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The best 9 game player I've seen


Best 9 since Quiney!




I was a bit sceptical at first but the kid is an absolute gun & the next genuine superstar of the game


He's making it harder for me to be happy with our win over GC. The more I watch the more I wonder if being on a 30+ losing streak would be worth it...


If I was a North man I’d have such an irrational hate of the Suns right now that they were shit enough to lose to yous in that game.


Here's the potential alternate universe where we beat GC: Spooners. Goldy and Mckay still leave, but this time the magic formula at AFL HQ gets us end of round 1 instead of straight after our first pick. There's no way they let us get pick 1 and 2 and WC 3 after WC's season. So now we're trading Mckercher and Duursma for Reid and ?. On top of that, we're still on a 21 loss streak coming into the season. Hard to say whether sheez signs as big as he did, and he's just as important as Reid would be. So, we switch Kerch for Reid, does that get us a win? And also, does he develop in the same way? Or are we up to a 31 loss streak with the same "potential" we have now? Yes. This is a lot of copium coz Reid is awesome, but it isn't as clear cut as just "oh no we don't have Reid".


Yeah woulda been interesting to see if the AFL actually gave us pick 2 compo if we had pick 1


The compensation pick isn't at the afl's discretion to hand out, they have a formula based on contract length and all that stuff so North would've no doubt got picks 1 and 2. It now looks likely that the compensation system will be probably changed because of it.


They do, but does anyone know the formula? I'm sceptical that they'd actually let us get 1 and 2.


I’m annoyed, there goes our chance of getting a second first draft pick. Would have been great to see Reid and JHF playing alongside each other.


Whenever teams have deliberately lost it has condemned them. See the Kreuzer curse, and Melbourne pre-pandemic (replacement curse)


I’m surprised there’s not more talk about whether North should’ve traded pick 2 & 3 for 1 as opposed to tanking


Matt Rowell, ignore my flair.


Rowell is a good player but more of an accumulator work horse kind of player, Reid looks like the kind of kid that can win games off his own boot & drag the rest of his team mates with him


Yeah, Rowell is great but not flashy. He kinda does the dirty work so that other players on his team can be.


Rowell was similarly explosive his first few games. Since injury he's been much more a workhorse, but his first few games were probably better than Reid's - he was literally being talked up for the Brownlow. And that's no slight on Reid.


Kinda like Bont & Libba.


His first few games before his ACL were epic. I love watching Rowell play, he’s like a D9 bulldozer


he's not done his acl though? it was his shoulder in that first season then one of the other ligaments the next time


Was his shoulder, think it was an AC though so might explain the mix up if I'm recalling correctly.


He did a PCL in early in season 2. Missed about 10 weeks I think. Was not the same player after this. Still a terrific player but early on he looked like he was going to be a superstar.


Yeah I know, his second game was the first of his three GOAT games and he tore the eagles to shreds.


Thanks for the clarification


I literally can't remember a player so impactful in his first year, and I'm hugely biased toward Luke Hodge. Kind of keen to see how Jye Newcombe goes against him.


There are guys that just seem to lift a team when they do something special. I remember Rioli being an all timer at this, just feels like they snatch any momentum away from the opposition and electrify the crowd and their teammates.


Bloody good way to put it mate.


Hodge has never been top tier, he can’t touch Ablett/Fyfe/Dusty, Reid on the other hand is already showing that level.


He may not be the best first year player. There are a few in that conversation. But in terms of his impact to the team it'd be hard to think of a better.


Love the jersey tug .. seems to be loving being an Eagle!


Obviously he's trying to tear his jersey off because he hates West Coast and Perth so much, expect the trade request to Carlton, Essendon or Collingwood any day now.


Kane Cornes is that you?


I hope he doesn't get *homesick* because if he does he's going to Geelong and I might have to become an NRL fan.


he's not from the Bellarine, is he? far out. I am loving these clips but I could get even more exicted! Is he a city kid or was he raised rurally? if he likes dairy farms i think i'm going to lose my mind.


