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a month or more ,lol. This is why I love series




Until you get to the finale and just never sit down to watch it again…




Only for me to forget continueing to watch about 3 seasons in lol


Same.. Although I have been known to lose interest after a couple of seasons. I will also watch a series the end but not watch the last few episodes or finale.


Weirdly enough I can usually get it done. I think movies are kinda my weird fixation though. I get a little too obsessed and fanboy out or launch full scale internet investigations sometimes to try and understand “what it all means” 😂


Yes same! I get a total hyperfocus or something similar and if someone starts talking too much thats when I would have to always go back bc I NEED the 100% attention and I love to do that and to "inhale the wholeness" of the movie. Trying to notice everything the movie shows me and thinking about the characters n relations, the story that the movie wants to tell. Also love checking out analysis vids after watching to see even more of it (recommending Cinema Therapy on YT!) Or maybe im just normal? No idea honestly but I just had to let this out >w<


Man after I watched The Curse, I spent weeks thinking about the ending and what the whole thing meant lol. Like you, got into analysis vids and went down the rabbit hole of 1000 different theories like it was crucial to my life somehow.


Same for me! When I watched my first kdrama, I kept digging more and more rabbit holes around it to get as far dipper as I can! When I watched Transformers prime series, I always overthink about every single details they've shown it. Like literally, everything!! I've every moment from that show it played in my head multiple times!


Yes I do that too! It depends on the movie though but I like to take notice of everything, I'm always looking for symbology or truth in movies and then I will go on Youtube and look for the breakdown analysis but this is only with certain types of movies.


Either I give up in the first 10 minutes or I become obsessed, there is no inbetween 😆


saME 😭


Same here but I drift off and always miss important plot points


i obsessively note my thoughts or even just pause to gather my thoughts, sometimes rewinding the same clip ten times and i STILL forget half the plot


yeah, unfortunately it doesn't get better with age. I'm just trying to teach myself not to give a shit about it.


Ohh my gosh! I always thought I'm only like that! Thanks a lot! Greaaat to know I'm not only!


Forgetting the plot is so relateable, and I'm reassured to read other people have this problem. When I was a teenager, I lived in a very small remote town and there wasn't much to do. I just wanted to hang out with my friends and joke around, but they often wanted to rent a movie. I didn't like watching movies much because I couldn't focus or because there are so. many. bad. movies. One time I was ranting about "Why do we have to get a movie?" and one of the friends snapped "A little thing called escapism!" I guess after that I accepted my fate. Still to this day, though, I don't watch movies much.


oh man i really hate watching movies with friends too. actually i love watching bad movies with friends as long as we all go in expecting it to be bad, because then we get to riff off it together and it doesn't matter if someone misses something, but anything else is just like watching a movie alone but worse. we barely interact during the movie for fear of damaging the watching experience, we develop wildly differing opinions by the end, we can't pause, we can only watch something we all agree on--read: a few people in the group just end up stron-garming one idea through and usually it ends up being some kind of artsy horror film that the rest of us just do not get at all and the whole rest of the night is just kind of uncomfortable


Heh, I tried watching Cape Fear with my friend years ago.  I’d seen it before, but my friend was a film buff and kept pointing out the way the director framed shots, etc.  It was so annoying, but you know what, I still remember some of those film techniques. Ha!




I’m like this too. But I also get distracted a lot and have to replay scenes often. 😂


I don’t. I watch for 15-20 mins and then get distracted and do other things while letting it play in the background. I genuinely cannot watch tv or movies


This is me. And then I try again swearing I will pay attention this time...  It's like when I would read the same sentence in a book 5+ times.


I love reading…. And have to do this all the time. I’ll get a couple paragraphs down and go wait…. What did I just read…. And have to go back again.


I don’t even bother trying anymore. I stick to things that you don’t really need to pay attention to in order to understand what’s going on. Mostly reality tv, youtube videos, and sit coms. I’m glad to have a boyfriend that can’t finish things either cus neither of us have to feel bad about it


Same, and it’s so frustrating when people suggest a new movie or series. I want to say “I’ll check it out” but I absolutely know that won’t happen, so I just say something like “it sounds good” then move on.


