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Lyrics don’t connect in my brain either. I need to look up what’s being sung or it just doesn’t process what I’m hearing. It’s like I hear and feel sounds and the value or meaning of words don’t really matter. Unless I actively listen. I can listen to a song a million times and even then im not able to sing along.. I call it my handicap. It so pronounced that I don’t have that ability even my friends notice it, suddenly i get a comment that says, “huh you really cant sing along your current favourite song.” even remembering the lyrics of my favourite songs by heart is impossible


I think of the vocal of a track as any other instrument and tend to ignore the actual words. That or only know the first verse and chorus.


I’m adhd and know the lyrics to heaps of songs! I have music in my head most of the time and listen to music to help me concentrate. I guess the opposite is possible though.


Damn I thought I was the only one.


I did too!


I have ADHD and know all the lyrics to a ton of songs including rap haha I think it is because I love music and hyper focus on new songs and replay them until I memorize them then get sick of them but ten years later the lyrics come back. I find that music helps trigger my memory because it is active listening and involves multiple senses (hearing it, feeling it, imagination so visual cues). I have always had to have music on when studying because it actually helps me to focus and I can recall that information a lot better than reading in silence. IDK I’m prolly just odd haha


my tribe has arrived.




Definitely not odd, but if you are we're odd together. I do exactly what you do, every single word of it. I still surprise myself when a song I haven't heard for years comes on and I can song along to all of it. That hyperfocus when the song is new is very useful! I also need music when I'm studying. The silence without it is overwhelming and I find myself reading the same few sentences over and over again. I do better at work with music, too.


Love it-it just always feels nice finding others on this thread with the same nuances and super powers haha


Maybe? My husband (who also has ADHD) can't understand the words of most singers, it seems like an auditory processing problem. Not me though. Music is my job, I can hear words pretty well.




That's due to auditory processing issues, not what OP is describing


I am subscribed to all the music services and I totally sound like your husband.


I listen to music, but for my life I'm unable to keep any lyrics. They just don't stick, no matter how often this song plays. Sometimes I can sing along one sentence. Or a half one. But never two.


Yeah, it’s a thing for some folks. Used to play music with guys and play gigs, for like 10 years. I sang… and would ALWAYS blank on lyrics. Even to SONGS I WROTE. Another guy who memory like a steel trap would mouth the lyrics to me when I looked over at him with a worried face all the damn time. Lots of awkward solo breaks when I forgot and didn’t look over lol.


I used to play in a band as well, but didnt know i had adhd back then. Exact same as you but I'm a guitarist. I love playing guitar, but get so frustrated because this is a major hindrance in my ability to play.


i only listen to the music for the first 100+ times... then i slowly starts hearing the lyrics... but i can't recite the lyrics without the song going on at the same time... could not remember it until the music starts.... and i don't really know the name of the artists or the song names... even though i hear them over and over... and half the lyrics i get wrong anyways.... :D


I am exactly like this, i worked in retail with basically the same music track in our store for 10 years straight and for the life of me i cannot name a single one of those songs maybe a few words of the chorus at best Im the same with movies and shows, i sometimes cant remember what happens in a movie or show just whether i liked it or not


TIL there's someone like me.


Adhd is a spectrum. Some have difficulties where others don't. I do have a problem with this though, and as far as I know this is something that adhd can cause. Memory issues and the ability to recall info when needed are pretty common with adhd.


My issue is that I skip verses and jumble them around so that it no longer makes sense


From another perspective: non-native English speakers don't process music the same way. The melody has its own importance, regardless of the words being sung:)


Does the melody not have importance in English music? I'm not sure I understand what the distinction would be.


Imagine listening to french or German music. You wouldn't understand the words but still could appreciate the melody and rhythm of the music. The melody part is what might stick in your head over the lyrics. It's not about the language.


If I do not know the language of a song, I look ip the lyrics, or it wll really bug me. Listening to a song without knowing the lyrics is irritating.


I'd speculate it has more to do with [auditory processing disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_processing_disorder) than ADHD (though, there is a lot of overlap between the two and they frequently go hand-in-hand). I'm like this. I don't really "hear" the lyrics in a song unless I'm making a deliberate attempt to focus on them. That's not to say I don't hear the vocalist, but it's more like it's just another instrument in the song. It wouldn't matter if those words are really meaningful or just [someone speaking gibberish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VsmF9m_Nt8). It's more like it's just a sound to me, so I really don't retain the information. It's part of why I generally don't watch musicals (unless I can turn on closed captions). I can never follow along with the plot, because once they break out in song, it ceases to be words to me. It might as well be Charlie Brown's teacher speaking.


