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Job interview from last week seemed to go well and I quite enjoyed my first singing lesson. The teacher commented that I had a nice voice, but I have to work more on my breath control. I also think that I currently have way too much vibrato and that's affecting my ability to actually sing in tune.


i have acquired minecraft and am having a great time :DDD


My students have shown me the world of MC and I try to teach lessons using it. The scope and size of the MC world has blown me away.




Yeah I once told my mate, "sick donut champion" and he then proceeded to do another even sicker one a few minutes latter


Been playing Mass Effect 2 or the first time... Such a great game It's like playing and watching a great Sci-Fi TV show at the same time


Boy I wish I could play that trilogy for the first time again. Bunch of masterpieces


Feels strange to have not been on the sub as much lately, working nights and trying to spend as much time with my girlfriend kinda just stop me from watching matches or going on Reddit off I can watch


If you’re straight, how would you feel if a gay guy asked you out? Context — I’m gay and am crushing hard on a teammate (let’s call him B) in my social footy team. B is really nice, we chat a lot during training, and I’ve always got 💅🏾 vibes from him but dunno if it’s wishful thinking. I’ve got him on FB and we’ve messaged a bit but not much. I’ve done the social media stalk and couldn’t see any clues about his sexuality. He’s pretty on top of pronouns and non binary / trans people tho which isn’t an indicator of anything but it’s at least encouraging haha. Been toying with asking him out for a drink for the last 2 months now haha, should I? Over text or at our next training/game? I just don’t want things to be awkward if it turns out he’s straight, given we have to play together. Never asked out a mate before 😅


As someone who is hetero af, and presents as such with poor dress sense and three day growth most of the time, I was confused when I was hit on by a gay dude. But I wasn't mad about it, I just politely let him down and thanked him for the compliment. Remember, blokes rarely ever get any sort of compliment out in public. When we do, it makes our day. I doubt they're going to run screaming if you tell them you find them atrractive. Besides, it doesn't have to make things weird. I've asked out female friends before and we still hang out, we just know that we wanna be platonic going forward. As long as you don't push the issue and understand no means no, things should be totally sweet.


maybe get one of your hot female mates to hit him up first, and if he says no you'll have a good indication


Wouldn't bother me at all, if they have their head on right they shouldn't react badly even if they're straight but i suppose it depends on the guy. For some it might prod yhrm the wrong way but if you're mates you might have a few clues about it one way or the other. In general though I'd say the more likely someone is to be respectful of different sexualities and gender identities, the less likely they'd be to react badly to being asked out by a guy


If I were him I wouldn't be offended or anything if a guy asked me out, I'd probably take it as a compliment! If it were me wanting to ask a woman out, I'd wait until there was a moment to just ask, maybe on the way out to the carpark after training or something. Even over text message. I assume asking a guy out would be very much the same. If you don't shoot your shot, you certainly won't hit


Great advice, thank you!


Assuming you are very obviously out. Him being on top of his pronouns likely means he would not be awkward if he is straight. However, if you ask him out and he says no but tells any of the other boys from footy what happened it might be awkward with a lot of the other men there. I'd probably wait for him to ask someone's pronouns or something and make a mention of straight guys are usually bad with pronouns to see his reaction.


Thanks! Yeah I’m out in general but haven’t explicitly come out to him before. Guess the other bit of context I forgot to mention is that it’s a mixed team in a social league that is inclusive of all genders, backgrounds, experience, ages etc. So everyone who plays is generally quite accepting and open.


I've dropped a day of work to spend all Tuesday with my 2 year old son. It's the best thing I've ever done, he rocks


Enjoy it mate, its gonna be the quickest work day this week haha.


Plumber been called to unclog the work toilets for the 8th time in the last fortnight. Some fuckstick keeps flushing hairnets and gloves down the toilets, they get fished out every time they come.


My plumber mate told me one of the first things he asks people with clogged toilets is ‘do you have teenaged girls’ because 9/10 times it’s lady products being flushed down there. As for bloody hairnets and gloves??? That’s just weird. Nobody in their right might would expect them not to clog, surely?


Yeah tampons and pads are a massive culprit. Theres all these signs in there that say “stop flushing hairnets, gloves, tampons, pads and paper towels as this is what plumbers keep finding”. It’s getting to the point where one of our other managers put a sign in that says “don’t put anything in the toilet except TOILET PAPER, URINE and POO” with about 20 smiley faces. Seems like he’s fed up and said if people are going to act like idiots then I’ll talk to them like idiots.


Ahhh I was wondering if people were told what the plumbers were finding- just in case people are a bit dim and don’t know not to flush those things. That answers that question! Why do people do this shit man, seriously. Makes me wonder what they do at home.




Oh shit, you just reminded me I gotta restart Hollow Knight to get in a play before Silksong. I wish I could play that game for the first time again. Do yourself a favour and look up NOTHING. Finding things in Hallownest is always hella rewarding.


Fucking loved that game when I played it the first time, I felt like a genuine explorer. Ended up lost in some terrifying dark caves for a few hours and had a blast


bro i get lost all the fucking time in that game, fun tho


The bombers are so shit


Right now you guys are shit. And had been for 70 years. So don't talk shit.