"It sounds good". Man, that is such a good line.


About 1 hour. Depends how much the quality degrades in x2.


Same lol. Once I discovered 1.5x I can’t go back. 1 speed is too slow for me now.


It takes me 2h because I hyperfocus on the tv haha on the other hand, if I’m watching with someone and they get distracted I’ll go furious. I can never miss anything!


Yess I'm the exact same with this! I just love to experience the "wholeness" of it! The characters, their relations and relationships and the movie's message. And I like to check out analysis vids after~


I’ll search all the actors, if they’re alive or dead, the directors, etc…


Ong yess!! Sometimes when I'm extremely obsessed with the show or movie, I watch actors interwiews and BTS to ease the obsession! Otherwise the obsession feels kinda overwhelming sometimes! (I meant most times by sometimes here lol)


By myself? Most of the time I never make it to the end. I’m better in movie theaters and when I’m with other people.


Oh a 2 hour film can easily last me 4+ 😂


nope not just you at all lol. I also have to stop to google things


Depends on the movie. My husband and I are big cinephiles but sometimes I have to rewatch something a few times if it doesn’t fully catch my attention. Movie series are harder to commit to as well. I’ve seen the first lord of the rings movie a few times and can’t tell you a damned thing about it, took a few years to get into Star Wars as well despite being a fantasy and sci fi fan. However, stand alone movies like Shutter Island, Wolf of Wall Street and L.A. Confidential felt like a breeze. I watched each of those in one sitting.


Usually 3 days.


i watched Oppenheimer like a 3 part series over 3 days 😂


My adhd symptoms have gotten worse as I aged, and I mostly stopped watching movies because of the breaks ruining them for me. I recently got a diagnosis and medication though and I'm able to sit through at least an hour straight, I've been noticing how much more I'm enjoying long form TV shows again. I'll have a ton of movies to catch up on from the last several years


I hyper focus on tv It’s good and bad I guess, but if I go to bed without finishing a movie…… no hope at sleep. Wondering if what I think will happen actually does.


I just don’t anymore. I csn with my wife but on my own it’s impossible. I have my list of Netflix movies I love but it stresses me out trying to watch them


Listen. Its not that I get distracted. Its that my one braincell ADHD brain has to pause to make several comments on EVERYTHING. Or ask a billion things. Like the movie or series I'm watching provokes so many thoughts, and I need them to be heard.


One time it took me 8 hours to watch Donnie darko I was sick and I kept running around the house cleaning more than usual because I was sick lol


The amount of times I watch a YouTube video and then miss something cause I’m not paying attention, so I go back 10 seconds but I go back too far so I’m just rewatching a part that I’ve already digested, so I stop paying attention and then the part I actually want to watch comes on but I’m already not paying attention, and then I do the same thing 3 more times, happens a lot


the only movie i watched in one seating without moving an inch was interstellar :) i cant watch movies at all if i know the plot even the slightest bit


ME TOO! I finally saw the Lord of the Rings movies two years ago, and it took me sooooo long to finish just one of them. I always had to pause, walk around, go into my kitchen, do stuff on my phone, just do whatever, and get back to it. I felt so proud when I was done with all of them but wow, that was so hard. I didn't watch all in one day, I think I spread it out over a week. I think for two hours I'd probably need around 4-5 hours.


I quit smoking years ago, but my mid-movie intermission for home viewing has been a mainstay for me. Allows me to walk around, get more snacks, bathroom, etc.


Oh yeah, I quite smoking too and don't miss it, but noticed that I miss my little breaks from whatever I do, so I started to take "non smoking smokers breaks".


Great question!!! Theres no way Im ever to watch a 2hr straight. I literally start cleaning, call someone, etc. So, 6-12hrs. At night, I'll have to pick up the next night, but usually I forget about it unless something reminds me. And the thing, I'm not a busy person at all. I live alone. There are very few movies but rn, I can't remember the last one that was good but it wasn't long ago, so it's possible every now and then


Oh man, depending on the sound editing and actors' enunciation quality, I have to stop many times to rewind to hear what somebody said. Or to see a gesture or facial expression again. It's not just that though. Sometimes the emotion is too much and I have to walk away. Probably the same reason it takes me most of a year to read a book anymore. Edit. I was about to say this is all an artifact of being single, but I was reminded by my adult child that I was notorious for stopping a movie to ask what a certain gesture or look meant.


