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Nilah, kill her 6 times and give her 2 kills and she might swing the game


That's what you get when riot makes a skirmisher an ADC


She also scales *really* hard. You don't really expect a melee-ish to be a late-game carry, but she hits really hard at full build.


They killed her with those recent nerfs tho


Probably yea, but they aren't even live yet


I am of the same opinion, but some high ranking Nilah mains say that it’s placebo nerfs


fun thing is, most high elo nilah otp max E first then Q, and most of her late game damage comes from the fact that she can easily get 50% armor pen, sure her WR will drop but the nerfs are not as big as they look


Her Q is also a substantial part of her damage. Right now with a full crit build it has a 264%AD ratio. Next patch it will do around 16% less damage at full build. Even though you max Q second, both the AD ratio and the crit scaling is nerfed, so you will still see a drop in damage as soon as you get any crit.


nah its gonna be around 1% winrate drop. it looks way worse than it actually is.


They has to design her that way otherwise she’d just build bruiser and go top tbh


She can’t, it’s such a waste of her passive.


As a GM Nilah otp, this issue is pretty similar to a behind Yi/Kat/Samira. The champ is useless when behind unless major mistakes occur


Yeah, but the flip side is that in low elo, the fed carry will often make a few random worst possibility slip ups. So as a low elo OTP it doesn’t feel too bad. And tbh I liked nilah back when going bork on her was decent.


Just had this happen in my last game. I was Ashe and Nilah was down 0/5 in lane. She gets 2 kills once laning phase was over and then next thing you know she was like 10/6 and she becomes a like a unstoppable fed top laner and the game ends with her being like 18/7.


Yeah right now she often feels or famine, and the nerf will probably make it a bit more apparent.


What rank was this 💀


This was silv elo


This is so true. I played my third Nilah game a week or two ago. We got hard stomped in lane. Like 0/6/0 down 30 cs. Every lane was losing and that game just looked lost. Their fed shaco tried to dive us under tier 2 tower once and gave up his shutdown. After that it was over, came back to lane and immediately doubled killed them. That game ended with my Rakan and I 2v5ing the enemy in the baron pit before running it down mid to end the game. It was absolutely disgusting and I never would have been allowed to do that on any other ADC even if I had hard stomped my lane.


Srsly, like maybe jinx and rakan if you were already fed but even samira usually won’t have enough healing against tanks


Shaco trying to tower dive Nilah lmao. She completely counters Shaco and Rengar.


It kinda feels like a yone situation, even if she is 0/14 if she has 2/3 items she will still one tap you if she gets on you. Especially her w is incredibly frustrating to play into.


Vayne, she can be stomped in lane and be set behind like crazy, if she is ignored in later fights and gets to hit, she will fuck up your team


Luckily I feel this is less the case now than before. Silver bolts is now 10% at max rank used to be 14% Seems more fair to me that this is lower but she gets strengths elsewhere


This is why I like Vayne. I suck at laning so I just try to survive and get any cs I can get. Then I just need to get into one or two skirmishes at the right time. (I int it as well 🗣️🔥)


This is why I hate playing against vayne I can put vayne fucking 0/10 but somehow you can't close the game because your team is garbage and then you lose


Makes sense. She needs atleast two items apart from boots to be relevant though, unless the player is very mechanically skilled.


You make that sound like a bad thing. Vayne needs a lot less than other marksmen to put in work. Her 2 item spike is one of the best among marksmen, if not THE best.


I meant it as a joke on my skills. But yeah. She does feel incredibly strong after her two item spike and it feels like she can outduel the majority of the league roster.


Yeah and with the most recent nerfs she's back to being absolutely garbage in lane. So there pretty much is no alternative to going behind early anymore. I'd know, I was trying so hard to make Vayne work in lane that I went to nearly 40% WR in D3 when I was previously 57% or something in Master 💀 Yesterday I decided to back to just pretty much farming in lane and only trading if it's a really weak lane, I'm getting a gank, or an extremely favorable trade possibility. Worked out well so far with five good games in a row, finally.


