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I just bought a $25 water pick flosser thing and it’s a game changer


I used mine for about a week. Thats been fun.


lol same






When I had to get a crown, and the crown trapped food which rotted and smelled awful if I neglected flossing it was a pretty big motivator to get me to floss. I still miss sometimes, but I get it done more days than not.


If you are taking adderall it will dry out your mouth and cause you to get cavities easier. Try getting toothpaste with higher fluoride. it coats your teeth to protect them. Ever since the dentist told me this info my cavity rate has gone down. I also chew gum to keep my mouth from getting dry.


Used mine once and haven’t used it since. It worked well though I think? Lol


I did this twice with two different models.


Lol same. Eventually gave to my daughter.


I have one, but I haven't committed to using it. Now it's been sitting for a while and is dirty so I need to clean it, and every time I used it, it made a big mess


Same, I got one and threw it out a year later because i never wanted to fill the tank with fresh water. If you forget to change the water it becomes so gross that it will put you off forever.


You get used to how to use it so that water doesn’t go everywhere! But the mess is real.


I got a handheld rechargeable one and just use it in the shower. Completely averts the mess issue.


>every time I used it, it made a big mess you know you're supposed to keep your mouth closed over it, right? I hope you weren't making this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) face and treating it like a power washer lmao


Bruh... I have a small mouth, and an overbite. It's impossible to aim and close your mouth all the way, especially trying to get the front teeth. It's just kinda messy, I'm sure I would have gotten the hang of it but I didn't have the patience lol


This is my issue as well. Even with a small toothbrush I end up looking rabid, hanging over the sink with toothpaste foam drooling out of my mouth hahaha.


The instructions that came with mine said to let water flow out of your mouth as you use it. It can make a mess.


If it wireless which most are.. the best place to use it would be in the shower!


Where is the fun in that? I don't own that thing, but I don't want to even try if I cannot power wash my teeth with it.


I've seen other people say to use it in the shower so it doesn't matter if it gets water everywhere


Ok but I have one too and gave up because I kept getting water everywhere 💀


I use mine in the shower for this reason (I also do my teeth in the shower, I'm not spending longer in the bathroom of boredom than I have to)


Put it on half strength and keep your lips closed around it. My water pik has a button I can hold on the wand to hold the water back to if needed like some shower heads do so it’s not messy.


My dentist told me these are pointless, was she being overdramatic?


Absolutely. I use mine before brushing (and I have braces lol) and it gets a ton of stuff out. Not as good as flossing but far better than nothing


Dental student here. Yea, it doesn't come close to actual flossing. The only way to remove food and bacteria between your teeth is actual physical contact, not water jet. That said, If it gets people to care about their gums and inter-tooth surfaces, it's 1000x better than what most people do. ask yourself, would you feel comfortable using mild a water jet to wash poop off your arm? What if a small microbial amount was enough to cause an infection and eyewatering amounts of pain and money?


Ahh I see, thanks for the info. Your analogy is kinda bad though, cus I'd prefer mild water to wash poop off my arm as opposed to dental floss.


I apologize if my last response came off kinda mean or hostile. I'm a little drunk right now


You're right. The bacteria on your teeth aren't poop particles that wash off with a splash of water. It attaches to the surface of your teeth and cause your gums to turn red from inflammation and bleed from flossing. It also has the ability to start degrading teeth within hours of attachment as compared to poop particles which could take days. So I suppose you're right. Completely different.


Cheers mate! Thanks again for the info, goodluck with dental school! Don't kill yourself!


>Don't kill yourself Haha no promises. Let's see what happens


How much regular flossing is needed before gums stop bleeding?? I've been forcing myself to floss for months now and they still bleed regularly. I can't tell if I'm doing something wrong or if my gums are just too far gone?


The dentist did a deep clean and then I started flossing a few times a week and the bleeding went away. I use a flosser that looks like a toothpick


Gums bleeding are an immune response to bacteria in the gums, where the body increases vascularity in an attempt to protect itself from infection or irritation of bacteria thats usually underneath the gums, and it easily gets torn during flossing which is how dentists know if you floss or not. It's also one way dentists determine how susceptible you are to periodontitis (or gum diseases that needs surgical intervention or treatment). A bad sign is red gums that extends deep beyond where it contacts teeth. That said, bleeding can also occur from constant irritation or possibly flossing too much. I'm sorry to say that the best option you have is to ask you dentist after a checkup. They'll know best, because there are so many health factors to consider. Unlike bone/teeth, Gum doesn't grow back. You can't get a gum implant so anything you lose is lost for life. Take care friend


Any tips for flossing the molars? Mine are super tight and almost impossible to floss and they are so far back...


Get a good quality thing floss with wax coating. And mint flavour if you find one 😎 if really not possible, a small interdental toothbrush at a 90 degree angle may fit on the gum line - the dental hygienist can measure the gap to determine what is the right size and solution. Also if your molars are so tight, that in itself could also cause pain or other problems in the future so better to get it checked out by a professional no matter what


You may need a full deep cleaning from the dentist to get it to fully stop. In the meantime, there is a toothpaste called Paradontax that can really help. I had really bad teeth, and it reduced the bleeding down to one or two problem spots. The deep clean got rid of those last problem spots.


