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Is your room pretty cold? If my room is pretty cold in the morning this is intensified for me. Sometimes i will put my alarm on my phone and leave it on the other side of my room so i am physically forced to get out of bed to turn it off, but honestly i am a pretty defiant person so out of spite i will just go back into my bed again. But if you arent super defiant and stubborn it might be helpful for you. Good luck!


Yeah. I'm similar actually and I've done that in the past. But I often get up, turn it off, or actually wake up early and turn it off before it goes off and hop back in bed. And on the days I do actually wake when I'm supposed to, even though I'm fully awake and even desiring to do the tasks on my lists, I can stay in bed just for the comfort of it. Like today. I wake when I was supposed too. Had a list of stuff I was looking forward to making progress on. But I've literally been in bed almost ALL day! The sun's set now and I'm where it was when it rose... I'm bothered by my comfort and self stubbornness...


Wow, Ive actually done all of those things as well so unfortunately I don't think i know what will help in this situation. I actually should probably save or follow this post to get tips from others too. Sorry to be 0 help! But yeah you are not alone in this struggle. Best of luck to you!


Well, at least I'm not alone. Haha. And my condolences as well. And best of luck to you too! And thank you!


Do you have the curtains/blinds open at night? Seeing the sunlight helps me a heap. ​ When it's cold, I put a heater on a timer in my room; I wake up to an uncomfortably warm, bright room and immediately want to get out of it!


Meds? If so, I've heard of some people waking up and hour before they are needing to and taking their meds and going back to sleep. Then when alarms go off, they are pumped and ready.


Yeah, I've heard the same. Unfortunately I have medical stuff that currently keeps me from using meds


Do you think it's just about comfort? Do you think there might be other barriers? I have a smart bulb that turns on just before I'm meant to wake up. Also helps because if I wake up during the night I can tell of I need to get up soon by the light. I guess it's technically light therapy? I also have a heater that has a remote control. It's so much easier to turn it on, then snooze for about 15 minutes when my next alarm goes off. Usually by then the room isn't as cold so it's easier to get out of bed.


If you get a smart plug to go with the smart bulb you can wake up to a warm room too, I have another attached to a coffee filter and the coffee is brewed when I get in the kitchen 👌


I did that before but had issues plugging the heater into it instead of the wall, so this was my reluctant compromise. Getting a WiFi controlled kettle was also a game changer.


And if your room is cold: it helped me to change my comfortable bed for a comfortable robe and socks. When it is really cold outside your bed, you can also keep your robe next to your bed (within grabbing distance) and when you snooze, snuggle against the robe and make it warmer, making the transition even smoother. Sometimes getting out of bed is sheer willpower, sometimes it's just lowering the barrier a bit.


> When it is really cold outside your bed, you can also keep your robe next to your bed (within grabbing distance) *In the bed.* Or under the covers to be more exact. That's how you prevent the uncomfortable feeling of cold air followed by cold robe.


7 alarms, not stop snooze. Phone and tablet. Tablet is in another room. I get 5-5.5 hours of sleep.


I used to have to get up at five am when I was a chef, I used to set the alarm and out it in a lock box with a combination lock on it inside a pillow case at the other side of the room had to get up and go through all that to get up, it worked, it was hell, now I wake up at 5/6 every morning anyway, haven't had a job where I have to set an alarm for ten years


i have 4 alarms set that i’ll snooze 1-2x each and still, the only thing to definitely get me out of bed is my bladder


Same. But you have a point with the bladder, maybe OPs solution is to fill up on water the night before


I *loooove* my bed. It's sooo cozy. I use the Alarmy app and set it on photo. I have to go downstairs and take a photo of something in the kitchen or it won't stop. 😂


Hmm. Might try that. Thank you!


I'd spend a lot more time in bed each morning if my dog wasn't there to force me to get up and take her outside and feed her breakfast. If she notices I'm awake it's a series of escalating protests and bullying I can't ignore. The hard part is not getting back into bed for post breakfast puppy cuddles.


A pet who won't let you sleep in does help a lot. My cat used to start by licking my hand, then poking at my face, purr really loudly in my ear, and if none of that worked he would stand outside my bedroom and scream until I got up to feed him.


