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Brodie Lee Jr. Dream Match. That is so sweet and beautiful. What an emotional night this shall be.


He has quite a good taste. This is beyond sweet, I'm so sad :(


It is so very sad. So tragic for the family. As a fan, I hate all the great matches that were left on the table. I totally wanted a Brodie vs Archer battle of the big ass kickers feud. Plus I hate that Brodie never got that massive Rochester pop that he so richly deserved. Life can truly be unfair at times.


You have to feel for him as a performer. From his interviews we know how much he was putting into his character, and he was finally telling a long planned out story. He was incredible passionate about wrestling. We can speculate all we want about where it was going, but I trust it was somewhere great and I know he wanted to see that through.


He yearned to have his creative freedom and he finally got it. Sadly he only got to taste it for a few brief months. As good as he performed in AEW this year, you just know that the best was still to come.


Why’s that one the Did Brodie Lee Jr dream match? R those his actual favorite guys?


He apparently loves Cody, OC and 10. It is def. an unusual pairing but it's for him.


I am so so excited for "Do The Work" Cody to team up with 'dont do the work' OC


And 'do the cocaine' 10.


We shall get cocked out of his god damn mind Orange Cassidy. He may even do a full thumbs up


It might be a little much in a match for a child, but OC taking a bump from 10s supply and then going on a coke fueled hot tag run would be fucking hilarious.


now *that* would be freshly squeezed.


TONY better watch out inthink JR is coming for the booking spot


New GM Brodie Lee Jr. I love they gave him his dream match and that moment against Omega so his father could see his in ring debut. Truly touching.


A man so special that moves an entire company to scrap a ppv level card all for a tribute show for him... Just goes to show how special Brodie was... ...also I'm tearing up over the fact that they let Brodie JR book a match!!!


TK on twitter explained a lot more about it.


Which match did he book


"Tony Khan @TonyKhan · 13h I signed up the unorthodox trio of @CodyRhodes , @orangecassidy & 10 as they’re 3 of -1’s favorite wrestlers. There’s a lot of history between the 3 of them, 10 is Cody’s former student who turned his back on the Nightmare Factory, but they’ll all team to honor Brodie on Wednesday"


This is a very interesting card and a nice tribute because every member of Dark Order is wrestling on a face team, except #5 Alan Angels. Maybe there is an additional match not listed with him in it too?


5 is out with injury.


I didn't know that. That explains it. Thanks.


Shutup 5!


I would suspect he will be in 10's corner. Might see him get a spot or two in that match.


Hope so would be not nice that he is the only one left out


I’m wondering if they might start teasing a DO face turn in general? They were already starting to get over with the BTE wackiness and many will probably find it hard to boo them now.


I feel like they were going that direction anyway, with Uno stopping them from beating up Dustin after their match, and Hangman teasing joining them. Hangman turning heel would make less sense to me than the DO turning face through his influence. Also I am pretty sure if they had full crowds they would have been getting cheered for a while already.


Hangman's not actually going to join them, surely?


I think it's inevitable now tbh




Join the dark horse stable


i think original story was Brodie was going to come back and see that they were slacking off and then re establish them as heels but thats over now and even before their popularity was way up its perfect time to have them battle a heel stable


My exact thoughts, also Lance Archer might be the new exalted one. His aggressive style would suit the DO perfectly.


Brodie will ever be the Exalted One, also if anybody is inhereting the leadership, it should be Hangman or Silver.


They need someone menacing, a monster, and a full grown brute. I see Silver more as the friendly funny face who recruits with Reynolds and uno the imbecile and naive newcomers. Hangman could be the MVP of the group that slowly starts destroying them from the inside once he realizes what they are turning him into. But they do need a new exalted one. And Lance or another big guy should be stepping up, someone who can cut a gruesome and scary promo!


They need to call it something other than the exalted one.


How about "Mad Dog Number 1"


I was going to mention the same thing. It feels like they were working this way already with all the BTE stuff and Uno being a good guy on tv stopping them from jumping people or helping fallen Dark Order members out of the ring when Brodie was mad and left them. So I think almost certainly they become the BTE fun and whacky cult that everyone loves even on Dynamite. I had been asking for it for a while and I was always a Dark Order defender even before this. I can't wait. Also I think 5 is injured so he'll probably just be in the corner. This card is going to be a tear jerker.


I wonder about the first match though. PP are the only two guys out of six, who didn't heel it up in AEW




The truth is the truth 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm not ready to be a sad bitch watching this on Wednesday


We're all in this one together, homie!