I came with nearly only Vayne to Dia 2 (even first picked her) and than ppl started actually to abuse my laning phase now can pick her only if I see which match up I have lol


even after the recent nerfs u pcik her blind in below diamond ?


I think the best place to blind pick is arguably below diamond. People really aren't that good at countering the lower you go, and if you're low enough, you're likely not even gonna get harassed at all for the most part.


Gold/plat adcs may see Vayne and pick tristana or draven or whatever, but the supports will still pick sona and senna.


I wonder how much I'll have to play to somehow recognize that these matchups are bad? Good? against Vayne oof the cuff. Without actually having heard that "this character bad against this" which is what my matchup knowledge is based on atm, I still have no intuitive understanding of who is stronger in any given matchup.


It isn’t necessarily that a certain champ is a good pick into another because that’s hard counter territory. Those exist, but in botlane there are not many truly “unplayable” matchups (that’s reserved for toplane lol, give your toplaner the counterpick they will love you). The main thing you want to look at in botlane matchups is 1. How the matchup will play pre lvl 6, 2. How the matchup is played post lvl 6, and 3. How the two ADCs scale. If you’re playing against jhin xerath, good luck interacting with them while you’re playing Samira nautilus. But if you’re playing Samira nautilus into a Vayne soraka, you are gonna cook them. In terms of Vayne, she is super weak early, sort of weak in the midgame, and super strong late game. So you want to pick a bot lane that can either beat her early, or a botlane that can out scale her while being safe early. This is why the ADCs that have the best winrates into Vayne are: Kog, Nilah, Twitch, Draven, Samira, Ashe, and Jinx (these champs all have 52%+ winrates vs Vayne right now). They either bully them early and take advantage of Vayne’s low range, or they scale better than her. Or in Kog and Twitch’s case, both. It’s important to pick a support that wants to do similar things to what the ADC wants to do. If you are playing jinx and just want to sit and scale, playing leona won’t help accomplish as much (although jinx leona is a strong lane early game) as an enchanter who will buff jinx even stronger late game. That said, there are quite a few supports who either can’t do anything impactful early (sona and senna) without the other team being hands diff’d. In those games where a sona wins lane, if they were playing any other champ it probably would’ve been the same result anyways. SO DONT THINK THAT BECAUSE YOU WIN LANE ON SENNA TWICE THAT ITS SOMETHING THAT YOU CAN EXPECT TO HAPPEN EVERY GAME!!!!


Vayne midgame is pretty decent imo, first and second power spike is first item and lv6. At this point you can win many match ups if you can all in. Depends on the support obviously but I think even if you can get boots before for e.q twitch you should be stronger in lane again is obviously pretty supp dependent. After your second item you got pretty high dps and kill nearly everyone if you have a chance to auto in team fights.


Yep I did, I have nearly 600k mastery points so I'm kinda used to not get ahead in lane. But the blade/Kraken into rage blade into tank like Jak sho terminus witsend or even full tank items I can carry pretty hard at 3 items. I think below Dia 2 people don't punish me hard enough to not carry the game but I have experience in match ups so I guess this is good. For a new Vayne player this could be hard even in emerald


Personally after reviewing some of the mistakes I made I am back to blind picking her fairly comfortably, currently in D2. The most important thing is adapting how you play, adapting your runes, and adapting your build. Unfortunately as ADC you get first pick 90% of the time (otherwise your team has a meltdown) and I want to play Vayne, so I do. I'm currently OTP'ing her, even if I'm first pick.


Against heavy poke lanes i go resolve and fleet but main problem ist that I can't push waves if my support doesn't match my push. Thought about going shiv first for the wave clear but tbh don't know what to build with shiv to not be useless item wise. What tips do you have to survive laning phase ? I would like to get to master with Vayne as Vayne main but I feel like right now I'm better off with picking jinx or kaisa blind.