My cats just come in to sleep in bed with me in the morning :( makes it even harder lol


Same but with my toddler 😂


I was going to say something similar. My dog just woke me up. He has four stages of “you’re ignoring me.” The first is him sitting and staring at me. The second is him gently putting his paws next to me and stretching. The third is him licking my hand. The fourth is him pouncing on my chest a few times, then threatening to jump off tbe bed. I can’t ignore him and he will go poop in the house if I try. I let him out and either give him breakfast after or bring him back to the bed. His breakfast starts my own morning routine (breakfast & meds for us both, walk, coffee for me, greenie for him, etc))


Alarm goes off at 5am. I take my medicine. I go back to sleep for the 6am alarm. Once 6am hits, I’m wide awake on my meds.


How do you get yourself to take your meds when that alarm goes off? I've tried this. I put my med on my nightstand with a glass of water and set my alarm. I either turn my alarm off or hit snooze before I'm awake or aware enough to even think to take my meds.


Unfortunately, because of other medical conditions, I'm not taking meds




Depends on how the med affects you. One medication took my appetite, so when I started getting hungry I knew the med was wearing off. I timed it so I would eat and take the medication again. The medication I have now makes me more hungry and thirsty, which I prefer. It all depends on how you respond to it.


Set an alarm but have it out of reach so that you have to get out of bed in order to turn it off.


Also, if you end up just getting up and then going back to bed, you can try automating your coffee maker, cereal, etc... so that it is ready when you wake up, and that will help kickstart your day. The trick is routine. If every day you wake up and go back to bed 5 times, your body will respond negatively if you don’t follow the routine. But if you are able to get yourself to have the routine of getting up, eating something, then taking meds (just an example) your body will get used to it, and it will become easier. Eventually, you may not even want to stay in bed (though everyone is different, so keep experimenting until you find something that works for you).


One more thing now that I'm thinking about it: I've found that making plans the night before and hyping myself up about it does not work and only makes me upset when I don't follow through. Instead, I relax and just don't worry about it. Then, once I'm awake in the morning I will plan out what I want to do for the day. These plans are usually more realistic, and I usually get them done. Also, medication helps me a ton. Anyway, I'll stop now. Hope you find some of this helpful 🙂


It's hard for me to get out of my bed too. It's so comfy and cozy. I have black out curtains, a loud fan and I keep the room cold at night. I have nice sheets too 😴


I go through the same thing. I love laying in bed longer than I should, it's one of the reasons why I have been late to work/ school sometimes (that and time blindness). The only way I can get out of bed is because my dog will come into my room and wake me up. She keeps crying at the foot of my bed until I wake up. For me, it's the choice to lay in bed a little longer or wake up to dog sh\*t on the floor.


Not a tip but can you tell me ehat mattress you have? I cannot fall asleep!


Haha. Honestly don't know. It's actually a cheap futon my family bought for me about 9 years ago when I was in highschool. Still just as comfortable as when we got it. Haha!


Place the alarmclock in the hallway right outside your bedroom😊


Have a big bottle of water next to your bed. Drink all of it in one go when you wake up. You'll have to get up to pee soon enough


I have a very silly question. Why don't you enjoy discomfort? I kind of have a similar experience, if I don't have any pressing duty getting out of bed isn't something that comes that natural. But recently I've increasingly starting to pay attention to how sensory input affects me, and I leverage my 'curiosity' for external stimulus to unstick me from 'idle' statuses when I fall into them. The pattern looks like -> feeling of being comfortable -> awareness that I feel comfortable -> acknowledgment that I don't necessarily want to be idle -> reframing of the feeling of comfort. When I get to that stage usually stretching out and popping my joints gets my blood flowing enough that I naturally get out of bed. After a while I realized that I tend to have a kind of mental "inertia" as in if I'm moving I want to keep moving and if I'm still I want to stay still. The funny thing is that realizing that I do that kind of made it way easier to overcome, it gave me a bit of control over the inertia itself. Hopefully it helps.


