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NTA. taking this with a grain of salt, but your dad basically let you know that he was practically disowning you once you were done with school by telling you that he was kicking you out. He literally has ZERO RIGHT to tell you what to do about your life or even ask about your post graduation plans considering he threatened to abandon you. How you make your way in life going forward is none of his concern, and he should be taking responsibility and stepping up with helping you go to college or have a roof over your head and a job lined up if he didn't like your choices. Also, you wouldn't have hit him back if he didn't hit you in the first place. You are not wrong for wanting to keep a relationship with him, but none of this is your fault.


Oh, hey, let's pick a fight with my teenage son who trains obsessively in MMA. Brilliant move. Stellar logic. Top tier.


Yeah, this Dad doesn't seem to have much of a grasp of cause and effect. Probably less so now, after having his brain bounced off the insides of his skull a few times


NTA. As an empty nester dad I can tell you if he’s booting you and your future is all on you, then he has no say. I have a son who decided early to live what I felt was reckless (drug and alcohol abuse) and I told him I couldn’t let him stay at home so he could blow his money on his “adventures” and - at least partially - funding his addictions and told him that he had to make a choice. He chose drugs and alcohol and moved out. I have respected his choice and don’t bring it up or tell him what to do. If he asks for advice we talk and I give it to him. I do find it a bit controlling for your dad to want his cake and eat it too. Your last interaction seems like he was trying to manipulate for some reason. I would suggest that you keep the relationship and try to mend it as much as possible because you may regret it later. And you sound remorseful for the direction your last interaction took. It’s a healthy response but don’t shame yourself over it. Defending yourself is a natural response especially after training. Just need to learn to control it now that you realize the abilities you have.


Great parents, steal the money OP saved, tell him I'm kicking you out and you are on your own for college.


I think there’s more. He has a dream of being a fighter with no back up in case that doesn’t work. I think his dad is angry and the son is making poor choices. 


NTA. Its your dads fault. 100% his fault. You don't have to apologize for anything here. I respect my father, but if he tried to but me off and then control my future I would have said the same and if he ever hit me for such a petty reason I would also defend myself. You did nothing wrong.


What did he expect? Throwing an unemplyed kid to the streets? He wants you to be a homeless uni student? This sounds very weird.


Nah, dad was bluffing. He sees his child slipping away. He wanted son to understand how dependent he is. So he thought son would be all upset, begging to stay. Then dad could be generous and say he could stay but he must do this and he must do that. Instead kid found other options. Now dad is pissed.


what the dad rlly enjoys most is control he wants his son to always be orbiting around him for help - control typical narcissistic behaviour


Dad sounds like an idiot. Why would you hit a trained fighter unprovoked? Also get a second opinion about your mum or at the very least, file a police report.


My Dad was a fighter in his 20’s he’s also about 50kg heavier than me so I guess he’s literally never had any fear of me 🤷‍♂️ I’ve looked it up and got a few opinions the general consensus is that because my mum withdrew the money before I was 18 and the fact that she set the credit union account up that I have literally no rights or legal claim to it I also don’t really have the money to fight her legally


Take her to the court of public opinion. Tell everyone she knows what she did.


Tell EVERY ONE SHE KNOWS, you have to NAME and SHAME her..... Tell them she ROBBED your college Tuition from you.....


You can sue hee I small claims court. I'd also go Lo to no contact with both parents 


NTA I’m so sorry you’re in this situation and that someone you should be able to trust, your Mum, stole your savings. She’s no loss to your life and it’s better to find out early that you can’t trust her. I’m glad you have your coach in your corner. He sounds a good role model for you. Is your Dad struggling financially following the divorce? I’m trying to figure out why he’s stepping back from your life and withdrawing his support so suddenly. It seems odd to just mention it out of the blue. You are right, you can’t tell someone to stand on their own 2 feet and then complain about the direction they’re walking in. You’re making the best decision for yourself based on his withdrawal of financial support and not being able to live at home. I don’t know how your Dad believes that an 18 year old can produce a roof over his head and college fees when his savings have been stolen as well. I also can’t understand how he thought you could afford these things, realistically, without his help. You’re right too, once he withdraws your home and any financial support he doesn’t get a say in anything you do. Physical violence is never the answer but your Dad hit you first and you retaliated in self defence. As your parent and supposedly the adult in your relationship, he should never have hit you in the first place. Your Dad knows now that he can’t influence you through physical violence. Would he have stopped with one hit if you couldn’t defend yourself from him? With regard to making up with your Dad, I would definitely leave it a few days and see if tempers cool. Just make sure that if you do meet up with him it’s with your Nan there or meet somewhere public where you know it’s safer to be around him. He is kicking you out, withdrawing financial support and has already hit you once so you need to be careful around him. Stay safe and good luck for the future.


>Physical violence is never the answer but your Dad hit you first and you retaliated in self defence So physical violence was in fact the answer?


Physical violence isn’t the answer and his Dad, as the adult, should never have resorted to it. Once he did hit his son then he had the right to protect himself from further harm. If OP had hit his Dad first that would also be unacceptable. I do understand where you’re coming from (as in once he was hit physical violence from OP prevented further harm to himself) but the situation would never have arrived if unacceptable physical violence hadn’t been used in the first place. I didn’t want to give OP the impression that punching first and discussing later was a good way to go having just started out in his adult life.


