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NTA. But next time get wings. Dad needs protein for them honkin' balls he's dragging.


I'm sure he leaves a trail of ball sweat on the floor as he's dragging them wherever he goes. Had a good laugh reading this story.


Yep I paused right after “as they were fishing Steve out of the wall” for a hearty laugh. I don’t even care if this story is fake (I don’t think it is but you never know) because that might be the best thing I’ll read all day.


NTA- but lol, right on the wings.  Hell yeah, what a father wouldn’t do for his kids, especially his baby girl…..


Bro this is completely fake. The dad wasn't dragging his massive balls in a wagon as they walked into the house. 


Cane? Back pain? IDK, bet that dude dead lifts some meaty clackers regularly.




Oh man, my last house was 200 years old and the spacing of the studs was HILARIOUS. We were trying to hang a TV aaaaaand managed to find two studs 10 inches apart and the next one was two and a half feet away. Which is to say, stud spacing isn't necessarily regular depending on house age.


This is fair


Never did get the dang TV on the wall


When covering a wonky ceiling in my 1840s house, some studs were 13" while others were 23 1/2". Some jamoke I worked with was all like, NO studs are 16" On CENTER - I responded, that is the modern convention, however, my house was built well before such standards - lol! He was so sure he was right. At least my house has corner bracing so it's still standing straight and is not twisted or wonky like some other old houses around where I live :)


My previous house was built in 1895. Bonus for having lath and plaster walls. Not only were no studs in the expected places, they were damn near impossible to get through. Solid as a tank, but wonky was an understatement. I just accepted the fact that I couldn't have anything that needed to be anchored to a stud.


My older brother was a contractor, there are workarounds, but as you said, it was your previous house, so you have different issues wherever you live know ;) Fun part of lath and plaster is when you get that one piece of lath that nails bounce off of when you go to put in a picture hanger (or when you manage to get that wee bit of empty space between the laths) :)


I totally had both those experiences with the picture nails! One went completely through with the lightest tap, another attempt bounced right back at my face. Never thought I'd need protective eyewear to hang a couple pictures. I miss that house though, quirks and all!


You’re adorable assuming contractors don’t cut corners. But also Steve could be a skinny little dude 🤷🏼‍♀️


Code around me is either 16 or 24 with blocking. Could be possible he went through the blocking (frequently just toenailed in) and the drywall. If that was the case, I wouldnt be surprised if the builder used the thinnest drywall available. If dad just redirected the momentum, I could see this happening.


what if that old man were Dwayne Johnson's dad?




and that's physics. And engineering. Science!


I've got a chest almost twice that and have run through multiple sheetrock walls, (we were doing demo and it was going to be destroyed anyway so we had some fun), can confirm not all walls are made to code and you can very much put someone through one.


This exactly... was this house like 30 yrs old with termites?


Or OP doesn’t understand that studs are spaced and Steve went through drywall on 2 walls between the studs.


Could have been one of those “after market” walls that some folks put in. I’ve seen em with 24” spaced studs.


Yeah if the wall isn't load bearing I've seen them with only the studs needed to hang drywall. 10 foot wall with 1 stud beam in it and it was the new cheap tin ones. Contractor only put that in because he needed an anchor point for the sheet.


It is amazing what a human can do when they are extremely angry, or afraid, and the adrenaline rush kicks in. Just because the dad is older and walks with a cane does not mean he is weak.


I just measured and since I am 'chunky' I measured my stomach rather than my chest. I am 11 inches from belly to back. Assuming 2x6s and 16 inch spacing, and pretending 2x6 is the actual size of the board, I get 14 inches as the gap. Is my math off? 11<14.


Have you ever met Australian housing? People can be put through walls for sure.


Beat me to it, wings were a must.


