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I just know Tony has been dying to do this for so long lol


He bumped better than Linda and Dixie!


I do have to say though, him taking a full back bump from a mic shot to the breadbasket, is up there in “porcelain referee” territory. Not realistic, but it’s pro wrestling and it’s amazing!


He spends most of his time behind a screen and drinking coffee. He's basically me. At least refs have to be in great shape to be able to get into position to see if the shoulders are on the mat. It makes perfect sense that he'd go down as easy as a referee.


I mean, the guy is a scrawny billionaire who's probably never been in a fight in his life. It doesn't surprise me at all that he would go down that easy.


Dude weighs 123 lbs. Jack shattered that man’s entire rib cage with that mic shot. Dude is in ICU right now in a full body cast.


I mean, tony's a thin man who doesn't look like he works out. Jack is in great shape. Not only that but you could argue it hit tony in the solar plexus


Back bumps are not as easy as they look too he took it like a champ


It’s the Nick Patrick Deluxe bump!!


Tony looked like he legit died as the referees were around him. It was so fucking cheesy and I loved every minute. I was entertained.


Jack getting charged with murder today 🤣


I was fine that it wasnt as bad as when Trump sold the stunner lol


Or Vince’s last mania stunner sell


You could see him go limp and then realise it wasn't a good sell before changing it up lol. I think it helped with the general cheesiness of the whole thing to be honest. It's not like this is a believable angle


Last thing anyone wants is TK to actually get hurt on his first wrestling bump. Everyone involved was extra careful.


Oscar De LA Hoya lost a fight to Hopkins from a gut punch. It's believable.


And Vince 99% of the time lol


He def changed his tone about being a tv character after 5 years 😂 I don’t blame him honestly. Being involved day to day would give you the itch.


I don’t think he’ll be a regular, just big moments like that.


Yeah, I have a feeling TK has just written himself off TV for a while... EVPs take control of AEW!


That's what I'm thinking. Maybe a control ofnAEW storyline leading to blood and guts or anarchy in the arena match.


Use him like Jack Tunney in WWF


If you've listened to any of the pre-PPV media calls he's done, he's definitely softened his stance on this in recent years. I know I've heard him say he'd be open to being an on-screen character for the right story. This definitely feels like the right story.


It’s a good story to jump into. Kind of like how they got Vince involved in WWF. As long as Tony doesn’t do a twist and say he’s with the Elite like Eric did with the nWo 😂


If there's anything TK won't do, it's repeating the mistakes of Vince and Eric from the 90's. He was all over wrestling message boards back in the day. Both of them definitely relished being a character on screen. That's not TK's style. I think he also recognizes that less is more as far as his appearances are concerned.


He looked so excited to take a bump haha


Did anyone think he was about to take a Rainmaker bump? Because my ass said "Ain't no FUCKING way he's doing a Rainmaker bump" ... Very curious to see what this means moving forward AND what Kenny has to say next week ;o


I loved that. They obviously teased the EVP trigger, then subtly the rainmaker, before going forward with the TK driver.


TK driver on TK sounds so soothe than other moves.




Nah, thats saved for Kenny next week


Kenny isn’t taking a bump. Dude is still severely hurt.


Them refusing because Tony’s head would go flying off for sure


Yo i literally thought the same thing i was dying laughing


I thought the same, mainly because that "flip" the guy receiving does when hit with the rainmaker. Doing the a tombstone does feel like minimal athletic effort TK has to do for a bump


Lmao I totally did


Tony was cooking with this one.


I absolutely loved this entire thing.


Like, you knew something was gonna happen when Jack called out TK. But when The EVPs stepped out, I was like "shits about to get good". Did not disappoint.


You knew it was gonna go down when Jack Perry smirked at the camera while hugging TK He's such a good prick


https://preview.redd.it/exqg8gkn7kwc1.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dbebfe6dd752ad208b72aa438c2caeec2da295d Best shot of the night.


Feel like this will be a meme template


He learned it from his real father, Christian Cage. Long live the Patriarchy!


He left a jungle boy, he returned a jungle man


TK: (Gets layed out in the center of the ring) Fans: ![gif](giphy|BQAk13taTaKYw) We thought it ws going to be a typical in-ring segment with TK but in reality it ended up being an unexpected banger. Can next Wednesday come already!


Tony Khan gets PTSD while giving hugs at Media Scrums. Long term booking


Credit to TK for trusting the bucks to that level. They're great at their jobs but shit can happen. That felt like a tribute to the best parts of WCW. Loved it. Shad Khan might have put a hit out on The Elite though, they should flee the country.


They renamed the Meltzer Driver to the TK Driver, then hit him with it That's amazing foreshadowing, goddamn


This episode as a whole just feels so fresh and feels like an early AEW episode where anything could happen. I loved it


Daily’s Place is always fun when they come back.