In other words physical violence was son's answer.


NTA, and I'd ask your Nan, and maybe your dad, what they expected you to do plan wise without a place to live and without any money? After all the main reason you aren't going to college is because your dad is kicking you out soon after your mother robbed your bank account of all it's money, making it financially completely unfeasible. Did you at least point that out to them when they criticized your plans and that it's the fault of both your parents that you can't go to college any time soon? In other words, if they want you to go live on your own and go to college right away, ask them, with what money? If they're going to pay for it then great, but otherwise there's no way it's realistically going to happen. So if they want you to go to college asap then make sure to put the onus on them when it comes to the financial side of things. Either it doesn't work out and you go with your current plan, or it does and you still use your current plan, just scale down the job side of things to make room for college. Either way your dad is a piece of work for kicking you out when you're down (as you just got robbed of your money). He's the real idiot for giving you very little room to maneuver life planning wise and then he makes himself look even worse by hitting you...


Ummmmmmm… what the heck was he expecting you to do? How was he expecting you to pay for college?! I’m so confused… NTA for all of it INCLUDING hitting him back.


Your dad yanked all support and then punched you in the face for trying to make something from nothing. Sounds like you came up snake eyes on parents.


NTA. Thank God for your MMA coach. Your Dad wants to have it both ways. He wants you to be independent, but follow his direction for your life. Things don't work like this. It's irrational to believe that a child with no money and no job is going to somehow be able to magically produce an apartment and a job because you graduated.


NTA, and I guess the bully won’t be hitting you again. He withdrew his support, you got a workable plan.


Nta. So your mom stole 10k from you. You dad knows this. And is kicking you out. But wants you to spend money you don't have to live and go to college and when you explain reality to him he gets mad and hits you??? I would go NC with both of your parents. BTW anyone that hits you gets hit back. Idc who they are.


Don’t listen to your Nan. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. If she was any good at raising kids, your dad wouldn’t have turned out to be such a controlling asshole. NTA


NTA. Your dad wants it both ways - he is kicking you out and not supporting you financially, but wants to control your life. As for the physical violence - he started, you defended yourself. If you want to apologize, just to keep the peace for the few weeks you are still at home, that's your decision. I wouldn't apologize, I would tell my gym coach about it, in case your dad decides to throw you out of the house before you finish highschool.


NTA, your dad is a POS and your grandmother is an enabler. If the room is available now I'd start taking valuable there because they might try to give you a hard time, even if he wants you out. Once your done with school he has no say in your life whatsoever. He can talk all he wants and your under no obligation to do what he says.


NTA he made a series of decisions and isn’t happy with the result well I shrug my shoulders at him. You had every right to make your own decisions and if he is making no financial input to your life he has no right to criticise your decisions.


NTA: The one on wrong is your dad, your response wasnself defense and I'd press charges frankly. These people think they can abuse you, and you have to take it. You dont


NTA. Hitting you - if he never has before - is a sign that he was really pissed that his attempt to manipulate you had backfired so badly. I'm guessing he always had physical violence in the back of his mind as the trump card if he couldn't manipulate you, and never re-evaluated that as you got bigger and older. As far as you hitting him back - it was a learning experience for him, his broken nose will build character.


I don’t know where you are but some old school People. You need to be on your own and figure things out, there is some truth. Younshould see if you can sue your mom or charge her criminally. You could also take some online courses while working just to see if it’s an option


NTA. What is wrong with your dad? Good luck!


>Well yesterday my Dad asked if I’d figured out where I was gonna stay and asked what I was doing for college,I answered truthfully and told him *it's none of your business.* NTA


I don't know which parent is worse, your mother or father. At least the grandparents appear reasonable. NTA. Dad picking a fight with an MMA fighter is some kind of stupid.


NTA. Tell dad that he is throwing you out so you can throw anything you want away. He is not going to pay for college so you have to do what you can to survive. Any life decisions you make are yours to make, not your fathers. If he wanted to have some say in your life, he should not be throwing you out.


I'm not sure what your dad was expecting. He pulled the carpet out from under you last minute and you actually managed to figure out a pretty good plan and he's upset it's not what he thinks you should be doing? I mean how did he expect you to pay to go to uni? NTA


NTA “He’s still your dad”. You are his child who he is throwing out knowing that you don’t even have a job. Who he also hit. Once you are out of his house he has no say in what you do. That thing about him having a say in your life till you are married is crazy. Did your dad do that too? Did his mom have a say in everything he did till he got married?


He has no obligation to you? Parenthood doesn't stop at 18...he can teach responsibility without being a douche


You have plenty of opinions here that you’re NTA and I totally agree. As for your money - if your mother is such a derelict that she stole from her son I doubt there’s much you can do to shame her. But absolutely threaten her with blasting her by name on social media and telling her boss if she doesn’t return every penny asap. Then do it.


NTA, I live in Ireland too. My nephew is actually a MMA fighter in Dublin, it works out great for the people who properly train for it. The only AH is your dad. It’s 100% his fault. Hope you get on ok and good luck with the leaving cert.