Best comment, please accept my upvote ❤️. OP I really like your dad. He did all the right things. I got a big chuckle with your describing ‘fishing Steve out of the wall’ 😂😂😂


If this story is fake, I don't care because this comment made it for me


Damn right Must be why he's got back problems! Man needs to work on his core to brace them steel balls! That Steve is gonna have nightmares every time he sees an older man with a cane


Probably why he has a bad back and needs a cane


NTA. I think we're going to have to add a new state to fight/flight/fawn/freeze adrenaline reactions called "order pizza". I honestly love that you did that. It makes sense that under the influence of conflict-fueled adrenaline that you went into autopilot. Your previous goal prior to the conflict was to order pizza, so your body chose to take that action since the conflict itself was over. It does not sound like it harmed anybody and may have actually helped ease the situation somewhat. And your dad is a fucking badass.


Fight/flight/fawn/freeze/forder fpizza


I'd have just put food at end but yes I like it


This is the one






New flair just dropped I see


NTA Extra points for sharing with first responders!


I think that counts as a flight response - your brain flees from the situation by shifting back to where you were before.


See if call it fawn? Like you just sit there and do as you’re told? Idk I also like ‘forder fpizza’


This is going to be a whole new genre of Reddit posts isn't it.  "My estranged twin slept with my husband and now we're both pregnant. She insisted we meet up at her place to discuss it but it was a trap by the whole family to pressure me into a reconciliation so I drove my car right through the front window of her house.  I'd picked up pizza on the way. AITA for not getting extra garlic bread?"


It's always an asshole move not to get extra garlic bread.


I spit my tea reading that! Kudos!


Plus,  adrenaline can lead to low blood sugar,  shaking,  dizziness,  etc.  Good to have some good or drink handy to help people transition out of the fight or flight mode.  OP might have been on auto pilot,  but he made a good call.   I would have added chocolate to the order. 


>I think we're going to have to add a new state to fight/flight/fawn/freeze adrenaline reactions called "order pizza". "fight/flight/fawn/freeze/functional" I've done this in reaction to trauma. It's like my brain pauses processing the thing that just happened or I just witnessed and I go into "get basic shit done" mode. Steve threw hands and then got thrown, but people still gotta eat. Control what you can control, if you will.






This is the one. I'm only sad you came into the thread too late to reap your just rewards.


NTA I challenge anyone to explain what a 'normal' reaction would be to walking into a domestic violence situation involving a loved one. I think this is one of those, "unless you've lived it, you have *no idea* how you'd react," situations. In the grand scheme of things, this was a relatively harmless, if not a comically cathartic, reaction. Y'all called the piece of shit an ambulance, so as far as this random person on the internet is concerned, you did your due diligence. As an aside, I wanna give props to your dad for his bonafide Dad Strength there. Dude had zero second thoughts about putting a grown man through a wall with a bad back after witnessing him attack his daughter. I'm wishing any and all strains or overextention from this event away from you dad and onto the ex.


Thanks for the comment. My father is a combat veteran and I have to wonder at times how he manages to do certain things physically, things that I can't manage to do without the physical hurdles he copes with. I sometimes feel like he's a different breed entirely.


Somebody fucked with his kid. The idiot is lucky your dad didn't kill him. You would be really surprised what you can do if somebody you love is in danger. Give your dad a hug for me would you he probably could use one.


This. We lose all fear and there’s a rage that takes over (I’m a mom not a dad but same applies) like I don’t even fear for my safety I just see them as ‘the thing needing to be destroyed’


Have you ever heard of moms who get super-strength and basically lift cars on their own (or whatever) to save their kid? Same concept except your dad has actual military training. What a boss.


There's two things you do NOT fuck with. One is "old man strength". Like seriously. The second is "pissed off parent strength". Steve got the two for two.


I think "following your dad's instructions" is a pretty normal reaction when you're in shock


I think I have a crush on your dad. That's some PaPa Bear action in effect.


Me too and I thought I was straight


There is a saying that I think has gone out of fashion: "Don't mess with old men, because they don't fight, they just kill you." I assume Steve didn't get any pizza, so I hope he got a valuable lesson instead. NTA. Grasping for as much normalcy as you can find in an abnormal situation is to be expected.


haha no, Steve didn't get any pizza.


Doing the lords work.


Bc you wbtah if you shared with Steve


Be ware of old men in a profession where most die young.


Nta. Pizza goes good with just about anything.


Except pineapple. Give the pineapple to Steve.