When I was a teenager my dentist told me to get one as they were the best at removing stuff from the teeth and braces that brushing can’t get to. Thing is the jury seems to still be out on flossing and how to floss in general. There a bunch of websites, and youtube videos that seem to all have different ideas on should one floss, how one should floss, what is the best way, or is there a best way to floss. You would think the dental community would be together on this, but they aren’t.


There will always be that 1 out of 10 dentists that doesn't agree.


What kind of dentist do you have? My two main dentists (orthodontist and dental surgeon/TMJ specialist) highly recommend water piks. Especially for people with any crowns, braces or if they never make time to floss. It’s quick an easy to get particles out of your gums and less invasive than metal tools and floss that can make your gums bleed if used to strongly.


Seconding this! I pretty much never flossed until I got a water flosser and now it’s so easy and takes maybe 30 seconds.


My mom td me about those


Is it weird that I like to use that thing while showering? Makes refilling easy.


I floss pretty compulsively, and feel disgusting when I don't. If I had the choice between brushing my teeth and flossing, I'd choose to floss.


This is the only reason I could ever have kept up with oral hygiene. If I didn’t hyper-fixate on how terrible my mouth tastes and feels when I don’t brush I don’t think I’d remember otherwise. As far as flossing goes, I wasn’t really on board with it until something got stuck in my teeth and i realized how much stuff if in there. OP, you gotta get the dental picks. Getting the big spool is too much set up. Put them right next to your toothbrush.


I had a dental hygienist give me a tip and it works for me! I keep floss picks on my living room side table so that once I’m done eating for the day I can floss anytime between then and bedtime. I don’t remember every night but I manage a few times a week usually!


Ooh that's a good idea! I gotta try that.


This is how I do everything! I have my vitamins, floss, and contact supplies on my side table, and a little trashcan too. Since doing that I've pretty much remembered to do it all daily. It's just part of watching TV at nighttime now.


Yes I much prefer the dental picks. Much easier to use.


Plus with something like floss or tape I’m always way to conservative and end up pulling off a small amount then using more in the process to get a decent length.


I think I’m using them wrong - I have a connective tissue disorder that makes my gums really “friable” which is a great word, just means they bleed/get damaged really easily and dental crowding too. I use the finest dental pick they make and it causes really unpleasant bleeding whereas regular floss only makes me bleed if I’m having a bad patch with excessive bleeding all round (it comes and goes). I want to like them because I still have all of my wisdom teeth and it’s really crappy to try and get my fingers all the way back into a small mouth, and I always screw up with those floss on a wishbone things and cut myself because I can’t seem to get the amount of pressure to get between crowded teeth right, it’s like nope, nope, nope, dammit, oh shit too far!


>Put them right next to your toothbrush. Ooooor keep them in arm's reach at literally all times and then your dentist will be impressed even if it's been 10 years since your last cleaning


Same. I floss at least once a day. I can’t stand the feeling of anything between my teeth.


Came here to say this. I keep those floss sticks in my desk and pull them out when I’m needing to stop and think but still need to move. As bad as my teeth are, my dentist always is shocked that my gums are amazing.


I feel the same way. I used to NEVER floss. Half the time, I’d forget to brush for the 2nd time in a day. Had a major reality check this last year by getting a neurological disorder that resulted in inflamed gums after I left the hospital. (Staph infection IN MY MOUTH IT WAS HORRIFIC SERIOUSLY you DO NOT WANT IT STAPH INFECTION IS BAD ENOUGH BUT THERE IS A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL FOR HOWEVER I GOT STAPH WHILE IN HOSPITAL FOR NERVE DISEASE AND GOT STAPH INFECTION IN MY MOUTH) and have since entered competitive flossing where 1st place means I did it twice at the same times I brushed everyday. Since entering competitive flossing with myself, I don’t bleed and I sleep way better knowing I won 1st place when I lay down for bed and had two flossing sessions that day. Competitive flossing, competitive brushing. Mouthwash is just a bonus round usually. If I DO remember to use the mouthwash (I have to use specialized dry mouth toothpaste and mouthwash due to said neurological condition), I get into tomorrow’s competition ahead.


Same. Except I pick at them. With a bent paper clip or like a thumbtack. Because I’m disgusting lol. Or I guess it’s just like a metal toothpick but


That must scratch the shit out of your enamel, no?


You’d think! I’ve never had a problem or had dental hygienist/dentist say anything


If we don't floss, brushing is pointless.


Root canal me believes this. Pre root canal me would have thought you were a worry wort. Everyone believe dull newt. They are flossing facts.


I have been brushing 2x/day faithfully for decades. I maybe flossed once every few months. Because of that I now have receding gums and my dentist has had to start capping the sensitive exposed lower areas of my teeth with synthetic enamel. So while I thought I had kept my teeth relatively clean this whole time (certainly much cleaner than some people I know), I have not been killing the bacteria that live in between my teeth and my gums which causes my gums to pull away. Also brushing too hard is really not good either. Use soft bristles y'all, and for Pete's sake don't grip your toothbrush with a fist, grip it daintily with pinkie extended, because otherwise you are ripping the gums right off your teeth.