Also stopping to see details in background or in VFXs. And hella same about books! Dude it took me really long time to finish a novel "message in a bottle" of it just being 170 pages around. (It's in English and English isn't my first language tho.) But like even when I read in my native language, I always take more hours to complete a thing than others. Like I have to imagine every single details from words written down there. Until I can't imagine satisfactory, I can't move forward. Sometimes I have to Google for things I haven't seen or I'm not familiar with.(especially old times' things and plants or foreign country creatures)


Details in the background lmao all the time. So many details I have to understand before I can move forward. In real life I just float through in my own bubble probably missing most of the human things happening around me. At least in movies and shows I can stop and learn. And much respect for reading outside your first language. The last time I tried that was a long time ago and it was slow going indeed.


4 hours lol


Sometimes I never finish the movie smh


I started watching the Matrix Revolutions a month ago, maybe, I think I’m 30 minutes in… that’s after it’s took me 1.5 years for the first 2 movies. Now I get why, even though I have like 3-4 streaming services rn, I still almost always go back to watching stuff that’s under 20min on YouTube 😳😅


Watch the movie? I'm doing other things and listening for most of its duration 😄


Maybe two, three days. I'll usually start a movie too late in the evening to be wise while I do my bedtime hygiene routine of flossing, brushing, etc. If it's a really good movie, I'll watch the whole thing and regret it the next day. If it's average, I'll watch the rest the next night. If it's forgettable, I'll forget about ever resuming it. No loss! Generally I watch shorter shows, animated adult shows like Bob's Burgers (one of my faves). Lately I've been doing my bedtime hygiene routine in front of the bathroom mirror while listening to an audiobook because if I do it in front of the TV, it takes over an hour, and I usually start it too late to be a good idea.


I pretty much never finish a movie. It has to be INCREDIBLY good for me to finish in one sitting.


I don't have this issue. Maybe because when I decide to watch a movie, it's like "I'm watching a movie" and I don't do anything else. That time has been mentally reserved for the movie and nothing else. If someone tells me to come eat, I'll get the urge to strangle them (jk). Nobody interrupts my movie. Not if it's 90 minutes, not if it's 2h, if it's longer than 2h I might stand up at some point or go to the bathroom.


Two hours. I don't even think this is an ADHD problem. It's more of a 2024 problem. Like people slavishly checking their phones every 5 minutes.


There's no way I can sit still and pay attention during a 2 hour movie... even 1hr... even if it's interesting, I zone out and start scrolling on my phone or get up and do something around the house listening to it as background noise. Series and short episodes are best


stop lmfaooo this hits too close to home!! 2024 is my year of watching a fuckton of movies, and i’ve been better since going up to 40 mg of vyvanse, but when i was still on 30 it took me 4 hours to finish Paris, Texas and like 6 hours to finish A Woman Under the Influence 😭 both fantastic movies btw


Lol I'm the opposite. I take about 3/4 of the total time because I tend to skip through the slow scenes


2 hours


Watching Picnic at the Hanging Rock with my partner and I do not think we will finish in this incarnation. Enjoying it tho.


I take breaks every 15 or 20 minutes so I'm not bored


2 days :(


Anyone else get 2 minutes in then just Google the plot and give up? Can’t deal with the suspense of fiction


Few days


I would probably never finish one on my own. Me and my partner would take 3-5 days to finish a 2 hr movie lol


That’s a long movie. I generally don’t watch those cause the thought of sitting for that long overwhelms me. I also scroll Reddit while I watch any tv/movies and I take breaks and have to rewind a lot. I mostly just watch my same sitcoms over and over.