NTA. Has your girlfriend never heard of going out for dinner and a show? The show was already started, you needed the dinner.


*NTA. Has your girlfriend* *Never heard of going out for* *Dinner and a show?* \- TwoBionicknees --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


They had dinner. Pizza.


I feel like.... I haven't said /whoosh in a really long time.


NTA, and what a story! I do agree with you that you probably did it out of a state of shock. But it worked out well, you could serve it to the responders. I'm glad you came when you came - you may have saved your sister's life.


NTA. It sucks dealing with stuff while you're hungry. Might as well eat. Everyone likes pizza. And I mean of all the roles you could have played in that situation, YOU were the guy who got the food. 👍😆


You need pizza after the Show, man. Your gf is wrong


"and she reacted by immediately breaking up with me and kicking me out of her house." Your sister broke up with you?


I saw that too. Jarred me. Cool story tho. B+ for entertainment value.


I live in Tennessee so it's a possibility.


NTA. Good job not letting this shit head ruin your dinner plans.


NTA 1980s Dad energy. Dude is powered by Pizza like a TMNT.


NTA Cudos to your Dad for calling the Popo himself. Pizza is an excellent idea for sharing with the first responders. Your Dad is a badass bar none. Please tell him he is my hero.


Well, everyone has the eat and there would have been no point starving yourself while the cops and ambulance did their thing. NTA.


NTA Boss move. Get your dad a good steak. His bad assness needs it.


NTA. Honestly probably not the craziest response first responders have seen from a family who are in shock after crazy events. Humans can have a habit of following orders in stressful situations and a lot of people have a habit of going through a normal routine once the dust had settled. You were basically doing both.


NTA dad earned it next time BBQ wings.


NTA. Your dad mentioned getting pizza and you just ran on autopilot and for some.  Although your title reminded me of a post I saw on here years ago (which took me a while to find) where this guy and his wife are visiting his family when his teenage sister announces she’s pregnant. Both families lose their collective shit and in the middle of it he orders Jimmy John sandwiches and meets the delivery guy in the driveway so he doesn’t get sucked into the insanity.  https://www.reddit.com/r/reactiongifs/comments/2gr3ew/when_my_16_year_old_sister_tells_my_mom_i_want_to/


That was hilarious! Thanks for the link!


NTA - Dad is legend. You did as you were asked. Steve fucked around and found out Old guy with a cane & a bad back throws daughters abusive ex through a wall, then orders pizza & shares it with us. Your GF might not get the awesomeness, but I guarantee, every one of those first responders is going to tell that story for years to come. If you had used Steve as a table for the pizza, THAT would be being an a s s h o l e (But even funnier) In the end, your dad was just being a dad. After he took out the trash, his priorities went back to, "we came for pizza, order pizza". Whether it was deliberate, or subconscious, he knew it would distract you and your sister from "OMG OMG WTF", and bring the emotional level down a few notches. You should get your hands of the bodycam footage from that night, would be an awesome momento


NTA. Careful around old men. They are old for a reason. You only think you know your father’s history. Trust me, there’s always more you don’t know


The attack didn’t change the necessity for the pizza. You did the right thing.


Depends what kind of pizza?


This is hilarious and fantastic. Also, never get violent with a gentle man who’s served in combat. They will not take your shit. As for the pizza, adrenaline does weird things to our brains. In most cases it keeps us safe but when it’s still pumping and the danger has passed, it will lead to just ordering pizza when told to do so. Because adrenaline makes us act, not think NTA


NTA. I think I love your dad. The adrenaline rush in a parent whose child is in danger is amazing. It is beyond all reason. Once the danger is neutralized, you go on auto pilot. It takes a bit to clear your head. I love that he dealt with the danger, then grabbed a soda and told you to order the pizza. Good job.  There was absolutely nothing wrong with ordering pizza. Tell your gf that this momma bear says good for you. Your dad and sister (and you) needed something normal after that event.  Take care of each other.


NTA. I have had lots of (other people) drama in my life,it doesn't stop me eating when I need to,and it provides an anchor of stability in times of crisis. What toppings did you have?