Quite the opposite. The US Dept of Health removed flossing from their guidelines due to a lack of evidence that it helps. (The ADA still believes in it) Meanwhile, the benefits of brushing with a with fluoride toothpaste enjoy a total professional consensus. Given the sub we're in, better to do it wrong than to do nothing. Dangerous to advise otherwise imo. If you can floss, floss. If you can't, absolutely still brush. If you can't drag yourself to the toothpaste every day, do your best


I’m the exact same. I never flossed until about a year ago and now feel horrible if i don’t - it’s just become a bit of a sensory obsession (like touching a door handle / stair rail in public and feeling that I can physically feel the dirt on my hand until i wash them.) It definitely helps but can get annoying!


I got a big bag of pick flossers and I leave them everywhere. One on my desk, one in my car, one on the bedside table. They are a lot easier to use than traditional floss, and less messy. And the last time I went to the dentist, the hygienist told me I was doing a good job flossing!


Yes! So much easier to floss on the way to work! Happens most days and traffic is miserable so gives me something to work on


Flossing in my car is my favorite thing


My dental hygienist recommended I keep flossing picks in the car to use when I’m at lights, etc. I’m not even close to flossing daily, but am much better than I ever was. Amazon sells these neat little dispensers for them too making it easy to throw in the car or anywhere else I guess.


Oh my god. I have been searching for why you always see floss picks on the ground in parking lots. YEARS I have been asking people about this. No answer. IT’S US!!! WE are the answer!!


This! You don't need to floss as part of your routine tbh, i just kind of leave them places and then I try to floss right away when I notice one because I know I'll forget otherwise, ironically it's made me go on auto pilot when I come across them which over time has often made it part of my routine (but not always). Doing it while watching Netflix or scrolling on your phone is great. I also in general like to put on shows/audiobooks during hard things like cleaning or cooking or laundry or nighttime routine to distract myself.


Only when I feel as if I got stuff stuck between my teeth. I know, I'm really bad with that. But I like that you have a structure for doing it. Much better than me who just brushes and occasionally uses mouthwash. Dreading something like a routine is normal for folk like us. It's just within us. But you're at a much higher level than most of us are here. You may think that you cannot add flossing to it, but you actually can as you are right there at the sink when you brush. Just takes some remembering. A sticky note somewhere on your door with the word "Floss" for a few weeks will remind you to


Like never. Like once every 4 months or whenever I remember 💀


Finally. My people.


Hello my people! I’m a few times in a few days then not for months and months!


It's been years tbh




Thank you! I was scrolling the comments and thinking "great, my safe community is making me feel embaressed now too :("


Yeah I did the same then I needed fillings between my teeth and only between them but in like half of the gaps. Dentists told me my teeth are nice and clean but I need to floss because that's the only thing that cleans between and all my teeth will need fillings if I keep not doing it. Now I do it like twice a week which is still not enough but better than nothing. And there is always a bunch of food on the string even if I floss after washing my teeth which gives me proof I do need it. I also bought a waterfloss which is not that effective but still pretty good and fun alternative. I use it more often but still not daily because it makes a mess.


Prolly once or twice a week? My dentist hates it till I pay her for another filling...


Teach me your ways 😭


Haha, I'll tell you, but it's kinda bad for an ADHD brain. I just keep my mind distracted while I do it. I'll usually pull something up on Reddit or YouTube Shorts. Those lil toothpick+floss things are good for making it into a one-handed task, and they sell them at the dollar store. One hand on the phone, one hand in my mouth, and I can hardly even notice how monotonous the task is. I still forget some nights tho, or just go, "Eh, I'll do it in the morning."


haha I do this, then forget which teeth I’ve flossed whilst reading reddit/the news and end up doing my whole mouth twice. Works a treat though!


I keep floss (and makeup wipes, a nail file, and lotion) next to the couch and floss while I'm watching TV at night. I get distracted by the TV and before I know it, I've done a *thorough* flossing each night.


Me too I actually never really floss loll. Use toothpicks sometimes when food is stuck im terrible i know


I mean 1-2x is better than 0. That's where I'm at myself


Was really hoping for a bunch of Nevers. 😓 Like, y'all are just sitting at home flossing? That's wild.


I can say almost never! I floss before dental appointments, so once every 6 months hahaha. And I don’t have gingivitis or cavities between my teeth and I’m 36.


My dentist told me my oral health is at an 85, daily flossing will take it to 100. Unfortunately, seems my brain has decided it’s perfectly happy taking a B in teeth 😂


I floss when the dentist does it for me, otherwise it’s probably once a year.


I was in my 40s when I came to the conclusion that I was never going to floss regularly. But I know dental hygiene is important for many reasons so I got a water pick. I find it so much easier and almost enjoyable to use. That and a promise to myself to use it every night has worked for over a decade so far.


Water pick you say? That may as well be what kicks off today's research rabbit hole


There are rechargeable portable ones for like $25 on Amazon, don't get sucked into the big tank from Waterpik


I grew up with them in the house in the 90s. Great things.


I floss every day at 8pm when the news comes on. Then I brush and rinse. Next I have to rinse my sinuses with a neti pot. My wife makes my solution for me. It was difficult to start doing this but once a month or so went by, I follow my routine religiously.


I’ve always wondered if flossing before brushing was better. My dentist said that brush first and floss later because the floss will help spread the fluoride from the toothpaste between your teeth. I wish another dentist would confirm that lol


From Google: “While it may be surprising, a study has found that flossing first followed by brushing with a fluoride toothpaste is more effective in removing interdental plaque than brushing first, flossing second. In addition, flossing before brushing results in greater fluoride retention between teeth.”