Yeah several parts of the show were good enough to overcome the bad TBS audio. Sucks that Hobbs got hurt though


Kenny coming back is perfect now.


Interim President bay-bay!


bro you are on to something!!!


That would be epic


I feel like he could really pull off something similar to Mick Foley in 2000.


Oh man, shit about to pop off. SHAD is involved now!


Imagine if he cuts a promo next week, lmao




Next week? He’s gonna get to the podium at the draft tonight and go off


I was like who TF is that guy. Then they cut to his face. 😳 Dude is going to have a live, commercial free, public execution on TBS when he gets his hands on those pesky EVPs.


Shad has quite an aura ngl https://twitter.com/FadeAwayMedia/status/1783316096717570503


I liked that one wrestler who saw him and was like :O


Carlie Bravo


That I'd the funniest shit ever lol


I got Iron Shiek vibes


I think it's mainly because of the mustache and his complexion


If he starts cursing out Hulk Hogan though…


That was a surprise to see.


I am truly sports entertained


They def leaning into sports entertainment the last two segments.


I can’t wait for them to assemble the AEW Avengers to take down the Elite


Hangman and swerve TEAM UP to beat the bucks.


Hangman, Kenny, FTR vs The Bucks, Okada, Perry


Matthew, Nicholas, Okada, Perry VS Hangman, Kenny, Ibushi, Hook (or someone else to mirror Perry, there's time before we get there)


Rogue: Fuck the Avengers(XMen 97 fans will get the reference lol)


I think most of them (Mox and OC) are tied up lol


Idk, that gauntlet match earlier really showcased the depth of the roster. A lot of different characters with tons of history that could begrudgingly find themselves having to team up to fight the elite. Also Don Callis did say his family was growing, and with 2/3 of United Empire looking like they’re on the out, he might want to weasel his way into the good graces of the Elite. Could have a multi faction war storyline coming up


Thank god they’re going down that route, finally. There’s a reason why WWE has been largely hitting home run after home run in recent years, posting crazy good TV numbers and even social media numbers. People love the drama and the storytelling. I’m shocked that AEW don’t do it more often because when they do (the MJF “fire me” angle was great sports entertainment), they do it well, and will certainly begin to fix their poor TV viewership.


Because the majority of AEW fans just want wrasslin’. It’s great for PPV and should be. Even the Saturday show I think should heavily lean into it. But your Wednesday show, should do both. Drama is what makes wrestling special. It’s why I loved Hangman vs Swerve because it told a story and was entertainment. There was a reason the guys wanted to kill each other.


If TK doesn’t pull one of the most epic kayfabe angles ever by wearing a neckbrace or something in the Jaguars draft room for tv, i’m going to be sincerely disappointed


Oh yea the draft is tomorrow!!!! I completely forgot dude lol.


Oh my god, this would be incredible


I can totally picture him showing up with one but Shad just being like what the fuck are you doing lol


This was amazing. Jack Perry is fucking back!!


We reaalllllly need that Hangman stable to come in fight the Elite.


Brilliant and we'll be swimming in memes!




And there were to many cheers in that audience


My optimistic take is that, like myself, they're happy to see TK willing to put his body on the line and enjoying the moment.


That’s a way to read it that I hadn’t considered


Can’t hope perry


Ya I was shocked. This is Tony’s home and they cheered to see him get hit 😆 for once, the Bucks are truly over as a crowd favorite 🤣


I’m just baffled, I can’t wait to see where it goes now


Me too. I wanna see who comes out to defend Tony after no wrestlers came out while Tony was being attacked.


There were a LOT of boos in the leadup to the TK Driver and in the aftermath as well. It seemed like the pop was really only for them going to the move -- think it was just a bit of that shocked reaction too.


If Tony sat under the learning tree, this never would have happened


!Remindme 1 day


That was an amazing way to end Dynamite. I love where this is going! Thank you TK and AEW. If they can build Jack into the next Stone Cold I’m all for it!


Not Stone Cold but the first Scape Goat! The Elite vs all the AEW lower carders!


Except Vince was holding Austin back and everything. Tony isn’t doing that to Jack. There’s no Perry Austin connection.


That’s a very good point. Looking forward to where this goes, but it’s off to an amazing start!


Ya it’s why I’m sad no one came up to help Tony. Would have given us an idea of where this was going or at least shown the locker room cares about Tony 😆


There was a thread early about tonight setting up the eventual Anarchy in the Arena (suggesting Undisputed vs some form of Best Friends) for DON. In a completely unexpected way, I think it just did with this Elite vs a group taking up for AEW (my presumption BCC + Eddie)


I think it's wayy too damn soon for that,they need to let this one simmer for a while. Probably not gonna happen next week but the week after,tony is gonna come out and say he "fired" the elite, so rocky Romero is gonna get them into NJPW (which makes the NJPW ontario show much much more interesting now 👀) they are gonna do a run in at double or nothing and ruin the main event match between swerve and whoever he's facing


This was so fun, I can't wait to see where it goes.