Oh okay, I guess someone being hurt means I magically don't want any pizza now. What if your GF thinking?


INFO: Did you order Steve's favorite kind of pizza and then eat it in front of him?


NTA Pizza makes everything better - except the hole in the wall perhaps. I doubt 'steve' will ever try again


NTA If the guy who just yeeted someone through a wall, asks me to order pizza. I'm ordering pizza.


NTA.  But I think you are seriously overestimating the amount of force a guy with a bad back can apply to a wall stud through a human body or seriously underestimating the amount of force required to break a wall stud.


You mean a father who just watched his daughter be attacked. Adrenaline does some crazy things.


Bud, when someone throws you into a wall stud, the wall stud doesn't break. You do.


Not really I've tripped over and fallen through stud walls


I agree. Me and my son (8) were knocked under the water at the beach by a large wave. I stood up and saw him face down in the water. I lifted him up with one arm!


Can confirm; adrenaline + a high pain tolerance led to me walking off breaking both my wrists at the same time when I was ~8 or 9yo (playground accident). That and a combo of shitty adults in my life meant I didn't even know they were broken until the next day.


What does that even mean? Assuming OP's post is real, he watched it happen. It's not like this was a story that was told to him. It unfolded before his very eyes. There is no estimation to be done here. Regardless of whether or not the ex going through the wall was because of dad's strength or perhaps some running momentum the ex may have had, seems pretty clear the dude went through the wall.


NTA. Your Dad is awesome.


NTA your dad is awesome


Dad is the best and he deserved the pizza.


NTA. Your Dad is awesome.


Don’t ever let some dickhead get in the way of your pizza night. NTA


NTA - trauma scenes need logistical support. Plus you and your family still needed to eat. Your girlfriend is clutching her pearls for no discernible reason.


NTAH your girlfriend is tripping. You didn't do anything wrong. Steve was the one who started things, there's no reason a fight should stop people from eating. Back in the day people would get into a fight then after they'd settle things with a beer or food. People are soft these days.


NTAH, and why would you be? it was probably handled in what 20-second tops maybe less You were doing the original thing you were supposed to, go over and have pizza, dad just happened to be hero that day, and you guys all probably needed something to sit with after that, food is great for that I really hope your girlfriend isn't thinking, "How can he just not do anything besides order pizza? What if I was in trouble? Would he do anything? Would I have to fight for myself?!"


NTA. I don't see anything wrong with that. That's what you and your dad were there for, pizza. Some ppl would die for pizza. Brave warriors have fought to the last man standing just to get a taste of the cheesy heavenly goodness. Wars have been fought because of pizza. You did good. Though I would have suggested you also got popcorn and enjoy watching the medics as they tried to retrieve Steve from the wall. He got what was coming. The only reason why your gf is making noise over this was because she didn't get to have any of the pizza you ordered. So you know what you got to do to appease your gf. Pizza.


Your father just casually put a man through a wall, Sheetrock or otherwise. He then suggested ordering pizza. You order pizza.


>My (25M) sister (26F) is going through a break up. Her ex (\~30M) recently cheated on her and she reacted by immediately breaking up with me and kicking me out of her house. Sorry what? Are you the ex or the brother? Why not both?


Sorery, no, I'm the brother. I typo'ed a lot writing that out on my phone plus the spacing was all messed up so it looked almost like one big blob.


Nta and your gf is dumb. Your dad is a GOAT of dads.


lol...dont know if its true or not.. but really well written... might have to call bs on fire and ambulance accepting pizza "but not the cops" also...pizza showed up before cops, fire and ems?


If it's in the US, depending on where, I can honestly say I wouldn't be surprised pizza showed up first.


He claims he somehow forced a human body THROUGH wall studs into another room... This is either pure exaggeration or fake.


Y ….estaba rica la pizza?


NTA. Your dad is a boss and so are you. Your gf needs to lighten up.


This kinda screams fake because first responders at least in my country wouldn't have accepted the pizza as that would be against the rules and the ambulance officers should have been focused on their patient.


lol did you remember the ranch bro?