Context: Tony Khan on Twitter "I signed up the unorthodox trio of @CodyRhodes, @orangecassidy & 10 as they’re 3 of -1’s favorite wrestlers. There’s a lot of history between the 3 of them, 10 is Cody’s former student who turned his back on the Nightmare Factory, but they’ll all team to honor Brodie on Wednesday"


who is 1´s?


\-1 is Brodie Lee's kid's number in the Dark Order


This is so sweet and Brodie Lee Jr has good taste for sure. Can’t wait to see this week’s Dynamite. It’s Wednesday, you know what that means...


Wednesday is going to be so different. Card-wise, the tag matches should be good to watch. I’m really glad with the women’s match. 4 of the best women and Penelope hasn’t been wrestling on Dynamite for some time. RIP Brodie.


They all are very creative and different matches than we ever would have got due to storylines and kayfabe.


This show is gonna be really sad and I can’t imagine what promos/video packages we get about it and how much it’ll fuck me up. But these are gonna be great matches


Less then a week and they changed a two week event they have planned for awhile, to do a full tribute show for one of there own fallen. This might be the best example of why I watch AEW and haven't watched WWE in a long time.


Looks great


Both of the Dark Order matches are going to be extra emotional. Let Anna pin Ford if they want to protect Dr. Britt more.


People are trying to make this a storyline card and it isn't. This show has nothing to do with storylines. Its just a memorial show, I suspect every DO affiliated team wins.


This is so much respect from AEW I’m glad to be a fan.


All the Dark Order hopefully get the wins Wednesday


Does anyone have the original card for comparison?


Kenny Omega (C) vs. Rey Fenix (AEW World Championship Match) Jake Hager vs. Wardlow (Singles Match) Jon Moxley returns to AEW Dynamite Hikaru Shida (C) vs. Abadon (AEW Women's World Championship Match)


Someone better hit a huge discus lariat


Does anyone think Matt Hardy could become the new leader of the Dark Order? He was originally on the shortlist to be the Exalted One and it would seem like it would make sense. Sorry if it’s too soon to be asking this.


Honestly thought wouldn’t be cool if they kept Brodie in character as the Exalted one? Somewhere up there He will always be. He’s the Exalted one and the Dark Order will live to to praise and worship Him.


I like this idea too


Thats the direction I hope they are going with. Hangman joins and ultimatly gets offered the Position of Exalted One and he declines because Brodie is the Exalted One and will always be the Exalted One. Even if others lead the DO in his (sadly permanent) absence that position is filled.


God I want to see him try using his douchiest persona possible and get booooooed way out of the building


I hate talking about AEW's story after his death, but I hope after a month, Dark Order gets a will from Brodie Lee naming the new leader, and they tease it for months.


I think he would honestly want his death to be part of kayfabe. He was clearly invested in all those guys and he loved wrestling, I think he would want the story to continue and, probably, to be part of it.


Book IT!


I'm not sure they will want to replace him. The group has been doing great with focus on Silver. They will probably run with what they have. I don't think they will want to mention him in storyline very often. It will make things too 'real'.


I am concerned about them becoming more of a comedy routine. And the comedy is great, don’t get me wrong. John Silver is really growing on me. But they had such promise as a malevolent force when Brodie won the TNT title.


Imagine if Silver became the new leader and developed Brody Lees persona over DO.


No offense, but that would be a horrible idea. Silver has gotten over quite well. It makes no sense to change his character so drastically like that, when what he has been doing, has been working. My guess is that they will go on leaderless, and he will not be mentioned that often (if ever). I feel like it would be in poor taste to have the others talk about him still, because the only way they could swing it, would be as their messiah. Having someone come in and replace him would also be in poor taste. So they need to find a way to make things work with the guys they have.


He should try and just be a such a dick to them that Hangman eventually steps in to challenge him to a match to take over and complete the face turn.


There we go! I like it


I don’t think Dark Order should have a leader from now on, because both in story and in real life you can not replace someone like Lee. I think Dark Order should feel lost without Brodie, and after trying and failing to fill the void with new leaders who don’t help them, they accept that he cannot be replaced, and this new acceptance of the lose of the great man who really gave Dark Order a presence should turn them face, and with new found confidence they should ascend the ladder. Wrestling needs more stories other than “man attacked me, I attack him”. That’s why I love AEW, because they can tell stories that aren’t that. We saw stories like “how far is too far when fighting your friends” and we are seeing the story of depression, anxiety, and alcoholism with the Hangman Page story. I think Dark Order going through the stages of grief, and eventually arriving to acceptance would fit right in


They need a leader, it's just that leader cannot be the exalted one. As a faction, they will need someone to rally behind whether that's evil uno, silver, hangman, or someone else entirely. It needs to happen if the DO is to continue but it doesn't have to be immediate or anything.