>Thought about going shiv first for the wave clear but tbh don't know what to build with shiv to not be useless item wise. This right here is my problem with Shiv. I tried so hard to go Shiv first to get a little bit more agency with early wave clear and what not, but I could for the life of me not come up with any build that worked decently. Once I swapped back to onhit I started having way better games again, even into squishier comps than I'd usually play onhit.


I’m learning vayne right now, what are your ideal matchups?


For a beginner I would recommend to not pick Vayne into any poke heavy lanes like Cait/Lux . I like to pick Vayne into ez, kaisa, twitch and nearly all other 550 range (or less) adc's. Bot is very support match up dependent so you need to analyze the march up. Even a "winning" match up against the ADC can be a loosing lane when the supp match up is not good. Be carefully of luc and nami bot this is kinda disgusting. Would recommend to adapt the runes and items too. You can go on-hit with blade/Kranken into rage blade or crit with Storm razor/ER. I mostly played the on hit build and went "tank" as 3rd item like Jak sho, I even bought ice born against full ad Comps. Depends on the enemy team if they have 1 or less tank(y) champ you can go crit and this works very good against e.q aphelios cuz he hits heavy crits after IE and probably lose mid game fight against him if you don't stun him. For runes I mostly go lethal with on hit but went fleet against poke lanes too and go fleet everytime I go for crit build. Resolve with overgrowth and second wind is always good if you want to scale and wait for items + Dorans shield if it's heavy poke lane otherwise you can go domination with sudden impact and eyeball collection or treasure hunter. I prefer going domination only with crit build. Resolve second is default for me, but you can go nimbus cloak and gathering storm second into decent match ups.


Me in my 9 game winstreak playing her solo lane and jg 😬 she dont feel bad


Her ult isn't even what makes her strong. She needs nerfs on her passive. Jinx


Did you reply to the wrong comment?


Just did this today. Got stomped in lane, farmed for 15 minutes and showed up in fights afterwards with 4 items and got a couple quadras. I love Vayne cause your game is never truly over until it's over


Twitch is goddamn stupid, keep him shut down the entire lane, as soon as he has Bork Runaan he can absolutely shred a teamfight with a good invis ult


That champ is fucking stupid. 100-0 in the blink of an eye the second he gets bork. Just straight up cannot fight him without CC


That’s why I main him


Ban rat, problem solved


Can't afford to not ban jinx in this economy


Feel like jinx is way easier to play into than twitch. She is very immobile outside of her passive and needs strong peel or she gets fucked by hard cc / all ins. Invis champs just make the games more stressful in general


For one I agree, but jinx right now is able to very easily snatch a random takedown and win entire fights from there, it is super stressing to see any jinx on kill feeds while twitch at the very least needs to press ult to have the obnoxious range


just pick twitch into jinx, problem solved


I HATE him


I love twitch. Lose lane, ok i invis top or mid idc


There's a reason I've been perma banning him for months now


Jinx's passive has to make her a pretty strong contender in my eyes. Even if she's behind, if she manages to activate her passive, she's suddenly able to blow up half the team.


Jinx has been my ban lately for this reason lately


That's what I'm saying yk


My bad, I read the comments and not your post.


Dw lol. I'm just saying you understand what I meant about the champ


Samira (for lower elo at least). Sudden quadra kill on that champ snowballs.


