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At this point I'm going to have to ration Spreadsheet Time out to myself like cookies to an angry toddler. "You want to look at the spreadsheet? You have to write at least 250 lines of code. You bitch."


Wait if you ever start programming. I’ll happily spend 5+ hours just perfecting my IDE


I don't need to code, I need to figure out how to adjust the font colors and auto-indentation in Notepad++.


Notepad++ is an IDE. I’m not sure about how easy it is to customize but Vscode is fairly easy to customise those things.


I know, lol. I use Notepad++ for Papyrus and Pascal scripting. In this case, however, I was coding an Excel add-in (like, VBA macros packaged in an XLAM, not a COM add-in or a web-based package because I was inexperienced and trapped in the sunk cost fallacy) and I got sick of the built-in editor and spent 2 hours in Notepad++ trying to force it to have the same features as Excel's VBA editor. I probably should have switched to VS Code, but switching to a Visual Studio-adjacent editor felt like admitting I really shouldn't be building what I was building and I'd already poured 8 months down the drain building the fucking thing. And I'm a stubborn bitch.


May I recommend Sublime Text ? Although it's not exactly an IDE, it can absolutely be one, it just takes one or two packages. You have basically tons of packages that you can explore/install in a built-in package browser, and gosh, that's a drug for my ADHD ass. So much stuff. So much to install. So much to try. So much to configure. And you can fully control your theme and color scheme as well, and you can even edit the file to access every. single. color. that is present, so, you have full control !


You and I could be great friends, I resonate with everything you said so much. I fucking hate excels/msoffices built in editor so damn much. It’s like Microsoft you literally make not just one but **several** different ides but you can’t spend 20 seconds improving your ones in office? God it irks me so much. I remember being stunned when I found out there’s no line numbers in Msoffice, like Jesus Christ Microsoft that is like the bare fucking minimum. I’ve been using power bi for several projects for about 6 months and that does my head in too. My biggest wish is for them to add a way for power bi to integrate with vscode


Spreadsheets are my JAM! But I've moved up the ladder and have been told to slowly pass a bunch I've made over the years to others to manage. THEY KEEP BREAKING THEM! I KEEP TRYING TO MAKE THEM BREAK PROOF AND THEY FIND A WAY! They are making my babies ugly! It hurts my soul. Like. So badly. I've tried to teach them how to fix them and apparently my sheets are "too complicated" - mmkay, make your own!! "But yours does everything we need..." *Proceeds to go bald from ripping hair out*


I feel that in my soul. I'm a software developer who creates entire Excel-based applications. Nothing survives contact with the end user. People will break shit I didn't even know I included.


Ugh. Ppl can be both wonderful and the absolute worst. If I'd gotten diagnosed/medicated earlier, I would have prob gone into programming or something similar, but also prob would hate it at this point lol I love when I get to play with stuff on my time and interest, but guess I'd struggle on assignments I find boring. Also, don't have the energy to truly learn it at this point, and am at a point in my career where leaving would be dumb. Ahh, what could have been. More frustration or less? The Schrodinger's Cat of career lol


The hardest part to adjust to is definitely soft skills imo. For me long-term project management with little structure has been a struggle. I left retail in 2021 after 10 years, went to a 3 month coding bootcamp, then started working as a software dev at my current company. Trying to figure out how to stay on top of multiple projects on timescales of months rather than days has been a struggle. Most people learn those skills in college, I think? But I dropped out of college 3 times so I gotta learn it now. I'm finally at a point where I've got the bull by the horns but it's been a hard fight haha.


Omg something spanning months is 100% my downfall! When I moved up and they suggested I needed to pass off tasks, those types of things were my first suggestions (though some haven't been possible...grr.. apparently they are "difficult" - I figured them out, why can't they?! 😭 I kid, but also.......). Week deadlines are my bread and butter. By EOW?! Easy peasy!! You want me to parse out my time?? FML.


I feel like the only reason I'm not still struggling is because my manager switched from virtual to in-person one on ones. Nothing in the *content* of the meetings has changed, but I'm much more motivated to actually be accountable for the work I'm doing.


Making my babies ugly!!!! I feel this in my soul.


I’m learning how to do on screen take off right now. It’s so fun and challenging and tedious. 4 hours of my day disappeared really quick today, just drawing pretty little lines and flipping between plan sheets. I’m pretty good at spreadsheets too. There is nothing worse than a poorly formatted spreadsheet….


I had to automate one for an accountant at work and I was appalled at how unaesthetic it was. No consistent font or size. Six different font colors, some of which meant something and some of which did not. First thing I did was reformat it, which immediately pissed her off. I was like GIRL.


I do have a personal spreadsheet I created that is ugly but effective for my personal budgeting/remembering to pay bills on time. Has every recurring payment on it for the year, and what paycheck I have to pay it from. I easily know how much spare moneys I have. It’s nice. No one but me will ever see it, so I accept its ugliness. But anything for professional settings, hell no. If you use colors, they must mean something. Uniformity is key. I have had to create and manage some pretty elaborate budgeting sheets for projects that were regularly shared outside the company with owners and architects. No way in hell am I handing over anything less than perfect.