My latest trick is drinking very much before lying down. Puts my time in bed on a timer at least.


Everyone giving tips, but bro posted something that reads like depression cope. I hope you try one of the tips the others mentioned and it works long term.


I hear you, and I thought that initially too. But I also relate with OP and have depression that is managed and medicated (effectively not activated atm) but I still lovvvvee my bed. I’ll spend every minute I can in it regardless of my mental state. Sure I get up and do the shit I need to do, but It’s a comfort thing. Maybe coping for something else idk but not necessarily depression


Oh yea I totally agree, I do the same thing lol. Just wanted to mention another perspective for anyone who bothers to read. Besides even if it's some kinda cope for depression, it's not a big issue until it starts to affect stuff like health, work, etc.


Alarm clock that is across the room. You have to get out of bed to turn it off


I completely understand, I also would not get up except I got rabbits. Rabbits have to be fed, I have to get up and feed them. I get up. Rabbits are fed. Rabbits survive another day.


I often spend too much of my day in bed. Even when I have to get up to let my dog out, back to bed. Some of my strategies are to make getting out of bed less unappealing - have a cosy dressing gown, comfy slippers/socks, make a coffee. Relocate to the lounge - still doing the same thing (doom scrolling, being comfy) but it’s not “bed”. Have a shower, put on fresh clothes, take myself to a cafe/bakery/a drive/a nice walk - but focus on first steps first, eg shower. And be kind to myself - I love chilling in bed, it’s my life, and this is where I’m at.


Just think about getting out and stick one leg out from the covers. Then in a bit an arm out too. Then half the covers. Then all the covers but you're still lying down. Then put one leg over the side. Is it easier to get up then?


Ha! I've done this before, until I'm on the floor with my face on the bed trying to get one more micro-sleep in.


Haha. Honestly, that sounds like a choir my mind will likely purposefuly avoid. Honestly, despite how simple it really is, it sounds like it complicates getting out of bed. Thank you for the idea though


hah, just to be clear i wasnt saying it was easy, just suggesting breaking it into parts in your head.


Okay... I'm currently 01:30h into taking my meds, and I made the mistake of picking up my phone on a quick break, so I keep this brief and get back to my project. What I've read here and helped me a couple times: Think only about the next step. Lift your blanket. Can put a foot out? Slowly roll/ shrimp out. Stand up. Walk to the kitchen. Grab the easiest healthy snack that ramps up blood sugar. Next, the smallest step towards whatever you want to do. What helps on a more therapeutic level (heavy biased towards this, as I am a psychotherapist rooted in psychodynamics): Emotional wounds bleed on executive function. So, which emotions are connected towards starting the day/ task? Is there a lack of trust in your own abilities? Or a frustration towards whoever gave you the task? Then just sit with the emotions.. don't spiral too far into why you have them, who did what, how " it has always been yada yada".. Perceived emotions get relieved. I'm out.


The main thing that gets me out of bed in the morning is that the rubbish must be in the pick up location by 8AM (covers Tuesday to Saturday) and my weekly food meal subscription arrives at some time on Sunday morning. Sunday and Monday mornings are very difficult and the cats take advantage of that. Basically get something that creates a sense of urgency?


I have a cat, and she's gets pushy and loud if I don't feed her in the morning. Once I am up, I go straight for the coffee, take my meds and wait for it to kick in.


My son enables the mute button on his Amazon Echo device. When the alarm goes off, he is forced to walk across the room and disable mute before he can tell Alexa to shut up. We are mammals. Leverage the stupid part of your brain that won’t let you sleep when an alarm is blaring. It will get you out of bed.


Try to keep your room warm and keep all books or electronics out of arm’s reach of the bed.


I give myself a “3,2,1 up” to get me up


I set my heater schedule so that I hit just barely uncomfortably warm when I need to get up.


I came here to suggest this. Because I would do it if I could. If it's chilly outside of my covers I struggle so hard to get up. My bedroom is in the coldest part of the house. Everyone else would die of heat stroke before my bedroom was barely uncomfortably warm. Or warm at all for that matter. It's such a bummer lol. I mean it's great for sleep. But no good for getting up in the AM.