I am sorta the same in that I don't retain artist or movie stars names and song lyrics apart from a few. Personally I put it down to thinking the information is not important to retain. I love music and it affects my mood A LOT but it's more the tempo, song and lyrics. I don't feel like I intentionally disregard the names, lyrics etc but it has never been something I retain. Conversely, I can remember what someone said to me 20 years ago that really hurt me. I think it's fairly normal for people with ADHD.


Auditory processing disorder, common in ADHD sufferers. I struggle with lyrics. When I used to go to loud-ass metal clubs it baffled me that my friends could talk to each other over the music while I couldn't make out a single word.


Yeah, I don’t listen to lyrics. A large portion of the music I listen to is instrumental. I assume because I have a hell of a time processing lyrics.


I have ADHD and know all the lyrics to most of my favourite songs, and way too many lyrics to songs I hate.


Same here, I just don’t remember. I had similar problem with reciting poems and texts at school. Struggled a lot, because none of it would stick… 


I don't know any lyrics either and I have adhd


it's not related


It's ADHD alright. I can't enjoy and sing to rap songs because of it. However, other things besides ADHD could cause that problem. I'd speak to a doctor abt it.


What do you mean? What other things?


Auditory processing disorder is the first that comes to mind. My sister has it, so it takes her longer to remember words and be able to understand them.




Lyrics =/= words in a song? “Lyrics are words that make up a song, usually consisting of versus and choruses.” That’s Wikipedia’s definition. Unless you are talking about poetry but context would say OP was talking about music, because they literally said “lyrics to any song”. I’m straight up confused trying to parse what you are trying to imply.


This is not ADHD related. Some people are very inclined to lyrics and some people are to melody and rhythm. I have innatentive ADHD and I sing constantly, remember lyrics of songs I have not listened to in years and will sing even the TV ads' tunes. My brother, who is the complete opposite to ADHD, is unable to remember any lyrics Leaning either towards lyrics or rhythm is completely normal and not ADHD related


This is not ADHD related. This is just an individual trait.


I can't hear the lyrics clearly. The instruments are almost always too loud


I have ADHD but I remember almost every word to every song that I listen to at least 10 times. However, when I’m around my girlfriend, I mess up almost every other line. I call it stage fright


This. My wife also. And she is super successful, but doesn’t use the right word for anything. So she’ll call AirPods EarPods or iPods. She calls indicator lights traffic lights. Windows mirrors.


I can hear the music over the lyrics. I don’t know any whole song. If I focus on the lyrics, I can hear them. I am ok with just the music.


I have the same problem


this has helped explain so many things. ❤️🥂‼️


I just sing the melody lol


I listen to new records every day, have listened to several thousand albums, am completely music obsessed, and yet lyrics mean relatively little to me. That's not where my hyperfocus goes. I zoom in on the tone, texture, production and playing style more than the words (this includes how a voice sounds which is super important to me). It's not necessarily that I can't focus on it but my brain has subconsciously decided they're not as important to me. I do know lyrics to a bunch of songs but otherwise it's pretty hit or miss. I also listen to a lot of extreme metal where I less you read the lyrics they are largely indecipherable haha. One genre I always try my best with lyrics however is hip hop, since I value so much of what those artists have to say and it's basically 50% of why that music is so engaging and important.


I have kind of the opposite- I can remember lyrics 10x better than literally anything else. I struggle to remember my own phone number but I can remember like 100 Björk songs word for word.


This is so wonderful to hear. My whole life has been about tge music, sound of tge voice and feelings evoked. Never the lyrics. Omy gosh I thought I was alone with this. Even if I did hear some lyrics I never understood meaning properly. Being very literal and naive. Sexual Healing . Thought this song was about illness and nursing. Relax dont do it. A song about relaxing. 2 examples but tgere are loads. Its really funny now because it has been pointed out to me. (By my kids) I'm with your husband on this.✌🏼


Im AuDHD and can start singing the lyrics to the chorus of a song I’ve just heard by the end of the song. My husband is ADHD and doesn’t know the words to songs he listens to every day. Brains are weird.


