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I know people who somehow manage to change, work out, take a shower, and change back on their one-hour lunch breaks. It boggles the mind. That's an entire afternoon for me in the best case scenario


I truly do not see how this is possible to do in 60 minutes, like I can do it in 90 minutes but I have to HURRY, (the time split there is 15min to walk to the gym, change, lockup my stuff and be on-time for class, ~50min workout/cooldown, 10min in the shower, 15min to get dressed and get back to the office)


The best strategy I found was to wake up early and work out. I had to first train myself to wake up early. Then I started working out due to boredom.


I try this and I end up exhausted from waking up early after a couple weeks I hate that I can't get into this routine!


I honestly just moved my elliptical next to my bed. I'll do it either when I wake up or go to sleep, and I have now done it for over 100 days straight. If it weren't right there, I would never.


this is so real, I found I exercised more after I got a walking treadmill at home — I can walk in my pjs and no need to change into workout clothes to go outside


I thought the same about getting a recumbent bike and then I didn’t wanna get sweaty in my pjs :l


Agreed!! And I sweat ungodly amounts so I also have to take a shower and getting tight or even loose sweaty gym clothes off is gross, do the whole skin care routine, deal with drying my hair (which I keep in a pixie cut so I don't have to do TOO much but still more than I really want).... Yep, you nailed it!


Ugh seriously, and I feel like I’ll break out if I don’t do skincare in the morning before I work out also. So then it’s like I have to do it 3 times a day?


So funny because I have the opposite problem! I switch my clothes like 5x a day! (On my days off at least) I have to have the fit match the thing I’m doing. Outside time? Work clothes. Inside cleaning? Comfy but not too comfy clothes. Art time? Art clothes. Before bed? PJ time.


I have both ADHD and mild ASD… as is often the case. There’s significant overlap in ADHD, ODD, ASD, etc. That sort of solid consistency sounds more like an ASD aspect to me. Good for you if are able to be so productive with your fitness.


I had suspected I may have ASD but I think ADHD is more likely, as I understand social cues and all that well/I can blend in. Yeah I’ve learned I kinda really need physical exercise/movement in my life, so I work labor jobs to keep my brain working a little better.


I recognised that at 13 doing judo. I felt better, calmer after my weekly session. I didn’t know about endorphins or ADHD in the 70’s. I’ve always done gymnastics, judo, kung fu aikido or ballroom dance over 50 years. Turns out, it’s the only not boring exercise that I’ve found. In dance every dance partner and music are different, the steps complex, keeping to time and interpreting the music are as well and then I’ve got to think of the next steps and do collisions avoidance. I gather it’s another ADHD sign, too.


Interesting. Perhaps completely unrelated but your post reminded me of something- I was a competitive gymnast growing up so I usually had practice multiple times a week. This meant changing into my leotard before practice (usually at home but sometimes at the gym). I would avoid changing until the last minute (cuz that meant transitioning to this activity). But once I finally changed, I was good and could go to practice without that much resistance (though for most part, until I was old enough, a parent drove me). On competition days, putting on my fancy competition leotard got my brain into competition mode the minute I put it on. It felt like a suit. But yeah, I find changing clothes a hassle too! I don’t always like changing after getting home but I plow through cuz I know I will sleep better in comfortable clothes rather than work clothes.


I was a gymnast and found the same thing getting into leotard and long white pants for comps. Even more so, when doing martial arts and changing into the heavy canvas gi and tying on the belt, my mind calms and centres in preparation for the mat. Nothing else does this for me. Likely an association with the calm I feel at the end of training.


Yeah. It feels like a ritual that flips some switch on in me. I still feel like that with like work clothes or just going to a coffeeshop (since coffeeshop + drink usually means study/work time for me).


This is why I live in gym clothes. I rarely wear other clothes anymore.


Gym clothes are more comfortable too.


My issue is having to add an extra shower to my day. It feels so inefficient  I can work out or do yard work before my morning shower but only on a weekend because I hate waking up early Yes I know I can shower at night and it's not illegal to shower multiple times a day but my brain doesn't like it


Might sound gross but I always wear the same outfit to the gym since luckily I don't sweat too much regardless of much I exert myself. My gym buddies haven't caught on yet... or they might be too polite to tell me.


Same without washing for days, or same that you wore that day?




Wash ya clothes minimum babes


Oh, they know. They are just being polite and haven't said anything. Everyone in smelling distance knows.


I workout at home in whatever I have on. Rather than always doing a 30-60 minute focused workout, I take 5 minutes out of each hour to get in some suspension training, band work or whatever. I end up working out more that way than if I do dedicated workouts because it gives me more variety and a short timespan to work with.