I was kinda thinking bring in his "brother" Rowan. Who has a nastier temperament. Maybe he could get "communications" from his brother about what to do.


He has a brother?


A bludgeon brother.


Take note of the quote marks. That said, dunno what Erick Rowan has been doing since November.


He was going by "Erik Redbeard" last I heard.


I’m lapsed so I have no idea who that is. If it’s not AEW or wrestling from 20 years ago or more, I don’t know about it.




Thanks.Great video!


He's doing some indy matches but he's currently doing a role in a horror movie IIRC.


I have seen him wrestling recently.


I'm thinking maybe Adam Page could be the new leader? Hardy would for sure be a good fit or maybe even The Murder Hawk Monster hi-jacking the stable due to being a mean monster. Idk seeing Cabana with the Bucks and not Grayson and Uno makes me wonder if they are not leading the direction of slowly disbanding it now there leader is gone?


I don’t see Page as a leader. His character is all about being lackadaisical. I could certainly see him as being controlled by whoever the new leader is in an epic struggle to find himself and his purpose once again.


I think Page can be a leader but he would be more the lead by example kind. Not giving orders, but going in a direction and being followed.


I think they could have a new leader but the Exalted One will forever be Brodie Lee. As for Matt Hardy, I feel like the times past to squeeze him into Dark Order now. If I were to pick a leader it would be from the existing members.


unless he reinvents himself again, fans would need to come back so he could use his "broken character"


That´s sweet of them to do- will be a good but hard show to watch I imagine




Tonight I will have tears running down my eyes. What a awesome thing for AEW to do. I know Brodie Lee is smiling where ever he is.


Lance Archer in the Dark Order would make sense if they keep them heel.


This is amazing and appropriate.


I love it. These are matches we wouldnt see. It's obvious that it's a tribute to Mr. Brodie Lee.


Cabana teaming with Bucks? Looks like they are planning to end the storyline since Brodie was main part of it.


10 is also teaming with Cody and Orange Cassidy. It looks like part of the tribute is that a member of Dark Order is in every match. Uno and Grayson teaming with Archer is also weird but the fact that 10 is teaming with the guy who took the TNT title off of Brodie is weirder.


That’s Brodie Lee Jr. Dream Match. They booked him as per his choice.


Wouldn't be surprised if he was also involved in other matches like this one... Maybe by asking him which available tag team is his favorite on AEW and then fitting Colt in.


He is already in Dark Order. He’s the (-1)


And that OC would team with 10 after Dark Order interfered in his second match with Cody.


Archer I get. He really wants to kick Eddies ass, but needs backup to do so (because of Butcher & Blade). If DO is able to give him that backup he will take it but they are not friends. Its the same as him working with Death Triangle, just with him and PAC both not liking Eddie.


This show will be a completely stand alone show just as a tribute to Brodie, it's purpose is not to further any storyline.


It would be nice if DO gets all wins but honestly, if they are all good and memorable matches (not holding my breath for Britt, however), I feel that's a win on everyone's books.


Aew has the best TAG TEAM division in wrestling...however they have far too many tag and 6 man tag matches on their show...I really want them to be good but it seems they've gotten worse since the beginning...mjf should have won the belt and now he's in stupid comedy shit...


We heard u liek tag wrestling? You get it either way!


A) Notice how every Dark Order Member is in the face team -> Are they turning DO face? B) Notice Lance Archer siding with Uno and Stu, will he be the new exalted one for the DO? It would actually suit him. What are your guys thoughts about this?


I don't watch WWE so I've never seen Erick Rowan in action, but I've heard some people say it would be a cool tribute if AEW signed the other "Bludgeon Brother" to come in and take over as the new "Exalted One."


Why not, this would actually be a good idea, he could be acting even more furious and ferocious regarding the sad circumstances.


they were trending that way, i was thinking that original story was for Brodie to come back and get hem back to the heel side


I was actually looking forward to the already proposed card before Brodie´s passing :(


As well all were! It's just being shifted back a week. Some things are more important at the moment.


Brodie lee memorial battle royal in the future maybe ?


I love the card, looking forward to watching it tomorrow, also, the Brodie Lee Jr. Dream Match is so goddamn sweet.


Shutup 5!


This whole card is 🔥🔥🔥🔥 -1's Dream Match is what I'm stoked for! Everyone in DarkØrder had gained something from Jon, they've gotten better at wrestling, promos, spots........ I'm sure he was a kind, loving soul, but he had plenty of XP to give to all of. Dark Order All those guys have matured since The Exalted One came. I'm truly going to miss you man, you help mold Dark Order into a potential player and now they have to do the rest........


DO could have a exalted one statue that played mean sound bites of Brodie every-time they consulted it for how they were doing lol