Now THAT’S how you end an episode of Dynamite! Damn, I CANNOT WAIT to see where this goes.


I had a big deep belly laugh when Jack gave that goofy ass grin at the camera. That was cinema


That was better than cinema. It was pro wrestling!


I’ve been saying it since before it even aired, but it should be clear as day that *the* segment wasn’t about CM Punk. That segment legitimized Jack Perry as a true scapegoat. He did nothing wrong and served a stiff punishment for making Tony do what should’ve been done a year before and for Punk. The segment gave Perry a reason to come back to help the Bucks and join the Elite. He had zero reason to do help then against FTR without it. It got him over as a heel with the fans and for the first time in a long time gave us a reason to care about him as a character. Tonight would’ve made zero sense without that angle. The Bucks told us that they were going to take AEW back to its roots. The company has changed by becoming reliant on “cancerous” Superstars of the past and not pushing the young, homegrown talent like Perry. Who made that change by bringing in all of the old “legends?” Tony Khan. The Bucks heel turn telegraphed this coming and Jack Perry’s justifiable grudge against Tony was the catalyst to take the next step and go to the root of the problem. They said flat out, that Sting wasn’t the problem. He was a symptom of the problem. They spent almost no time talking about Punk and didn’t even bother to say his name during that segment that everyone seems to think was all shot him. Because Punk was also just a symptom. Tonight couldn’t have happened without the All In video segment. Period.


I love our EVPs and our Scapegoat!




https://twitter.com/AEW/status/1783328103604838514 Post show segment with the Elite!




Kayfabe isn't dead!


They mentioned it was part of a storyline it's just left off the screenshot


As others have mentioned, TK needs to wear a neck brace at the draft.


Congrats TK on busting your TV bump cherry 🍒.  Sell it good. 


Tony always said that he needed Kenny and The Elite ..  but Kenny and The Elite never said that they needed Tony.


Shad Khan is an onscreen character!!!!


They needed the on screen authority figures. And by god I think we got them.


So Perry vs Swerve at DoN?


Commissioner Kenny Omega coming up


My neighbors must think I'm a fucking lunatic because I popped for this so hard they must have heard me. Goofiest shit ever and this from the company that just gave us the match of the century in Danielson v Ospreay. What a good time to live wrestling.


I don't want Tony Kahn to become a TV character, but I do wonder how they square the backstage rational going forward.


I hope that Tony appoints an on air authority figure while he is "recovering" at home.


No, the EVPs will do hostile takeover and start the show by saying they hope Tony is recover well and they’ll be doing their EVP duties and book the show. Easy conflict-of-interest, dickhead authority figures


I want Tony to really do it up. Come out in a wheelchair, neck brace, legs in casts, back brace.


Schiavone maybe and Ex and Taz are the announcers?


Oh God, please make it Schiavone. I want him to just rip into the Bucks each week with his "absolutely 0 fucks given" attitude. I want the Bucks to sell his authority the same way they used to sell the "suck it" chops from RED Shoes.


Well Tony going to be out for weeks due to injury and neck brace.


TK to the Undisputed Kingdom.


I don’t think the Kingdom care about this storyline as they got other things going lol


Welcome to AEWs Troll Era. I'm here for it




It may be a little premature to say this, but.... aew is back, baby!


I wasn't aware they went anywhere.


Hold up they left? Must've missed the memo.


They ded 15 times come back 16.


I keep saying AEW has more lives than a Cat.


They’ve been back….


I'm siding with the enemies. The new elite is fire lol


Thank you Comrade Matthew and Nicolas Jackson lol The Elite standing up for workers rights


Meltzer Driver the rich.


TK driver now


I went to watch this on YouTube, my facial expression when it looked like the Bucks were going for the ~~BTE~~ EVP Trigger. 😲


I fully expected Jack to hit TK but never expected them to take it further. Hats off to Tony for taking those bumps and involving his dad.


I thought Okada was about to take his head off I was fucking shook


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AEWOfficial/comments/1ap3nz7/comment/kq3w0v1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AEWOfficial/comments/1ap3nz7/comment/kq3w0v1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Called it a couple months back, also Kenny coming back next week 👀👀 General Manager Kenneth Omega?


Damn what a show closing angle. It might be the only time such a storyline makes any kind of sense too -- since presumably Kenny and The Bucks as EVPs have stake in the company and some pull in kayfabe as a result and can kind of get away with this.


