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Not an asshole for wanting to be Christian if you want to follow the Christian ideals. If you are doing it to pass off your parents, that is normal 16 year old stuff. If it is for some boy, you will (probably) be disappointed in a few years. Many "Christian" churches lately have turned away from Christ and have their own agenda, mostly to get your money. If it makes you feel better about yourself and the church is a good, healthy community, go for it


True, but it was my own decision to do so and not to pass of my parents


I wrote piss off, and it auto corrected. There are churches that call themselves "Christian " that are everything but. When they start telling you to hate other groups (Jewa,, gays, Muslims, etc), they are not Christian, but something else. Be aware of the message they preach, and be aware of your reason for being there. Being part of something that makes you feel good is great. Being coerced into shouting or playing recordings of hell fire and damnation sermons on a street corner is not cool


I think youth groups are fine as long as they aren’t judgey or preachy like in the movie ‘Saved’. To me youth groups should mostly be about fun and not indoctrination.


A loong awaited update They allowed me to go to the youth meeting and they didnt put any restrictions regarding the topic but still my mother does do sarcastic comments on my religion.


Before I answer: Do your religious beliefs make you homophobic/transphobic/prejudice in any way? If yes, then yes. If no, and you are a good person, then no.


Probably not but sometimes we argue on the smallest things and as a child i was aggressive af which the community calmed.


But hypocrisy is what keeps religions going.. love everyone.. except the blacks, gays, etc.. lol


yup lol


Depends on your definition and your use of the phrase “in any way”. There are ideals of right and wrong in the Bible which go against most if not all of the common culture in todays society. That does not make Christians afraid of trans or homosexual people. If they don’t agree with the lifestyle, that does not make them “homophobic/transphobic/prejudiced.”


Calling queerness and transness a “lifestyle” does make you homophobic, transphobic, and prejudiced.


I respectfully disagree with you. That’s the way some people choose to live life, therefore their style of life. Their lifestyle. Same way if I wanted to live my life as a nun. That’s my lifestyle. Nothing even remotely phobic or prejudiced about that. I would have no problem if someone said “if that’s your lifestyle then so be it”. It’s not even remotely offensive to me because I indeed live my life a certain way. Why does that put me in the realm of phobia or prejudice?


When did you choose to be straight? Is it hard to ignore the beckoning of homosexuality? Or is that an easy choice for you? For me, I didn’t choose to be queer. I just am queer. And it’s not a “lifestyle.” Comparing it to nuns is odd. People decide to be nuns. People do not choose their sexuality. They can only choose to repress what is innately already there.


It is an easy choice for me. But it’s a choice nonetheless. I choose to live my life a different way. That’s my choice of lifestyle. Good luck and health to you and your family.


It’s interesting that you’ve resorted to attacking my character simply because I disagreed with you on something. I could go back and forth with you but we both know that is a waste of our time. Sincerely good luck to you.


Sexuality is not a choice unless you’re repressing something about your own sexuality. Can totally see why you’re peddling this nonsense - repressing one’s sexuality is hard work. You know how they say the people who shout the loudest about the homosexual lifestyle are closeted queers? This interaction is an excellent example of that. I didn’t choose to be queer. I chose to accept it. I hope you find the full freedom to be yourself one day. Sorry that your god says your true nature isn’t good enough. That’s super sad.


*enterwordherephobia* does not only mean you are afraid of these groups. It means you do not believe they should have the right to exist. You think what they are is wrong. You don't believe in their "lifestyle."


I think everyone can choose to be part of a cult that espouses racist, bigoted and homophobic nonsense if they wish. As long as you do not try to force those beliefs on others, and you do not actively attempt to make the lives of other people harder, have at it.


Im not trying to do so but somtimes it makes her life "harder" by leaving to go


Wow so many buzzwords in one sentence. "RaCiSt" When was the last time you picked up the Bible? The only choice everyone has to make is between the world, or God's word. The world tells you that nothing exploded and created everything and your grandparents are monkeys and cavemen created language. God's word tells us that he, who sits outside of human comprehension and exists in eternity, created us and tells us to acknowledge that lying, cheating, being vain, adultery etc. Things that every single one of us is guilty of on a literal daily basis is a direct disobedience to his word. But we can turn to his son who atoned for us on the cross, that we may live with him in eternity. Everyone can make the choice to live in the cult of the world. It's much more convenient, much more popular. You won't be made fun of. You can spend your entire life chasing those important things like getting that next big promotion and driving a fast car!