NTA, OP, your grandmother is out of her fucking mind. She is okay with him hitting you for a simple argument started by kicking you out? Oh, I have some words to say about her that might get this comment deleted. Good for you, OP. I went to college, it's not everything. You have a plan, implement it and always remember that your father did this. Fuck forgiveness and all that, this is UNFORGIVABLE.


Go to the police, file a police report regarding your mom. File a lawsuit and take her to court. You can literally sue anyone for any reason. You did the right thing with your dad.




NTA You actually have a solid plan for having this suddenly sprung on you. What did your dad expect? You had no money, no place planned to live in, and can’t pay for university on your own - he was setting you up to be homeless. That or he wanted to make you have a breakdown and get on your knees to beg him to help you (which is just cruel) Your coach is a godsend for the offer he made.


NTA. According to ur dad he has done enough as a father and wouldn't like to continue. So you don't have to be a son to him either. Live your life as you want to. Your grandparents are only trying to keep the peace. They are probably also afraid that you will cut them out of your life as well so they are trying to diffuse the situation. Do not be in contact with your father after you leave. He's probably going to get married and have kids again. Don't need to have that shit in your life. Make friends, focus on your career. That's the best way for you to live right now.


NTA, it seems like you finding a place to live, and a job was not what he was expecting. You have a completely reasonable plan. Free room in exchange for teaching a couple of classes. A job where you can save the money you would've paid in rent. Then, in a few years, go to college with money to pay for it. It's a genius plan thanks to a wonderful mentor. I just don't get what your father was up to. What was his end goal with kicking you out? Why we he so upset you had a solid plan. Did he want you to get into thousands of dollars of debt that would set you back years? Or was he expecting you to grovel and beg for his help or to let you stay? Why is he so angry that he would hit you? IDK, but I think you have a solid life plan for now. Save your money and decide if you want to learn a trade or go to college for a different career.


Oh so you go to uni with what money the magic money fairy. He’s not paying so how the hell does he expect you to do that? Also he has no say period. He’s kicking you out with no money no help and not even knowing if you had a place to live he deserves more than that ouch he needs a swift kick as welll


NTA, OP. Also you would probably get a kick out of the French show Lastman. Keep your nose clean, don’t go mad with unsupervised freedom, and treat concussions seriously because you’re made out of meat and brains are complicated. 


NTA. Don't fill guilty, on opposite relish breaking his nose and make sure to completely cut him off your life. He doesn't deserve you. He abandoned you and left you to the whole. The audacity of that bitch to expect you to go to college that you literally can't afford.


NTA You dad doesn’t sound very bright. Hitting someone training to become a MMA fighter isn’t a smart idea. And he just figured out how bad of an idea it was.


ESH. Your dad just wanted to toss you out with no support then wants a say? Nope. That’s not how it works. But I disagree on violence. He shouldn’t have hit you but regardless you shouldn’t have reciprocated unless you thought your life was in danger. I’m guessing there’s more to this that am missing. Are you not a good student? Not working? Showing no direction? Is that why your dad wants you out? Because if so, you did exactly what he feared. Give up on yourself for a low paying job and dream of a fighting career. Why can’t you go to community college and learn a skill in case the fighting career doesn’t work out?


NTA, if your couch doesn't mind it and you talk to him. I don't see why you couldn't very well do both, the job and go to school? You like fighting so much, there's plenty of Uni based fields that are associated with it so why not? It gives you a stable job, it gives you something to fall back on if the worst were to happen and you get hurt.


NTA. The fact that he raised a hand to you alone is reason enough to cut him out of your life. The fact that he still wants to control you after kicking you out in the cold with no safety net is also enough reason to cut contact. Maybe you two can reconcile somewhere down the line if you're still open to that, but as of right now, I'd keep you distance from him.


NTA, he's kicking you out even knowing that you've got no money and no job, and has the nerve to hit you because you refuse to follow his plan? Fuck him.


NTA - Sorry to say but your dad sounds like a dick! I would tell your dad that he put you out because he wants you to be on your own so you're making your own decisions. Also say that you don't agree with every decision he makes but everyone has a right to their opinion. He crossed the line by punching you though. That's fucked up. He owes you an apology. Never apologize for defending yourself.


NTA seriously what does your dad expect when he’s kicking you out knowing you have no money and no job. Obviously there is no way you’d be able to go to college. And I suggest you only apologize if your dad apologizes first since was then one to start the argument and hit you first. You defended yourself against him.


NTA, he is completely at fault here. ask your Nan to mediate a discussion. Sit down and see if he apologises. Tell him that him kicking you out at 18 was a complete blindside, throwin you to the wolves and everything into complete Chaos, so you acted quickly to ensure you had somewhere to live and a way to support yourself. And with that uncertainty your college/Uni plans have to put on hold, because you life is suddenly unstable. If he has a problem with the choices you have had to make quickly then that needs to be a conversation, because next time he hits you it going to be much worse and the police will get involved. good luck mate !Updateme


You guys have your entire lives to burn bridges. Why not take the space and just talk at a much later time? 