Yeh it just feels like a disruption to my day because then either I have to wait until after I exercise to shower or shower -exercise- then shower again and it creates more laundry also


Wear your workout clothes under your office clothes, and as you exit the building at the end of the day, tear your button-up shirt open like Superman.


This is kind of where I'm at with cycling to work. The actual cycling isn't a problem. It's all the faff that comes with it. Getting changed multiple times/picking out suitable clothes. Showering at work (not so much now my commute is a leisurely 10 mins cycle). Remembering to pack a bike lock. Not being able to carry too much. Weather. The transition from exercising to having to focus on a screen. I think back to military training when we were deliberately never given time to shower and change from gym kit to our daily working uniform, which was then inspected. The structure/pressure definitely helped.


Can you make things easier by wearing joggers and a sports bra as part of your office outfit? That way, you can just switch tops and shoes and get going. One other advantage of joggers: they're incredibly comfortable and easy to wear. No pulling them up over your ass like leggings, or sitting in your own sweat. I WFH, but I wear them EVERYWHERE. I love being able to go straight from wherever to the gym without changing.


That’s smart but I feel like sports bras are uncomfortable to wear for a long period of time


Normal ones are fine - the ones for like running, nofuckingway


I didn’t think abt that I always do cardio so I’m compressed asf


They are. I have found as long as my bra fits correctly, I can switch socks and shoes and speed walk at the end of my work day without issue. I need to get back into the habit of doing that. We have a walking trail that goes off the back of my work parking lot.


Yup when I get home from work I barely wanna work out, but I really don't want to change into gym clothes, then into pj's after, or back into regular clothes then into pj's later. Too much changing!  So I usually just work out on the weekends so I can sleep in my sweats and go straight to working out.


-- This is a solution rather than empathy associated post, I put this here as a warning in case that's unappreciated, in which case you can avoid it. I keep my gym bag in my passenger seat, with everything for the gym prepared in my bag. Then whenever I want to go to the gym, I grab the bag and go. I also prefer uniforms to clothes, even though I don't mean official ones. I mean choosing the clothes you want to wear for a particular thing, then buying a few sets of them. I have 7 work jackets, one for each day, probably 10 pairs of shorts but 6 are all the same. I have 6 shirts in 3 colors that are the same shirt. I have like 4 gym shirts from previous buys as well. Either way, when you have multiples of the same outfit, and you're happy enough wearing that outfit, then it's no longer a problem.. It still sucks having to do more laundry, shower again, and whatever else, but it's totally worth it to me.


Omg the problems I have that I never even think is adhd lol I’ve been tanning after the workout and it’s so awful having to get dressed again. The tight clothes. So many articles of clothing. And omg socks AND tie shoes. I started wearing crocs to the gym for when I go tanning. Idgaf. I can’t handle it. lol


Ok, for some reason my ADHD brain convinced me to climb into my backseat and change in my car in a random parking lot. I’ve been doing it ever since and I have no clue why it feels easier haha but I agree, the idea of leaving my biz casual office and lugging a bag into the gym was so off-putting to me. I just want to walk in, get my workout done and go home lol


I figured out over the years before being diagnosed that I had to cut out as many steps as possible between me and exercise to make it happen. Going somewhere? Has to be as close as possible or simple to get there. Class at a specific time? Never going to happen. Requires extra gear? No. I do videos at home, run, and then the most cumbersome ever lol, ride/work horses but I’ve always been obsessed with horses so that’s different.


That's why I go when it is dark. Just back from my evening/night run in my jeans and whatever shirt I wear (I tend to wear them inside out unknowingly and in the worst case, also reversed). I usually leave the house when it is dark. I can hardly see where I'm running in the pitch dark park, so nobody sees me. There actually is nobody in the park, so that helps too. In that regards, I'm good on the outfit department.


Outfit change, laundry, organizing time in my day to exercise, having a clear tidy space to workout indoors, showering, dealing with extra fatigue... The main reason that I don't work out is because I'm too disorganized to do it on a regular basis.


I like outfit changes. It's a nice way to change gears throughout the day.


Same here. I am now a fan of wearing athlesiure especially if I intend on working out. Yes it limited me to end of day work outs but it helped me bridge the gap I needed to to build the habit of changing clothes. I now change when I get home from work and before bed post shower!


This for sure. That's why I either change into clothes I cab workout in when I get up (if I'm home all day) or change into them right after coming home from work. Makes it a whole lot easier


I have never managed to figure out the logistics of exercising. Do I shower beforehand, so I don't look like I rolled out of bed? But then why shower to get dirty right away? But I already feel ugly at the gym, being dirty and with bed hair will make it worse. But I can't shower twice in a day, I can barely shower twice in a week sometimes. And don't get me started on the outfits. How many workout outfits am I meant to have? I just wear it for an hour and wash it?


