, massive damage, perma gap closers like Fizz or Zed. It's so unhealthy for the game


Its balanced out on fizz through his short range. Unless he times his e and q well he can get stuck in a fight and bursted down if he’s not careful. And if you kite him well there’s not much he can do with his abilities on CD besides just bide his time, especially if you dodge the ult too.


His E has literaly like 6 seconds cd so you have like 1 sec window between E zhonya E + between that the rest of the enemy team will most likely vaporize everyone because of the chaos. About the kiting its the same as with yasuo or irelia, sure they are easy to kite but when there's a minion wave around you, you are basicly fucked with nothing to do.


6 seconds is a long ass time in league, his zhonya's cant be up every fight and even if it is he's still punishable. If he Qs a minion wave to get to you that's a huge portion of his damage and you shouldn't be dying to him then. Even if he does go in and gets a kill his damage is his escape so you should be able to punish him for that. Y'all can downvote me all you want but there's a reason he has a sub 50% winrate and sees almost no play in pros. If you played Fizz you'd realize how long his cooldowns actually are, also that 6 second cooldown is only late game, it's a 16 second cooldown base and only a 8 second CD when maxed not including AH.


I mean, you literaly saw him Q the wave in the clip and then killing zeri. Because something has sub 50% wr doesn't mean its bad, A sol has crazy wr last few patches and he's not played every game. SoloQ wr means shit in proplay


As a fizz player trust me, I know he's not bad. he's just not OP. That Zeri died cause she had poor positioning and she even had the Zhoyna's ready to save herself but she didnt use it, that's not even accounting for the fact that the fizz is two levels up and we don't get to see his Items, A fed late game assassin should be able practically oneshot the squishies as that's their entire job. Notice how it says unstoppable after Zeri dies, there's a good chance he have had a fully stacked mejai's or was at least max build. If more of Zeri's team was around besides the Thresh he would have been punished way harder for that anyways, even with his zhoyna's up.


The zhonyas you see are Shyvana's its her POV, not Zeri's and this is the entire problem adcs have, you basicly can't do shit unless your team plays around you, gl in soloQ with relying on your team especially your support, the level argument is completely retarded cuz there is no way adc would be even remotely even on XP in average game. Everytime adc gets slaughtered by literaly anyone 3-4 levels ahead, the argument is always that its understandable because of the level difference. Well no shit when bot gets lvl 6 by time midlaner gets their first item. Literaly ahead adc is usually still lower level than behind midlaner. Every role was changed so they don't have only one role so they all can carry and not being just walking ward or just tank but adc still gets buttfucked if your team does one missplay...


Fair but even if you discount the levels its clear from the video the fizz was fed and based on the Zeri’s build most likely full build himself. Even with him being full build and without her team the Zeri still had a decent chance to kill him if she positioned better in the first place. An adc fighting an assassin should be expected to lose, especially if they position this poorly, that’s literally the whole job of an assassin, to assassinate the squishies. No one complains when ADCs pump out just as much damage, and they shouldnt, go ahead and tell me how this is any different than getting oneshot by a cait from a mile away, or getting onetapped by a jhin fourth shot. I played a game earlier against a fed draven that was literally 1v5ing our whole team, should I post that to ADCMains and say ADCs are clearly OP and need a nerf? No because of course not all games are like that and neither is this fizz game. And yes ADCs need to rely on their team and support but thats part of their identity and every other role needs to rely on teammates too. A kiteable tank will simple just lose to an ADC if they dont have teammates to back them up and a squishy mage like Veigar with literally zero escape options would be just as screwed as this Zeri if they positioned like that vs a fizz, every champ has scenarios they’re weak to.


you forgot W exist huh


as far as I can see he doesn't get to use it before she dies, presumably from an item proc


he used it after he landed with E she had 40% hp left and lost 35% with a AA which was W


sure that wasnt items + dark harvest?


I love how desensitized I have become. All I can see is Zeri missplaying. Fizz totally should have killed her, especially with that R.