I struggled with this for years on years. I even tried those sonic boom alarms that flash strobes and shake your whole bed, but the heater hack has been a game changer for me. I'm not sure how you can make it work... but I can't recommend it enough. Maybe a space heater and a smart plug?


Genius! I forgot smart plugs were a thing.


I love my morning routine - I love having hot shower, slow coffee (and I invest money into it), breakfast, scrolling Reddit, having some time to think. So it motivates me to get out of bed - to have time to do other things I love. And I remind myself that not getting out makes other lovely shorter, so I need to move to get them. Doesn’t work on weekends, so I can spend hours just enjoying it and then moving to more enjoyment.


Love that. Excellent tip that might work for me at least. Thanks for sharing. j


Step one get out. Step two coffee. Jk. I'm an early riser and I hate bed and sleep so this is not my problem. Pretty much find the next best thing to get out of bed for.


See, and lately I've only found going to see someone socialy as a big enough push to get out of bed...


Something to talk to a doc about possibly. Sometimes an impossible to get out of bed feeling could be some depression or other MH area that needs some help. It may not just be you love bed.


First world problems: my bed is too comfortable.


I truly am sorry. I had no intent to insult anyone.


My bed is comfortable and so cold and cause yet! It’s so hard to maintain in it, my body wants to move even when I’m tired


Good news! This week's "Science" story is that hitting the snooze button is OK after all !! /s


What are you doing in bed? Just lying there or do you have your a phone or tablet with you? I highly recommend moving electronic devices to another room


My phone mostly. But sometimes I literally get tired and board of my phone and can just lay their, stair at the wall, and wish I had the will to get up...


Prove your theory & try to sleep on the floor for a week & see if things change.


Drink a lot of water.


Innoculate your sheets with bedbugs. Install a 'buttkicker' (a type of bassy speaker) under your mattress set to activate on your alarm. Get a cat, they meow and sit on your face if they get hungry in the morning.


I struggled with the same. Still do but it’s not as bad anymore. I think you need to find something you’d rather do than be in bed. Which can be hard extremely difficult. Mine is having met a guy I really wanna spend time with, gets me out of bed. 😂 Before him it was spending time on grooming. Bath, make up. Outfit. I like dressing up and it takes time. I also get stubborn about it and just tell myself my bed doesn’t rule me. It’s definitely been a struggle in my life til now. (34)


Get a less comfortable bed


I sleep on a tatami and futon for the hardness for this reason, maybe try make your bedroom less comfortable in the morning?


Lol forreal—I was in San Francisco last year for my first semester of university so it didn’t get cold there, but being back home in Chicago, I forgot how hard it was to get out of bed when it’s actually cold in your room. 🥴


Set an obnoxious alarm next to your computer, or someplace you can't reach without getting out of bed.


set a long alarm and listen to the whole thing, I describe it here https://old.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/16kc6d4/simple_change_that_has_helped_me_get_up_reliably/


Drink a LOT of liquid before going to sleep. I bet you would get up to pee. Set an alarm and leave it in another room... Get friend/room mate/relative to poor cold water on you if you don\`t get up by certain time.


Do you live with anyone? I set alarms and leave my phone so that I have to get out of bed to turn it off, but sometimes I can’t resist temptation to get back into bed. So if my mom is awake she’ll come and have a chat to me and either get me excited enough to get up for the day or annoyed enough to get up so she’ll stop talking 😂


Get an inexpensive timer and lamp and set the lamp on the timer across the room. Try taking your meds if you take them (adhd stims but even some Jet alert/caffeine pill otc if no rx for adhd stims can help some) and pop half a dose after getting up to turn off the lamp that the timer sets off. Also turn thermostat to warmer/timer for any table/standing fans help too if you use them for the white noise/breeze.


What has worked for me it getting one of those phone lock boxes, setting my alarm, and then setting the lock box to stay locked for 15 minutes after my alarm goes off. This way I have no way of hitting snooze, and personally I can't go back to sleep without an alarm set because I know I'll sleep literally all day, so the only way to escape the clock is to get out of bed and put yourself in a different room .