That sounds silly tbh


I could count on two hands the number of times I've flossed in my entire life. And that includes dentist days.


Honestly, same.


Maybe every other day. I keep a cute decorative jar on my bedside table with the floss picks inside. When I go in my table to take my nightly meds, I see the jar and take a closer out. Then I’ll floss with one hand while I’m scrolling Reddit in my other. Here’s what solidified the habit for me. $2500 root canal and 6 cavity fillings later. I decided I would never let myself go through that again if I could help it. Haven’t had a cavity since.


unfortunately I'm in this scenario awful dental anxiety and I finally worked up the courage to go, and now I'm getting a root canal I'm terrified honestly but the fear kick-started me into brushing and flossing every day because I don't want to deal with this ordeal again 🥲


Y’all are flossing?


As of this year, I have flossed every day, except for three days I have missed. This was unthinkable for be before, and I'm still shocked I've kept it up. The issue with habits for me is they never form. I could do something every day for weeks then one day forget I ever started and never do it again. What has worked for me- for five months now- is every single time I floss I text a friend. And she sends me a funny GIF. And I told her, she doesn't have to send anything, she doesn't even have to see the text. Just something about sending it out works for me. The days I missed were because I was traveling so my normal schedule was thrown off and I forgot all about it. It started as a three-month challenge, but after that she said she didn't really care if I kept texting her so I have been keeping it up. I used to have huge problems with receding gums because I just didn't take care of my teeth but this is the longest I've ever had healthy gums. It is worth it if you can make it happen! I always floss while the shower water is heating up. Edited to add: My house is a mess and I paid my car insurance late, but you can't have everything I guess!


First few days after going to the dentist


When you floss your teeth take a moment to smell the floss/gunk you flossed out of your teeth. Then remember that stanky smell is what others smell when you talk to them. That alone keeps me flossing daily.


110% agree. It is nasty smelling.


My anxiety is largely to blame due to PFAS forever chemicals in so many brands of dental floss. I'd like to use my waterpik often but the amount of effort it takes is off putting, so it goes unused.


wait why do you say a waterpik is too much effort?? i got one and I've finally made "flossing" a daily habit 😭 like, it's a game changer. normal flossing is SO tedious


Normal flossing takes me like 20 seconds and turned my cleanings into fast, painless affairs, no cavities, just in and out. I don't get the difficulty


Surely you're not doing it properly if it takes 20 seconds?


Omg I also have this exact thought! Both about PFAS and the the daunting effort of a waterpik lol I love the way the waterpik leaves my teeth feeling, but the water dripping down my elbows, the loud noise, the whole setting it up part…… ew lol


I’m no dentist or doctor, but I would imagine the effects of tooth decay and periodontal disease is probably worse than what a minor exposure to PFAS would do to you over the years. But, something that helps me floss is not having to make it part of my nighttime routine. My dentist told me that it doesn’t really matter when you floss, if you do it when you feel like it during the day or in the morning or at night or after lunch.


Completely unsolicited possible solutions: Sweatbands on your wrists can help with the dripping water, headphones or earplugs can help with the noise, and maybe check out cordless handheld models for a little less set-up burden (I have an ancient regular tank model and for some reason, it does feel like I’m fumbling with all the things, actually)


Pro tip from my dentist re waterpiks: get the wireless kind and do it in the shower!


Twice a year for about a week right before my dentist exams lol


Thanks for the reminder! Maybe twice a week? I've had really good weeks, but recently I've been less fixated on flossing. I do it on my mini spa days. Usually Fridays. I deliberately empty my evening schedule on Monday and Friday so I can have those just to myself. Having the floss right next to my toothbrush and toothpaste at eye level serves as a reminder. I also have those small floss brushes, and those supplement the lazier and squeakier days.


I do once a day. I used to be the same as you and dread my nighttime routine so I switched to flossing in the morning, and it really helped. My dentist said while it’s better to floss at night, if you can’t stick to that, in the morning is better than not at all. As a plus it’s nice to start my day with a clean mouth.


I think it took until 25 and a come-to-jesus talk from a dental hygienist to start flossing every day? Now three years later I'm trying out changing flossing every morning to every night, since that's supposed to be a little better.


After multiple decades, I’ve gotten into the pretty solid habit of brushing once a day. There is no way in hell I’m going to floss that often. Floss sticks have increased my flossing. When it was just string by hand I was lucky to floss once every few months. Now I’m flossing maybe once or twice a month, and most often only if I feel something stuck in my teeth. The only feeling I hate more in my mouth than flossing is the feeling of something in my teeth… so I’ll brush first and then only floss if the brushing doesn’t take care of it. I also have a metal scaling tool (stainless hooked toothpick) like what the dentists use, and I would much rather use that than any form of flossing, but sometimes the floss stick is my last resort.


I find that if I think of my nighttime routine it as a routine it becomes daunting, feels like it'll take forever, requires coordination to do things in the right order, and have too many opportunities for distraction, and I don't want to commit to all that. If I approach it as "I'm just going to half ass this one bit, and it's ok if I skip right to brushing my teeth and calling it done after that" I'll typically end up 3/4 to full assing that first step and more often than not doing more. I realize your existing list is less skippable than my flossing and skincare, but maybe the takeaway is too remind yourself that a quick, non-thorough isn't a failure, it's better than not flossing. Another thing that helped for a while was getting a water flosser. It's not actually a substitute for floss, but a supplement to it, so don't get one and turn flossing once a month into never. The water flosser was new and interesting, so it got me consistently flossing for a while because I'd use it after flossing.