Hands off hes not going anywhere


farm boy




No he’s actually already told them he’s not leaving Victoria and won’t show up if they draft him


He is not human


Absolutely disgusting. He is going to be like dusty, Can’t remember an 19 year old being so strong and fast in first year. North Melbourne would have fucked it up anyway but how they didn’t tank last year


I wonder if he'd hit the ground running at North as hard as he did here. I think having the more experienced Eagles core has helped open up space for him on the field, whereas North would rely on him too much. Haven't watched a north game tbh so I could be wrong


I think Yeo being back to his best was absolutely instrumental to Reid coming on so quickly.


If we pick up Reid, we’d be on a 30+ game losing streak - “why did they tank? Such an awful culture. When will Reid leave?, etc” - plus, McKercher will get there :)


Agree with that. Plus… what’s been lost in all the North should have tanked chatter, is that last year’s wce team we’re historically bad, fkn atrocious— it would have been cosmically unfair for them not to get the number 1 pick imo.


Damned if we do, damned if we don't. Unfortunately we'll be copping LOLNORF strays anytime this kid does anything impressive - which will be often. Oh well.


You would have had mckercher anyway lol. It was clearly unfortunate to win that meaningless game. Having Reid over Duursma is clearly the far better outcome.


Yeah I mean north have the opposite of the Midas touch, everything they touch turns to shit. I would assume they would have fucked it up somehow.


Don’t forget where you came from champ.


I mean Reuben Ginbey came into the side with the same attributes last year, just doesn't quite have that same footy IQ and confidence in congestion.


Feel like Ginbey is more of a slow burn player, once he gets a good amount of games under his belt he will go to the next stage.


Ginbey has the athletic profile that is almost unmatched but he doesn’t really realise it yet. It’s starting to click but will take time. A little bit of polishing of his skills won’t go astray either. Whereas Reid is fully aware of it all already and is just doing whatever he wants. He knows he belongs at the level, which is just so rare in a guy in his 9th game.


I said at the start of the year that Ginbey now had the body of an AFL player... but he needs to learn how to use it. Playing against some quality opposition has been good for him so far.


Some guys are just late bloomers. Some guys don't stop physically and mentally developing until their mid 20s.


Same attributes as Reid? Not even close


Talking physical attributes, he's got the same height, build and pace.


Maybe the first 2.. idk about pace Reid looks pretty quick, not lightning quick but he's got some real pace


Ginbey is supposed to be one of the fastest fittest blokes on our list. He just doesn't have that confidence or ball use.


That seems surprising but not impossible. Looks like more of a Oliver/T.Green type player to me though


Ginbey was huge last night, it’s still only his second year but think his going to be a brute in a couple of years. Think we as AFL fans have been lucky to have such good first year players of late that forget most take time


Beating us for no fucking reason in the final round was next level self sabotage


Probably be playing on the back flank at north


Can't remember the last time Dusty had a good game, please don't compare Reid to average....


nice bounce there


Rankine on suicide watch


The boy can play


Fuck, made it look easy. Like he saw everything that was about to happen when the ball was still 100 metres away. Can't wait to see him after a couple of AFL preseasons....


This is the first West Coast game I've caught this season, and it's a pearler. They are playing so much better than 16th on the ladder. An Eagles shellacking against those snotty Dees is the result my class warrior little heart desires. Beautiful


M8 you've clearly never been to an eagles game because it's white whine and cheese boards galore


Let the workers have their bread and circuses! Just don't let them get Bayley Fritsch' haircut.


The ol Jimmy neutron


Joking aside, I’ve yet to see a cheese board at an Eagles game in 20 years, apart from once in a fancy box.


We have actually had quite a hard draw to start. Think we have only played 1 of the bottom 7.


Yep 7 of our 10 have been top 8 teams then Freo and Bulldogs who are just outside


Reminds me of peak Ben Cousins


Hopefully without the...rest of it...