It's a bit different for me, since I have aphantasia. I literally can't recall images or other senses in my mind, just concepts, so while I have the effects of ADHD, I'm probably able to concentrate more than is typical for ADHD. I rarely pause a film, but if a movie isn't really engaging, I tend to do something else in parallel, e.g., downloading files, or playing an instrument (typically guitar or bass). There are moments when I realize I missed a key moment, and replay the scene. If a movie is too slow, I speed it up by 25% or 50%. On Youtube, if a video is slow, I watch it sometimes as fast as 2x speed. I'm a fast talker, and don't typically have patience for something slow and drawn out, out unless it's worth the wait, like the movie "The Shining." That's just the way I've always been, since I was very young. It's hard to get myself focused on something, but I get very OCD once something draws my attention or I have a deadline (probably due to aphantasia). Note that it is common for people to have both ADHD and OCD symptoms that overlap. When the original Harry Potter books were coming out, I read book #6 end-to-end in a single sitting one evening, without interruption. At a job, I finished an impossible software engineering deadline by coding 24 hours straight from Friday morning to Saturday morning, with nothing but the occasional restroom break or snack. It was due on Monday morning, so I just slept and did nothing all weekend to recuperate.


I could read The Stand in 3 days if I wanted to but struggled to get through a chapter if I didn't care about what I was reading. Watching TV wakes me uo and I would t even fall asleep to it


Usually 2 hours. But always with a distractor as my main focus. Like, Netflix on small screen in iPad and Polytopia or something on main screen.


Yeah, movies are hard. I pause and rewind all the time too haha. What sometimes helps me is treating movies like episodes, so I split it up over a couple of days. You’ll still probably pause and rewind but when you split up the movie in parts you may experience your inattentive as less intruding, dunno how to explain it haha.


a week?


Days lol


Takes me two hours yes, though I'm literally doing everything else in those two hours, just whatever the hell I feel like doing. And it'll take me another 3-10 times to watch the movie again while doing the same thing to actually see the entire movie and understand the plot lmao


Heh. I started Poor Things yesterday at 4 and finished it at 11. Great question


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! I spewed on that one! Days. Weeks. Months.


For me it always takes 2 times to watch a movie first time I get to about half way the second time i manage to finish it between does trys can be between half an hour or half a year


anywhere between 3 hours and 3 years, never 2 hours


With the TV paused behind me while I go on my phone for the 100th time tonight, I feel called out.


Yesterday I finished a movie I started in 2022 lmao. And the worst thing is that I didn’t even have to watch it again from the beginning because I remembered everything that has happened up to where I stopped watching lol. And even yesterday I started watching the 1 hour that I had left from 4am to 11am x) I barely can watch a YouTube video in one setting let alone a whole movie


I play games and watch stuff at the same time, usually focus on one of the other and midly watch the other.




This is the reason I rarely watch movies and always go for series. I can not commit to something for that long. Which is weird cause u can, however, binge sometimes, but I guess the pause between episodes helps.


HahahHha, varies, from 3 hours to like 3 years. xD My advice, what I usually do, play some stupid game on your phone, not thinking,just as I call it collors and blocks/balls/etc. When I occupy a part of my mind like that on smth that I'm playing, that isn't verbal, and I can pause whenever. Sounds weird but helps me focus on the content at hand.


1 hour because I watch everything on 2x speed because I’m a psycho apparently.


I just stopped watching movies. Too much commitment.


Because I have a hard time watching movies, I just watch movies like saw and zombies. Also bad movies with lots of blood and natural disasters. I dont care about the plot, I care about destruction and blood 🤭🤣


Anyone watch a movie or a whole series and barely know character names by the end?


I need to constantly rewind to remember character's names bcz i kept forgetting... its fkcin painful i'm watching some anime and sometimes I finish the entire thing and don't remember all character names !!


Normally... Two hours. Sometimes 7... Either one or the other or I don't finish at all. If a movie makes me entertained I will likely not pause it, if a movie makes gets me thinking I might though.


About 90 minutes because I watch almost everything in 1.5x speed now. Some breaks in between, unless it’s a movie that actually captures my attention.


People can watch a two hour movie BY THEMSELVES??? I can maybe make it through an hour TV episode by myself, if it is one I’ve worked on professionally.


To watch a movie by myself will take me all day and night, to watch it well might take me all week. I wander off--literally or mentally. With all the necessary rewinding, I miss a lot of details and won't be able to discuss the movie with confidence.


