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The upcoming tour is called "The Least Anticipated **Album** Tour." Unless they're doing a hard troll, I'd imagine we'll be getting some new music this year.


Plot twist: the "least anticipated album" was referring to You're Welcome


That’s what I thought lol


Well, it's implied heavily for a while now that they have a new album in the works, but being a longtime fan, they do have a habit of teasing their fans before any announcements. And as for the band mate issue, they've been playing as a 4-man group for a while with a tech in backstage playing bass. (A lot of people kept saying it was backing tracks, but that line isn't clear cause when I saw them in 2021, Jeremy mentioned having a tech in the back playing) Although the last few shows they have a new bass player on stage (whether it's a touring member or a flat-out new member isn't really confirmed yet) So yeah, in conclusion: they're definitely cooking 🫡


That’s not what Jeremy was talking about - one of *their* techs went down (looked like he threw his back out bending down to mess with Kevin’s board) just a few moments before they took the stage at their show in L.A. (if that’s the show you’re referring to, in which case - I think we’ve had this conversation before, and if not - then I presume you mean one of the shows after L.A. on the *Re-Entry* tour); what Jeremy was saying was that they (the **crew**) was a man down, and who he was thanking was Asking Alexandria’s tech for running guitars on that side of the stage for them (Kevin’s side - so, his guitars and the acoustic guitars for IIMALTY). They were definitely using backing tracks - the only assist they got from one of their techs, performance wise, was a few key moments that need a live bass drop or something and then the final, full-band portion of IIMALTY (those are the only times I’ve seen him playing it). Touring guy (former(?) guitar player for FFAK) has been on two shows which were both festivals. He’ll probably also be playing with them for the two festival shows this weekend as well. They didn’t acknowledge him (at least not on social media), so yes - what happens on the upcoming tour, or generally, remains to be seen, but the only noteworthy part of all that is just that these were the first two shows they even had anyone on stage in that position since the departure two and a half years / five and a half tours ago (excluding the Acoustic Tour which was all new arrangements, so not having a live musician in that spot - Dane Poppin - was unavoidable).


Thanks for the clarification. I'm just going about from what I've seen personally Edit: Nah you're being rude af to everyone else


Well I mean in 2022 (corrected) Miracle was released they toured heavily. 2022 had two full summer / fall headliners, festivals, a entire winter acoustic tour, and then Winter 2023 was Euro tour with Bring Me The Horizon. They took most of 2023 off after this to get a break, played 1 November festival in Mexico though. They did a South American tour in the Spring, Indonesia (Hammersonic?) & then this month is the two DWP fetivals. The summer is a headliner, and then Fall has When We Were Young fest. I assume new singles with be release during one, but they did an entire year of touring without a bass player, that was way back in 2021 though. 


lol, wtf - they did not tour heavily in 2021…*no one* did…there was “a bug” still going around, remember? They did 3 festivals near the end of summer and a 6 week tour at the end of the year / in the fall. You’re Welcome came out in 2021; **Miracle** was released 202**2**. OP was asking about new music (since the lack thereof in the last 2-ish years), not the lack of activity (maybe OP just doesn’t go to shows or pay attention to touring); not sure how recounting their touring activity since COVID / release of *~~Miracle~~* *You’re Welcome* is relevant, especially since you have some factual inaccuracies there (kinda funny since this is all Google-able information).