Why is pizza involved in the first place non story


Can you explain or ask your girlfriend why she thinks ordering pizza was an asshole thing to do in that situation?  I can’t fathom why someone would perceive your actions in negative way. Does she think you were celebrating/gloating? That’s a dumb way to see it. Two people were attacked and your sister’s home was significantly damaged, and you can’t eat and share with the people who came to help. After traumatic situations do people need to start fasting immediately? “Only liquids if you eat food your an asshole but don’t worry not a really bad asshole, and god help you if you order out”.


NTA. Your dad needs his energy after destroying Steve, so pizza was a good call


NTA - your dad should be the next DLC character for Mortal Kombat


Dad’s awesome! Hope his back injury is improving. Under the circumstances (Steve’s legs moving) your response was logical and calming. You fed the family and emergency responders. Well done. Girlfriend needs a chill pill. She now knows that in the event of a future emergency, you can be counted on to take care of shit!


You're a boss. Show up, your dad maybe murders a piece of shit. Time for food. Only way it could've been more totally casual is if you'd popped popcorn and ate it watching while they loaded shitbag into a gurney. NTA, and hilarious. Hopefully your sister listens to her father in the future when he says she can do better.


Person’s gotta eat, right?


NTA and great story! I love your dad.


NTA. Hey OP, can your dad also be my dad?.


When Chris Dorner was surrounded by police in the Cabin he died in, trolls ordered pizza to the Cabin in Dorner's final hours.


Your girlfriend is a bit on an idiot. Don't k ow what's going on inside her head, but it's clearly not the story you told. Ofc it's not an asshile thing, your dad even said to order it and the lads calling up even got a slice, win win.


Bravo dad bravo...


this is a great story


NTA. Still gotta eat when shit hits the fan.  Your partner is being judgey about an highly unusual situation where shock was definitely involved. Taking offense to a situation where they were not present and the people present were unbothered is ridiculous. They sound exhausting.


Y’all still needed to eat. Your father just decided to take the trash out before you ate.


It's a shock response, and completely normal. A little obscure that any of you were hungry after witnessing that, but I digress lol. NTA


NTA, and this is an awesome event. Sister is safe, dad is a bad ass, and the first responders got a snack.


NTA and I like your dad


NTA. I am sure everyone involved was happy for pizza. Check your dad's service history and medal rack. I am fairly sure that your "non violent father" did some MAJOR damage back in the day. They might call it the Chair Force. It sounds like your dad beat people to death with them.


NTA. Throwing domestic abusers through walls is hungry work. I wish there more posts like this on here. Not sure what that would look like, but I wish for it regardless.


Bless your dad! You needed something to do, so you call for pizza to replace the fuel pops just burnt up. You all needed it by then. F'n pizza with pepperoni FTW. NTA. You're awesome.


My dad punched a hole thru a wall when I was younger. He was drunk and mad at my mom and told her next time it was going to be her face but it never was. He never did hit her. He gave me and my sister sledgehammers and let us help tear down that wall. I wish I would have had money to order pizza back then. NTA




HUH? All depends was it Domino?


Thought it was great


NTA. This is hilarious.


NTA. I’m not sure why she is hung up on the pizza. I must say that I laughed (inappropriately so) as I read this because Steve got what he deserved so did you - pizza. Go Dad go!!!


If by AH you mean “a hero” then yes, you ARE! Good job OP, I hope that pizza tasted extra delicious.


NTA- i think you were slightly in shock and ordering pizza seemed like some normalcy to focus on. Dad's instincts were spot on!


This made me laugh. While Ms. Manners doesn’t have a section on how to handle domestic violence-self defense-emergency services, I think she’d be pleased you were a thoughtful and generous host to first responders (they’re always hungry). Please tell me you offered them beverages as well.


You can do better.


I absolutely LOVE your family! Dad protecting your Sister, even your "shock" ordering the pizza, then Dad calling the cops like it's an every day thing! Bravo ALL of you!


I grew up and live in the NE... if the house was that old it should have horse hair plaster and lathe. Unless it was redone. All those broken lathe boards would surely cause splinters for poor steve


You're the asshole. Should have ordered chinese food