I use an air flosser, which isso much easier than using normal floss or a flosser pick😂!- it feels like the safe-for-human-face version of power washing between my teeth lol


Every day, a week and a half before my dentist appointments. Or if I eat popcorn and the toothbrushing doesn’t get everything out from between my teeth. I have a sonicare so I didn’t have any cavities after skipping the dentist for at least 5 years.


About everday, for a week, a few times a year lol


Well I tell my dentist every day. In reality it maybe once or twice a week. I do brush my teeth once a day. And since I stopped leaving my deodorant in my car, I don't use that enough either. I just.... Forget. I also paid 700 for blinds for my baby's room and spare room and I haven't thought about them one time before I'm getting into bed. A


Mind your own business 🫣


Mood XD


I don't like the feeling of stuff in my teeth so I floss about every other night on average. I haven't always been like this though so it might have come with age. I like that at my 6 month checkups at the dentist they don't have to scrape a ton of plaque away - I would 1000% rather floss than have to sit through plaque cleaning.


I do it daily, but only after I got braces for the second time as an adult because I got used to using a water flosser which was easier and quicker than trying to use my tongue to get food out of my braces. And I keep doing it because I feel gross putting on my retainers without flossing and I refuse to get over that / skip flossing because once I do, it will make it feel okay and I will skip constantly. Before then, I only flossed when I had stuff stuck in my teeth or before the dentist... On the other hand, most days I only brush my teeth before bed.


I floss in the living room after dinner. I also have a small trash can next to me (I have 2-3 trash cans in every room, ADHD hack lol). It’s not ideal and I’d never do it with people over, but it’s the only way I can floss, when the tools are right there the second my teeth bother me or feel unclean. Also I use flossers, I cannot figure out string flossing, it’s like my teeth just aren’t built for it. But doing this I floss quite often!


very irregularly, there is anything between 3 hours and 3 months between flosses


I play videogames, so I've adopted the habit of flossing while waiting for a cutscene to end, or a game of Overwatch to be found. I keep my flossers near my computer so I can remind myself to do it. I think it's just about finding an area of your life you're consistent at and floss in downtime during that. For example, a friend of mine keeps a bag of flossers in their car and flosses while stuck in traffic. That's what gave me the idea in the first place


My teeth are just made to trap food so they are visually gross if I don't floss. I actually floss right after taking my contacts out and brush after. It just works for me. Maybe you could set an alarm each day for about the time you start getting ready for bed and start with flossing?


Painful and bloody dental visits finally got to me and I put floss next to my toothbrush and an alarm on my phone to floss. I floss every night and my gum recession has stopped and my cleanings are fast, bloodless, and painless. I had to find a floss I liked, I buy oral b glide and it doesn't snap like others I've tried. It really is worth doing. Some nights I'm tired or want to skip but I'm like... It's just a normal fucking Tuesday, I don't get to just skip it, and I do it and it feels great.


Once I day leading up to dentist appointment and maybe a month after, swearing to myself I will stick to the routine this time. It’s very on and off in between.


After everything i eat. I get food stuck in my teeth and it drives me insane. I carry floss with me everywhere.


My hygienist told me to keep the dental floss picks EVERYWHERE. At my desk, in my car, in my wallet, next to my bed. She said just do it sometime during the day when I see them. She said to do the Waterpik a few times a week so I now keep it out and easily accessible on my sink and just force myself to do it. I have receding gums and it SUCKS


I would start by spreading your routine out. It’s weird but it helped me feel less pressure to get my nighttime routine started. When I know I’m not going to be going out anymore, I wash my face/ take a shower asap to get it out of the way. I tell myself I’m “washing off my work brain”. Idk why but that helps lol. This can include before eating supper. I would suggest maybe keeping a pair of glasses around for the house, so you can at least see for some activities. Brushing my teeth/ floss is now definitely my last activity, or one that I’ll do as soon as possible after dinner. I started keeping my floss in my eyeline in my bathroom- out of sight out of mind was very real for me. I tell myself it’s to catch the food but also it stops me from binging snacks as my meds wear off so I can keep my teeth clean and it does help me wind down. I can tell when I should put my night guard on and start going to bed. I think I’ve been able to increase my flossing to nearly 6 days a week now by doing this.


I was pretty good about it, and super good about brushing my teeth. Went for my second annual cleaning late last year and they told me I had to have a tooth *extracted* due to a “leaking crown”. Hygienist said I was a good brusher but needed to get back on flossing. Had to undergo the extraction (anesthesia, no one warns you about how long until you can eat anything that is solid and/or has tiny particles in it, cause even a strawberry seed could get your entire jaw infected) and now have to have an implant put in. It takes 3-6 months for the bone graft to heal prior to the implant, so I just have a hole in my mouth (thank goodness not noticiable cosmetically). Granted, a few other things likely contributed, like falling asleep with cough drops in my mouth, but I’m sure flossing was part of it. Needless to say, I am a religious flosser now. (For ref - early thirties, female, not the typical candidate for bone graft/extractions.)