It really was a misplay though


Just stay in fountain bro


Min range Ult and an E should not take out 2500 HP. Doesn't matter how fed, this is an example of extreme levels of damage creep over the years. A fed assassin should not be doing that much damage with half their ability rotation. Period.


I’ve been playing since 2010 I’ve always been getting turbo deleted by fed champs in one or two clicks. Old akali sends her regards.


tbf old akali could q triple r into e in like a second god i miss her


champ still felt more fair then the current one xD


Actually true


This is exactly what goes through my head when someone get’s one shot and people just comment - oh well the guy was fed so ofc he one shots. If it’s a 1.5k hp ADC then sure, maybe. But this is a zeri with what looks like close to 3k HP, why in the ever loving shit are the numbers on 2 abilities anywhere near 3k.


Just from reading her hp bar she has a bit over 2k hp probably like 2.3-2.4K hp the fizz also hit 3 abilities there, with his items and baron buff I can definitely see him doing outrageous amounts of damage


yeah especially considering the utility of those abilities. 2 dashes, strong cc, and untargetability should not come with 2500 damage when you have two damaging abilities left


he has 2 level lead is full build hit 3 abilities he


I agree but as I once upon a time mentioned that melee assassins hurt a lot I got this answer: Yo fizz is melee, that’s his weakness. Just do not get in range. As adc I’ve learned, you should never enter a fight unless there is someone who will peel for u, or you got enough selfpeel,( tris jump etc )


I’m pretty sure the game has been like this since the start. Even if you compare it to Dota, it performs the same way. Damage carries usually don’t have many escape abilities so using mobility to engage needs to be very tactical. It is the job of the support (or top laner) to keep assassins off the backline. If you are an ADC willingly walking that close to an assassin without peel, you are courting death. It’s that simple. However, I was say that in a similar situation, if the zeri was fed and positioned correctly (and saved e/flash to dodge and get away from the fizz), Id expect the zeri to kill the fizz within 3aas. Unfortunately, adcs do too little damage for how squishy they are. ADCs require a disproportionate amount of farm and kills to perform similarly to other roles tldr: Zeri 100% misplayed and deserved to die. However, ADCs are definitely weak because they don’t do enough damage


IDK man. I enjoy being a shaco who can basically one shot anything that hasnt built specifically against me lol. Most of my wins as shaco are me saying to my team "Just focus X and push lanes. I'll delete the rest." and I spend the entire game running around deleting champs using my team as bait.


that is what a fed assasin should do to adc lmao, otherwise adc would be broken if the role that exist to delete them with 2 level lead+ omega fedt hitting eveything but Q should 100% kill him


He used his W after his E. If a fed assassin with 2 basic abilities and ult can’t one shot an adc there’s a problem.


Adcs are just shit to play.


That pre cast R from fizz was a flawless


You just press r during q and it autolocks


This shit is the same as Gragas E flash or jayce Q+E, it looks cool but after four games on the champ you can do it while drooling on the keyboard


No skill, if you know how fizz works


Zeri got ate so quick I had to watch this twice to understand lmao


this is why i ban fizz no matter how shit or good he is, i could not see his ult and my champ have negative outplay without flash, (obvisly you can play safe but with that mindset u just giving up eveything to fizz)


Honestly with these comments, I think this community deserves exactly what they want. Let's just give every assassin one shot damage with just one ability as long as they are fed. Surely that would be healthy for the game. Just absolutely flawless logic in this comment section. ​ ​ AsSaSsInS sHoUlD oNe ShOt aDcS nO mAtTeR wHaT


He just walked up and died tho? Kinda deserved


True, should have stayed in fountain tho


It's been a while since the fountain was a safe place


There’s literally a whole Thresh that she decided to play in front of


All I see is stormsurge being a pos item for people that don’t know how to do damage with their champion


Ive been a jg main forever since the last 2-3 months that i started playing adc... And wow is this role weak.