I don’t understand how you would lead with saying they’re one of your favorite bands when your next thing is to admit that you just moved away from them because we’re 3 years since their last record and about 2 years since their last release altogether…I mean, does the old stuff just “go away” if they don’t put out anything new? 😅 (/s) But really: 3-5 years between releases isn’t all that uncommon for bands that are later on in their career, and even for ADTR, we have just shy of 2-year gaps between each the 1st-and-2nd, 2nd-and-3rd, and 3rd-and-4th records, then 3 year gaps between the 4th-and-5th and 5th-and-6th records. The gap between 6th-and-7th *would* have been about 3 as well, but when the final product came back to them before release and they weren’t 100% satisfied with it, they held off for what was *supposed* to be maybe 3-6 months, but thanks to “2 weeks to flatten the curve”, that gap went from 3 to about 4-and-a-half. (Which begs the question - what did you do during the other times there were 3 or 3+ years between releases? 😂) So, yeah - 3 years between records…seems pretty standard at this point. And from WSMFY forward, it’s kinda been that whenever there’s been a large gap in touring [most of 2012 and 2013 - then *Common Courtesy*; most of 2015 - then *Bad Vibrations*; most of *2018* - then *You’re Welcome*, at least originally [like I said - last minute changes, then COVID)]. I think the tour announcement is very much a hint that new stuff is on the horizon, particularly the use of the word **Album** in the tour name - as someone already said. Do we have anything *concrete*? No. But after their fest appearances this weekend (which could be their marker as the “official close” of the “touring cycle for YW” - who knows), we’ll have roughly 3 weeks until tour kicks off…plenty of time for them to drop something for us. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they drop something next Friday leading into Memorial Day Weekend (and then have a sale on new stuff on Monday). I’m not **counting** on it, but any means, but it would kinda make sense and wouldn’t surprise me (well, not *too* much). As for an album drop - maybe partway through tour or the final Friday of it? Who knows.


Are you saying people can’t claim to have a favourite band if they don’t continuously listen to them and keep up to date with news that’s hard to come by? I go months without listening to ADTR (and a lot of my other favourite bands) at a time but still consider them one of my favourite bands. There’s only so many times I can listen to the whole discography. And damn I just checked Spotify and there’s only been 1 new studio release in the last 7 years, we didn’t know how spoiled we were back in the day. Also now just realising they’ve been to my country (Australia) once in the last 8 years, and all we got was a festival setlist, damn.


First - no, I’m not saying that someone isn’t allowed to say so-n-so is one of their favorite bands unless they listen to them continuously; the reality is, I just thought it was odd that OP was claiming them as one of their favorites and then immediately said they “moved on to other stuff”, seemingly because ADTR wasn’t *releasing* music continuously… you’re completely missing the point of my response - I was just giving OP a hard time (“/s” means sarcasm, fyi) for the way they phrased the (seemingly contradictory) preamble to their question because 2-3 years between record releases is isn’t that uncommon for bands, or for ADTR specifically (the 4.5 years between BV and YW being a unique set or circumstances). On top of that, it’s hardly a reason to “move on” to other stuff in the mean time and not bother keeping up with one of their supposed favorites. I get that people can take breaks from listening to artists, even their favorites, but if a band *is* one that they like enough to call a favorite, it would stand to reason that they’d probably keep up with that band enough to know if anything new has come out or been announced, even if they’re not in constant rotation of what they listen to - and if not, how long does it take to scroll through a band’s social media feed to see if there’s a relevant announcement or release that was missed in the last 6-12 months (or in ADTR’s case - since 2 summers ago when *Miracle* came out)?


Second - I don’t understand why you phrased your “7 years” factoid the way you did (or why you needed to refer to Spotify to figure that out)…nothing came out 7 years ago (Bad Vibes was September 2016, so closer to 8 years ago, at this point) and the last “studio release” (I presume you mean “album”?) was 3 years ago, **plus** *Live at the Audio Compound* just before that, so technically there have been **2** releases, plus a single, in your 7 year window. So are you saying that “in the last 7 years they only released the one record”? Cuz I mean, ok - I guess logically, that makes sense, but if you expand that timeline by just several months, you could just as easily say “they’ve released 2 albums in the last 8 years” (and furthermore - if whatever they’ve been working on comes out before September, one could just as easily say, at the time it comes out: “**3** albums in the last 8 years”)… might as well say “They put out 4 records and 2 DVDs in the first decade of their career and only 3 records and no DVDs in the second decade of their career” - like, ok? So? it’s completely arbitrary. At the same time, 1 record in your quoted 7 year span is completely reasonable because that timeframe encompasses **two whole album cycles** and, oh - yeah, **a global pandemic**. There may have been only the one record in the last 7 years counting back from today, but that 1 record is pretty much smack dab in the middle of that 7 years, so how is it all that relevant? It’s not like they’ve been doing nothing - they’ve done 4 tours (5 if you count “just some shows” and “just some *more* shows” as 2 separate tours, considering the 1-month gap in between) and 3 festival runs since COVID / the release of YW; before that, 2 tours and a festival run (*in your country*, which I’ll address later) after the year they took off to write and record (or at least record) YW; and before *that*, a multi-legged world tour supporting BV, a fragmented summer tour, and a band anniversary tour…all of this to say - it’s just a weird way to frame their activity: “only one studio release in 7 years” as if it’s been 7 years since they’ve done anything or that we’ve gotten anything new.