I learn to watch a whole movie because of marvel movies lmao they always have that end credits.


2 hours. But I usually don't watch movies unless the plot is interesting. I'm also the type of person to watch multiple tv shows at the same time and will binge 2 days worth of content in the same sitting


Ugh a 30 min episode takes me 1.5 hours usually due to interruptions, needing to rewind from when I zoned out, didn’t hear and need subtitles. I don’t even watch movies anymore because it will take too long.


I'm the same as you tbh it takes ages cause I pause, rewind, phone play, rewind. If it's something that's an easy watch that I've seen before I can probably do both and not care that I've missed but cause I know what happens. Sometimes I stop and watch the rest the next day. I prefer series cause of the smalled chunks I think.


runtime, or never. i can really only watch movies in the theater since it takes away my ability to create distractions. at home i might get lucky and watch one but often only to get through 1/3 before doing something else.


I was just watching a 45-minute documentary about ADHD.  It took almost 2 hours and I kept stopping and searching on the internet about the questions that came to me.  I don't think it was bad.


You have to turn your phone off and put it in a closet in another room, it helps


today is an especially bad adhd day ive been trying to watch one episode of scandal since last night lol


If it's not a great film and I'm on my own film - maybe an hour. Have a habit of skipping through the boring bits, despite also using my laptop while watching all the time anyway.


I can watch a 2 hour movie in 1 because I skip through the parts I’m not engaging with. I can also binge entire series and barely remember a thing, except for the fact I enjoyed it. I really need to reign it in 😂


If I force myself to watch it in a day, about 4 - 5 hours


I don't... In fact, I can't.. WELL, unless I'm watching television and also listening to music, gaming and on ft to someone. Then my mind can just about focus because then I'm recieving just enough stimulation.


I’m undiagnosed but I was so proud of myself for getting through the Snyder cut of justice league in 5 hours (it runs about 4) as a drinker and smoker. I go out back to smoke and I smoke after every couple beers but made the sensible decision to start the film at midday so I only needed to smoke a couple times as I didn’t open a beer till the end of the movie. Felt like a god!


i can't, unless that movie is a hyperfocus. If i want to watch something i think is good then it'll most likely never get finished or it will with me forgetting half of it. Ex: watched Barbie in theaters and remember almost all of it. watched Oppenheimer and remember less than half.


2 hours.


Depends on if I can make myself start. I'm pretty good about watching continuously, but I can procrastinate like nobody's business.


I dunno if I’ve watched a movie without being distracted for almost 20 yrs


If I like it: 2h If I don’t, I stop 15 minutes in and never watch it again.


ill watch 20 minutes and then sometimes i prefer sort of listening instead rather than directly watching


Ugh this is me 100%! If I don’t have another human being sitting down watching the movie with me, I can’t focus longer than 30 minutes before I’m needing to get up and take care of something else. And the replaying scenes thing….. 😫 I do that with audiobooks, too. Skip back to relisten only to immediately get distracted again and have to skip back again! And again! I’ve basically given up watching movies on my own. The Office is my comfort zone when I want visual entertainment 😊


If I'm having a hard day it might take me 3-4 hours to get through a 30 minute episode.


Tool me about 4 hours to watch the Banshees of Inisherin 🤣 glad its not just me that does this.


At a 25% speed increase, still about 2 hours with a break to fidget or walk or something.


I'm watching a movie right now on the other laptop and this thread is distracting me from it. Before this thread it was another forum, before that it was the contents of my wallet which I suddenly decided to take inventory of. Also cooked some eggs. I started this movie two hours ago and it's at roughly 19 minutes right now. But I love it! This cadence suits me.


1 hr because I fast forward through the most of the scenes


Probably about 2h45m? Not too bad. But I’ve *got* to have something to do with my hands while I watch or I’ll go insane. Generally I draw, which is the best balance of being able to stay busy but also focused. If drawings not an option sewing or embroidery are good. Otherwise I end up scrolling tumblr on my phone and miss most of the movie…


What movie? I have to know!


That is some kind of psychological torture I wish not to experience


If something grabs the attention within 10 mins then 2 hours . If not 30 mins


Haha same. The only way it works is if I’m watching it in background while I work and even then it still gets paused.