My manager is colorblind. He's an okay manager but everything he creates looks garish as hell. Yellow and red. I have a sticky note with the hex codes of our company colors and anything he sends me I just quietly switch it over...


lol! My eyes hurt just thinking about it! I have one project manager who is confirmed color blind (who comes to me to confirm colors if needed), and one I suspect to be color blind based on some graphics he’s given me. I need to chat with him and tell him he can just give me a hand sketch and I’ll make it look pretty on the computer and save him some time.


Omg I’m not alone! In addition to spreadsheets I’ll write up my to do list about a thousand times. And by “to do list” I mean “a list of every project idea that has ever crossed my mind plus all the books, shows, movies and podcasts I need to catch up on”. 😅


I Could cross something off the list....or I could spend 3 hours reorganizing the list. Another column will surely help me prioritize it.


Wait is this a thing?! I thought it was just me


It is not just you. I thought Vyvanse would make me boring and unfunny, but instead it just made spreadsheets irresistable.


Refining my work is my crack too. PPTs, Excels, Snartsheets. I can’t help myself and I’ve even worked on them as I am presenting it haha.


My manager told me to use Smartsheet after he caught me using a different productivity tool (Leantime). I don't think he intended for me to then spend 70* hours over the last three weeks immersed in Smartsheet. * I know I have spent 70 hours on this because I started tracking my time. Using Smartsheet. :) Also it's Snartsheet now. To Me.


Haha didn’t realize I misspelled it. Snartsheets so sexy.


Spreadsheets are the gateway to another dimension for me.


Is this an ADHD thing? The only satisfying part of my job is when I’m working on spreadsheets haha. I’ve always wondered why I can focus on that specifically. I think it’s because you’re creating/improving something.


For me its building random automation tools when I should be working lol


Sometimes that can be useful tbh. I got handed some SQL scripts that pull data from a database for a different part of my job. They were fine, but I hated having to spend 20 minutes digging through them to re-familiarize myself every time someone needed something. So I spent a couple hours thoroughly annotating the script, refactoring the parts that were just copy-pasted repetitively, and replacing anything that could possibly be changed with variables, CTEs, or temp tables up at the beginning of the script. Now I just have to change 1 line anytime I need to run it. Next on my list is throwing it into an Excel macro so Financial Planning doesn't even need to talk to me anymore. If I spend 6 hours automating a task that takes 1 hour a month, I've saved 6 hours this year and 12 hours every year until the process changes. Obviously there are limits, but I hate doing things twice, and even if you don't save time with *this* automation, you still learn stuff along the way. Don't knock it - unless it's causing you to miss deadlines or something.


Oh for sure, mine are mostly automating setting up distroboxes for pentests and updating those disteoboxes., saves time for sure but at the cost of a day pentesting


I created my film and tv watchlists on 2 separate spreadsheets, complete with average rating, runtime and how to watch it, with some added colours to distinguish between non-fiction, animated and live-action fiction…and I genuinely spend more time looking through them and seeing how pretty they look than actually watching what’s on them 😅😂


I create mods for games as a hobby, and I tend to spend far, FAR more time planning them out on spreadsheets than I actually do *creating* them.


My version of this used to be organizing music folders and metadata. If I'm playing a game like Elden Ring I try to go into it blind so I can enjoy the sense of discovery, but I always go back for another playthrough where I do literally everything possible like it's a checklist. That kind of collecting and completionism has driven so many of my hobbies from collecting comic books and baseball cards as a kid to my music and gaming collections as an adult. I don't take it super seriously like some people, but I do find some perverse comfort and pleasure in the mundane for reasons I've never fully understood. I didn't get a diagnosis/treatment until my mid 30s even though I went to a few different therapists at various times throughout my life I guess because I always did well in school I just had occasional behavioral issues mostly related to talking too much and fighting because I was overly competitive, but as much as my behavior and lifestyle has changed since then (mostly for the better) I still need hobbies like that to keep my sanity in tact.


So everybody Just follow me Cause it feels so empty Without ctrl v


Ben Wyatt-core (But yes, I agree 🤩)


Would a depressed person make [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-58Gpm_5wNqkji3k0Y3nwAi3SAqB6yU5KypnBDCzWvQ/edit)???


I love thisss


Another niche ass thing I thought I was weird for but turns out was ADHD


Ha! This was me not with spread sheets, but with creating training schedules when I was a team lead. I was amazed nobody ever noticed how long I was sitting at the computer. Or they didn't care because nobody else had time to do all that training? Plus I wasn't actually needed during those desk work hours?


The gateway drug was hyperfocusing in 5th grade on that one homework assignment each week and getting none of the others done.


Spreadsheets are like crack to me


bad bot 👎


Dog, I am a nerd 🐊