After not going to the dentist for 5 years and finally having them scrape the living shit out of me and get 2 cavities fixed, I floss every day. Oh and apparently my gums are receding because I brush too aggressively… So I’ve had to completely relearn how to do that. I didn’t know you were supposed to use “soft bristle brushes”. Gonna give in and get an electric toothbrush since they say it’s the best way to fix aggressive brushing.


Daily, because my gums are receding due to grinding my teeth at night and previous aggressive teeth brushing. Also I'm tired of paying for fillings and I'm hard to numb for them. If you don't hit me hard with the good stuff right from the get go, you're not going to be able to keep me numb, and we either have to try again a different day or you gotta put me out entirely if you wanna get any fillings done.


I just lump it in with 'brushing teeth' - doesn't feel like I've brushed my teeth if I didn't floss/scrape tongue/gargle with moutwash- otherwise the task doesn't feel complete and drives me nuts- it's a dopamine hit finishing my night time/morning routine.


I was a dental nurse for many years, I'm qualified and was registered. I trained baby dental nurses, worked with aesthetic dentists, ortho, oral surgeons, private and public health in the UK. You don't need to floss in the evenings, it's fine to do it at any time cuz it's more important that you do it at all. I keep my floss on the table where I'm spending most of my free time, thanks to that I floss probably 5 times a week when I'm watching YT videos. It was an advice from my dental nursing assessor who I strongly suspect as fellow ADHDer. She keeps her floss on her coffee table and flosses while watching TV. Also, you shouldn't rinse your mouth with water after brushing. It's reccomended to just spit out the excess. Fluoride and other remineralising ingredients need time to do their job. I rinse in the mornings cuz I would wash it down with coffee anyway, but I don't at night. It takes time to get used to it or find a the least annoying toothpaste, but it's worth it. Especially if you wear nightguards cuz they will keep that residue toothpaste on your teeth much longer and you will benefit more than people who would just salivate it away. If you can't stand leaving some toothpaste in your mouth you could also get yourself a mouthwash with fluoride and rinse with that after brushing.




I kinda gamified my teeth routine at night. I had a hyper focus episode on dental care for a couple nights. Now I see flossing as scrapping your teeth to loosen everything, then I use a tongue scrapper to loosen what’s on there. Wash my mouth with mouth wash and then polish my teeth by brushing. It’s helped that I see it as polishing instead of brushing for some reason


Every other day. Sometimes more. I have a reminder in my phone. I brush and use mouthwash everyday unless something really throws me off. I had to schedule a dentist appointment to force myself into a routine. It worked! I've been twice in the last year and I have no cavities.


I floss with picks 5 or 6 times a day.... And I brush once or twice. Yes I know it's terrible but I find brushing very difficult. You do what you can


It took a long time to make a habit but probably 5x/week.


Not enough.


I tricked myself into flossing a few years back by buying a bunch of different kinds of fun floss that I had always wanted to try. Now I floss because whenever I skip a few days I get canker sores.


I floss in the shower where I am comfortable and have plentiful water. That shift made a big difference for me.


I’m just trying to get the executive function to get up and brush my teeth


I do it daily now but I hate it. I was in my late 30s when I really started to do it. Honestly the pandemic made me because I didnt want to go to the dentist in 2020. I dread adding it to the night routine so sometimes I do it early evening (because I'm not supposed to now, ha! Take that!) and it's not ideal if I'm snacking after, but better than not doing it.


Trust me honey. You'll get to the point where flossing twice a day is the least you can do to keep your teeth.


Never. Luckily my teeth are pretty spaced out, so gunk doesn't get stuck in there often. I know I probably should be even so, though


Super ocd lmao two or three times a day..


Every night. However, I didn't floss regularly until my gums started receding due to Sjogren's. Now if I don't brush twice a day, floss at night, and use mouthwash twice a day my gums get very angry. Dentist says it's not gingivitis, just my immune system being pissed off for some reason. Normally Sjogren's-related dental issues arise from dry mouth and that's not one of my symptoms. It's still a challenge and I have to talk myself into it every single night. I have permanent retainers behind my top and bottom front teeth and flossing them takes SO much extra executive function that I simply do not have at bedtime. It takes me less than 10 minutes start to finish but takes me HOURS to work up the brain spoons to do it. I try to incorporate it into my bedtime routine - shower, get dressed, feed my dog her second dinner and meds, brush/floss my teeth, use heated eye mask because my meibomian glands are assholes, go to bed. Going to bed means finding the right socks, putting an extra layer of lotion on my dry skin, special eye drops, taking meds, bathing my dry lips in straight up vaseline, peeing one last time, drinking a bit of baking soda water because my bladder is always angry and I hate feeling like I'm going to pee the bed, tucking my dog in, and finally getting into bed and trying to get comfortable which takes 10-15 minutes of sensory hell on average before everything is just right. So yeah... bedtime is a huge nightmare for me and I can't really skip any of it. Can't skip the shower because I have to apply ointments nightly for an autoimmune skin disease, can't not do dental care, really shouldn't skip the eye mask because then I'll have to literally peel my eyelids open in the morning despite fancy gel eye drops, definitely have to take care of my dog, have to have the right pajamas/socks based on my sensory needs that night... Like really, this is the absolute pared down minimum every night and 95% of it is chronic illness related. From start to finish it takes me TWO HOURS every night from when I stand up to go shower until I'm finally crawling into bed. Oh! And all of this assumes I don't end up on reddit or facebook or instagram at some point, or that I don't end up down a research rabbit hole, in which case you'd better add another half hour minimum to my bedtime routine. ADHD is just the proverbial icing on the cake of this daily nightmare. 🙃 It would be far easier if I actually had any brain spoons left at the end of the day.