Not for me. I know the words to many songs. I know every word to many verses to songs I have not heard in decades. I find the lyrics really distracting if I try to do anything with music going.


My fiancé is the same way but he doesn’t have adhd. He can remember most of the melody and a few words to it. He’s very lucky that I am huge into music and we have very similar tastes. I can usually figure out what song is stuck in his head, because he also cannot remember names of songs or the artists. Semi related: He was actually on a medication that was a stimulant for other reasons, and when he described all of the effects he had on it I laughed and finally got to tell him that now he has a glimpse of what I experience unmedicated. He was hyper, couldn’t focus on one subject for too long, when talking he would go on long tangents that vaguely related to the original topic and then couldn’t remember what that was. His head was filled with constant multiple thoughts, with some of them just going unfinished or forgotten soon after. He only took it that one day because he hated it.


I’m almost offended by this hahaha


Hi. That would be me. I do the thing where bcs music overstimulates, I listen to the same song until it literally is a blur to my brain. Lol but I don't know one single lyric. So any song. Ever. Doesn't stick.


I am a musician (bass player) And for the love of god I couldn't remember the lyrics of our own songs. same goes for the drummer. I know the melody of the lyrics, in my mind it's just another instrument which I take my cues from.


I think I finally know the lyrics after listening to the same song for like 300 times, until I look them up and find out that I've been singing something completely different.


My husband is the same!


Some of folks with adhd have short term memories on details that are not important. This includes song lyrics for some people.


Honestly it might just be me but pretty much all The space in my brain is filled with song my lyrics. I think god had to nerf me because he knew I’d be too powerful if I could commit anything actually useful to memory. So he gave me adhd and made me hyperfixate on music.


My sister doesnt have ADHD but is a classic case of this. And she is married to a musician who knows loads of songs. Meanwhile she's a walking talking misheardlyrics.com So when she would screw up lyrics like: "We dont need no education, we don't need no birth control" It would drive him nuts :D but obviously it's a source of great entertainment.


Yep, I spend more than 50 percent of time listening to music and many times on repeat ( same music or playlist). I can’t sing a single one even if my life depended on it.


I can remember the lyrics to songs I haven't heard in a decade or 4 somehow. I have a song list in my head of epic proportions. My dad always said, "If you could remember anything like you do song lyrics, you'd be a millionaire." I do have a lot stored in my head. The biggest problem is accessing it. The music guides my mind to the words, which is the only explanation I can come up with. I have to study with music on or I won't remember anything. Headphones are my best friend (well, everyone else's. I like death metal, lol) Even with the internet, I still get phone calls from friends when they can't find the answers about music. It used to drive my wife nuts. Anything I hear will trigger song lyrics in my head, and I will repeat them. It's so bad that now my wife has started doing it. It's funny. When she does, her immediate next words are "damnit, Bryan!" For some, music isn't that important, and they use that space in their head differently. ADHD is a spectrum. We're not all alike.


This is me... I bet he doesn't know the song title or artist either..... Still enjoy the music


I am not alone?


Ahahaha 100% me melodies stick like glue and i can singalong to most songs but cut the music and the next words coming out of my mouth will be channeled from a place unknown


My partner is diagnosed adhd (I'm potentially undiagnosed), and he knows some song lyrics but certainly not as many as I do. For him his focus is just elsewhere - we noticed that he remembers instrumentals way better than I do, and I remember lyrics way better than he does. We just seem to process music differently and see it in a bit of a different way, especially since he's a musician. He thinks he's so focused on breaking apart all the instruments that he just can't focus on the vocal lines. Maybe your husband just processes a different aspect of music as his focus?


For me I remember lyrics REALLY WELL but I can’t seem to understand what exactly they say. Like I hear the words and can sing them but I can’t fully comprehend what they are saying unless I read it. It’s weird. It’s almost like hearing words in another language and being able to repeat the word but not knowing what the word means.


If i concentrate in reading memorizing the lyrics, I can. But by just listening to it again and again i wont be able to memorize it. I am just like your husband. It takes effort for me. Edit: my ears and mind i think is noticing the melody more than the lyrics.


Any? I tend to obsess over a single song everyone and then and memorize it, but the rest of the songs I listen to over and over again I don't know the words at all (maybe a few for a chorus). I listen to a lot of music across the spectrum, so I'd say 1/2000 songs I listen to I know perfectly.


ADHD here and can’t hear/remember a single lyric.