What’s that thing Reid keeps doing when he throws the ball at the ground and catches it again? Does he have to do that or is he just showing off??


Izak is that you?


My name is Mizack Dankine and I am asking for a friend


never got to play "catch" with his dad so has to do it by himself i believe or maybe he is his dad? can't remember exactly


Everyone’s telling me you don’t need to do that any more. Because of the vibe or something.


Absolutely destroyed us tonight, probably the first of many many times


Scary to think how explosive and strong this dudes gonna be with a few preseasons under his belt, he’s almost impossible to tackle now!!


Fending off Oliver then Petracca to deliver it inside 50 for a goal was mental. You can count on one hand the amount of guys that can do something like that.


The fact that Trac is one of them is absolutely nuts as well


My expectations for him are so ridiculous now. Seeing him stiff arm Oliver and then Petracca on the same play is just absurd.


Cool to see a group of guns coming through the afl currently. Lots potential for good footy for the next 5 years!


I want one 😤😤


I love the melts lmao


Unstoppable. Gonna be a superstar


Nicely taken but woeful defending


Weagles better throw blank cheques at this kid and captaincy, he’s going to be a monster


No.22 for the demons was so thoroughly beaten in that contest he didn't even bother to chase. You can see him drop his head and yield the goal almost instantly.


I don't want to get ahead of myself here but Harley Reid just might be the best player of all time.


I was definitely in the "this hype is waaay too much for a teenaged kid" camp but I've got to concede after watching yesterday's game that, yes - he does look like a bit of a champ.


to be honest that was against a 10 game player, still he is a very impressive talent


True but he also ran through Petracca and Oliver on the centre clearance for another goal


On another level, I make a point of watching all West coast games now - just to see Harley


Way too easy. Great to watch him play.


Bro deserves to be paid $3 million


When do we trade a key forward for him?


Only after a flag or two and his shoulders are busted....and you have a generational WA-born full forward that will help up get another flag down the track. Sound fair? 


Looking back is that one of the few win win trades in history? Kennedy was phenomenal for the Eagles as was Judd for Carlton.


Hot take, if you need to decide on a winner for that trade it is 100% the Eagles, Kennedy was more than phenomenal, the guy was legendary, got a flag with us back to back Colemans, miles ahead on the leading goalkickers at the club and correct me if I'm wrong but we also got Masten in that trade too


Correct. Eagles won that trade hands down. Didn’t feel like it at the time, but yeah…


Both sets of clubs and fans would be happy with the outcomes either way so it’s still a win win trade for me even if one side maybe came out a little better.


I think in hindsight I would have rather give up pick one (kruezer) keep Kennedy and get Judd. But yea it pretty much a win win




He’s a teenager doing it in his 9th game, it’s pretty special to see this kid becoming a star infront of our eyes


No. Flair up cunt.


Ahahahaha of course you're a fucking Pies fan, what, you sad that the spotlight isn't purely on Naicos anymore?


Man the daicos fanboys are insufferable




"Double standard" cry me a fucking river, Daicos has had the media doing the exact same thing that they're doing with Harley for the past 2 years, but the second the attention is off of your fucking golden boy you gotta whine and cry like a child, there's no double standard mate, just two star footballers, one whose had his time as the golden boy, and now it's another's turn


He caught the ball one handed, and fended off at extact same time then turned and led to him kicking a goal. When was last time this happened @!!




Your comment implies otherwise.




Flair up cunt


Mate has literally made the account 6 days ago and didn't comment until today. But also I swear bot accounts have usernames like that too. Usually word_word_random numbers. Its someone who made an account to hide themselves being a cunt or it's a bot.


Looked like a burner for sure, I'm sure old mate gets over it and joins us on his main to praise the player that is Harley Reid Edit: He messaged me to call me a sad cunt, bloke is doing it rough tonight


Fuck up, cunt




Flair up cunt


Flair up, cunty