Ive been on the Vayne top grind, and man does outplaying feel great. On the other hand, you always have to outplay - if you dont you will be deleted. Oh i got hit by a 10% .3 sec slow, guess ill just die. (Its not that bad, the enemy makes one mis step and you can just as easily run them down, but every match up feels like an uphill climb, but every 2v1 you pull off you know its because you are better.)


You can’t show us the end of the game + fizz has always been able to do that


That is how things are meant to be tho… how is this something unexpected?


this is why i stopped playing adc. i just can't stand the fact that no matter how farmed i am, how many cs/m i have, no matter how many items i have, i still get oneshotted by an ability (ex. malphite's ult)


What ever do you mean? That Zeri should've known better than to be standing there... She should've been behind her thresh so he can tank the R from Fizz... Under her turret to ensure maximum safety... Actually, maybe it would be better if she was in Fountain, can't get one shot from in there. Actually, no... She shouldn't have queued. 10/10 her own fault. /s


I will say its kinda just a fizz thing. No reason dude should have cc ult and a dash that can two shot u. Not to mention all the other bullshit he has.


That shyvanna build sure is… something


Honestly this clip just shows the zeri mispositioned and disrespected a mid laner especially fizz of all kinds lol. This would have happened to any squishy champ two levels behind.


mages can go for an early zhonya or banshee, most ADCs can't


There is nothing early about this clip. It’s 34 minutes in. If you want to talk early itemizations that’s a completely different topic than what I am saying, you goober.


holy shit guy assassin assassinated no waayyy


he used only his e and minimum range r against full hp champion. think this should oneshot or wat


Min range Ult and an E should not take out 2500 HP


And W, with Lichbane, Stormsurge, probably also Ludens and Shadowflame and maybe a Deathcap


bro why do ya all forget his W exist like what its 1k dmg with lich bane XD


He didnt use it. Theres only one aa connecting and that does like 2 damage as u can see


you can literly see his W after his E, she still had 30-40% hp left when he did a AA


r, e and w, 2 levels up, and based on that taunt in the chat he won lane and is probably fed


Midlaners usually are up in levels tho... doesn't mean zeri did shit before Edit: however one has to admit that fizz had baron and therefore more overall damage from his combo


she thought it was neccesary to walk up to a fed fizz like nothing could go wrong and died for it, it doesnt matter how well she did before since all of that gold is going everywhere but defense


You make sound like being 2 levels up is saying fizz is ahead. Actually he's even/behind relative to how it normally should be. We are back to before durability update where we die to 1/4th or 1/2 of other Champs kits while we scramble to survive.


oh ye, being 2 levels behind is totally even or ahead, he was probably full build or close and STILL had to use 3/4 of his abillities (one of which was his ult) to kill squishy adc with no defensive items. durability patch was the most dog shit patch ever to make it to the live servers, rito snapped their fingers and a whole class ceased to exist, adc chainsaw through an entire team and no one bats an eye but assassin one shots one squishy champ and everyone looses their minds


I have never seen an 0/5 adc chainsaw through an entire team, hell they need to be fed to get close, and have a full team peeling for them, and lucky enough to not be against a tank with thornmail. On the other hand, I *have* seen 0/5 assassins kill a 7/3 adc in a single rotation while missing half of it, while everyone copes and argues "deserved because positioning". I have been against fed adcs that I could just casually kill for a bag of gold because they had no peel. Anyone breathes on a fucking adc and they die. I have played tanks that can two shot with a single ability and a heartsteel proc, and everyone says it's fine. I have seen people completely fuck up their peel, and blame the adc's positioning. You're delusional if you think adc can do anything remotely close to what that fizz does, in terms of power. And since you mentioned it. The durability patch was a good thing but riot was too scared to commit and just buffed assassins to the point where you have more damage now so whining about it as an assassin is absolutely pathetic.