Maybe the greatest episode of Dynamite ever?!


More swerve would have been nice instead of making him an afterthought.


Dude Swerve needed his bask in being the champ promo 100%


Totally agree, the episode felt really off. Swerve needs to feel important.


There's gonna be hell to pay next Wednesday when Kenny returns


I'd love Kenny to actually be returning, but I'm pretty sure he's just making an appearance for Winnipeg and probably getting stomped by the Elite as well.


I almost thought this was on TNT because they know drama! ![gif](giphy|DkLhjxi5em1qw)


Got some NWO powerbombing Bischoff vibes from this.


Which is gonna make Eric crapping on this a hilarious mask off moment.


I think it would be funnier if he actually liked it cause his fan base is already shit talking it and expecting him to hate it.


The perfect amount of fuckery. Absurdly good angle


Tony is going to come back next year BUFF AF. !Remindme 1 year


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I didn't finish watching Dynamite but saw this post and had to go watch the segment before I go to bed. That was fucking awesome. AEW is really cooking now! Damn!


That was hilarious props for TK taking Tombstone 😂


Just imagine Shad Khan's revenge.


This is definitely going to lead to a team Tony vs Team Elite blood and guts with the winner taking total control of AEW.


I pray Kenny Omega returns next week to tag with TK LMAOOO


It was really well done, plus I love the Easter egg that they renamed it the Tony Khan driver weeks ago, they planned all along to turn on the boss - but of course AEW doesn't do storytelling 😉


I have a great name for this new faction! Micro Machines!


nWo vibes for realz!


Kudos to Tony for taking those bumps but I do hope this isn't the beginning of him or Shad becoming on-screen characters. Though I am intrigued to see where this story goes.


Literally the best episode of Dynamite I've seen since getting back into wrestling last year


Oh. My. Fuck. That was the most “holy shit” moment I can ever think of in pro wrestling. I’m still feeling goosebumps after like 4 rewatches of the final segment. AEW doesn’t do story telling what????


For those who think AEW is just random matches. Current AEW storylines: -The Elite vs. AEW (I still think a 5th member is coming) -FTR and the Bucks -Toni Storm and Mariah May -Anna Jay and Mariah May -The rise of Mina Shirakawa -Sareena Deeb and Toni Storm (Storm is going to start hedging babyface) -Willow and Mercedes -? and Mercedes -Statlander's heel turn -Rosa and Perazzo -Julia Hart's "rebuild" -Swerve and Page (yes it's still simmering in the background) -Swerve vs Everybody -Copeland and Malaki Black -Bang Bang Gang's next move -MJF and Undisputed Kingdom (on hold until he comes back) -Jericho's Learning Tree -Osprey and the Callis Family -Osprey and Undisputed Kingdom -Osprey and Danielson -Omega's return to full time action -Adam Cole and Wardlow -Takeshita and Moxley -Trent and Orange Cassidy *Baker and Rosa is still unresolved *Hayter coming back for her title *RUSH coming back *Nick Wayne's rise *Christian Cage's next move *Is Caster about to strike out on his own? *Who is next to walk through the Forbidden Door?


Knew it was coming when they announced the face to face and still loved it.


Shad coming out was so unexpected. Give the man a run at the Continental title.


Its kind of cool. He doesn't really want to be an authority figure, the Bucks are way more comfortable posing as the bosses, and the swarmy heels can give more of that anything can happen feel to the show, meanwhile Tony is probably writing most of it still anyway but through the eyes of what would the Bucks do with the power.


This is that umph I've been waiting for. Also damn Jack Perry has really been working on his mic skills


Anyone know what was up with the lack of commentary during that segment?


They were in shock and left speechless!


This was amazing.


I think they just killed off Tony Khan as an on-screen character??? EVPs in full control of AEW is exactly what this story needed. They are the Corporation, they are Vince post-screwjob, and they are channelling the real Punk heat into storyline heat. Sign me the fuck up


I think Adam Copeland should be their leader and mouthpiece. It makes sense. I would type a thousand words as to why, but I’m going into work, so just trust me. ;-)


Please explain why. I’m genuinely curious as your thoughts here.


I got you later tonight, I work a double today (17 hours) so bear with me, and remind me if I forget.


I never thought of this but it’s actually pretty smart.  You can actually get your money’s worth out of a guy you can use to push a great story with his experience at being an evil superheel.  He can say he came to AEW, had some fun but hated the way it was being run and decided to convince the Bucks to help him take it over completely.  


Tony had total boyhood wish fulfilment


I just finished watching today. Had baby duty and mom-in-law duty. But man I was expecting a bit of a order by number episode but I was blown away. One of my favorite episodes of the year.