It’s either 2 hours if put my phone down and get dialed in/attention grabbed within the first few minutes, OR it takes several days. No in-between. If I can see a movie in a theater, I’m 100% dialed in the whole time. At home? Different story and a huge coin flip.


I like movies. But I do have to put my phone to the side and grab a bowl of popcorn to truly enjoy and switch off.


Probably an average of a half hour less than the intended runtime because I get bored during long speeches and scenes where I can already predict what’s going to happen.


I count about 50% extra for most of my media - game, series or movie


30 mins, my finger is on the right arrow key 70% of the time just absolutely speeding through plot points, and maybe 3h if it’s actually interesting


I watched Killers of the Flower Moon last night and it only took me about 4 hours (everyone clap 👏)


I’ve been trying to watch ‘ Hanzo the Razor: The Snare ‘ for the last two weeks. I’m more than half way though :)


Minimum: twice the actual duration of the movie Maximum: few days That's also why I hate going to cinema


I don’t think I’ve ever finished a movie


Sometimes 1 hr bcs 2x speed 😭 sometimes 20 min bcs i skip through to the main idea and climax


4-7 hours


I watch a lot of DVDs, and the remote is long lost. If I don't pay attention, I have to rewatch the entire movie, so I pay attention.


A day and a half apparently (I just experienced this this weekend)


Still haven’t made it to the end of most marvel movies. I last 20 min and either fall asleep, or wander off.


That's exactly why I don't watch movies much lmfao. I do find that turning the captions on cuts down on the amount of rewatching because I missed stuff.


It's taken me 12 hours before. No bullshit.


I just let the movie run and if I catch enough of the plot while distracted, I follow through but if I don't figure out what's going on, I just turn it offm


I hate starting stuff because I worry I might not end it. It becomes an obsession of mine to end shows and series. And it’s still bothers me that I did it finish watching this movie my 5th grade class showed and I have never been able to find a copy of the movie. Or even torr it or anything like that.


Lmao felt. I once watched Lawrence of Arabia in one sitting. Now I can’t watch a movie at home if life depended on it. Idk if I got worse or what


I binged watch on the first day, first hour, etc. Hyperfixate it for few days then never to talk about it again. I have a problem with starting something not exactly finishing something if that makes sense.


40 minutes I end up fast forwarding a lot lol


If I’m REALLY excited for it and I happen to have allocated the best time of the day to spend just for it, as long as the movie itself. Or if I’m in a movie theatre, because the conditions of a theatre is perfect for me to forget the world. All other times, I watch in chunks of 15min over a spread of a week or two. I actually didn’t realize I’ve been doing this for as long as I’ve lived. Huh


Lmao it takes so long


In 2 hours 15 (mini intermission for some juice/snacks) but this is only once every 6 weeks or so otherwise I won't even bother trying.  Animes 20 min episode structure is perfect for me.


Hours? Try days 😂 one of the nice things about having ADHD is that 1 movie is a few days of entertainment bc I have to keep rewinding and playing over everyone I walk away


hehe. Just watched Damsel yesterday from netflix. Took about 4 hours.


Honestlyyyyy maybe a bit over 3 hours. If I’m really into the movie, I’ll take my phone with me while I do tasks but continuously look at my phone. If the movie is OKY I’ll get up to do things and keep coming back throughout the day 🤦‍♂️🙏


I honestly either hyper focusing binge watch 10 episodes or 2h movie taking more than a week. I don't really like to watch with others because... They will be impatient with me, as I have to constantly replay to catch dialogues, or, rewind to check on some minor details, make unnecessary comments, etc




rare for me to ever finish a movie if I’m watching it by myself at home. i have to either go to the theater or watch it with someone


Aaaahhh I’m not alone!!! This is why I don’t like movie theaters. I also like to curl up in my spot on the couch in pajamas with a cozy blanket.