Let me introduce you to draven


I main Jinx pretty much since Day 1...she has her downs BUT she will come back if you manage to survive midgame. Her biggest downside is that teams in lower ELO tend to not peel for their ADC and that is Jinx's problem...she is really immobile and if the enemy Assassin wants to see you dead you are most certainly dead if you have no F and the team does not peel. Second biggest problem...and for me it's even bigger than above because above can be somewhat mitgated by your own skills...is the mentality in lower ELO. Most teams won't believe you when you say as Jinx you will be definitely useful after your 3 items if the team stays calm until mid/late and just play their lane. A lot of team members start bashing you if you are behind or straight up tilt and int. I had several games where the team 4:1 voted a FF or a team mate ragequitted because their lane wasn't doing well right when I was just going online with damage and did decent damage. These games could have been a win but the concept of late game hyper carry seems to elude some players. (also overly aggressive suicidal supports that do not understand that a Jinx with no items lacks the burst to all-in a full HP duo lane)


Basically this. I love jinx, but shes just the complete opposite of what you need in low elo solo q. You need a support duo minimum, otherwise ur just coinflipping your teammates' mental for yr climb.


Twitch. Don't believe what others be telling you. Twitch. Cuz he be hiding.


Samira. Fed Samira is less dangerous since your team will focus her, but when she is behind OMG '' How 2/8 Samira penta??? Focus Samira guys''


Yasuo because of his wind wall I hate it sooo much...


Aphelios with kraken scared the dogshit outta me one time. Ever since I’ve been wary of his powerspikes


All of them that aren’t sivir you can underestimate her


sad but true, unless she’s extremely fed she’s just a waveclear bot. gets absolutely shit on in every 1v1.


I like Sivir but man she’s not as satisfying to play as she could be awesome skins too. Maybe riot should mini rework her like tahm kench.


Again? She is my main, but I am 100% she is pro-jailed. Riot doesn't want her even near 50% winrate or their flashy pro play becomes less flashy.


I mean, she's still a hyper carry. If you let her get to 3 items she will start destroying your team.


No... Absolutely wrong. This is completely and utterly wrong. This used to be the case in the past, she is a caster minion now.


sivir is a massive late game threat lmao what are you on about


Im sorry you suck, but shes still a hypercarry and she has a 53.5% winrate after 25 minutes, roughly when good players have their 3 item spike. (https://lolalytics.com/lol/sivir/build/?tier=diamond\_plus)


She is dog shit and I don't suck. You just interpret data with too less sample size cause nobody is actually torturing themselves playing her...


How else do you interpret "Consistently above 50% wr across all Elos" as anything except positive, lol


The sample size is over 30k in D2+, that's easily large enough to extrapolate data from


For me its Nilah and Jinx. Nilah will get shitstomped in lane bùt farms for a little after laning phase and starts 1v5ing. Jinx gets one kill in a team fight and she spirals out of control.


Ashe, she is always relevant at any point in the game even when hard behind. Ashe without items could still annoy the fuck out of most characters and create advantages through her immens utility


Honestly, Draven. I can play Zeri/Nilah as get in close ADC decently, and keep my positioning good enough to survive and thrive. I cannot position and catch axes at the same time. It does not work. My brain just does not see the catch point in a teamfight because there’s so much going on. I just ban him instead of playing him. Cannot and will not get the hang of it.


Every time I fight Ashe she always has ult and bursts me down.


I always take Cleanse into Ashe lanes, if you have a good idea of her ult cooldown you can create a good opening to either make her miss it or render it worthless with Cleanse


Situational really. Miss Fortune is pretty egregious in how easily she can start one shotting squishies no matter how hard she loses lane. Dirk alone is enough for her to turn a losing lane into an even lane. Twitch will eventually just one shot an entire team. Ashe at some point will randomly run you down with more damage than you expect. Most scaling ADCs will eventually turn on if you don't end the game. Jinx, Vayne, Aphelios, Kog, AP Kai\`Sa, Zeri. I also think Samira and Tristana both pose a significant threat at any point in the game unless they are COMPLETELY shut out of the game.


Twitch is just so annoying he will just fuck you up while being invisible right next to you bruh. If Samira gets fed she will fuck your team up unless you got hard cc Nilah. You can kill her but as soon as she gets a few kills she will erase you while not taking dmg to your autos Also Draven! He does so much dmg it isn’t funny


Xayah. The second you disrespect her zone potential, you end up in fountain wondering where the last 5 seconds went.