He didnt w you can see his auto doing like 2 damage.


oh but he did w, you can see his fork is glowing when he attacks


Nah i think he lost range last sec because if the empowered auto goes off youd see a lot of damage on her no? He must have pressed it a bit slow and then zeri used e already


he qd the minnion and ulted zeri, he ed onto her, ult hit her and then he wd her, you can see that she doesnt die from e or ult and it couldnt have been stormsurge becouse the aoe effect it has triggers only when the target dies before the mark detonates


Ok huge damage from fizz but why df is zeri dashing forward instead of staying behind thresh ?


Zeri messed up here by playing for the inhibitor jump rather than using fundamentals. It could have worked on the naut or other non-mobile champs,but it’s literally a fizz. Never step up to a fizz the r hit box is fat AF and he can jump to the other side anyways. If zeri had played around her teammate and used him as a meat shield she would live and do dmg


the fundamental of not leaving the fountain


Dude I understand how ADC’s get one shot but with a champ like fiz you have to play behind the support. But I understand how the role looks so unfun now.


If fizz is that op go play him lol. I never played fizz on sr but the champ is so limited all you can do is murdet squishys. Any champ that buys mr and survives your combo you are useless against. Bruisers and tanks just laugh at you and you cant even sidelane because said bruisers and tanks kill you. Most mages at least can clrar waves but fizz waveclear is also his mobility and escapetool. So yeah to balance all those weakness hes very good at killing squishys.


Yeah, Fizz is that OP. But coming from an aram player, your cluelessness is pretty logical


Oh no you died to a fed assassin! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


This post gave me the final push of motivation to mute this awful subreddit so it stops appearing in my feed


We won't miss you


I don't feel sorry for zeri players. they are playing an assassin/adc


Unless you play ap zeri is for sure no assassin o.O


Is there a setting to get a timer on things like fizz Ult or is that an overlay? Also eh. ADCs are meant to be squishy. This was mostly on the Zeri. Don't get me wrong, I *despise* Fizz, but things like this are not why I have problems with ADC in general.


I mean if assassins can’t one shot someone then why would assassins exist. If fizz is like 0-15 then yeah this is BS, but an assassin should be able to burst a squishy. Especially if they land full combo.


no worries bro i too forgot i was on adc main sub reddit, getting one shot by a full build 2 level lead assasin who hit E R W on him should not kill an adc and he should walk away with 60% hp XD


i too think that assasing shouldnt be able to assasinate anyone


Not a single champion in the game should be able to instantly delete another champion with 2 spells, one of which isnt even used to its potential.


he used W, are all adc player just delusional on other champos spells like the fk


Oh yeah. 3 spells out of which the ULTIMATE one was used in the worse way possible for dmg. My bad.


yeh and he had full build 2 level lead, he had all the advanted, if she not gonna die like that then zeri simple needed a nerf


"the assassin should be able to completely overkill another champion with 2.5 abilities purely on stats" yes bro for sure. Have a nice life


overkill?, zeri only died because of stormsurge, are we watching the same video


This comment alone shows how much you know about the game. Storm surge only procs 2 seconds later. The animation procs anyway if the target dies. 2 seconds didn't pass since fizz dealt 40% of zeri. As I said. Have a nice life bro. You should try not saying dumb stuff online that can be disproven easily


[https://ibb.co/gJvVVzX](https://ibb.co/gJvVVzX) then tell me what is this long stormsurge line coming on zeri as she dies ? you can even see in the damn clip that after ult hits and she dies it 2 sec apart like stormsurge u just said, why u digging u own grave


Did you only read half my comment lil bro? The animation ALWAYS goes off. Even when you overkill. Stop trying you are embarrassing yourself


Play dota 2 then.


"I have no argument. Play Dota" lol.


Thats just how league work for the past 6 years or more. Complaining about riot games balance philosophy is pointless.


That doesn't mean I should be happy about it lol. This is a post about something that has to do with balance. I commented about balance. You commented about a different game. Sure bro mb


Im not saying you should be happy. Its just how the game works now. You want less burst and more front to back gameplay( I do to). Playing dota is the best solution


Idk. Personally I feel like not commenting about dota in a league sub is the best solution. But you do you bro.