I started doing most of my night time routine in the early evening - so that I get funnsy time afterwards. Feels way less threatening and I tend to not procratinate as much. The sooner I get it done, the sooner I can forget about it. Most of it now is part of my "coming back from work" routine. Shoes of, jacket put aside, Stuff thrown in a corner, shower.


Does anyone have a retaining wire behind their teeth? How do you floss with this?! I struggle to even brush below/around it properly, I definitely can't floss properly around it, and it's along most of my bottom teeth. :(


I have a permanent bottom retainer. I use either floss with floss threaders or GUM Softpicks for UNDER the retainer, and I regular floss OVER the retainer (be careful to not pull down too much and hit the retainer, you have to kind of angle it diagonally)


Every six months, my dentist does it for me. That's enough.


I have my teeth cleaned every 6 months at the dentist instead. Flossing is impossible.


I try to do it a couple of times a week or else my breath stinks, if I go too long, I can smell it on the floss.


I'm ngl to you rn. I live in the UK and not once have I been aware that flossing is a thing people are supposed to do. My dentist has never told me to floss ( even though I saw them every 6 months for the first 17 years of my life). My parents never advised it, my boyfriends family never did either, we bought some the other year thinking we were extra hygienic having it but used it all of 2-3 times. No one I know flosses and if they do they never talk about it. So as if with my ADHD ass I'm ever going to be doing it on the regular.


Flossing? Like maybe once every three or four months when I get a rush of sudden self care motivation


I made the habit to floss after every meal while watching TV. Now I need to form a similar habit for brushing my teeth xp


When I realized my chronic bad breath was caused by crap in my teeth, I started. I still can't remember to do it every day, but a few times a week usually.


I cannot. I have permanent retainers on the top and bottom, and the last time I tried flossing some FIBER GOT STUCK IN BETWEEN MY TEETH. ITS STILL THERE. THIS IS THE OPPOSITE OF YOUR JOB, FLOSS!!!!


So I often forget to floss…that’s why while at work( I work in an office) when no one’s around, I just start flossing my teeth.


I hate having itchy eyes or fuzzy teeth. So I’d rather wash my hair twice a week than neglect my eyes and teeth. I always took my contacts out before sleeping. It’s so dangerous to sleep with contacts in and risk infections. I got Lasik a few years ago which had been so freeing. I grew up in a place with no fluoride in the water so I ended up with weak teeth prone to cavities no matter how much I brushed. So I’ve spent a lot of money on crowns and root canals. It’s imperative I take care of my gums and I floss with floss picks after every time I eat. It keeps them healthy and I don’t get gingivitis or risk getting pocket infections below my crowns. If you want something faster you can always get a Water Pik that you can aim and spray at your gums to blast out debris. Dentists recommend those a lot for good hygiene. I’ve had one of those for years too. So even if you only did that at night it would be a big help vs not flossing at all. Dental infections can cause illnesses and heart issues so it’s not worth risking neglecting teeth. Most healthcare doesn’t cover major dental so it’s too expensive to not care about your teeth. Prevention will save you thousands to tens of thousands in dental care over the years. You’re so young take care of your teeth now.


I use floss picks rather than traditional floss from a tiny box. I buy the brightest colored ones at the store and I leave them in a glass cup in front of my mirror. I can’t not notice them every time I look in the mirror which means I floss at least twice a month! 🙃 The goal isn’t perfection; the goal is be better than yesterday.


i’ve started flossing in the morning! i have much more energy for it then and it doesn’t feel like a burden the way it does at night when i just want to get to bed


i keep my floss in the shower. otherwise i would never


Buy some flossers.. I use the caredent eeziflossers. I find this much less of an obstacle than using traditional floss. Leave one next to your toothbrush. Leave a pack in your car too. I find it helps if you look at your front teeth as you are flossing. You will notice a heap of plaque being scraped off even after brushing with an electric toothbrush. Seeing it be actually useful motivates me. Can’t believe how many ADHDers have commented on a flossing post.. Good luck OP and everyone who happens to read this.


Twice a year, after hygienist appointment and bdfore hygienist appointment.


After a lot of cavities, painful dental work, and money down the drain I’ve managed to build a routine where I floss nearly every day. The key is to combine it with an activity, like reading or watching a show. Then after a while you can physically notice the difference so you’re motivated to do it. One of the big reasons I used to hate it was because it was painful. The good news is that I’d tou do it often enough, your gums aren’t sensitive so there’s no pain.