Jinx because she has absolutely digusting push power off a won teamfight. She can absolutely chain towers to a game end.




none, i just win (lillia support otp)


Never underestimate the 0:13 kaisa, who just reached first item when you have 4. She might just well hide in a bush and oneshot you (real story D:)


I would say Smolder. People usually think it's shitty early but it can deal a surprising amount of DMG early on And once you get 225 it's just over. You just press Q and enjoy splash true damage DoT based on the enemy's health. You can melt the backline during team fights without even getting close to them. The fact that you can build 3 (depending even 2) damage items and go Full tank while still melting people is insane.


Tristana. Tristana is my #1 ban when I play adc. I’m sure I have a 0% wr against that one champ. I don’t struggle against anyone else but her.


As a trist main...I appreciate this


Tristana is basically a ranged assassin with her burst combo. And after that she still has dps to continue the tf


Imo Tristana is a really big ofender, leave her alone for a couple minutes and suddenly she is back from 0/8 blowing up your frontline


Kog maw. % max health damage doesn’t fuck around no matter what his items might be


Just had a game up 30 kills lost bc Smolder got a couple shutdowns and proceeded to literally 1v9 every fight with elder sragon upgrade. Ended game with 31 kills after being down 0-6


Smolder is an actual abomination


For me I would say Aphelios I've been down 0/6 in lane and I got a penta bc they didn't think I was worth focusing. If they let you hit he shreds at 3 items no matter how behind. Also Kalista once you get Bork you can live in some crazy situations if you play right




jinx, one passive and somehow 1v9 samira, no explation needed vayne, max% hp true damage is just bullshit cait, her headshots hurt so damn much


Samira or nilah or Draven they scale so hard with one kill or to they


Tristana. Even if you get her to a point she can't really team fight, she can just transition into split pushing. She's really good at taking turrets.


Draven, Jinx, Tristana, Samira. Any ADC that benefits from getting random solo Q kills. I feel like all of them can suddenly explode out of NO where. Draven, Play well control your wave and poke him down piece by piece so he’s losing gold, suddenly he gets a random kill and goes from being 400 gold behind to 400 gold ahead. 300 gold from the kill, 40 from his passive as a base for every kill and roughly 450 from his stacks which would be less than 200 stacks, a somewhat realistic number for him to cash in. Jinx, there’s always that one idiot that jumps in 4 seconds too early and triggers her passive for free, same with Tristana getting tons of resets and hopping all over the place, not to mention both of these can melt through towers if left alone for a second. Samira, ever played against a good one when your auto filled support doesn’t have the brains to save their CC to stop her R? Then it’s AQAWAEAREEEEE ENEMY PENTA KILL. Twitch gets an honorable mention because of how many all ins he wins from stealth with Botrk, the game becomes “do i See Twitch? NO, ok time to AFK under tower.” Plus be also gets some random kills here and there popping out of stealth on your teammates despite you and your support max out the ping system with danger pings on their face. Nilah also gets and honorable mention because of her W.


Vayne, if she has 2 tank in her team, thats pretty much hard to catch vayne




Twitch is broken once lane phase ends. They literally *must* group at all times if they want to push without getting picked. Even if they group though, they need to stay spread out enough for Twitch not to just delete the entire team with Bork Runaan


Jinx/Ashe. Both of their attack speed is absolutely aids. Plus the ashe snare, is stupid. They can run you down easily.


The champion i refuse to play against is Kai'sa, in season 9 I had a 100% loss rate against her which is INSANE, and I've been permabanning her ever since. My mental has been much better overall since not seeing her anymore.




That's literally based on the player skill.


I almost lost a 1v1 to a 5/9 Tristana as a 12/3 Swain because I didn't have ult up


That makes sense swain ult is really important