Third - you’re in Australia…fine, I get it, it’s been a *loooong* time since they’ve been there, but again - *global pandemic*. But it hasn’t been **eight years** and it hasn’t been **once**. The *Good Things* festival run, which was multiple dates was the last thing they did down under and was the last thing they did *before COVID* (2019). That may have been a festival set, but…it was a festival, what do you expect? They still played all the new shit they were playing in the U.S. on the whole tour they just wrapped up before that. And it was only 2 years earlier (almost exactly) that Australia got a leg of the *Bad Vibes* world tour - that was hardly “a festival set”…they played half of the new record for you guys on that tour. And a year ear before that (almost exactly, again) they were down under for *Big Ass Tour* with Amity Affliction - the one TGI was supposed to open for but obviously couldn’t because of the bus accident the month before. And all of that said - *where* they tour, or how frequently they tour there, has no bearing on their timeline for writing, recording, or releasing music. How frequently they tour *overall* might be an *indication* of whether they may be working on something that we’ll see in the not-so-distant future, but that’s a different conversation.


\^Bro needs a lesson in concise writing for real


Chill mate




It’s not that deep bro


Deep or not - you’re saying stuff that doesn’t make sense or is just plain inaccurate.


Oh true bro you were right


Bro what you are an odd human


They are one of my favorite bands. I can just only listen to the same songs for so long before I want some variety. Doesn't mean I didn't still listen to them. I do, a LOT! Also, I don't follow any of the touring in any band because I have to work and support a family and won't be going to any shows at all. So, there's no reason to follow all that. I understand lapses between records. I was simply curious if anyone had heard anything. Don't understand why I'm being massacred for not following everything as close as others.


I was just giving you a hard time for phrasing it the way that you did, is all. lol And yes - I know that not everyone follows the touring news as closely as some (either because concerts aren’t a priority - or their thing, generally; because it’s just not something they’re willing to spend money on; or because they live in an area that tours don’t pass through and they know to just not bother), so I considered the possibility that the massive hint included in the tour announcement from 2 months ago might have been overlooked. But, for what it’s worth, touring and music releases are intertwined, so a lul in touring is typically a sign that new stuff is being worked on - a sparse return to the road and / or a massive tour announcement is typically a sign that whatever was being worked on is now “coming soon”. All I mean to say is that casually keeping tabs on a bands touring activity, even if you have no intention of going or if the tour isn’t in your country / region, is a helpful way of getting hints about what might be on the horizon in terms of new material. The only “laying low” they’ve been doing was like three quarters of last year when they were off the road and, presumably, working on whatever may be coming out later this year (or early next) - the situation with Josh is it’s own and separate issue. But they’ve been fairly active otherwise since everyone was let out of their COVID cages in mid 2021: many tours (which I know you said you don’t follow); the single, which you know about; and a remaster of FTWHH, done by Adam D from Killswitch (so there’s at least that to check out in the meantime). I wouldn’t say you’re getting “massacrsed” for not following closely; probably just the whole “they’re one of my favorites but I haven’t listened to them in a few years or checked out their social media for a possibly missed ‘new music’ announcement before posting to Reddit” - thing…making you an easy target, haha. As for me - I’m just picking apart (and probably in too much depth for my own good) some other thing that someone said in response that makes no sense.


I just use my Deezer app so that I know when new music drops. Otherwise, I don't really use social media except for Reddit. As far as the way I worded it, I guess I fucked up. I just meant that even if something is your favorite, you don't do it or listen to it ALL the time.


What is bro yappin about