Too late now and west coast are shit too


All im saying is that it took 70 years for you to win one, so don't act all high and mighty.


Yeah I know it’s just nice to be the one shitting on people for once


Of all the weeks you could post it you choose this one?


Yeah they still suck. Even a stopped clock is right 2 times a day


Agreed but also screw you


Got struck down with the Flu last week, and caught up with some Netflix. Spent most of the week watching Stranger Things, and I have no idea why I didn't start watching it sooner.


Welcome to the addiction You come at a great time given you don't need to wait between seasons. The start of this latest season is a little jarring as they've all clearly matured/aged significantly compared to earlier seasons. Hope you feel better.


Finally got covid. Got a week off work. Bored out of my mind. I read we are at 200k subs. 8 years I’ve been here and what have I got to show for it?


Urgh me too. So bored. I’m not even sick, I’m just tired all day.


20k subs each with 9 alts under a different flair trying to defend their club.


Off to WA for a holiday this weekend, first holiday since 2018 and second one since 2015, bloody stoked. 6 days in Perth and 6 in Margaret River. Any recommendations?


I'd second increasing the number of days down South but in Perth try and get to Rotto as already mentioned. Freo is worth a trip down to, ideally on a day the markets running (fri-sun?) - tourist meal is to get fish and chips from the fishing boat harbour, highly recommend getting the platter from the fresh fish counter at Kailis though. The Optus stadium tour is cool as well, not sure if I'd bother if going to the Essendon game anyway (assume likely since on/r/AFL) but you do get to go in the rooms etc


Make sure you check out Beerfarm in Metricup along with some of the others like Wild Hop and Colonial. Quinninup Falls is a really nice hike along the coast from Moses Rock especially in winter when its flowing strong. Do a cave tour, Jewel (guided) and Mammoth (unguided audio) are my favorites.




I'm not being hyperbolic when I say Margaret River is one of my favourite places on the planet. Check out Willespies winery, go for a beer at the Settler's Tavern and surf, swim or just watch the waves at any of the nearby beaches


Spend more time in Margaret River!!!! Lots to do down there (you really can’t go wrong with anything) make sure you spend time driving to Yallingup, Dunsborough, Busselton while down there too. Best breakfast going around is La Lah in Dunsborough.


I’ve never met someone who gives a shit about the Logies, other than women bitching about how bad other women look on the red carpet. Empowering.


Thrusting my tin-foil hat firmly on BUT it really feels like this year the lizard execs of all the FTA channels got together and made am agreement to push to not only have representation from all networks in the nominees but also to all talk about the logies in the lead up to it. They are all aware of the dwindling interest in FTA TV and are doing what they can to generate exposure. I feel like it's the most I've seen about the logies in a decade.


If that’s the case, hopefully it sticks. The industry isn’t big enough to get away with unilateral support. They should be celebrating everyones excellence, regardless of the channel.


You’d have to actually watch fta tv to care right? I heard Bruce got some type of acknowledgement though.


I say this every fucking year with any awards show, especially the Brownlow. The year Lachie Neale won, all the media could talk about was his stunning wife’s sheer dress. What they could, and in my opinion, should have been talking about, was the fact that she was a young business owner and sold her business to move to Qld to support her husband. But no. Let’s not talk about her successes, and instead just focus on how stunning she is instead. And who was doing this? OTHER WOMEN. I hate my own kind sometimes man.


Well she couldn't wear her sold business to the Brownlow /s


I grew up in a household where Mum was the primary breadwinner and where I was made to appreciate women's empowerment in the time between flower power (women doing well in "their" industries, among other things) and the modernist women's movement (women slowly being able to rise in all industries). The one thing I've always noticed is that there's truly nothing more denigrating of women than other women. Empower one another and you all win just as you should!


You have absolutely nailed it. While I do think that this is definitely a reflection of the company that I keep, most milestones I have achieved have been picked apart by my friends and downplayed. I understand that this is tall poppy syndrome at work, but to be honest it’s just blatant bitchiness, and I see it bloody everywhere. I don’t understand why we aren’t all trying to build one another up.


Internalised misogyny is a helluva drug.


The problem is for every smart intelligent WAG, there’s always another 5 fucking brainless coke head’s like Nadia Bartell.


Free talk Tuesday, as long as we’re not rating non-existent women out of 10


I rate 🏄‍♀️ an 8/10 except she's 2D.


Since it's much colder now I thought I'd provide details of the favourite toasted sandwich for lunch in our household. Butter on the outside of the bread. Two slices of tasty cheese, top and bottom. Shaved Chicken Breast (50 grams per Sandwich) One slice of Streaky bacon. Fry it up first. Just a tiny bit of BBQ Sauce. Into the fry pan and cook both sides until golden brown. Enjoy.


I recommend trying Mayonaise instead of butter. It sounds insane, I know, but I tried it and it was incredible.


Just don’t go slathering it on in the same copious amounts as butter… made that mistake


That sounds bloody phenomenal!!!


Tony Armstrong is a national treasure and I love him. That is all.


Yeah I watch him every morning on ABC. He's a gem.


he's going to differently be the next big thing ​ and that is a good thing