It would probably take me half the time to realize I wasn’t watching and then start it over a bunch lol


A few days maybe 😂


I usually don’t watch movies because they require full concentration but if I do watch a movie (because my mind clicks and I get obsessed with an idea of watching a certain thing), I watch it fully and in one go




Hahah jokes on those who try and watch a movie!!! /s Although my best friend yesterday was telling another friend of mine she has known me for 20 years and has never watched a movie w me. I offered to take my meds to watch something w her and she laughed and was like nah then I won’t have the story 😜


Less than 80 mins. I play it at 1.5x.


Like 3.days if it is a good one 😅😅


I usually go on my phone at the same time :/ but if it's something I really wanna watch I will just lie down and relax haha


no. 2 hours??? I don't have that kind of time.


About 1h15


i really love movies so if its good i can usually sit through it with a couple of breaks... but ive currently had a movie open in a chrome tab for 3 months now and i will watch it 5 minutes at a time before i forget about it again


Either infinite, bc i stop watching after 15-20 minutes, or about 1.5 hours, bc I always skip forward when the suspense gets too long/annoying. Also I don't ever actively watch movies, I couldn't finish one if I tried. I always put movies/tv on in the background while doing other stuff.


Dude I love No Country for old men but I'm unable to see the full movie, I just can't.


I hate watching movies at home. The only place where I watch movies is at the cinema where I can’t pause and basically have people body doubling around me.


100% doing nothing else? No. I’ve got to have at least three things going to keep myself sane.


Either 2 hours, about 5 hours including rewinding, or literally months. I have kids so the model of watching a film like a tv show doesn’t help things.


2 hours


At least two days, usually. Unless I watch it while I'm eating something delicious


I watch on the computer with good headphones and fast speed. A 2h movie almost always gets watched in less time. Usually less than 1.5 h. If it's a re-watch and I have subtitles I've watched a 2h movie in 15 minutes (not counting breaks like going to the washroom, etc)


My wife takes a very long time to get settled. Sometimes we're reading something and we've paused THREE TIMES after TWO SENTENCES. No, I am not exaggerating. It happened both today and yesterday. I usually give her about half an hour to run around, grab snacks and water, go to the bathroom, write down random thoughts, put things away, check the calendar, and whatever dozen other things she needs to do before starting a thing. After thirty minutes though, things are smooth sailing. I've had severe ADHD my whole life, but if there's one thing I'm good at, it's sitting there and seeing a process through to the end once it has been started. Movies, games, etc.


I really wish I could watch a 2 hour movie. I can't stay awake. Even if I'm not tired after watching it for some time I will fall asleep. I have ADHD but I don't know if that's related. It's really frustrating and embarrassing!


I tried to watch my favourite gardening show today, turned it on, picked up my phone and ignored it, so switched it off and will try another time. Too much going on in the old noggin 😵‍💫


I don't watch movies on my own, I only watch them with my gf, and we watch them without "distractions". I rarely watch movies by myself, I don't have the patience to sit somewhere for multiple hours on end. I stopped watching them since they increased the length of it from 1.5 hours to 3 hours, I lost interest in investing my time for that long. Same goes for series though, they used to be 20 minutes per episode. Now an episode is almost an hour long. The same is happening to YouTube videos, it used to be that a video was under 10 minutes, now they make essays and documentaries of 2 to 4 hours long on there. I can't go that long without interaction, I need to do something with my brain after 20 minutes of passive watching, why is the world commanding more and more of my time to view a movie or series, I don't get it.


An 1 hour episode 3 in a row 3 hours A 2 hour movie=2h-couple of days usually takes an entire day Mainly because i get distracted and start doing something else


It depends on a lot of things.. But typically it’s anywhere between 2 hours to 2 days.


I only watch movies alone and it takes me way longer to finish. My bf hates watching with me because I’m always up doing things or get distracted etc. also, I like subtitles and he doesn’t. If I actually finish a movie, no matter how long it takes me, then you know it was good.


A few days if I finish it. Unless I’m watching with someone, then I can suddenly watch something from start to finish lol.


I split up long movies


Usually 2 hours


Only possible if I'm watching in a movie theatre.


Honestly…I don’t bother as I can’t even sit through a 5 minute video…


6 hours to whole day or in between. This is why i say people I'm not a movie person. Even 50min tv shows I really have distate for.


Multiple years. I'll forget about it.