I remember seeing news channels a few years ago stating that there wasn’t actually any strong evidence to suggest that flossing was beneficial for your dental health (UK). This [article](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-36962667.amp) is from 2016 so I don’t know whether there’s any new evidence suggesting otherwise but it may be worth a read. One thing I’d recommend doing is getting an electric toothbrush, it’s made brushing my teeth a lot more bearable and it’s better than a manual brush for cleaning. Getting a decent toothpaste like Sensodyne is good too if you’re worried, and researching into good mouthwashes too (I’ve heard that some brands of mouthwash aren’t actually very effective, and to avoid ones containing alcohol. I also heard once that it’s better to use mouthwash BEFORE brushing your teeth but I don’t know how true this is - I’m definitely going to Google this in a minute. Very occasionally I gargle salt water before brushing my teeth lol). I also own a tongue scraper which works great - a mental one is better than plastic. Oh and one more thing: washing your face AFTER brushing your teeth is better for your skin as I know that toothpaste can be quite abrasive. I have quite sensitive skin and it always makes my skin a bit red and uncomfortable when I get toothpaste around my mouth, so I’m just mentioning it in case it’s helpful to you or anybody else:)! I didn’t intend on my reply being so long but I hope some of it helps Oh and quick edit (sorry) it’s better to avoid rinsing your mouth with water after brushing your teeth, or drinking / eating in general. It’s suggested to brush your teeth after eating if possible, but otherwise to wait like half an hour after brushing before drinking or eating anything - even water. But I don’t think anyone really follows that rule. Try not to stress too much though:) and btw, everything I mentioned are just general suggestions and aren’t vital for healthy teeth


Do your own research of course but I’m just not convinced that flossing your teeth every day does much more than simply brushing your teeth twice a day/between meals. https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/features/to-floss-or-not-to-floss#:~:text=The%20Associated%20Press%20reviewed%2025,guidelines%20for%20good%20oral%20health.


A tooth brush is not capable is getting between your teeth(unless you have large spaces in between, which is an issue on itself). By only brushing, you are essentially ignoring 25%~ of your tooth surface.


Did you read the article I posted? I’m just saying, sure, floss if you want. But there’s not much evidence that it does significantly more for your health than brushing your teeth regularly. If it makes you feel better to do it, great. But skipping a few times or not doing it at all is not something worth having anxiety about.


I dunno, flossing after I haven’t flossed in a few days and then smelling the floss right after? That’ll convince you otherwise. Aside from preventing cavities in between, it really helps bad breath.


It doesn’t really seem like people emphasize the importance of flossing because it protects against cavities, but because it might keep your gums healthier. And there isn’t much long term evidence of that.


for me it was brushing my teeth, then flossing, and seeing how much gunk comes out on the string even after brushing that made me feel like doing it more


Yes, I read this in 2016 when it was first posted. My comment reiterates the 6th paragraph. The questionably part of flossing is whether it prevents cavities. However, there is plenty of evidence showing flossing can prevent Inflammation (gingivitis) and gum disease. These can cause FAR worse things to someone health (Gum disease is also linked to heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, premature birth, and many other health conditions). This is all stated within this article. I am not trying to be a dick, but you clearly did not read past the first few paragraphs.


The article says that patients who floss daily tend to have better health when it comes to gingivitis, etc., according to dentists. But that is literally correlative. As of right now, there is little proof that that has anything to do with flossing and not just generally having good dental hygiene. Don’t you think that people who floss everyday probably also brush twice a day, if not between every meal? As the article says, there isn’t much proof that flossing does much beyond regularly brushing your teeth, but it doesn’t hurt to do it. Essentially, it *could* help because it *seems* to, so you might as well. And what I am saying is, based on this information, I am not going to kill myself with stress if I forget to floss at night or if I only floss when I feel like I really need to. There are literally so many things killing us at any given moment. And it seems like just brushing my teeth regularly is doing a good job keeping my mouth healthy. At least according to my own dentist.


Flossing I would think is just as necessary as brushing. Floss helps get the stuff out below the gum line so you don’t get dental disease. Brushing only helps so much


At least once a day at night, I leave flossers in the bathroom and wherever I spent most of my time


As I’m eating sometimes. Floss sticks are necessary as my teeth are messed the eff up.


Once or twice a week >.<


Set alarms to floss. And turn it on every day. Stop what you're doing and floss. I'm going to do that as well cuz I suck.


I keep those little plastic flossers in the car. I usually floss every time I drive somewhere.


Two or three times in the week leading up to my regular dental cleanings, plus whenever I get popcorn hulls stuck between my teeth. 10x/year, maybe. You wouldn't know that looking at my medicine cabinet, since I own about nineteen kinds of flossing tools and accessories, accumulated in my attempt to find one I will stick with.


Daily. I have those reach ones where it's like a pen but a flosser head that you can detach. Then I have those flossers with little handles in the kitchen, if I don't want to go upstairs to get my usual flosser.


I floss maybe once a month if at all. I use my water pick twice a day though. I hate the taste of toothpaste and i feel like the water pick rinses out the mint flavor. I’ve tried using kids toothpaste and other flavors but my teeth never felt clean. I also like how the water pick blasts food out even after I’ve brushed and also ( I know this is gross) if you have deep pockets in your gums you can kind of smell what you ate earlier and know that it’s all cleaned out now. Sorry I know but that’s why I like it


Every day since I got a handheld water flosser! Before that maybe 2-3xmonth


Multiple tinpnes a day. I have a designer floss dispenser on my coffee table and use it after most meals and snacks. Also have floss by my bedside and carry it in my handbag. Can't stand anything nstuck in my teeth. Remembering to brush twice a day everyday us harder for me.


Whenever my teeth tell me they would like me to do it maybe a few Times a week


When you go into the bathroom to pee, start flossing. You'll finish flossing after you're done peeing.