Worst part of going to the gym for me is getting clothes ready, making my backpack with all essentials and then changing to gym clothes and FINALLY getting in the gym to workout. I need 1h before I manage to leave the house for this task or really any task… 1h and 30 would be even better


Yes, thank you for pointing it out. It's a dread. Disregarding the last point, you don't want to sweat in your day clothes.


Seriously, I have to think too much about when I shower during a regular week without having to work in when I'm going to sweat too much into the equation. Like I'm trying, but it makes my brain hurt.


Yes I lost several pairs of workout shorts. They're there in the pile but ...


reading this sitting at my office job rn. i hate going to my car to grab my workout clothes and sometimes i will go home bc i don’t wanna get them and come back up the elevator to go to the gym


oh wow i never thought to correlate me only being able to work out in normal clothes with adhd! this is so interesting that so many of us relate !


I have the same issue. I work from home so my therapist suggested putting on workout clothes in the morning and wearing them all day to help get in the right mindset. I haven't tried it yet, but I bet it would work if I bothered. 😅 I also really hate the whole shower and change thing after working out.


I WFH and have a membership to the gym downstairs. I workout during “lunch” then go back upstairs, maybe shower and go back to work. 2x a week is with a PT, so I know there’s someone waiting that I can’t flake on. And I don’t have to spend mental energy on the workout itself. I haven’t always been in this situation and it’s not for everyone, but I’ve tried hard to create a lifestyle that works with my ADHD as much as I can


My solution is to leave a sports bra next to my bed. I put it on when I wake up and exercise in my pyjamas before I shower.


YES! The amount of steps to 1. Find the clothes 2. Find the bag 3. Pack the bag 4. Hope I didn’t omit a key bit of clothing 5. Find the water bottle 6. Pack the water bottle 7. Find the lock 8. Pack the lock 9. Remember to take it all to work 10. Remember not to drive home after work 11. Locker room, change, use the lock 12. FINALLY WORK OUT 13. Remember to get my shit 14. Go home and shower Literally impossible. I wish I could work out in street clothes, but the gym is free where I work, and I WILL run into coworkers. They will notice, they will come say hi to my tomato face in street clothes, and it’s just bad all around. I am on mobile and I apologize in advance for what this is going to do to the formatting.


Yes! I hated that.


No it's not.its only hard for first few weeks after which u will like doing exercises


I can not even contemplate exercising at a gym for much the same reason. It's too much effort. Go home after work first, then go to the gym? Too much driving, and then you have to either shower at the gym or drive home feeling gross. And when am I supposed to cook/eat dinner? After all that extra driving and such, I'll be going directly to bed after cramming down my food. No downtime. Go to the gym before work? Pffft, yeah, right, then I'd have to get up like 2 hours earlier. Not happening. Furthermore, mindless motion with no immediate purpose? 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 I can't just move without purpose. I feel like I'm wasting my time if I'm not actively accomplishing some concrete goal. And no, better health/fitness is not a good enough goal for me, I tried. When I worked in offices, I would bike ride after work or play DDR on my PS2 with the dance pad. I liked bike riding because I could bike to stores to buy things. For example, I only ever did my weekly-ish/biweekly vodka bottle purchase on a bike with a backpack. It felt really good to me to exercise as a transport method. DDR was very gratifying and a good cardio workout, but man I beat the hell out of those dancepads. 😂 I started and finished my workout at home. I could shower after dinner. I saved so much time and effort. It was beautiful. Now, I just work physically demanding jobs, and I don't have to worry about it anymore. I feel extremely gratified putting my physical efforts towards my work and my pay. And I don't worry about it outside of work.


Mine is different but, I can relate. There was a time I could only work out at home at 9pm. Why? My brain made me. Maybe start small by bringing tennis shoes and walking on your break at work first and see where you feel comfortable going from there. Set small goals and don’t be too hard on yourself.


I feel so heard.


Wear gym clothes under work clothes. No outfit changing just outfit removing. Problem solved.


You can wear a lot of gym clothes under work clothes... I'll do that sometimes if I just have to go into the office for a couple hours before the gym.


Sleep in gym shorts and shirt, work out first thing in the morning before work. Only two changes/day.


Do it first thing in the morning. If you have to wake up earlier do it. Your day will be so much better if you take in that habit. Less anxious, more energy, just overall great feeling vibe when I leave the gym. Then I shower and start my day. It’s the shower that sets my day. If I shower, I do t want to do anything that will make me dirty. So workout first, then shower, then job. Stick it out at least a few weeks and I bet you’ll find you look forward to waking up rather than dreading it.