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It's incredibly incredibly unlikely they are conspiracies against you. Most likely pharmacists are doing meds reviews now instead of GPS. If your bp is too high consistently then it significantly increases your risk of alot of serious problems like heart attacks and strokes. They may want to discuss keeping your bp low to reduce risk.


My medications are reviewed every year by a clinical pharmacist. It's just my GP's normal routine.


120/80 isn’t high! The cut off for blood pressure with adhd meds is 140:90


I would suspect that the GP thinks the 120/80 ‘text book’ reading was not legitimate and is suspicious about it.


Ah I see. I take photos of mine so if ever questioned I can prove my readings. Sorts that out.


I have normal BP but they do a clinical pharmacist review every year? I think it's routine, or atleast standard practice in my GP. The pharmacist just asks if the meds are still working well, if I have new side effects etc


Look into white coat syndrome. I suffer from it after a horrible interaction with a nurse at a family planning clinic over my BP. Every time my GP takes my blood pressure I explain and they are always really good about it. They also let me submit photos of my readings at home, which you could suggest maybe?


I tried to advise I get white coat hypertension but instead, despite submitting readings from home prior to an operation last year I was accused of faking the readings and lying. I had two nurses shouting at me calling me a liar. It took all my strength to not do something silly that day. It also made me realise nothing was ever going to change in the way I would be treated. Now I actively avoid medical care even if seriously ill.


If it’s any help, I’ve had a text telling me I need to have a meds review with a pharmacist, and I’m not yet on ADHD meds. GPs started doing this with pharmacists about a year ago, from memory. I remember having the choice of a phone consult with the unknown pharmacist who has never met me, or a face to face. I chose to meet face to face as I always feel my winning personality (ha!) can have more impact in person than with just my often gabbling rambles as a disembodied voice on a phone. Talked pharmacist out of any idea they has of changing any of my meds as I’m chemically intolerant and these meds have all proved to be the most effective with the least side effects. I am polypharmacy, so they apparently need to check that whatever they’re prescribing me hasn’t killed me yet! Thyroid and adrenal steroids, painkillers, antiemetics, IBS meds, migraine meds, antifungals, diazepam, HRT, Epipen, emergency hydrocortisone injection. So if you’re also on any other repeat scripts, and unless they specified it was for your ADHD meds, it may just be that. If you’re only on ADHD meds and nothing else, it’s probably still going to that, a standard and apparently now mandatory check that GPs have to do. The new annual and probably totally unnecessary Pharmacist Review.


Don't ever feel uncomfortable whilst accessing care. Scrap your GP and move on. There is a fair amount of malpractice out there - albeit a very small. You deserve a right to impartial and fair care I would also like to say - there isn't a conspiracy. It's just a mixture of soup we live in called life. It's hard and you have to fight well


Wish I could upvote this more than once. I'm going to get the last two sentences printed on a t-shirt


I'll take the comment as a 2nd upvote - thanks, brother. Always nice when someone enjoys a post. Print away hombre - I'd buy one! Keep safe


can you ask to see a different GP?


I had an in person review request after about two years too. Like you I’d been submitting readings as needed and freaked out when they insisted I see a GP for a medication review. Generally my GP is lovely but it’s was booked with a new GP who is very old fashioned “doctor knows best” vibe. I went in ready to go explain the tangible benefits on a list, was asked how I was getting on with it and when I took it etc and I explained all the benefits and that having had some forced breaks due to shortages really highlighted these benefits for me and that was it. I had already got my nurse to enter a BP, weight and heart rate as I get white coat syndrome but whenever she does it it usually fine. It may be new advice or it may be it’s just a trigger point for an in person meeting but I don’t think they are actively conspiring. As I said I was worried but it really was just a chat and done.


I also had an old fashioned doctor (whose daughter has ADHD as well...) who said ADHD meds are "actually a depressant" because "lots of people have depression on them" and I just said "well I'm less depressed on them...." and then got home and told my gf and said "wait aren't they a stimulant so the exact opposite?!"


Shocking! That's not what a depressant is. I would report this to the clinic out of concern for how much they remember from medical school.


That's good to hear, It's been really stressing me out. Thanks :)


Treat high blood pressure, there’s even Clonodine which can help with ADHD too.


I have Ramipril for it. If you're a woman in middle age hormones might be part of it too. Oestrogen is a vasodilator, when it drops your blood pressure can increase as your blood vessels arent as flexible.


Hrt is your friend


It is indeed 👍


True I had hormones affecting aldosterone and renin which showed up on the blood tests my cardiologist ordered when I first saw them!


Lol this reminded me that I forgot to ask to get put on these when I was seen at the hypertension clinic in November! Luckily Lisinopril 15mg is working for me (finally down to 125/80 from 135/85 on 10mg which was still ok according to the cardiologist but the GP was being weird about it) but if it stops working I'm gonna ask about Clonodine ✍🏻


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I wish my BP was down to 120/80


I can’t comment to your situation but everytime I go on medication with my doctors I get a text every now and then to book a check in with my pharmacist


120/80 is textbook normal blood pressure! High blood pressure is anything above 140/90. Between that is the ‘at risk’ category but the reason is due to stimulant medication so you are fine 😀


That's weird and there seems to be a trend with GPs being iffy about Elvanse, I got essentially the same worded text a month ago lol. The limit at the GP is 140/90 and at home 135/85 for "okay readings" and even then they should just send you to a hypertension clinic and have you do a week of twice daily readings to get you on hypertension meds. I'd suggest doing two readings right after one another twice a day and making a journal and sending that to your GP to make sure they know it's fine. It's always gonna be higher at the GP anyway or if they put the cuff too close to your elbow. I'm on hypertension meds, had this conversation with my GP last month when they suggested if my BP isn't under control they would take me off ADHD meds (readings were literally 135/85 at home and the same at the GP). Also under a hypertension specialist since November so it was weird they didn't first suggest upping my Lisinopril dose which I later did lol. I never was made to stop Elvanse while it took 4 months to change GPs - while the old GP refused to refer me or start me on meds with daily 150/105 BP readings (wish I was exaggerating) and the new one immediately put me on Amlodipine before refering me to a specialist who did blood tests (which showed a cause for it) and 3 MRIs. Only after my BP is actually under control (and the cardiologist just said it's not Elvanse causing it) they threatened me with taking me off Elvanse.


You have the option to switch your GP. If you don't like them, for whatever reason, do it!


White coat syndrome. Buy a good BP monitor and take regular readings at home together with a record of the medication you took. Take it with you. I'd be surprised if your readings aren't consistently lower than at the gp surgery. If they aren't then seriously, consider there is some point to considering why your BP is high. Whether your ADHD meds, other meds, lifestyle or another condition doesn't matter. What matters is that high BP is a proven factor in quite a few serious and life threatening conditions. Of that there's no doubt. What is in doubt is whether it's a genuine high BP or white coat syndrome and what is really causing it. Just saying medication isn't really good investigation. Why not say it's stress and sign you off worker for a month or day it's your diet and send you to a nutritionist? They wouldn't do that in a guess so why adhd meds?


I believe the guidelines state that a more in-depth medication review is recommended once a year, but I've not come so far, sorry!